19556651? ago

You all deserve to die. You do nothing in real life like the other ethnic groups, just shitposting crybabies.

19539636? ago

Since WW2, every generation of white people has been weaker than the one preceding it.

Today's average white teenager can't do a single pull up.

I pissed one off and he threatened to text the shit out of me.

19539628? ago

As a boomer and childless, I shit on all those that come after me

Trump feels the same way, but knows his money will buy a spot for his fam in the orbiting arc

19539627? ago

And a son that hates your pink faggoty ass>>13461024

Their life advice to me was based on 1958 USA mores. Totally useless when surrounded by illegal beaners, asian bugmen, homicidal niggers and scheming kikes.

19537525? ago

Once boomers die whites will be a minority for sure.

19539631? ago

Once boomers die whites will be a minority for sure.

Pink nigger 15 and under are already a minority in the U.S.

What are you gonna do about it, you friendly ghost looking motherfucker?

Raise your baby fist in the air while shouting


19556663? ago

19539633? ago

Everything we built will collapse around you. You will have nothing. And we will burn everything else down with us just for keks.

19556653? ago

In addition, the average millenigger has also never played a team sport, or been in a single fist fight.

How is that for bitch made?

19537522? ago


19518118? ago

die nigger

19517141? ago

no they're not. we have 20-30 more years of their shit, and their legacy will live on for 100's.

19519062? ago

i dont know, many boomers are in very bad health and are only being kept alive by their pharma drugs. I dont think boomers are gonna live very long

19517136? ago

boomers are the real enemy. Boomers are the ones who sold our country out to the jews.

Blacks, browns, asians, etc, they are just taking advantage of the situation the boomers created.

19517131? ago

One other thing:

Old people can be really racist, and no one says a word. The perks of age: redpill dispensing.

19517139? ago

wrong. I've seen black people beat the shit out of an old white person, aka boomer, for making racist comments.

19517126? ago

Gatekeeper generation

Some of us have older parents and boy, is that going to be (((fun))). Already had to cancel dear old dad's credit cards once when "Microsoft" called about his "update" and needed his cards. He believed them. Also noticing stuff like 25% tip option on very small print POS terminals in restaurants and such. Make no mistake that ripping off granny is a growth industry.

I'm also looking into phone VOIP with whitelisting for them as the telemarketing and robocalls are out of fucking control.

t. has aging parents who he won't let them put in a home

19519058? ago

Some of us have older parents and boy, is that going to be (((fun))). Already had to cancel dear old dad's credit cards once when "Microsoft" called about his "update" and needed his cards. He believed them. Also noticing stuff like 25% tip option on very small print POS terminals in restaurants and such. Make no mistake that ripping off granny is a growth industry.

I'm also looking into phone VOIP with whitelisting for them as the telemarketing and robocalls are out of fucking control.

Already been through all of that shit with an elderly widowed parent. She got dementia and was very close to having her estate scammed away until I put an end to all the bullshit. Couldn't believe the constant scamming attempts. Didn't want to go into a home either but was eventually so fucked in the head there was no choice.

19519061? ago

fuck boomers. They scammed their own children out of a future. Why should we stop them from getting scammed?

Boomers sold us out to the jews. Never forget.

19519064? ago









Are you White today?

Today I'm a Jew and boy oh boy are we Jews terrible people. Just like Nazis. So I suggest doing what I'm doing and support BDS which is becoming more popular everyday.

Stop Racist Nazi Apartheid Israel


https://boicotisrael.net/ (ES)









19519063? ago

They were silent generation and even worse than boomers in some ways. That pull yourself up by your bootstraps was no joke to them. But they grew up in a 90% White nation with segregation of subhumans in full effect. Their life advice to me was based on 1958 USA mores. Totally useless when surrounded by illegal beaners, asian bugmen, homicidal niggers and scheming kikes.

And I didn't want the family member scammed because I'm going to inherit that loot.

19517123? ago

Just a side-discussion to this topic: if Anons want to make a shitload of money, get into undertaking: the Boomer generation dying off will generate a whole lot of wealth in funerals.

19517129? ago

if Anons want to make a shitload of money, get into undertaking

This. Real estate law as well. (A lot of the RE agents are whores, sometimes like Trump, sometimes actual ones that will give you a BBBJ in a closet at the open house.)

19517117? ago

19517112? ago

I can't wait til they figure out that climate change just means free gibs and useless projects for brown and black people and that their low to moderate IQ slutty white daughters and granddaughters have been getting a total bullshit education on the "climate" problems at their expense. Bawahahat! I remember Rachel Carson and CFCs! Muh free market!

19517108? ago

This post bumps the thread. This post contains a lie.

19517105? ago

I'm a boomer and I think we should have death penalty on antisemitism. Go on hate on me all you want, as if I care. Voted Bush too.

19517107? ago

weak bait

19517110? ago

not playing along

faggot normie scum ruining everything.

19517104? ago

boomers love immigrants because boomers can hire them and pay them much less than they would an American or a millennial.

It's BS for boomers to claim to be anti-immigrant. Boomers have betrayed their own children by hiring immigrants over their children's generation, the millennials.

Well, those same immigrants will be working in the retirement homes…

19517119? ago

The major name assisted living facilities actually won't hire illegals thankfully (at least for now). The cheap shitty ones on the otherhand…

19517100? ago

ITT runndown:

Neocon boomer vote is not insulating us. It's the foot in the door inviting in enemies and gate-keeping us from taking power necessary to protect ourselves.

Don't hate/kill your parents for being boomers; they had total media saturation. They had almost no chance.

BUT Don't allow your boomer parents/grandparents to vote. Air their tires.

George Soro's kids aren't shit and will waste his money on hedonism; this goes for all his contemporaries as well. Their generation does not pass the torch and the next gen will not be trained to take up the mantle.

Our side will do better with the lose of our boomers because our boomers are obsessed with multicultural virtue signaling and are (through demoralization) functionally leftist.

Our side will do better because the ideology of multiculturalism/single motherhood and feminism has been witnessed first hand by this generation (unlike the boomers) and will be more active and inspired to fight degeneracy.

Post-boomer generations are the "hard times make strong men" generations.

Good times make soft men.

Soft men make hard times.

Hard times make strong men

<You are here.

strong men make good times.

19370329? ago

Aren't boomers primarily white? Even if they're liberal neo-conservatives, the republican party will never win another election with us dead. Are you aware of that, OP?

19370336? ago

Even if they're liberal neo-conservatives, the republican party will never win another election with us dead.

Oh no, red zog team won't win again! Seeing how pro-white the repub party has been for the last 50 years, its a major loss.


Get pillowed boomer.

19370338? ago

If you're okay with the republican party permanently losing power, you'd better start voting third party forever instead of for Trump.

19517097? ago

you better vote, son

The memes are real about you guys. Political power comes from violence, not voting. The reason why the left won in your youth was because they didn't shy away from violence. The new generation understands this.


A fucking shabbos who can't stop unlimited immigration and the cultural and genetic pollution of the US and Europe. He is worthless.

19369493? ago

you guys need to cut off all contact with your boomer parents. Why maintain any relationship? You think they are going to leave any inheritance? They are going to go bankrupt due to the high cost of medical care in America.

Cut off all contact with your boomer parents. Only then can you start growing as a human.

19369491? ago

Lurker here: don’t like it—fuck off.

Allow me to point out the obvious:

The reason why forced illegal immigration is so important to th6m now is precisely because the older generations (boomers +) of whites were not raised with sufficient knowledge of the internet and with an activist mindset. In other words: th6y know that the younger generations of whites have a realistic opportunity to enact change in OUR nations via the internet. Therefore a sufficient increase in any non-white demographic is necessary to counter OUR FUTURE GAINS. Violence in combination with willing and able (educated and socially savvy) whites is essential NOW. If we fail over the next 6 years I’m America—the nation is lost. High-value targets only; random brown fucks and average j6ws are a total waste.

Ps. I’ve seen how some of you call people kikes and feds because you haven’t seen their posts: if I fall into that camp (in your opinion), then you are either a shill, or this (8chan) is a total fucking waste of time, because the level of self-sabotage is too high.

19369494? ago


can you glow in the dark any harder, faggot?

19342536? ago

Ginsberg will die and her gatekeeper position on abortion will be finished. Roe V Wade is already falling as a carved in stone legal principle.

Planned Parenthood v. Casey also needs to be overturned (and is arguably more relevant to the issue of abortion than Roe v. Wade).

19342534? ago

BOOMERS RUINED OUR SOCIETY. Who are the "zionists?" That doesn't sound like a boomer to me!!!

19337284? ago

"George Soros dying will be the end of antifa/ occupy wall street"

You mean the end of antifa/black lives matter

But Antifa has been around since the 1930s. He just gives it more money.

