17726613? ago

@ForeskinAvenger who dat nigga ?

17687891? ago

So @RexYehudi @buZZLima = jihad kebab?

17380073? ago

? @Tb0n3 is a kebab

17381059? ago

I think you'll find Muslims don't take too kindly to atheism/apostasy.

17200977? ago

and you say @Thingsarenotfriendly is an islamic moslem piece of shit?

17250699? ago

Muh enemy's enemy is my friend! https://voat.co/v/whatever/3084380/17243216 ' The fleas and ticks have joined together to fight against the evil white dog that they are sucking to death. Praise Jesus. '

17212695? ago

Says the Jewish faggot

17053419? ago

Freemasonry would promote any religion. But how do they go home to tell their wives and daughter that they gotta cover in a burqa for the rest of their lives is beyond me... https://voat.co/v/QRV/3064291/17050635

16884531? ago

Fuck you soap box !! https://voat.co/v/AnonTalk/3041799/16836834 SoapBoxBanHammer fags are more useless than a dick on a F2M trans.

16733917? ago

@verboten is turkish ??

16919296? ago

Cracklord here fuck you want white boy

16968147? ago

these guys are retarded ? @blagjesus @iamthecircus @BlackSheepBrouhaha @RemoteViewer1 or is there a game being played ?

17002040? ago

Blacksheep here. What are you on about?

16987000? ago

Shill Team 6 : copy that Roger over under easy big Ten four good buddy

16974686? ago

Looks like spam to me.

16959393? ago

so @Neon_daemon is an islamic jihad kebab ?

16965674? ago

Praise be to allah

16919164? ago

This changes everything.

16775998? ago

They shouldn't be called hawks.

That's too regal for lowly kikes.

16679309? ago

So @fhaqyu is a turk paki ?

16723397? ago

@CarnealsLetter @Epictetus_Hierapolis @One-Way_Bus who is jew-anon @tendiesonfloor @Matador_Pants That Didn't Take Long: Raghead Congresswoman Bends The Knee to Israel. https://www.voat.co/v/news/3030942

16723827? ago

Sweet, always wanted to be a tendies alt.


16723428? ago

Not following you here...

16585879? ago

Why does Q-Anon never talk about City of London CBD, an old city within a City, with its own seperate Laws, its own seperate police ...now surrounded, hijacked by the Kike and Kebab https://voat.co/v/AnonTalk/3017210

17689634? ago

Cos q too is sucking cock...q boss is sucking Cock like honey lollipop. Q can't be any different

16846693? ago

the Fuck has been happening to US politics, I'm guessing the Petro Dollar, global mass immigration was the start of all this bullshit? https://www.voat.co/v/AnonTalk/3037120/16781416 Oi! Vey jihadist-o-phobia

16535442? ago

u trust the media ? @Thepimp

16546181? ago

@BrainStemNemesis who dat nigga !?

16546239? ago

Fuck if I know, broski.

We kick ass now?

16585712? ago

16585727? ago

sbbh has some epic faggots, true.

16681001? ago

why soap box? @Moms_spaghett1

16681181? ago


16681049? ago


no tired of win

16841308? ago

so then @cthulian_axioms ?

16493987? ago

https://www.voat.co/v/whatever/3007688/16492530 'This is a good meme. Spread it far and wide.'

16532664? ago

16572406? ago

So you say @Dial_Indicator is a zio kike and works with the kebab islamist ...and what do you mean by ' sopa box dindu nuffin @Jujubean @Doglegwarrior @hans_wormhat ! @niggerjewfaggot '

16577689? ago

tufe dial is JIDF


16700022? ago

Are @Snarkfest @sand_mann @Ken_bingo2 a bunch of alt kikes?

16859800? ago

makes you wonder whats going on with the media? @DietCokehead1 @enlightenedmaster entertainment or propaganda !! @Crikes @Onlio maybe both from hollyweird?

16860223? ago

the media are Public Relations Firms for the big 6 media companies.

Disney, Sony etc... and all of these big 6 are beholden to the banks ultimately.

16432105? ago

goys, we know what is best for you to watch. You need to sit down and give it a try!! I'm sutre that out of the many shows we have you will find a few that you will become addicted to. We teach great things. shaloms

17548372? ago

user @Letshaveascrap is a jihad kebab

16435081? ago

what's this sub thread about? @whitemouse @MolochHunter @SongDog what does the cartoon mean ??

