19474812? ago

https://www.voat.co/v/AskAnon/3307296 illuminati most value paper is still in dutch hands. [The modern dutch-Anglo Empire] ? (hooktube.com)

19490870? ago

you wrote ' https://www.voat.co/v/AskAnon/3307296 illuminati most value paper is still in dutch hands. [The modern dutch-Anglo Empire] ? '

19287920? ago

Anon Masonics, Shriners? The Emissaries Of Jahbulon part 4 of 4 https://www.voat.co/v/anon/3285751

18680777? ago

It's not freemasonry, not Arabic Jew Pagan Shriner rituals?? or Order of Eastern Star... all just cover ... truth? media banned permanently worldwide: its Babylon Satanic LUCIFERIANISM . ... . https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3217676/18598006 I am trying to make this a short story of 6,000 years in a few paragraphs. The Bible specifically describes not one, but two "Babylons." Not long after the great flood, one "Babylon" was founded—the ancient city-state established by a man named "Nimrod" (Genesis 10:8–10). The second Babylon is a modern church-state system described in Revelation 17 and 18. Its leaders will literally fight Christ at His Second Coming (Revelation 17:12–14)! For some the RCC comes into focus. Well it is not just the RCC but the children of Rome that includes Protestants and Evangelicals.

The practices of today's churches are not the same as the early true church recorded in the New Testament. There has been a purposeful mixing of false pagan practices with the true teachings of Christ, the apostles and the Bible. Notice how today's churches have sprung from the same root as paganism! Satan has created an entire system of "counterfeit Christianity." He has cleverly guided vain religious leaders to introduce completely pagan ideas, concepts and practices into "Christianity." Since the word "Christianity" is stamped on the outside of the package, most people assume that the religion of Jesus Christ is being offered. Little do they realize that totally false concepts of God, of Jesus Christ and His message, of the purpose of eternal life and of the way to eternal life—have been wrapped up in a package called "Christianity." A "counterfeit" Christianity that has cut most of mankind off from the true God, and has caused enormous confusion, suffering and death! Keep this in mind "Christianity as you know it did not destroy paganism; it adopted it.

"Babylon" is a symbol of confusion and the mother of all paganism. The formation of the Roman Catholic Church and then the later appearance of dozens of "daughter" churches has certainly brought about a spiritual malaise of conflicting denominations, doctrines, creeds and practices—all supposedly "Christian." Yet none of them corresponds remotely to the Christianity that the original Apostles and the early Church of God followed for decades after the death of Jesus of Nazareth.

Jesus had said his kingdom was not of this worldly order, and talked much of the world and the Church being at odds until his return. The vast majority of professing Christians do not genuinely study the Bible. They do not really dig in and try to "prove" all things as God commands. Therefore, even many evangelical Christians—and their ministers—will eventually be caught up in the euphoria of this powerful Babylonish system! For it will be part of the "ecumenical movement." It will seem like "the thing to do." What you have witnessed and will continue to witness is the exstension and revival of Babylon.

18679430? ago

https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3224621 Perpetual war Conspiracy? Clermont France. The Roman Catholicism, the Knights Templar, Kabbalism, Freemasonry, & the NWO. Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. Government Lies

18965337? ago

Humanity is Controlled by a Satanic Cult https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3254622/18959034 No shit Q told us that a year ago

18832310? ago

strange religion

18472645? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3131598 She wears the jewel of a Horned Creature?

18993035? ago

The Cabal has been around so damn long that we can hardly imagine the world without it https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3257775/18992371 The last century gave them more power than ever with the creation of the Federal Reserve and the US income tax.