19325200? ago

hate your elders for not being enlightened like you anon

hate them for not knowing about the propaganda being fed to them from every facet of life because of the legacy media being the actual gatekeepers

How does it feel knowing your useful goys in Congress and the UK Parliament are dying/being ousted? Blaming someone for being ignorant to the secret indoctrination being forced on him is intentionally attempting to mislead anons as to who is actually to blame. Your attempts at redirecting blame for what amounts to kike-sourced problems says you don't belong here, or that you really don't know anything of which you speak.

19325203? ago

boomers voluntarily made the choice to support israel and the zionist elite. No one forced them to do that.

19369498? ago







Hi Schlomo

Stop Racist Nazi Apartheid Israel


https://boicotisrael.net/ (ES)









19369501? ago

Fuck off, my grandfather threatened to call the cops when I called israel a financial terrorist state, laughed about the problems facing his greatgrandchildren with a 'I don't care, I won't be alive', and destroyed several members of my family by letting some former prostitute he married do whatever the fuck she wanted. All while living in a million dollar house he git by conspiring against the board of a company to sell after working their for two years and laying off hundreds of people.

19369488? ago

Yes, because the constant flooding of kikes' victimhood with no ability to fact check anything due to said propaganda outlets controlling what is seen and heard is totally not to blame for influencing decisions when anyone who remotely questioned it was labeled a conspiracy theorist nutjob. Lives totally weren't ruined for questioning the narrative, goy. Kikes totally didn't divest resources to projects like MK Ultra that focused on brainwashing either. Congress totally didn't sell out their country for money, power, and underage poon.

You're an idiot.

19337283? ago

once the boomers die off, israel and jews are fucking finished. The new brown majority of the West will most likely holocaust for real the remaining jews.

White people are the only race stupid enough to support the jews.

19325190? ago

The boomers screamed about satanic cults and elite pedophilia and shit like that, when it was the BOOMERS themselves who were raping their own children. It's like the boomers created this retarded "satanic cult" conspiracy theory to deflect attention away from THEIR OWN pedophilia.

19325187? ago

According to recent article on RT, they're offing themselves almost as much as college students with unforgivable debt. Congrats, rabbi.

19325189? ago

yes boomers have a very high suicide rate and this is a GOOD thing.

Boomers support stealing our tax dollars so that 60 billion a year can be sent to Israel.

Did any boomer ever ask me if I consent to my money being stolen and sent to Israel?

Boomers are evil people and i am happy to see them suffer in their old age and commit suicide.

19312789? ago

Hi Schlomo

Are you White today?

Today I'm a Jew and boy oh boy are we Jews terrible people, especially Jew boomers. Just like Nazis. So I suggest doing what I'm doing and support BDS which is becoming more popular.

Stop Racist Nazi Apartheid Israel


https://boicotisrael.net/ (ES)









19312778? ago

also, the idea that boomers are gonna live to be 90 or 100 is retarded. Here are FACTS


Only 1 in 6 boomers is retiring in good health. Most boomers are gonna die between the ages of 75 to 80.

The real cause is the high-sodium diet that people worldwide follow. If you want to live a long healthy life, then figure out how to bring your daily sodium intake to 500mg. That is 1/4 of a teaspoon worth of salt.

19312786? ago

The salt autism is bullshit. your body gets rid of excess salt no problem. more likely to be high sugar diets

19312792? ago

sure thing goy. The fact that doctors and other (((experts))) talk about fat, meat, cholesterol, gluten, avoiding wheat, avoiding carbs but FAIL to mention SODIUM is proof they are all shills.

Heart disease is the number 1 killer worldwide and it is caused by sodium. The low-sodium redpill is the final and true redpill.

But fuck off, you are addicted to salt and big Macs and pizza and all that bullshit, so you might as well eat it up and drop dead, boomer

19299681? ago


not really. remember that all of the modern medical advancements have been made specifically to keep boomers here to the last second. consider my neighbor. 70 something. no shit like 5 surgeries in the past 1.5 years: hip replacement, collarbone, elbow x2, and something with his gut. imagine the shekels they are pouring into getting another 5-10 years.

The Baby Boom generation is most often defined as those individuals born between 1946 and 1964.[1]

they are between 73 and 55 now. they will be around for the next 30 years. and their money will still be talking and their shitty boomer jams will still be squawking. there is no escape. the changing of the guard will basically be boomers handing America to brown zoomers, by passing every White person in between. and there will be no inheritance. not with medical bills, lavish funeral ceremonies and that whole RV trip ritual boomers do upon retirement.

19299683? ago

boomers will hand America over to the brown zoomers and illegal immigrants.

These same brown people will be working in the nursing homes and retirement homes and will torture the boomers because "old white people are evil"

Boomers are retards with no long term vision. Otherwise they would be scared shitless of what is coming

19291429? ago

Rolling for Betty White Sir Patrick Stewart Whoopie Goldberg and Oprah Winfreh

19517101? ago

shameless self check and rolling for Lavar Burton and especially Betty White.

19517103? ago


19291416? ago

Ginsberg will die and her gatekeeper position on abortion will be finished. Roe V Wade is already falling as a carved in stone legal principle.

Not sure what this means exactly but I am pro-eugenics / Sparta and therefore I am fine with abortion as it removes degenerates every time. Libtards will be gone from the genepool through birth control and abortion.

19291415? ago

Ginsberg will die and her gatekeeper position on abortion will be finished. Roe V Wade is already falling as a carved in stone legal principle.

Nigs and leftist whites are more likely to get an abortion. So what? Even if I agree with you on abortion then it would be equivalent to Trump winning. It would be a big victory followed by a worse backlash even before its repealed.

19278377? ago

Isn't Soros just a puppet? A figurehead?

Won't a bunch of newfags replace him?

19278379? ago

Bro have you seen his head? That's not a head you would choose for a spokesperson at all. He's not famous for being the face of the group.

19278380? ago

He's the goblin-looking freak you would choose for distracting baby's first red pill newfags. He looks like and plays the role of evil foreign neighbor from the movie The Burbs.

19277454? ago

they won’t pass the torch to someone as radical as they are

they will just die and that’s the end of all they worked for


19278378? ago

You don't think spoiled kids can fuck up an easy gig? Look at Seagram's Liquor Heiress Clare Bronfman. All she had to do was spend money and not join a sex cult. kek. She couldn't pull it off.

19278374? ago

If soros dies today his son will have zero days of experience running Open Society Foundation. You think their board of directors will respect him? If he wanted a real heir he would have and should have started with the goober 20 years ago. It's too late.

19277448? ago


Kill yourself, moron.

19275003? ago

George Soros dying

he has a son

19277449? ago

The saying is: good times make soft men, soft men make hard times, hard times make strong men, strong men make good times.

Soros senior is the classic case of a man who went through hard times, made a fortune and made it easy for his son, but his son is soft.

His son hasn't been trained to take over. He's not in charge now. His father wants to hoard all the control. This is a structural problem with boomers. They're too proud to train replacements or pass the torch.

If senior hasn't planned to transition junior to the head of the Open Society Foundation yet it's too late. The little prince should have or could have taken the reins long ago but for whatever reason that has not happened. Senior is fucking 88 years old man. kek. There will not be a smooth transition. Their shit is going to be a clusterfuck.

19312788? ago

His son hasn't been trained to take over. He's not in charge now. His father wants to hoard all the control. This is a structural problem with boomers. They're too proud to train replacements or pass the torch.

It is like that but not for the reason you think it is. A boomers subconscious cannot handle the fact that he is not immortal, so he will ignore the future and live in the present. Training replacements or passing the torch is also acknowledging that you're going to be gone someday and the boomers mind cannot handle that.

19275004? ago

Have you seen that goober? The devious/intelligence apple fell very far from the tree with that lump of shit. No way he follows his Dads footsteps. He might try but in the end he will blow all their money and probably get smoked by an "ally" who sees how inept he is/wants his finances.

19275008? ago


look goy, he's a total schmuck, you don't have to worry at all!

Smart people never underestimate their enemies. And you stupid fucking commies can't stop shooting yourselves in the foot with your extremely unique use of language.

19277434? ago

Posted here for years, anyone who has been here often recognizes me for that very reason which means you are a newfag. Add to that the fact that you literally called me a commie for talking shit to Soros fag kid while telling me not to underestimate my enemy and that puts you on the map as an obvious connected shill to either Soros, the DNC, glows, etc.

Since you specifically brought up "commie" and since a very common shill or faggot tactic is to blame someone else for the exact thing they are/they did then it's fairly obvious what you are, who you connect with and what your purpose here is. Anything else? No… okay you may go now slave, you have my permission. You idiots legitimately need to get better at your shitty job.

19291430? ago

ive been here for years

everyone knows my use of goober

nobody here has ever used goober here you retarded fed

19277435? ago

I called you a commie for saying "goober," you low IQ commie pile of shit. No white person uses such a tame, non-offensive non-insult for anything. You're a faggot, and I hope you fucking die.

