19704782? ago

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19699028? ago


work for mossad



19699025? ago

You have hollywood kikes who are spies for mossad

Arnon Milchan is a Jewish executive producer in Hollywood and he is an admitted and known Mossad spy that helped illegally acquire nuclear triggers in the 70s from the U.S, to send to Israel. Anyway, Arnon was the man who is credited for created the movie Fight Club with Edward Norton and Brad Pitt. The scene where they are wiring all of the buildings for demolition in the film, they rigged the columns of the buildings with "blasting Gelatin".


CBS NEWS/ November 30, 2013, 6:58 PM/

Inside film producer Arnon Milchan's secret spy past

Milchan now says he was integral to developing Israel’s nuclear program. In the Israeli documentary he claims he even attempted to recruit a senior U.S. nuclear scientist by inviting him to meet actor Richard Dreyfus at his home.

“Israel basically built all her centrifuges to enrich uranium based on information that Milchan collected for them,” said Doron.

Milchan told both Doron and said in the new documentary that he never broke any laws and he doesn't fear prosecution by the United States, even though one of his associates was convicted of illegally exporting nuclear triggers to Israel. As for his reputation in Hollywood, he had a simple answer.

"'Hollywood,' that's what he told me, ‘Hollywood looks for hits. If I will be able to provide hits, they will work with me,'" said Doron.

There is zero chance kikestein isn't mossad and another reason you shouldn't let jews live.

19697809? ago


You can be pretty sure that he supplied other agencies than Mossad….

19697810? ago

Not sure how to break it to you anon, all the intelligence agencies share raw intel - there is no difference between them.

19699024? ago

But Mossad is Jewish so we have to fixate on that to keep the psyop running.

19698394? ago

They are different nuts on the same turd.

19698395? ago


19696386? ago

Did Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein Work for Mossad?


19693932? ago

I did not know about this fire until just now:

Massive Fire Spotted On Private Island Owned By Billionaire Jeffrey Epstein

By cloverchronicle on January 5, 2019

Jeffrey Epstein Little St James Island Fire

Massive Fire Spotted On Private Island Owned By Billionaire Jeffrey Epstein

By cloverchronicle on January 5, 2019

On Friday evening, residents living in the Caribbean near Jeffrey Epstein, a wealthy registered sex offender, reported hearing an explosion and seeing a very large fire on the southwest corner of his private island.

Jeffrey Epstein Little St James Island Fire 2

At this time, the exact cause of the explosion is unknown.

It might have simply been a faulty transformer or perhaps something more sinister, such as the destruction of evidence in relation to Epstein’s latest legal troubles.


Last year, numerous outlets reported on Jeffrey Epstein’s salacious Florida trial being granted a stay by the appeals court.

According to an article on JDJournal:
“The famed sexual predator Jeffrey Epstein is set to go to trial but his legal team is pushing to get the trial delayed. The Palm Beach billionaire settled lawsuits against him from three teenage victims for $5.5 million. Epstein claims that he was persuaded to settle the claims by attorney Bradley Edwards and former attorney Scott Rothstein.    “The case between Epstein and Edwards was slated to begin Tuesday (3/13/18) in the Palm Beach County Circuit Court. After a round of appeals filed by Epstein’s attorneys Scott Link and Kara Rockenbach, the 4th District Court of Appeal granted a stay in the case.“
JDJournal also reported that since the trial was delayed, Epstein “has been spending most of his time on his private island in the U.S. Virgin Islands.”

The island, which can be found on Google Maps, is officially named ‘Little St. James Island’:

Located on the southwest portion of the island is a strange temple-like structure and opening to a possible nefarious underground facility:

Notable public figures, such as former President Bill Clinton, have been reported to travel with Epstein on his ‘Lolita Express’ to various places, including this private island.

