NameTheJew? Most major (((porn sites))) are now owned by secretive "influencing" company MindGeek. They are why simulated teens, incest, cuckolding videos are taking over (((industry))) as of late. (
submitted 6.4 years ago by 2708977?
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14695969? 6.2 years ago
People are doxxing in this thread. Isn't that against voat rules?
15344614? 6.1 years ago
Where is all the money coming from ? @Rainhumane3317 @Judasrope @Seer1965 @kobold !? Frogistan dark meme magic? France is literally the real life Blacked dot com, a global jew shitted smut website dedicated to pushing pornography and hateful Ethno-Masochism
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14695969? ago
People are doxxing in this thread. Isn't that against voat rules?
15344614? ago
Where is all the money coming from ? @Rainhumane3317 @Judasrope @Seer1965 @kobold !? Frogistan dark meme magic? France is literally the real life Blacked dot com, a global jew shitted smut website dedicated to pushing pornography and hateful Ethno-Masochism