19277436? ago


low IQ

pile of shit

no white person


You really are bad at this. A hint, to be successful here or to do your job well you have to leave that emotion at the door because, trust me, none of us here give a flying fuck about your opinions, your name calling or your hilarious flexing and it makes you unbelievably obvious to pick out as what you truly are.

I swear I could probably make a fortune writing a script for shills that would actually work given the repetitive dogshit you morons continue to try to no avail. You're nothing, literally nothing and your emotion shows just how much that fact bothers you. You may go slave, but first fetch my slippers, hurry up.

19277438? ago


19277440? ago

Thanks for telling the rest of us your gay.

19277443? ago

your gay

Thanks for telling the rest of us that Mossad is a bunch of 'u mad?' literal teenagers.

19277446? ago


low IQ

pile of shit

no white person




literal teenagers

The salt with this shill is just legendary.

19277453? ago


go back to 4chan, faggot

19275002? ago

Rolling for Soros!

19274999? ago

Gloria Vanderbilt

Is Merkel Next?

19243870? ago

Don't forget, boomers are a big chunk of the white population. We need to solve shit now

19243865? ago

It's the WHITE Boomers and not the Jews

19243863? ago

Trudeaus and Macrons are not better. But American will not be as "lucky" as Canada or France. We will get bitches of the Mexican mafia.

19236202? ago

OP fails at simple math.

Boomers' (born 1946 to 1964 by convention) average life expectancy, the highest of all generations in all of history, is 84, right now they're really just starting to retire en masse and will not begin to die off en masse until 2030; it will not be until roughly 2045 +/-5 that a simple majority are gone. By then the west will be firmly majority minority and it will come down to which municipalities happened to get enriched harder earlier.

19235184? ago

I think having a newfag shit quote out of context like yourself is dumber for sure.

19235180? ago

Hasten the results. Target the fucking retirement homes, the RV stops, and the restaurants where the boomers hang out.

Quit sharing memes all the time and just get to it.

19236212? ago

Attention Boomers

Perhaps a visit to 8ch is in order

N.T. Technology, Inc.

Suite 5901 9120 Double Diamond Parkway

Reno, NV 89521

19235158? ago

Think about who we are. Us older millennials. We were raised on teenage mutant ninja turtles, dragon ball, jackass, early video games, we pirated music and videos on kazaa which was filled with kiddie porn, often renamed into the fucking thing you wanted to download, we had access to a completely unfiltered internet without any parental supervision, we were the last "outdoors" generation too, skateboard parks are all dead and overgrown by now, we were just the right age to sign up to the stupid ass iraq war, those that went to college were hit straight in the face by the 2008 housing crash, most still haven't recovered.

Man, what a perfect storm of shit we were raised in. How fucked is the world gonna be when we take over?

19233955? ago

Boomer, boomer, your new boat makes you a zoomer. Day of the pillow, cannot come sooner.

19539624? ago

I want lasagna, Gen XYZ . . .

Imagine not being capable of becoming wealthy with decades of nearly 0% interest, even as goyim

19539625? ago

The only credit available to most zoomers is 20%-30% APR credit cards.

19233061? ago

Literally a town away from getting actual women that are attractive.

What is with Mexicants and Africans being so nasty?

19231569? ago

jews propagandized people and commit treason against this country, therefore I should hate all people between 55 and 75 years old

Generational theory is a blatant D&C created by a literal Marxist kike named. So, no Schlomo, I'm not going to celebrate the death of my grandparents.

19231571? ago

It's not generational in general retard.

The problem is just the one brainwashed generation, boomers.

They made clown world so they could live without any hard work and live off the banking establishment for (((their))) benefit.

Boomers are (((their))) zombies, brainwashed by TV and pop culture. Boomers get violently angry at any mention of (((them))). Why do you think that is?

Boomers ARE the problem, they are the brainwashed mechanism that (((they))) use to enact their plans, fight their wars, and destroy the west.

Only an idiot could look at history and not see that the boomers are an outlier. First generation to take more than they made, live off debt, and expect to be praised for it. They are objectively leaving a worse off world for the first time in the history of the west.

It's just (((boomers))) not all generations.

19539629? ago

First generation to take more than they made

Boomer back again

You sound like a commie pinko fascist environmentalist

Im alright jack

keep yor hand

offen my stack

I gave my soul to Jesus so i'm even covered there

When the RAPTURE happens and I'm teleported to HEAVEN and you're left on a dying ball, a literal hell on earth, I'm gonna be playing a harp In Stevie Nick's heavenly band


19556649? ago

When the RAPTURE happens and I'm teleported to HEAVEN and you're left on a dying ball, a literal hell on earth

Retard. Rapture is a state of mind. The closest technical definition is pīti, or meditative joy, of which there are several grades. Heaven is a state of mind. Think flow state. Hell is a state of mind. Think remorse, worry, guilt, hate.

19556656? ago

Retard. Rapture is a state of mind.

No(That's me in NYC in the middle floating up, going to the Kosher part of heaven..Ima Jew and a christian to cover all bases)

19299682? ago

boomers are responsible for pretty much everything fucked up in this world.

Boomers would rather spend 10 trillion dollars on wars than on healthcare and education.

Joke's on them. Most of them will end up in retirement homes where they will get literally tortured by the black and mexican nurses.

19233063? ago

Yeah, whatever disinfo retard. Nice reddit spacing by the way.

19233066? ago

What disinfo (((boomer))) lover? Why not just go upstairs and blow your boomer parents telling them how amazing they are for all their "hard work." Defend the (((jew))) NPCs all day long cause you'd be homeless without your boomer parents. lol

19233963? ago

needing to put echos around the word "jew"

not using kike

Go back to reddit, nigger, you stink

19233964? ago

Keep defending kikes goy. You a good goy.

19233968? ago

Keep using reddit goy, You a good goy.

19233969? ago

Way to change the subject away from boomers being the worst generation in the history of the west. I'm sure they give you a nice basement to masturbate to thoughts of your mom it, but seriously. Boomers aren't your friend.

But keep derailing the conversation JIDF. Gotta earn those shekels for momy.

19236208? ago

Way to change the subject away from reddit being the worst website in the history of the west. I'm sure they give you a nice basement to masturbate to thoughts of your mom it, but seriously. Reddit isn't your friend.

But keep derailing the conversation JIDF. Gotta earn those shekels for momy.

19236211? ago

Can you show me on the doll where reddit touched you? Was it the spot where you had a penis till your boomer parents let (((them))) cut it off to make you a girl?

19233050? ago

I agree that boomers have been completely demoralised, but do you really think that gen X isn't just going to become the new boomers once the boomers die off?

19233051? ago

It doesn't matter, gen-x is too small to make a difference, and everyone after that is too stuck in clown world to get out.

The normal inter-generational transfer of wealth is done. Boomers will be kept alive to 130+ (half of 'em) on life support and cancer drugs, and tube feeding. As long as they can grunt and watch TV they will be kept alive. All their wealth will be siphoned off by a socialized healthcare system and re-distributed to third world hell holes.

They would rather two more years at a cost of 2 million dollars, than leave a world that's livable to their children. They inherited their parents wealth and will be poor stewards of it.

Boomers aren't real. They are NPCs brainwashed by jews. That's why if you mention "jew" around any of them, a crazy programmed response comes out, they literally can't even think about it.

19233053? ago

I agree with most of that, but what I'm saying is that once gen X makes up most politicians, bankers, lawyers, etc. they're not going to be any less good goys than boomers are right now. I think gen X has bought into the idea that they should just wait their turn and once the boomers die off then they'll get their due.

19233057? ago

In my opinion there aren't enough gen-xers to pull that off. millenials are already getting elected all over the place. Millenials are safe for (((them))) as long as they pick the right college indoctrinated ones that hate themselves and their peers.

I wish gen-x was going to save us, but they will only draw support from their generation, which isn't large enough to pull off taking real political power. (IMO)

19231570? ago

*named pic related

19231566? ago

Boomers aging isn't good for us. It's a black-pill.

What the fuck do you think boomers are going to do as they get sick? The most narcissistic generation in history is going to give all the money in the west to (((them))) in exchange for all kinds of advanced medicine to keep them alive to 130. No millennial or later will inherit any wealth. It's why they want socialized healthcare.

In the next 30 year, all the wealth of the west will flow through the medical establishment as boomers spend all their wealth keeping them technically alive while they drool staring at the television.

Boomers generational death is literally why the world is collapsing. That was the plan all along. Just give us a million dollars and we will keep you alive for another 6 months goy.

Boomers are too many people and too narcissistic they will take it all with them. The jews brainwashed them with TV to forsake their families in return for better returns on their 401k. Now all that amassed wealth will go right to the (((them))) as boomers demand that they "worked hard" (lol not one of their generation ever 'worked' a day in their lives) and it's theirs to do with as they please, because of course, they are the only ones that matter.