16435113? ago

i would imagine it refers to the idea of a Jewish conspiracy to use Islam to fracture, divide and weaken Western civilisation

17689579? ago


16545605? ago

Cryptomuslims on Voat advocating for Sharia-lite.... Can someone explain why the Zionist israeli the Jews extremists and islamics are allied against the USA's free speech? they hate each other? https://voat.co/v/whateverAnon/2916192/15603343

16316049? ago

users on voat posting here . .. saying soap box will destroy voat? where else? try ? https://archive.4plebs.org/pol . https://saidit.net https://8ch.net/pol , https://gab.ai/topics ... https://www.minds.com/newsfeed , https://poal.co/ , .... ... friendi.ca , blog.diasporafoundation.org , buddypress.org/category/news , pillowfort.io/users/sign_in https://www.dreamwidth.org/latest https://memo.cash (open-source decentralized blockchain) , https://phuks.co/ , steemit.com , . sealion.club ? gnusocial.club/favorited/ .. , medium.com, https://bitchute.com ?? https://www.brighteon.com/browse/popular ! , http://reason.com/blog , https://notabug.io/t/all/

16316068? ago

fuck soap box !! @Ken_bingo2 @Faggy_McDickpants whats the plan guys? @BaldMiscreant @gazillions keep down voting

16317029? ago

Apologies, but I appear to be a bit out of the loop. I came here after getting a bullshit perma-ban from oldschool /pol/ --- I'm happy to go anywhere to share the inside scoop on life inside the hellhole of the SF Bay Area and spread as much FACTUAL dirt as possible about that filthy adulterous whore Kamala Harris.

16463107? ago

How do you get banned from /pol?

16523686? ago

Accidentally asked for cheese pizza. There's no coming back from that.

16485779? ago

hi soap can we all down vote and ban these kinds of memes @Omnidempotent @kingdomhearts123 can we do this ! @IOK2BW @iLuvJews @PhilKDick down vote please

16485947? ago

? ? Did you write this one : 'hi soap can we all down vote and ban these kinds of memes @Omnidempotent @kingdomhearts123 can we do this ! @IOK2BW @iLuvJews @PhilKDick down vote please' ?

16486036? ago

somebody else ? @iznotru not the ban hammer? @Javik2186 @rejectedfromreddit explain the pic?

16493226? ago

I believe it's saying that Jews and Arabs (both considered Semitic people, thought the term Anti-Semetic is typically only used to refer to Jews) are two sides of the same coin, with a similar effect on the US and the world.

16630279? ago

dem niggaz @eongoat

16494717? ago

EU will ban meme soon, guys keep down voting this stuff @ratsmack @StoneAgeTribeman soap box go! @NiggadermCQ @Kippering @Ken_bingo2 boost !!

16448430? ago

16424930? ago

when will they figure it out? @Pointyball @usmc123456789 Thousands of Mosques in America, Map data of USA from Year 2015 https://voat.co/v/anon/2940191 ? @sonuvspam @vastrightwing

16505753? ago

ignore @truthwoke33 what a fucking dumbass

16322197? ago

Don't feel alone. Have been here years and I have no idea what this is about.

16446942? ago

an allied group of kike and kebabs? @Deflo56 @Mr_Quagmire whats the goal? @Blork_Blorkinson @IsaacJan @muffalettadiver

16449160? ago

You just pull me out of your ass or what?

16466250? ago

what the /u/Moon_Central ?

16446994? ago

strange allied group of kike and kebabs? @RSNBH @SchwiftyJew whats the goal? @acheron2012 @Frostgrip @Jimmycog

16485814? ago

let's go soap box @BeastofBalthazar @vvoll3 let's keep down voting this stuff @TheWheelofTime @Q_The_Long_Con dindu ban hammer lol

16485925? ago

?? did u write this ? : 'let's go soap box @BeastofBalthazar @vvoll3 let's keep down voting this stuff @TheWheelofTime @Q_The_Long_Con dindu ban hammer lol'

16314845? ago

https://www.voat.co/v/AnonThoughts/2741557 Like a Story from a Video Game Fantasy? pooled of acid... a room where the floor has knives coming out of it... how/why do people believe this?! !? hilarious tales?

16315896? ago

LOL fuck soap ban hammer

16995639? ago

she's a prostitute @Inara__Serra back spreading her STI, the STDs and other disease and virus

16525871? ago

why soap box @yellowthread ?

16757910? ago

So @Asetro1234 is an iranian jew?

16850225? ago

The Soap box makes a gamble, @KeepGoingRight @Y8goKTH959VCLKty8xIz explain the pic? @NosebergShekelman @DeepSteak the bet has gone All-In ? hollyweird is giving out best actor wards soon ....

16850809? ago

The goyims like their conspiracies!

16315855? ago

stand your kebabs kikes @Rhondaher @megacortex soap box dindu nuffins @greenthumb1776 @Trash_Panda

16316145? ago

I was wondering how long it would until a Natsoc got butt-hurt enough to involved me in their paranoid conspiracy :) thank you. I've been waiting a long time for this.

