'Year of return': Hundreds of African-Americans resettle in Ghana (youtube.com)
submitted 5.9 years ago by carnold03
Goathole 5.9 years ago
This isn't an honest report. Ghana will accept our niggers but they have to have money and get a job to stay. Let's just say there's more to it than they let on.
Seventh_Jim 5.9 years ago
I support them 100%. Nationalism is good for everyone.
Garglemysac 5.9 years ago
Let's shoot for 13% of the population of this country or is I like to refer to it 50% of the crime of this country.
con77 5.9 years ago
don't let the door hit you in the ass bitches!
ALIENS2222 5.9 years ago
https://voat.co/v/CrazyIdeas/3137317 REPARATIONS
carnold03 5.9 years ago
It reads like an idea just so crazy that it could actually work. Thanks for sharing it.
Whiteflighter 5.9 years ago
Jeckle 5.9 years ago
This is so beautiful.
Not really. It's mostly boomers. What we would like to see are younger blacks engage in a willful exodus, but that takes savings.
BlueDrache 5.9 years ago
Pick one.
BitChuteArchive 5.9 years ago
derram 5.9 years ago
https://invidio.us/watch?v=YgUzVQw9gbM :
'Year of return': Hundreds of African-Americans resettle in Ghana - YouTube
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Gargilius 5.9 years ago
GoFundMe link?
hang_em_high 5.9 years ago
Funny part is the "Get rid of black people" GoFundMe would probably be their biggest ever.
Let's make it milllions!
EngelbertHumperdinck 5.9 years ago
Must be nice to have a homeland to return to, which is still full of your own people.
ThirteenthZodiac 5.9 years ago
Sitnikoff 5.9 years ago
Now the Africans face discrimination because they're white.
Thanos: "perfectly balanced; as all things should be"
Goathole ago
This isn't an honest report. Ghana will accept our niggers but they have to have money and get a job to stay. Let's just say there's more to it than they let on.
Seventh_Jim ago
I support them 100%. Nationalism is good for everyone.
Garglemysac ago
Let's shoot for 13% of the population of this country or is I like to refer to it 50% of the crime of this country.
con77 ago
don't let the door hit you in the ass bitches!
ALIENS2222 ago
https://voat.co/v/CrazyIdeas/3137317 REPARATIONS
carnold03 ago
It reads like an idea just so crazy that it could actually work. Thanks for sharing it.
Whiteflighter ago
Jeckle ago
This is so beautiful.
carnold03 ago
Not really. It's mostly boomers. What we would like to see are younger blacks engage in a willful exodus, but that takes savings.
BlueDrache ago
Pick one.
BitChuteArchive ago
derram ago
https://invidio.us/watch?v=YgUzVQw9gbM :
This has been an automated message.
Gargilius ago
GoFundMe link?
hang_em_high ago
Funny part is the "Get rid of black people" GoFundMe would probably be their biggest ever.
Let's make it milllions!
EngelbertHumperdinck ago
Must be nice to have a homeland to return to, which is still full of your own people.
ThirteenthZodiac ago
Sitnikoff ago
Now the Africans face discrimination because they're white.
Thanos: "perfectly balanced; as all things should be"