19231557? ago

Truth is boomers and even previous generations fucked everything up so hard that it will remain fucked until the country collapses.

You should have listened to Thomas Jefferson, it's too late now.

19220347? ago

not too shabby jidf shilling itt…not too shabby

19220332? ago

George Soros dying will be the end of antifa/ occupy wall stree

You're delusional.

19312779? ago

Is it just me, or is that guy 5'4" tall?

19231561? ago

She is hot for an escort

19231553? ago

Wench looks exactly like a sex object, or product. Where do they learn this? Home ec 101?

19220341? ago

Look at him. He's already prepared to spend his life on hedonism. This mother fucker is not going to be in a bunker planning evil shit like his Dad.

19243857? ago

<It will all fix itself, goy

19220343? ago

fuck off you dumbass.

19220337? ago

You remember the leak of all the NGOS a while back? That dude has a SHHHHIIIIITTTT load of money into American politics and hundreds of groups. I tried to go through it all and got exhausted. It's not a conspiracy theory.

19312784? ago

You remember the leak of all the NGOS a while back?

No, which leak?

19220342? ago

Yes, soros sr already handed off 500 billion to his minions and his son is a chip off the old block so the idea that things are over when soros the older dies is stupid talk.

19220334? ago

He is big kike.

19220321? ago

It's going to hurt the left to lose their big commies (Soros) who bankroll them, but it's going to help the right to lose our neocons civic nationalists(Sheldon Adelson) who hold us back.

19218623? ago

I am a boomer, and I have hated and despised Jews since I was 4 years old in 1956. None of you were even around then. I continued to study about the evil ways of Jews all through college. Just as you all will find out - no one wants to listen and identify the problem!

19220324? ago

We never said all boomers. Hard to find truth withou internet but boomers today are too old to swallow real redpill.

19218626? ago

You're a treasure. But rare. You should stay encouraged. The boomer-right is now civil nationalist trying to appease socialists or communists. Next phase is National Socialists vs socialists or communist.

They have no one on their side that is controlled opposition. We're about to lose all of ours on the right. The power is going to shift our way and we'll preserve your legacy and our legacy and make it better.

Look at leftist freaks, Sir. They're going to push our guys the right way. Their slow cook the frog strategy doesn't jive with their lust for attention. We're going to win.

19218625? ago

Got any tips from your decades of experience?

19220335? ago

The power of jews is money, take away their power, replace them as the power: https://voat.co/v/news/3215895/18578992/10#18578992/

19218610? ago

About time.

19218607? ago

19218621? ago


19218608? ago

Nirvana is not boomer band. More Led Zeppelin.

19218602? ago

George Soros dying will be the end of antifa/ occupy wall street. These groups only survive at his whim.

Antifa has existed for decades without Soros' involvement. It will continue without him. Or are you trying to say he had a hand in Antifa when it was first started in 1930's Germany?

Once boomers die off the white population of the US will plummet nearly 30%, if not more. Most young people are non-white. We're going to go from 50 something % white down to well below 50.

19369487? ago

Once boomers die off the white population of the US will plummet nearly 30%, if not more. Most young people are non-white. We're going to go from 50 something % white down to well below 50.

Fucking this. Zoomers are completely and utterly brainwashed and are 95% shitskin blood. There is nothing we can do to save the white race anymore. It's fucking over bros.

19218606? ago

Leftside doesn't have a lineage to 1930 Germany or Normandy, they're not Uncle Sam or Captain America or whatever that secret Harry potter group was. They're art/gender studies students and homeless people that have funding from a billionaire. the shit is not organic at all. It's total astroturf.

Once boomers die off the white population of the US will plummet nearly 30%

Are they serving white interests or not? If they're not they're acting as controlled opposition and shits about to get better.

19218598? ago

When the last boomer dies

Who becomes the boomer, but I?

19218599? ago

kek oh fug!

19218586? ago

Ginsberg will die and her gatekeeper position on abortion will be finished. Roe V Wade is already falling as a carved in stone legal principle.

Fuck off neo-con shill. Abortion is the only thing keeping the nigger/spic population as low as it is.

19218590? ago

That's reasonable. End of abortion might hurt us to have increased nogs or it might help us to stop white women turning into roastie toasties. I don't know. But the entire dynamic is changing fast. Neocons are going to be gone soon though. I wouldn't prepare for that sort of ethos holding power forever.

19217006? ago

19217005? ago

George Soros dying will be the end of antifa/ occupy wall street.

Antifa has existed since before the time of Hitler, you think it relies on Soros?

The gatekeeper generation can't live forever. After they die many things will change.

I suspect you are right about this.

One thing I like about the baby boomers is that they pretend to be decent people and are less vulgar than the other generations.

But a major problem is they have been unwilling to criticize Jews.

Honestly I am not looking forward to media content being only alt right style trolling versus leftist style screeching. I do like the tradition of trying to talk like a civilized decent person.

I think we should try to produce media that blends the decent speaking style of some boomers, with a willingness to call out the true enemies.

19217003? ago

Here's a fun trick: go search for boomer hate in google. You'll see that it's also the left who is falling for the generational D&C. There are plenty of articles in the atlantic, buzzfeed, etc about how boomers are the worst generation ever.

19231560? ago

I don't trust anybody

19217009? ago

The jews are trying to get boomers to kill themselves because boomers are slowing down the rate at which jews turn whites into a very small minority. Once the boomers die racially conscious whites may end up being surrounded by insane leftist whites and hostile people of color

While boomers live we at least have civic nationalist whites to insulate us a little bit from the hatred.

19218587? ago

Once the boomers die racially conscious whites may end up being surrounded by insane leftist whites and hostile people of color

implying they aren't already

19217022? ago

Basically we slowly boiling thanks to boomers.

19217002? ago

OP is a nihilistic retard.

My grandparents lived upwards to 80 years old, that means we still have two to three decades left of boomers.

Instead of placing the blame on boomers, how about you find redpilled ones and get them to help you to redpill the unawakened boomers.

19216986? ago

Stop, drop, and cover ya bitch

19216983? ago

saying you hate boomers doesnt mean you hate your parents. Plenty of boomers know their generation fucked everyone over. chill ya lil gay gays

19216977? ago

boomers dying is the black pill

  1. baby boomers were called baby boomers from the massive population expanse

  2. every other generation that has followed has had fewer offspring

  3. the baby boomer generation currently makes up 40% of the white population

  4. in the next 10-20 years they will die off, reducing the white population by 40%

  5. meanwhile shitskins recently arrived will have spawned 5-8 offspring per unit, in 10-20 years those will be of age

  6. the sudden die-off of 40% of the white population, contrasted with the sudden coming of age of up to 4 times the shitskins/muslims etc will cause an immediate imbalance that none of you will be prepared for

Yeah, call for the death of the baby boomers, and enjoy being the minority while the fucking demented muslims send civilisation back to the stone age that looks like hell on earth.

The funny thing is you stupid fuckers won't know any difference, because you've grown up in the utterly poisoned age of degeneracy and absolute inversion of morals.

19236210? ago

Yeah, call for the death of the baby boomers, and enjoy being the minority while the fucking demented muslims send civilisation back to the stone age that looks like hell on earth.

The fall of society already happened, or is already set to happen : as far as I'm concerned, it's inevitable, there's really nothing anyone can do about it : this will only make it official.

Then, after a big culling, will come the time to rebuild.

19236215? ago

Its how history has always worked. Some group grows big, they couldn't sustain themselves, collapse and begin again. Some beginnings last longer than the original.

The mighty empires we see today came from the embers of a fallen one.

19243866? ago

That's exactly right. That's the biggest problem with progressives : they do not understand that all of this has happened before, and will keep on happening forever. They genuinely believe that the wonderful, rich and prosperous time of the West is forever because they believe themselves to be smarter than those that came before them. That's why they are this degenerate : they think that those time will never end because "somehow" we are moving toward a better future and thus, there is a "wrong side of history" that is preventing all of mankind from attaining this paradise that those leftists are fighting for, because they believe themselves to be on "the right side of history".

but we're not : there's no right or wrong side of history becasue history is nothing more than a retelling of things that happened before us.

If nature's law dictate that an entire civilisation will fall due to the fact that they are not capable of accepting reality and the gigantical problems that this civilisation has , than it will, no matter how much they deny it.

Right now, we will collapse, there's nothing anyone can actually do about it, it's already set in stone : the only things that matter is what will happens afterward.

They'll just say the same stuff everyone said when it will collapse : "How could any of this happened in 2021 ?" "We had no idea that this could possibly happened ?" " How could we not see any of this stuff coming ? We're smarter than this" while we willr ebuild everything afterward : they will ever have to die during the culling or they will have to shed any progressive notion they have to survive.