According to a 2016 article on the New York Post:
    “Epstein has spent the bulk of his adult life cultivating relationships with the world’s most powerful men. Flight logs show that from 2001 to 2003, Bill Clinton flew on Epstein’s private plane, dubbed ‘The Lolita Express’ by the press, 26 times. After Epstein’s arrest in July 2006, federal tax records show Epstein donated $25,000 to the Clinton Foundation that year.”
Watch President Donald Trump talk about Clinton’s connection to Epstein and his private island in this short video:

Link: https://youtu.be/0vh0AklSXkU

Another case, detailed in Wikipedia, involves Epstein as well as Prince Andrew from Britain and prominent American lawyer Alan Dershowitz:
“In January 2015, a 31-year-old American woman, Virginia Roberts, alleged in a sworn affidavit that at the age of 17, she had been held as a sex slave by Epstein. She further alleged that he had trafficked her to several people, including Prince Andrew and Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz. Roberts also claimed that Epstein and others had physically and sexually abused her.    “Roberts alleged that the FBI may have been involved in a cover-up. She said she had served as Epstein’s sex slave from 1999 to 2002 and had recruited other under-age girls. Prince Andrew, Epstein and Dershowitz all denied having had sex with Roberts. Dershowitz took legal action over the allegations. A diary purported to belong to Roberts was published online. Epstein entered an out-of-court settlement with Roberts, as he has done in several other lawsuits.    “The BBC television series ‘Panorama’ planned an investigation of the scandal. As of 2016 these claims had not been tested in any law court.”
Kevin Spacey, Chris Tucker, Katie Couric, George Stephanopoulos, and Woody Allen are some other celebrities that have reportedly traveled and partied with Epstein in the past.

Source: https://cloverchronicle.com/2019/01/05/massive-fire-spotted-on-private-island-owned-by-billionaire-jeffrey-epstein/

Archive http://archive.fo/CM4rp

19696380? ago

I hear that's a different Chris Tucker, which makes it considerably less funny.

19693175? ago

((( Epstein ))) says it all.


19693174? ago

I was at work today and brought this whole thing up. My boss said “yea, that dude has a ton of rich friends in Hollywood” and I just about creamed my fucking pants. Is this it? Is it time to name? I told him, in front of the whole crew, that it was time to start shooting. Explained the Lolita express, mentioned that the “conspiracy theory” (with heavy air quotes) was well within the realm of possibility and everyone either agreed or stayed quiet. I let the subject lapse but I’ll push again tomorrow. Rev up the meme engines boys there is fertile ground here

19693183? ago

Or you're fired.

19696379? ago

Never go there at work. Never. I went there with a guy who is a fanatical 911 conspiracy theorist, who knows all the same criminals in town as me and when I finally laid it all on the line with him vis a vis the JOO both on the global scale and on the scale of our own aquaintances going back to the 70's he turned ashen white and I started getting death threats from him via email. He tried hitting me with his BMW down town as I was stepping out of the crosswalk onto the curb. One day we'll meet again and there will be a reckoning. Nothing threatens a certain goy more than endangering his plans for great wealth when they're based on his relationships with big jews. In many ways they're worse than the jews themselves.

19693172? ago

While in custody, he was permitted to leave jail for sixteen hours six days a week to work in his office.

19693169? ago

As far as I know, if they're filthy rich, elite, hollywood, go to galas and travel extensively, they are the evil ones doing evil shit.

19690646? ago

19690636? ago


<posts guy with teenage girls

OP is clearly a jew himself.

Epstein is likely a bad fellow who seduces young vulnerable girls and turns them into roasties, but every example I've seen they've been pubescent for years, so that isn't pedophilia.

Every instance of going after jews seems to be a way to sneak in this jew-backed feminist logic of wanting to fuck teen girls being pedophilia, showing that this is actually just big jews going after smaller jews, throwing them under the bus to divert our attention.

19690641? ago

No the USA is a Christian nation. It may not seem like it now but back in the day it sure was.


Aside from being a jew pimp for underage girls Yeah a "great guy". Lemmie tell ya sumptin' I'm tellin' ya sumptin' I'm gonna tell ya sumptin'…he's a great guy, why he'd give you the shirt off his back. He took retarded kids to the carnival. RETARDED KIDS! Sure he he made some mistakes, don't we all but what a meshugenner! a real mensch. Gotta luv 'im.

19690640? ago

Exactly right. His "victims" also talk about how Epstein is a great guy. They love him.

19690633? ago

He also controlled the cops in several cities and jurisdictions. Looks like he had at least 15 of the Palm Beach PD on his rolls.

19704749? ago

shills are out in full force today.. PANIC! https://voat.co/v/QRV/3330556/19704334

19690630? ago

It is also possible he was just an intelligence asset for the FBI/CIA. He may have been their pawn. He could have recently done something they didn't like or they are trying to cover their tracks. Evidence will be destroyed.

19690617? ago

Trump is a child rapist

19690615? ago

I was investigating Ghislane Maxwell and looking at photos of her at Chelsea's wedding…and this popped up. kek

19690612? ago

There is literally no other possible explanation for what was going on.

