LordHuggington ago

Anything "alt right" is either a honeypot or ran by kikes (or both).

Why bother with such an uncouth label at all? By using it, you normalize the ever-shifting centrist axis further and further to the left.

Why can't race realism and counter-semitism just be THE right? Don't fall for Jewish tricks.

redpilldessert ago

I think you have a fair point there! Though I may go one step further than you and say why can't race realism, counter-semitism and white genocide be the CENTRE.

redpilldessert ago

Either way, this sub gets unadulterated free speech - yay for Voat!

TrialsAndTribulation ago

I subscribed, but I'll tell ya I'm happy as hell just to be here on Voat. Even in the most right wing places on rddt, I still got a lot of flack for thoughtcrime whenever it went against the hivemind narrative, and of course any time I strayed into even innocuous subs, I got flamesprayed from people who use "right winger" as a serious argument.

As far as the label "alternative right" goes, I'm just waiting to see how that goes. It was predictable that "alt-right" would be co-opted by the press and associated with Richard Spencer and his people, which really isn't what the Alternative Right is. I like Vox Day's 16 Points defining what it is and what it isn't.


redpilldessert ago

Those are more specific topics.

Hydrocephalus ago

allow other topics of conversation

So wait, you're saying you're sub is only going to allow alt right topics of conversation, but you also claim completely free speech. Pick one.

redpilldessert ago

Sigh. Yes you have a point. If someone posted a topic about a recipe for apple pie, I suppose I'd let it stay.

However, if it kept happening, I might throw my hands in the air and say "Fine, if it has even the vaguest connection to politics (even if it's communist propaganda), then it can stay, otherwise your apple pie recipe would have to be posted elsewhere".


Hydrocephalus ago