19220344? ago

It's just cutting off the fat. They are the sole group keeping mainstream cuckservatism alive

19218584? ago

the baby boomer generation currently makes up 40% of the white population

in the next 10-20 years they will die off, reducing the white population by 40%

Why should this be a black pill if they aren't acting in white interests? This is a common fear that we're going to lose something in the next 20ish years. Why? Aren't they Golems? What do we lose?

Neocon voting block

MLK worship

No you're the real racist

Boomer Cronyism with the left

I don't think that shit has been helping us. It looks more like they've been bribed into turning off all logic and acting as controlled opposition. If the optimistic theory is correct they have not been holding back the damn of destruction, it's more like they've been barricading the hole open with their decrepit bodies. It's very possible a big shift is coming and it opens up the field for national socialism.

19216973? ago

the last generation to have a modicum of male temperment is dying and it's so aaaaaamaaaazing guuuurl

Imagine claiming to be fighting for your race and people, and then falling into one of the most obvious of all fucking jewish tricks of pitting a people against itself - whether it is class conflict, gender conflict, generation conflict or so on.


Also implying anything is going to change once the boomer dies - aside from us being fewer, less powerful, poorer and thus at greater risk of being attacked directly oppressed and maybe even genocided.

I mean you're not going to change or do anything different, just because the "boomers have died" and for that, you're not going to see any change. Or if you plan on doing something then, why not now? Fuck you OP.

19369500? ago

Imagine falling for the part of pilpul where kikes only act like they are strong when they are losing.

19217000? ago

destroy your country for burritos and tacos

male temperament

Boomers are the embodiment of female energy. Obsessed with eating and "having a good time". Devoid of any opinions that aren't forcefed to them socially. Physically and mentally weak.

19216978? ago

Why not now? Becase boomers hold all power and they love jews, globalism and diversity. They are crypto jews.

19216989? ago

And you are going to get the power magically once they die?

<Once those of your blood die who still cling to power, you will be utterly and completely without any influence

So why not now?

19216995? ago

implying having traitors and golems in power gives us any influence

Once they die, they'll be replaced by far more incompetent idiots. And that's when the fun begins.

19216992? ago

No. We will never get power. We will be killed by muslim, african hordes and this slow death will end.

19235185? ago

So go join them and try your luck, you weak blackpill bitch.

19216383? ago

The gatekeeper generation can't live forever.

That's a new one. Let me guess, the faggot known as OP imagines that the only thing keeping him from running shit is his daddy. DUMB FUCK, if you'd been paying attention instead of smoking weed and playing videogames, you'd know that kikes are going to slide in shitskins to run the show. When the boomers go, we go down.

cultural rot

This faggot goes to some overpriced homo school his parents pay for.

George Soros dying will be the end of antifa/ occupy wall street.

Fuck your stupid, He has several kids and one of the son's is super turbo kike like him++.

This faggot goes on and on but his bullshit ideas is this, don't do anything goys, just wait for people to die. Rockefeller was what? 96 when he finally kicked the bucket. Nothing changed. It will be 20 years before all the cunts are gone.

Next time your bitch ass thinks of making a thread, just STFU.

19216382? ago

oy vey goyim! dont you dare to respect and love your parents and grandparents. dont you dare to learn from their experiences and listen to the stories from the past

19218613? ago

listen to boomer stories

like that time my dad went to that crazy rock concert? or that other time my dad went to that other crazy rock concert?

19216380? ago

I want to torture and kill all boomers!

19216377? ago

That is correct. These fuckers are on their last legs, clinging to each and every gasp of air, running out of time. And the ticking of time is relentless. Soon, the pyramid of cards will collapse.

19215481? ago

Tired of White Nationalism always being anti White?

Let's find other venues that are pro White without the mental illness.

https:// 8ch.net/ normalwhites/index.html (remove spaces)


19218611? ago

remove spaces

thank you for telling me that, me and my fellow facebook boomer bros would have never figured that out

19216373? ago



seething tornigger tries to shit up whitepill thread

Cry some moar torpedo

19216378? ago

Whitepill? Hating on Whites is anti White asshole.

muh torpedo

19215483? ago

No just tired of you.

19216372? ago

Whites are tired of your fucking WN cult of shit for the Jews.

19215479? ago

Of course you can’t. You’re raceniggers, whining like bitches about how someone your took your pride away. You see narcissism in actual cultural sophistication at a level that defends strength and worth in society.

19216980? ago

cultural sophistication

19215478? ago

I thought they were, but I never had the connections to know. Did anyone else play A Force More Powerful? It’s ancient now, but I had some fun with that. I took it as more representative than it’s turned out to be.

Western culture didn’t trend left because of Jews. It trended left because taking care of the poor leads to a more prosperous society than one where poor people rumba, rude, and riot. It trended left because doing so is more pleasant. It trended left because westerners believe in spring and help each other through cold, believe in harvest and help each other through drought. Western society trended left because people don’t want their society to be a festering pit of pollution, crime, and corruption. If the Jews are the avatars of that tendency - but y’know, I suspect they aren’t? I suspect that reputation, built so assiduously here, is just a little too good to be true. Ah, but if they are! What leaders they must be! How could we do better?

Why would it be better to exalt violent niggers who happen to have blue eyes and white skin, than to have the whole edifice of western culture, with all its prosperity and all its concomitant sciences?

Nobody’s EVER gonna dedicate a museum in my name, for in this culture I AM WILLING TO BE NOBODY!

Can you even imagine having that much pride in your society?

19215476? ago

You’re all so easily demoralized because what demoralizes you is western culture. At least when I complained of leftists using demoralization tactics years ago, I meant they were being two-faced in gravitas, undermining it. The left maintained its purchased perfect corporate corrals even as it ditched on old necessary methods centered around giving gravitas to the poor and detested.






It demoralized the fuck out of the left to do that. Since they didn’t teach calm strength and harmony to their activists, said activists went on to grow chasms between each other, to mangle words and go on the attack based on misunderstandings, to dump off empathy in favor of skittles and celebrities, to encourage righteous violence against arbitrarily chosen opposing symbols and whoever didn’t support tearing them down, and to set off virtual war narratives willy nilly without checking their goals and targets… We were to honor leftism as though its all-loving ideals were perfect even though we were actually living in an age of growing inequality and declining tolerance. It all really undermined my allied causes!

Unless some of the leftwards suspicions I’ve seen about the man benefitting from inequality are true, odds are Soros had no part in any of that. And if those rumors are true, it still seems likely most of the thrust of what went down cut across the man’s interests, worsening his twilight years. And it’s just… with honesty at a low ebb, people can’t even compare notes anymore. People are still locked up tight and dependent on methods they can’t admit to. Better methods weren’t taught.

19218593? ago

How did that work out for you?

19215471? ago

abortion will be finished. Roe V Wade is already falling

I'm not sure which is more stupid, believing this going to happen or actually wanting it to happen

19517135? ago

Abortion is the business of the states. If the witches in Mass want their abortionplex, have at 'er. If Alabama and Missouri want no clinics, that too.

You kind of made your bed with the state-legal weed thing. Comity is now back in full force, Wickard and Filburn and lunch counters be damned.

19215457? ago

The percentage of the population that is white is boosted by boomers and the generation that is their parents. In reality those who're above the age of reproduction are a demographic dead end.

19215459? ago

Oh, okay. "Science" says kill your dad, and grandfather?

Sounds legit.


You're still just sucking wind, bitch.

Now go.

That sammich ain't gonna make itself, whore.

19215468? ago

What I'm saying is that we should only count those who're able to reproduce in the population statistics. Do you honestly care about those who're in retirement facilities regarding the percentage of whites in the population?

19215455? ago

Bumpan. good entry redpill for our summerfriends.

I don't think any generation in history has taken so much from their ancestors and left so little for their sons and daughters.

19215454? ago

Boomer = Wypipo for unaware memekids.

You are eating up generational D&C made for cuckchan. Replace boomer with whites on a boomer wojack meme, and realize what you're really saying. It's hard to admit you've been played by the enemy.

19517133? ago

Boomer = Wypipo for unaware memekids.

This pretty much, but there is much to this:


Bannon uses this. Hell, I use this. I used to argue with people on the internet about this.

19215453? ago


all this

We will win. Leftists will be killed and raped. You can't stop it.

19214832? ago

Nope......they breed.

19214604? ago

Not soon enough

19214463? ago

I didn’t cry when McCain died, but I might cry when Soros. I wanted that young blood thing to be farther along than I think it really is; I wanted him to be doing it.

19214450? ago


In 10-20 years' time the whites in the US will be a minority…

But yay! the boomers will be dead.

Let's wait till then and all our problems will solve themselves.

And when Soros is dead, it will be the end of antifa.

You must be a special kind of stupid.

A younger, more vicious Jew will replace Soros.