19690602? ago

from some 4cuck thread:

HAPPENING: Creepy Podesta-tier artwork discovered inside Jeffrey Epstein's girlfriend's house

19690616? ago

von Stauffenberg

<von Stauffenberg

von Stauffenberg

I thought they were to be wiped out root and branch. Did Himmler miss one?

19690601? ago

He worked for code-nigger

19690598? ago

There is nothing sophisticated about hand labelled and unencrypted CDs. Clearly this was one rich guy on his own, Mossad could do better

19690624? ago

Mossad, CIA etc. fuck up just like this all the time. Either just carelessness or arrogance.

19690626? ago

Today's Blind Items - History

Way back in the early 90's there was an investigation led by someone who has been in the news much of the past two years. His target? A bank. Bank is being kind. It was money laundering for the world's worst criminals including the CIA disguised as a bank. Its main financial backer was the head of state of a Middle Eastern country. One of the recipients of this fraudulent money to the tune of hundreds of millions was this part-time reality star with multiple celebrity offspring. It is how he made his fortune. Yes, he made it via very shady, if not illegal means and at one point had it almost all come crashing down on him. The son of that head of state is now a head of state himself. He has spent the past two years being investigated by the same man who investigated his father. He is also the protector for the convicted child porn/molester guy turned informant as well as friends with the wealthy pedophile. One of the other people in this little circle now is a different billionaire with an entitled spouse and some of the most entitled children you will ever encounter. He also deals with the wealthy pedophile on a fairly frequent basis. He has ties to Hollywood and the disgraced producer and the movie guy turned government guy. He used his money and Hollywood influence to get his offspring a lot of acting roles. Oh, and do you remember when she had the long relationship with the offspring of the part-time reality star I mentioned earlier. >Everyone and everything is connected.



Collateral Justice said…

Robert Mueller was well rewarded for keeping the daddy-Bush/Clinton Cabal out of the BCCI investigation that traced it's sole existence to the Iran/Contra import/export bizz.

I see the Podesta brothers are extremely quiet since they pretty much ran BCCI, which is still the CIA Bank but with a new name. Not very credible if the CIA spokes person is absent from the PR spin.

May they all choke on walnut sauce and self mutilation.

Spirit Cooking is a lie. They drink and eat human viscera raw.

19691244? ago

Hard to argue with that.

19690627? ago

I don't know about any of that.

It is likely Epstein was a foreign agent involved in lobbying for Israel and ensuring cooperation through blackmail.

Past that, we can speculate and create wild theories, but we will probably never know.

19690594? ago

Quality . Bamp

19690592? ago

The question is: Why now? Why did they decide to retry him now without any crimes and in direct contradiction to U.S. law?

19696383? ago

maybe they're trying to tie up loose ends or something?

19690595? ago

Because the Mueller report is over and trump is counter attack

19693937? ago

trump is counter attack

Kind of. Trump and his backers - whichever transnational plutocratic faction they represent.

Video related.

If you can find the wider shot, Trump is across the aisle from the Bushes, staring directly at them (not at the casket) as they look at the blackmail evidence passed to them at HW's funeral.


19693938? ago

I wonder what blackmail evidence the Bush's were given?

19696378? ago



More video from HW Bush's funeral. In addition to the message sent to Bushes, mysterious letters were also passed to the Clinton, Obama, Biden, Pence families.


19693941? ago

argh sorry sorry wrong video link, this is the correct one


19693948? ago

Trunews is a light in this eternal darkness.

19693949? ago

they really are.

For anybody who can't be bothered watching, the tldr from their video is: "the jewish mafia backing trump sent a warning to the bush mafia to back off re: mueller investigation"

19697807? ago

traitors get hanged

19696385? ago

You're wrong

It was a picture of their deceased father who was not in the casket but swinging from a noose. Treason gets tried and traitors get hanged. Swift justice.

19696384? ago

if that's true, it's ballsy. imagine getting a letter like that when you're at your fathers funeral.

19693940? ago

Hard to say, but here is some speculation from the trunews crew:


19690585? ago

Did Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein Work for Mossad


Also, stop calling him a pedo where you're trying to be accurate (call him that for propaganda purposes), he fucked 15 year olds. Call him a groomer who raped underage girls.

