23150712? ago

I haven't seen it, but I've seen and read enough to know it's garbage.

Mulatto superior being.

Whites cast as evil.

Stupid plot line that's neither creative or believable.

Standard kike swill.

22737183? ago

Yeah I hated it. I thought it was shit for retards.

Bearded nigger with a white wife raises a niglet who's apparently the most powerful super powered whatever in the world of course. She knows how to wield her power and uses it to end up at every possible Shining callback possible. Actors and actresses inexplicably dressed up as and pretending to be characters from the first movie. Danny for some reason can wield all the ghosts from the hotel as a weapon. A gang of whites pretending to be gypsies for some reason, are child murderers who need to be usurped by a good hearted Muslim who also happens to be an artist or whatever.

I'm so sick of the social justice bullshit, and without it the movie would still be worthless.

22785048? ago

jew media but are shills like @Trapezoidal /u/Trapezoidal just islamo ragheads

22031910? ago

watch the original instead

23254462? ago

Speaking out against diseased mudsharks is 'violent hatred' ? His sub is a cluster fuck, you fucked up joe @Joe_McCarthy /u/Joe_McCarthy

22028904? ago

, ?...

22028912? ago

Those babylon rituals, paganism, owls from greece, the americas and arabia...strange hollyweird ...kubrick knew something https://voat.co/v/whatever/3596796/22028084