16434944? ago

Thousands of Mosques in America, Map data of USA from Year 2015 https://voat.co/v/anon/2940191/15835234 Why would a Muslim come to Voat? ..

16434936? ago

.. https://voat.co/v/AnonThoughts/2812501 True revolution means abandoning insane strategy of endless expansion in a world made up of finite space resources, also means seeing through illusory nature of sense, ceasing to believe babbling

16434922? ago

..How much Jew-French-Arab Mi6 Hollyweird Flix 'MEDIA' do you or did you consume each week...i'm not talking about Ben-Hur or Titanic...but general NFL, X-factor, comedy, Nigerflix, John Oliver https://www.voat.co/v/8chan/2738356/14007042 O hours.

16447089? ago

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