19690613? ago

That's what we know so far. There's some indications that he was providing Kevin Spacey boys that were 11 or 12 and even younger.

19690579? ago

No, was a brilliant financier. Many jews are. That's why America's economy is the best. We are blessed with many Einsteins on Wall Street.

19690582? ago

Har de har har so funny me laff

19690577? ago

Yes , confirmed

(( (who)) ) do you think made him a billionaire? Us foreign aid that’s how. Mossad was fuckin sloppy again

19690581? ago

(( (who)) ) do you think made him a billionaire?

Wexner and Ehud Barak. Seems a pre -Netanyahu operation, since Netanyahus are actually pointing to this as (bad man Barak) for political clout.

19690605? ago

restricted technology in the United States to enable development of Israel’s nuclear weapons program, something that was

So this entire shit storm is a Trump/Bibi operation to keep Ehud from defeating Bibi in the Israeli elections then?


19696382? ago

.>So this entire shit storm is a Trump/Bibi operation to keep Ehud from defeating Bibi in the Israeli elections then?

right today CNN is damage controlling https://www.cnn.com/2019/07/11/middleeast/jeffrey-epstein-barak-netanyahu-israel-elections-intl/index.html

for this



Spearheading the attack is Netanyahu’s eldest son, Yair, who tweeted relentlessly about Epstein and Barak while berating the press for not covering it more intensively. “If it was my father photographed walking out of Epstein’s townhouse,” he asked, "wouldn’t it be all over the news?”

possible the whole trip could be Jews Jewing Jews just to keep Bibi in power

19690583? ago

If he was Mossad and he was then he was working for Netanyahu as much as Barak when he was PM.

19690574? ago


19690644? ago

if Trump was mentored by Cohen why would he trust any one with his image. If anyone had anything real on Trump would we have seen it? Or do they have tons of crap on him and are making him do their bidding.

He is controlled by them by his lust of success and power. no need to blackmail him. All his kids are shitting out jews. He is on the winning side full bore.

The thing that made absolutely no sence to me is NBC had a bunch of recordings of Trump having racist rants…but they would not release them due to the NDA they signed for the apprentence. Soros/Mossad dont have 15 to 60 million to cover NBC's loss if they really wanted Trump out?

Why now with this story. This was news in 2005. They play these things out to sway public opinion for a reason. This and Weinsteen will shit all over the Democrats until 2020 election. Just like Monica, Paula Jones…..

Is Rose McGowan gonna at least get an oscar nomination for her Lead Role as a Jaccuzzi Jizz Bubble Sex Assault Victim?

19690576? ago



19690569? ago

Bill Clinton flew on ‘Lolita Express’ 26 times

The Democrats are calling for an investigation of the Epstein affair, as well as the resignation of Acosta, but they might well wind up regretting their demands. Trump, the real target of the Acosta fury, apparently did not know about the details of the plea bargain that ended the Epstein court case.

Bill and Hillary Clinton were, however, very close associates of Epstein. Bill, who flew on the “Lolita Express” at least 26 times, could plausibly be implicated in the pedophilia given his track record and relative lack of conventional morals. On many of the trips, Bill refused Secret Service escorts, who would have been witnesses of any misbehavior.

On one lengthy trip to Africa in 2002, Bill and Jeffrey were accompanied by accused pedophile actor Kevin Spacey and a number of young girls, scantily clad “employees” identified only as “massage.” Epstein was also a major contributor to the Clinton Foundation and was present at the wedding of Chelsea Clinton in 2010.


With an election year coming up, the Democrats would hardly want the public to be reminded of Bill’s exploits, but one has to wonder where and how deep the investigation might go. There is also a possible Donald Trump angle.

Though Donald may not have been a frequent flyer on the “Lolita Express,” he certainly moved in the same circles as the Clintons and Epstein in New York and Palm Beach, plus he is by his own words roughly as amoral as Bill Clinton. In June 2016, one Katie Johnson filed lawsuit in New York claiming she had been repeatedly raped by Trump at an Epstein gathering in 1993 when she was 13 years old.

In a 2002 New York Magazine interview Trump said “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy… he’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it – Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”

Hallmarks of an espionage case

Selective inquiries into wrongdoing to include intense finger pointing are the name of the game in Washington, and the affaire Epstein also has all the hallmarks of a major espionage case, possibly tied to Israel.

Unless Epstein is an extremely sick pedophile who enjoys watching films of other men screwing twelve-year-old girls the whole filming procedure smacks of a sophisticated intelligence service compiling material to blackmail prominent politicians and other public figures.