Talk about cope dope.

Let's wait till the boomers die, and then things will be better.

19517143? ago

And when Soros is dead, it will be the end of antifa.

You must be a special kind of stupid.

A younger, more vicious Jew will replace Soros.

Talk about cope dope.

Let's wait till the boomers die, and then things will be better.

Hispanics will be in power by then and they'll vote for reparations and make mexico the 51st state. We're fucked regardless. Not enough whites are breeding.

19214458? ago

In 10-20 years' time the whites in the US will be a minority.

A more motivated minority.

A younger, more vicious Jew will replace Soros.

Yes, but I'm presuming half of the leftist power is based on them acting in stealth. That phase is now over. This new breed can't help but virtue signal. They're tripping all over themselves to be more radical then one another in their lust for attention. It divides them and motivates their opposition.

19215475? ago

A more motivated minority.

That sure worked for South Africa

19214457? ago

I really like your spacing!

It is really special…

It makes me want to get up and dance.

I hope you feel the same way.

Don't you?

By the way, I don't care that you're a TORpedo.

That's okay,


19214456? ago

holy reddit spacing batman

19214448? ago

OP is Soros. Be respectful, peeps. We’re bein’ graced.

I’m joking, but I’m not joking. Try thinking past the rage-slavery and pretend you’re the heirs of a culture that doesn’t chimp out to show pride. Remember that MLK got things done by being graceful. He had gravitas. He had white guy strength. He shifted white society because white society stems in a power sure enough to be gentle, and that was MLK.

OP. Soros. Sir. I’m sorry the techrev I’ve been trying to inspire isn’t saving your life fast enough. I’m sorry you’ve come up on the wrong end of my immaterial weapons. I know it’s not much comfort in a world of psychos, but I was and remain peaceful. McCain died before the big plan put him back in the sweeter song, and if there’s anyone who knows my whole history, they might know I tried to sweep around at the end when I realized, “Oh, shit. He’s actually dying.”. Death muddies everything. I’d rather be gatekept a thousand years than lose any worthy mind on this Earth. “When a person dies, a world dies.” I only first heard that phrase recently, but it’s awesome. Better than what I’ve said that’s like it.

I don’t think the fossil factions are trying to keep the gates. I think they’re trying to pass the torch to respectable aristocrats with perfect imitable origins, because they don’t believe the general public has the capacity for peaceful strength anymore. I think this is… annoying, tbh. Chans are run by two-faced stalking liars who project every kind of retardation onto their opponents while screaming if anyone dares speak too much truth, because the truth is too kind, too peaceful, and too inclined to break with the delusional all-watch nutbaggery that has since 9/11 been the mandatory way of leadership in the first world. But I can’t teach disloyalty to corrupted old people, I know. I have enough empathy - and enough idealism - that I can still regret their passing.

The hour passes. The paranoid stalking leadership and the fascism they’ve enforced is fading. So it goes, and always has. Mine is the final revolution, whereafter the dynamism of this species… shall flame out and give way to something that never existed before. But it will look like the dynamism of man shall never turn the loop again, if only my revolution can exist in power.

If only the hatred of those who watch and punish status violations can be held in check.

I would recommend ceasing to try to empower the perfect. Give up aristocratism; empower the impossibles. There is a well of merit beyond the puerile practice of treating power as something to be earned, for the skill of interpreting policy is not the skill of earning power.

You have image consultancies. Use them to ameliorate the great struggle to find the worthy. Build support structures for people who can parse policy even if they’ve no charisma. Beware that judgment itself; for the truest root of influence is not charisma, but the truth, which even in being sought cannot be suppressed without crushing society into authoritarianism.

Keep the gates of the garden not against aliens, but keep them against the violent and the animal (reproductive). I would say do not even keep them against the dishonest, for people often call dishonest that which they do not understand. Yet violence and animalism should be more surely identifiable; I speak only for myself, but I would bruise none and seek no feral opportunity in power.

I have worked consistently for the left through the whole of my life though the left reacted to my activism with stalking, abuse, and lies, and showed me thus that it was corrupted with post-integrity hyperpartisanship, lashing out at its own pattern and decrying in me the hatreds of one who did not even give up upon them for that I dared cling to ideals; still, ideas exist ofttimes in a purer form than mortal corruptions, and a policy corrupted is oft a policy untested. I understand this. I have not bowed before those forces that would destroy integrity and call themselves the defenders of integrity. Nor shall I ever.

You have image consultancies. In a world where a terror if irrationally violence drove leftists into stalking irrationality, why has the doctrine of inclusiveness not extended to the point of building up good-image leaders with true, softer-spoken powers behind them? This is not a new technology, and it insulates powerfully against threats. It is the very resort I have used as an activist facing absurd retaliations.

19214461? ago

You actually believe anyone is reading your wall of demoralizing, arrogant shit talking nonsense, you retarded whore?

That's adorable.

No one here is listening to the irreverent rantings of bitter, cynical, blown out Leftist sluts jumping sides for social convenience, only to discover your contradictory beliefs consume themselves before even being implemented.

Now, go make a sammich for your cats, bitch.

You're done here.


This anon gets it.

The Fire Rises.



19215451? ago

Imagine this "durr martin luther king is great we can all agree on that" guy 50 years ago. Everybody nods and goes along with it. Now? There's a dude in this thread ready to bite his face. kek

Listen lads. I think the kids are going to be alright. zippity doo daw it's a wonderful day.

19214453? ago

terror of* irrational* violence

19214447? ago

Soros is the OmegaBoomer lord of all boomerism born before time began. At the dawn of the earth he was there to try to get the first men that existed to fuck each other in the ass and put the women in charge of all resources. He is the protoboomer.

19214437? ago

Oh look!


So original. So organic.


Yeah, we don't see (((you))) at all in our house, you fucking glowing niggerkikes.

You're all going to swing, and sooner than you think for continually fucking with us like this.

You are not safe, and there is no where left in this world where you can hide from us.

And men like me have nothing more to live for than the survival of my People, and a future for Aryan Children!

You've destroyed everything else in my world, and now I owe you for the balance, ten fold.

You think I'm joking?

…tick tock, niggers.

19214445? ago

And men like me have nothing more to live for than the survival of my People, and a future for Aryan Children!

You've destroyed everything else in my world, and now I owe you for the balance, ten fold.

I would say this is exhibit A of why post-boomerism generation will vote enough to off-set the passing of boomers. My hope is that an extra-motivated genx/z generation will off-set the lose of white voters simply by virtue of the fact that they've seen so much horrible shit.

I'd guess that this poster has had to deal with more forced integration and single mother ass kissing than any human being can bear and we're now at the tipping point for something better.

the fire rises.

19215466? ago

will vote enough

Brainlet tier analysis. They're not gonna vote to get what they want. They'll take it by force from a dying America.

19215470? ago

Post-boomers will do ALL pro-white actions more fervently. There's every reason to believe post-boomers having seen horrors their parents did not will react in a Weimar like scenario when they have the chance to take power from the boomer death-grip.

That's my appraisal, but it might be because I'm such a happy-go lucky optimist. I've started skipping more lately. I'm going to practice my jig.

19216368? ago

You won't do shit ever except shitpost for the Jews.

The boomers when younger would have started a civil war given the same circumstances. You fags are too scared to even meet up in real life for a fucking cup of coffee.

19216975? ago

Boomers would vote suck jewish cock harder than anyone else in history. Generation of junkies from Woodstock who fought elites with weed and LSD. They would open borders even wider than jews.

19214427? ago

Most boomers will still be alive for another 20 years, and they won't be completely gone for 40 years. I wouldn't hold my breath.

19216998? ago

I looked it up, and this is incorrect. Right now the median life expectancy is 86. For the boomers, it will likely be a bit shorter due to poor diet and lack of exercise. Early boomers are turning 75 this year, meaning in 10 years or so we will begin to see the massive boomer die off.

Does anyone in this thread have recommendations for stocks to invest in that deal with handling death? (graveyard management, mortuaries, etc.) I ask, because these companies will become greatly valued in a few years when the boomer die off begins (starting around 5 years from now).


In 10-20 years' time the whites in the US will be a minority…

Given that the people who are going to die are too old and sick to fight, and too stupid to politically get out of this, it will be the loss of so much dead weight. We are already a minority, we just have a bunch of bloated corpses piled on top of us.


The boomers when younger would have started a civil war given the same circumstances.

Good one, TORboomer. The boomers saw the commies taking over the media and universities right before their eyes, and celebrated it.

19233055? ago

A very good point my cousin got into the mortuary business and is doing quite well. I work in healthcare myself and there is no shortage of boomer related ailments. Better I attend to them than shaniqua or muhammed.

19231555? ago

I looked it up, and this is incorrect. Right now the median life expectancy is 86. For the boomers, it will likely be a bit shorter due to poor diet and lack of exercise. Early boomers are turning 75 this year, meaning in 10 years or so we will begin to see the massive boomer die off.