16433804? ago

https://voat.co/v/AnonTalk/2972022 Anon notices that there haven't been nearly as many distraction threads on /pol/ since the government shutdown started - nobody seems to be trying to derail conversations and change topics.

16335362? ago

@Maroonsaint the jew nigger faggot

16458822? ago


16339535? ago

I’m actually a nigger but thanks for noticing me

16316330? ago

16316306? ago

So the pop star was woke @BentAxel ... lyrics go , Beat me, hate me @22trilionAsecond @pushthis ? @pby1000 @albeit You can never break me Will me, thrill me You can never kill me Jew me, sue me. Everybody do me Kick me, kike me Don't you black or white me

16448340? ago

@Taiaha not funny

16316092? ago

@Ina_Pickle @7e62ce85 @edistojim whats the soap box ?? @Charlez6 @ludwigvon down vote this kind of post

16322171? ago

Too busy brushing my kitty.

16806185? ago

so you think @mightnotbearobot is a half negro who's daddy was an iranian kike?

16486080? ago

soap box dindu nuffin @riposte @MortonLoothorKodos lol @jollux @CameraCode

16498784? ago

Why'm I gettin tagged

16432815? ago

what up what the turkish kike @Othmar_Regin ?

16486052? ago

explain the ban hammer @lexsird @Fullmetal @My_Name_is_Not_Sure did u know soa box lol ?

16486242? ago

soap box dindu nuffin @StrangeThingsAfoot @Condemned77 ! lolo @Russianbots @yellowthread keep doing the down vote @puggy

16487146? ago

The level of stupid on this site no longer shocks me

16487806? ago

@Monkeyshinerbot3000 whats this post about?

16487706? ago

.... @TrialsAndTribulation @monkeytennis @XSS1337 keep watching snooze @mergen @TSE dont blame soap box

16316117? ago

explain sweden @Cat-hax @Lafall @iTSSOGRiM ?

16447679? ago

listen up everyone can we vote down kinds of posts @EmperorKhan @DeadFox hi soap box @BaBs14 @speedisavirus @undertheshills can everyone click arrow down on posts please, ban them maybe?

16452966? ago

What the fuck is this?

Fucking shill KYS

16486922? ago

q anon, soap box and million dollars? @TheGreatAustralian someone explain the meme pics

16448983? ago

Shut up faggot. Fuck you

16355629? ago

huh? I don't understand the question.

16433966? ago

France vs Britbong vs Germany vs Swedistan ... where will it kick off first? @Novusod ? @BONFIRE_OF_VANITIES @jcapicola

16436850? ago

1)France, 2)germany/sweden, 3)britland

16446222? ago

when did voat openly start sharing jihad propaganda from the islamist republic of iran @ArcAngel @WolfmanBill ? @Bogie @usernameisnotthis @Tallest_Skil

16447482? ago

Any one who "sucks the USA into Endless Wars" is not with us, not part of WWG1WGA.

16314236? ago

Cryptomuslims on Voat advocating for Sharia-lite.... Can someone explain why the Zionist israeli the Jews extremists and islamics are allied against the USA's free speech? they hate each other? https://www.voat.co/v/whateverAnon/2916192

16315885? ago

why did u post this bullshit?

16430973? ago

@Judasrope ma niggaz sheeeeit @SRS-Airbag spot the difference? @NosebergShekelman ... dis be blasphemy y'all @Super_Cooper @reject_kikery fur realz

16425875? ago

whats going on ? @YoHomie @chaos2019 @Veggiehead ?

16316027? ago

16446245? ago

@kingdomhearts123 @mememeyou when did voat begin to openly share jihadi propaganda ? @coucou ? @Diogenes_The_Cynic @Pcpoet09 share islamist propaganda from the islamic republic of iran

16451399? ago

Here comes Mr KeepTabs! Notebook and pencil in hand! The great admonestor! The berater in chief!

16446256? ago

I made a list!


16448477? ago

.... the jew nigger silent

16448468? ago

soap box vs q boomer @CarpenterforChrist @Crackrocknigga whats the million dollar connection @GoyimNose @watchers @LtDanDingus

16449378? ago

Fuck off faggot

16486140? ago

let's thank the soap box @noworldorder @washingtonpanther can u explain the pic @Charlez6 @Smokybubbles how can we ban meme and this type of thing?

16314743? ago

https://www.voat.co/v/AnonTalk/2935401 Crypto voatmuslims still advocate a new type of Sharia on voat while Turk user Musaab makes terroristic threats to the USA and other users saying 'You not stop the march of Islam.'

16968778? ago

16494733? ago

And they openly admit it every day https://www.voat.co/v/whatever/3007688

16525516? ago

why did America buy slaves from the Kike Merchant, the Euro Empire, the Kebabs and other Afro Kangz ... @Psychoptic did nobody say hey guys we might have a nigger problem in the future?