Those blackmailed would undoubtedly in most cases cooperate with the foreign government involved to avoid a major scandal. It is called recruiting “agents of influence.” That is how intelligence agencies work and it is what they do.

Acosta: ‘I was told Epstein belonged to intelligence’

That Epstein was perceived as being intelligence-linked was made clear in Acosta’s comments when being cleared by the Trump transition team. He was asked “Is the Epstein case going to cause a problem [for confirmation hearings]?” … “Acosta had explained, breezily, apparently, that back in the day he’d had just one meeting on the Epstein case. He’d cut the non-prosecution deal with one of Epstein’s attorneys because he had ‘been told’ to back off, that Epstein was above his pay grade. ‘I was told Epstein belonged to intelligence and to leave it alone.’”

Questions about Epstein’s wealth also suggest a connection with a secretive government agency with deep pockets. The New York Times reports that “Exactly what his money management operation did was cloaked in secrecy, as were most of the names of whomever he did it for.

He claimed to work for a number of billionaires, but the only known major client was Leslie Wexner, the billionaire founder of several retail chains, including The Limited.” [Editor’s note: Wexner is a major ‘philanthropist’ and political donor. Among the recipients of his money have been to Jewish and Israeli concerns and Mitt Romney, George W. Bush, and Jeb Bush.]

19690588? ago


mfw I suddenly realize why rape is the only category of violent crime that Whites aren't drastically under-represented in on FBI statistics.

I hate jews so much.

19693168? ago

Are you new here? Most latinos and numerous other types of non-white identify as white in many such cases.

19690580? ago

Race: White

19690572? ago

But whose intelligence service? CIA and the Russian FSB services are obvious candidates, but they would have no particular motive to acquire an agent like Epstein. That leaves Israel, which would have been eager to have a stable of high-level agents of influence in Europe and the United States.

Epstein’s contact with the Israeli intelligence service may have plausibly come through his associations with Ghislaine Maxwell, who allegedly served as his key procurer of young girls.

Ghislaine is the daughter of Robert Maxwell, who died or possibly was assassinated in mysterious circumstances in 1991. Maxwell was an Anglo-Jewish businessman, very cosmopolitan in profile, like Epstein, a multi-millionaire who was very controversial with what were regarded as ongoing ties to Mossad.

After his death, he was given a state funeral by Israel in which six serving and former heads of Israeli intelligence listened while Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir eulogized: “He has done more for Israel than can today be said”

Epstein kept a black book identifying many of his social contacts, which is now in the hands of investigators. It included fourteen personal phone numbers belonging to Donald Trump, including ex-wife Ivana, daughter Ivanka and current wife Melania.

It also included Prince Bandar of Saudi Arabia, Tony Blair, Jon Huntsman, Senator Ted Kennedy, Henry Kissinger, David Koch, Ehud Barak [former Israeli prime minister], Alan Dershowitz, John Kerry, George Mitchell, David Rockefeller, Richard Branson, Michael Bloomfield, Dustin Hoffman, Queen Elizabeth, Saudi King Salman and Edward de Rothschild.

Mossad would have exploited Epstein’s contacts, arranging their cooperation by having Epstein wining and dining them while flying them off to exotic locations, providing them with women and entertainment. If they refused to cooperate, it would be time for blackmail, photos and videos of the sex with underage women.

Will the Israeli connection be investigated?

It will be very interesting to see just how far and how deep the investigation into Epstein and his activities goes. One can expect that efforts will be made to protect top politicians like Clinton and Trump and to avoid any examination of a possible Israeli role.

That is the normal practice, witness the 9/11 Report and the Mueller investigation, both of which eschewed any inquiry into what Israel might have been up to. But this time, if it was indeed an Israeli operation, it might prove difficult to cover up the story since the pedophile aspect of it has unleashed considerable public anger from all across the political spectrum. Senator Chuck Schumer, self-described as Israel’s “protector” in the Senate, is loudly calling for the resignation of Acosta. He just might change his tune if it turns out that Israel is a major part of the story.

Philip M. Giraldi is a former CIA counter-terrorism specialist and military intelligence officer who served nineteen years overseas in Turkey, Italy, Germany, and Spain. He speaks Spanish, Italian, German, and Turkish. Giraldi is currently executive director of the Council for the National Interest.

19690645? ago