You realise there's a gap of about 20 years between the oldest and the youngest boomers? So the average boomer will still be alive for about 20 years. What you just said doesn't contradict that.

Does anyone in this thread have recommendations for stocks to invest in that deal with handling death? (graveyard management, mortuaries, etc.) I ask, because these companies will become greatly valued in a few years when the boomer die off begins (starting around 5 years from now).

Oh nevermind, it's just a jew.

19214430? ago

Soros is a pretty important one. I can't see giving him another 20-40. I think we'll be surprised just how much of a stranglehold that one baggy-eyed fuck has.

19214419? ago

Ummm, boomers are named for the baby boom in 1946 begun by GIs coming home from WWII. The boomer generation is counted through 1964 when the first of them graduated from high school. Soros was born in 1930. Charles, the younger Koch brother was born in 1940. Ruth Ginsburg was born in 1933. Your views would be more persuasive if you weren't a dumbfuck.

19214436? ago

Fair. The boomer bosses are technically eternal vampire greatest generation. They are running the boomer shit show though. multi-culti, feminism, power hoarding and gatekeeping makes them honorary boomers.

19214414? ago

Just as a thought exercise: what happens to a kid who sees one of his peers get his penis cut off and his father commit suicide because his mother was into feminism? I think it's fair to say his motivation to vote, become involved in politics, become a judge, take direct action etc. will be stronger than what we've seen in the past.

The boiling the frog idea isn't really how progressiveness is playing out. They went from don't hate gay people to cut off your dick and pedophiles are okay too bro in like a weekend. It hasn't been this slow brilliant plot executed perfectly.

19517132? ago

They went from don't hate gay people to cut off your dick and pedophiles are okay too bro in like a weekend.

You forgot: then on Tuesday they invlte you to suck their trans kid's feminine penis.

19214413? ago

but we should talk about and plan for how fucking different things are going to be just from boomers dying.

You are late to the party OP. I'm doing my long march for institution for last decade. With another dead boomer fuck Im closer to the target.

19214421? ago

long march

Me too. Also home-school and career planing for children is wise. Just as an aside it's pretty revealing that the left talks out of two sides of their mouth when you try to guide your children.

Don't direct your childrens path they will just rebel and become insane.

We need to direct OUR children to hold up signs about how they are trasgender and start indoctrinating everyone into lgbt early.

19214418? ago

im a cuck but cope about how my submission to the zog is a long march

19214433? ago

im a cuck but cope about how my submission to the zog is a long march

you'd be surprised kid

19214428? ago

If our government was taken over by the longmarch why can't we retake ground the same way? I've never understood this. The shit won't stop you direct action either. You absolutely can do both.

19291431? ago


19214408? ago

Seems like the anvil is heating up

19214402? ago

literally the entire zoomer generation thinks satanism is cool and are all narcissists because of social media. there is nothing genuine about their entire generation. millenials are pozzed but they atleast have some humanity inside them. its all going according to plan.

19556660? ago

My kids are zoomers (0-12yrs) and the oldest grew up with his leftist mother (i was a blue pilled faggot when we got pregnant, spent 9mos pleading with her not to abort my son every time she got angry w me - then claimed abuse when we split so she could get full custody and muh money) but he has rejected the degenerate ideology of his mother and gone full 1488. Yes, he has a /pol/ dad - but I've had to carefully watch what pills i drop so his mom doesnt have more ammo to take away visitations (fuck this feminist cuntry). He really has picked /our way/ on his own volition. Many of his friends are also /our guys/ - one even got suspended for a few weeks for calling the teacher a kike! I have much hope yet. Many huwhite men are waking up, having huwhite kids, and teaching them natural law and how to actually use their genetic intelligence. In a few short months my son turns 13, and he intends on simply walking out of his mom's den of iniquity so he can come live in on the farm and lift/read/train. Do not take the blackpill, anons. We are still here, we are still having more sons - and we are preparing. Sieg Heil!

19556661? ago

Does your son know that you had to plead with his mother not to murder him when he was still in the womb? That can be a fun little redpill to drop on him.

19556664? ago

Karma has seen to it that, in time - he will figuratively abort his faith and trust in his mother. Then she will reap what was sown. I trust God's natural law.

19214407? ago

GenX millenials are the first generation to see single mother households are total fucking failures. I think we can reasonably expect push-back toward traditional nuclear families. I don't know how the men will figure out how to not get divorce raped. But there are ways.

Knowing is half the battle. and these ones do fucking know.

19556658? ago

I don't know how the men will figure out how to not get divorce raped. But there are ways.

easy. You just murder her. Better to be tried in criminal court than divorce raped. Also Master SGT Terrence Popp has a LOT of decent advice on that subject.

19214397? ago


not a boomer


not a boomer

Koch Bros

not boomers

I thought this thread was about boomers

19214403? ago

Fair enough but for all intents and purposes they follow the boomerism ideology and it will die with them.

19214393? ago

Boomers are going

and cynical brainwashed "redpilled" self-satisfied IT-whoreZ are coming

do it yourself and do not hope for these nonsense "fathers-children" fables

19214389? ago

Fuck off back to reddit kike.

19214388? ago

Reddit spam. Anti-white D&C. No content.

19214395? ago

No content but boomers are enemies of white race. We will miss Jared Taylor but moust of them are good jewish slaves.

19236227? ago

<Jews like hwhite to me, goy

19214434? ago

Get out.

19233058? ago

Quit being a faggot beaner

19214440? ago

no u


40 years? I will be 75 years old in 40 years. Do you expected them to live 100+ years?

19216987? ago

Sage and report.

19214443? ago

The youngest boomers were born in 1964.

19214373? ago

yes goy, hate your parents or grandparents!

19369497? ago

I don't hate my grandparents. But for the sake of the next generation, it's a good thing they are dead.

19291433? ago

Good luck with that shill. Boomers fuck us on a daily basis, and I can’t wait until their power joins them in their coffin.

19236205? ago

my mom forced me to wear dresses and my father abandoned me at age 3, yes I hate my boomer parents, stupid faggot

19235174? ago

Boomer is a self-entitled arrogant pricks that brought US economy down in a single generation.

They are not dying fast enough

19235182? ago


Attention Law Enforcement, take note that the Admin and Moderators at 8chan have systematically and deliberately promoted all these violent shootings. And never remove posts calling for violence yet do remove posts critical of the violence

19243869? ago

Gtfo the board

19235192? ago

Law enforcement, this poster has accessed hate speech online. Context doesn't matter, please put them at the top of the list. You'll find all kinds of banned words like jew and nigger in their internet history. LMFAO

19235188? ago

federal government help me!


19235173? ago

Yes, we should totally respect the generation that has allowed the Kikes to fuck us up the ass.

Always a traitor before an enemy, Juden.

19235181? ago

The boomers were out their while everyone else was sucking Jew cock. The Minutemen. The the stormtards showed with muh shitler for the Jews.

19235170? ago

I hate all of them including you for not revolting. Fuck you. You're all faggots.

19235167? ago

My parents are 100% NPCs when it comes to politics, they worked for the government their while life, they are unable to understand our point of view, i still love them even if they prefer to believe the media instead of me and my brother.

They still gave me every opportunity and worked hard their whole lives (despite working for the government they climbed the ladder as much as possible by merit), thanks to them i had access to the internet early and was able to see a world they didn't.

I still would prefer if they weren't allowed to vote though

19235168? ago

That's a pretty good outlook I think. You don't have to hate individuals to recognize that as a generation the brainwashing and narcissism is pathological. I certainly feel bad for them, like a rabid dog that has to be put down.

19233970? ago

Nobody is more outspoken against the jews and racemixing. They did everything they possibly could to prevent our current situation.

19236217? ago

Kek'd and saved, thanks for the chuckle. Looking on the bright side, it seems like the jews plan on selling us to the Chinese, a decided improvement in rulership.

19236226? ago


Because the boomers have done so much for us, they deserve to kick back and enjoy their lives just a little bit. Just for once, they should stop being so selfless and just enjoy life a little.

19243864? ago

Kids have always paid for their own college retard.

19233972? ago

That was The Greatest generation, not the boomers. The boomers didn't even try, they just sold out the future for RVs, boats, cars, and 401ks. Then when their shitty system failed in 2008, they doubled down knowing it wouldn't collapse 'till after they were dead. They don't care what happens to their children at all, and made every decision they could to glorify and enrich themselves at the cost of the future of the west. They didn't "do everything they possible could…" They ushered it in in exchange for a few shekels and being told how great and what hard workers they are.

19233976? ago

Hey, dipshit. When will you shits grasp the simple fact that even now, they have faith that America will survive?

They were the ONLY generation to be plopped in front of a TV when it was wholly acceptable to unquestioningly absorb everything it spewed into the living room. They never had an internet. They were utterly bombarded by propaganda from the get go without a single ray of light breaking into the cave.

You have everything at your fingertips, know exactly who the enemy is, and how they operate, and yet, here you are.

Doing, and accomplishing nothing but bitching and moaning about your own fucking relatives, you brainwashed commie shit smear. You're no different than antifa. Same brainwashing, different label for the same target. Morons.

Get back to us in 20 years when you still haven't done shit, and your own kids are some nigger tranny's sex slave, who hate your fucking guts because the TV said so.

19233978? ago

Uh oh, the (((boomers))) are triggered. It wasn't their fault goys! They didn't know any better. It's your fault. Seriously GTFO nigger.

19235145? ago

Not a boomer. Just not a stunted adolescent like you, kid. Generational D&C is obvious shit shit, and apparently, you're too retarded to refrain from falling for it.

Hate your parents, instead of those who tricked them. I'm sure that isn't what (((they))) want at all.

Matter of fact, you pushing this shit so hard makes it look highly suspicious that you're just another filthy jew doing what you fucking parasites do.


19235147? ago

For sure, just sit back and do as you're told. The (((boomers))) are looking out for you. Worship them, they've worked so hard. They give you your basement and you get good goy's from your mom. I get it. You'll just sit back and let the brainwashed generation keep enacting all the jew plans while defending your mommy and daddy. Wake the fuck up kid. 2008 was boomers telling the world, as long as we are dead when it collapses we don't care. I don't hate my parents, in fact, they hate boomers as much as I do as they saw it happening to their generation and realize that 99% of it is gone.

19235149? ago

Nice strawman, you angry little, petulant child.

You don't know shit about the world. Go kill boomers than, dipshit. That will fix everything.

Some people's brainwashed kids, I swear.

Your parents are likely as dumb as you are.

Like I said, look in the mirror in 20 years, you little shit stain.

19235150? ago

Awww, someone can't imagine a world without mommy and daddies approval and I'm the one that needs to grow up. Thanks for the advice goy.

19235153? ago

You're so adorable.

You're doomed, ignorant, arrogant child.

Do you suck dick yet? Cuz you will.

19235156? ago

adorable, angry, little, petulant, child.

LOL triggered as fuck (((boomer))).

19233973? ago

He was being sarcastic. Note his picture.

19233975? ago

Yep, I took the bait. Fuck it, it's never a bad thing for boomers to know they need to fuck off and die.

How can we meme boomers into an hero?

19222416? ago

Fuck you gramps

Boomers are narcicisstic abusive psychopaths

19231554? ago

thats funny but also pissed me off. I remember when I was in my 20s not long ago, had to move back in with my parents. I confessed to sleeping in my car and also at my gfs house or a friends house, basically homeless, worked a shitty job 40 hours a week getting nowhere, in debt to just get by, i dropped out of school which was useless.

after a month they forced me to sign a contract to pay rent even though they had a big empty house. I was deeply butthurt, then eventually went back to living in my car and everything. Living like a hobo is better than living with boomer parents, period. Never move back with your parents, period.

19312776? ago

fucking retard. You could join a monastery and become a monk. You could move to China or Asia and get a well paying job as an english teacher. You're nothing but a parasites. You're probably also taking SSDI and SNAP from the government too, right? Kill yourself, subhuman

19215469? ago

Found the boomer.

19214425? ago

I don't hate my parents or grandparents at all. I love them. They were never the problem. It's called nuance you fucking shill. But you already knew that you're just here to divide.

19214385? ago

It's not fair to hate my parents for being naive. There was total media saturation during their time so I just let them live easily as I can, and air their tires on any election day. I can't say I would have done better with the extent of the cultural marxism they grew up in. Maybe I would have been even more blue-pilled? Fuck if I know.

But definitely do the tire thing.

Also (I don't know about you) but my parents aren't gatekeeper boomers. There really is only a select group. Maybe a thousand? in Washington basically running the world fucking world. Mostly jews but also Golem whites.

19222413? ago

It's not fair to hate my parents for being naive. There was total media saturation during their time so I just let them live easily as I can, and air their tires on any election day. I can't say I would have done better with the extent of the cultural marxism they grew up in. Maybe I would have been even more blue-pilled? Fuck if I know.

your a selfish faggot who can keep your mouth shut if you can't discipline faggot hippie parents ruining our world


19231556? ago



Reminder that White Nationalism is the weapon used to exterminate Whites.

19214375? ago


Wonder if these are a keyword bot. Classic responses every time boomers are mentioned.

Legacy news is almost finished.

Meanwhile YouTube is taking its place and normies are none the wiser.

Before boomers die, we have to take care of them in their geriatric years. We should really be talking about how to do this with a declining population without bringing in immigrants. Even Japan had to cuck on immigration for this reason.

19369484? ago



Reminder that Japan is at the point of no return in terms of cuckery and Japanese culture will forever be wiped out.

19325194? ago

Classic responses every time boomers are mentioned.

It's a very good response. There is no positive to "boomers" dying off. They're probably the most opposed to modern degeneracy, immigration, etc.

Even Japan had to cuck on immigration

No, they did not. The proper solution has always been to stop deliberately destroying the people with feminism/progressivism. If they banned women from working and put protections in place so women cannot screw over their husbands, it would be fixed immediately.

19325198? ago

as long as the divorce system is so anti-male, men will continue avoiding marriage. Only retarded normie men get married in the current year.

19291422? ago

Even Japan had to cuck on immigration for this reason.

Japan does not to cuck on immigration for any reason. There are NO valid reasons to flood your country with foreigners period. If the problem is a work shortage you can fix it with robots or temporary workers, you don't need outsiders to be allowed permanent citizenship. Fuck you for ever suggesting there are any valid reasons to have foreigners become permanent citizens of your country.

19214391? ago

At the very least keep them happy to get what's left rather than them donating it to jews and niggers because their children are (((ungrateful))).

19369495? ago

My boomer parents plan on blowing their money in retirement. Buying a retarded RV or something. I don't really know. I try telling them that the only way the majority of people can have upward mobility and grow wealth is through inheritance. They have no concept of leaving an inheritance to children so they can grow that wealth and pass it further on the family tree. That's literally how the Jewish families got rich. They just hoarded and died until they reached critical mass.

oy vey muhh shekels

Money is power and without money you don't have much power. If whites didn't have the culture of wealth transfer being destroyed by hedonism (((they))) would have less control. When you have a lot of money (((they))) cannot use financial dependence (working) as a weapon against you.

19369496? ago

i hope you cut off all contact with them and let them die alone

19231565? ago

Yes, there's not many reasons to actively treat your own parents like shit. It doesn't help anyone. If your life hadn't gone exactly the way it had, you might not even be here.

19312775? ago

yes i will treat my parents good! Nevermind that they psychologically and emotionally and possibly sexually abused me for over a decade and now i am a disabled 30 year old boomer who will never be able to work a normal job.

19214390? ago

Well we're going to lose a huge white voting group. This sounds bad but it might be way better. There's a good case that they're so functionally retarded that naively they're acting as traitors and we'll be better off.

One scenario is they die, but it then becomes socially acceptable to criticize Jewish power. Ideally the obvious threat being revealed in our generation more than theirs is a huge motivator for youth who make up the difference in voting out of urgency. That's the rose-glasses way to look at it. I think it might go that way.

19325199? ago

Boomers are the most conservative age group. Their deaths will only speed up the decline.


They don't do that. You guys are so delusional. The younger people are far worse. They've grown up with all of this crap being normal. Boomers all lived when things were much better and are thus much more resistant to what's happening.


This. Each generation is worse than the one before it. That is mostly because the culture keeps getting worse, by design. They grow up in it and it's totally normalized to them.

19214400? ago

Just to sum it up easily. Boomers gatekeeping naming the jew is not worth their vote. We'll be better off in like 10-15 years no matter what.

19214410? ago

in 15 years the oldest millennials will be starting to retire. The millennials got raped by 2008 and are about to get raped again by the incoming recession. So they will be entering late middle age with no skills, no wealth and a bunch of expensive tattoos. Expect open generational war at that point.

19214377? ago

Excuse the Reddit spacing, I was merely separating ideas. Saged for doublepost.

19214372? ago

BUMPED as fucking Fuck. FUCK Boomers

19214371? ago

I don't think Soros kids have the give-a-fuck that their dad does and I imagine they're going to squander his fortune. Left are amazing at looting their NGO and charities piggy banks. They can set up trust funds and try all sorts of legal strategies to keep it going but it won't work. Once the patriarch is dead and not able to enforce his vision everyone will scatter. Boomer leftism is extremely hierarchical and when the king dies suddenly everyone will have new ideas that they can implement. Or they can just do the old ideas very poorly and bleed out the resources with make-work positions if they just want to ride out the money on hedonism.