19158287? ago

19158092? ago


19158095? ago

based. Funny how the one strategy that could save us gets ignored but larping about ww2 is okay.

19158080? ago

Kill yourself moshe.

19158079? ago

Rundown of video: gives decent talk, shills for TRS homos at the end.

19158066? ago

bring ourselves to power

Sure, build an army of financial warriors. https://voat.co/v/news/3215895/18578992/10#18578992/ with the combined funds buy everything under the sun, including politicians, alternatives to jewed everything. That's the biggest leg jews stand on, kick it out from underneath them.

19158069? ago

Why hasn't the financial avenue ever been discussed? It's not like Whites in total are poor we just don't use that money for poltiical or group gain anymore. We have technonlogy and infrastructure to build our own Nations with much more ease now and yet there is no discussion besides ideology which is beyond boring and useless now. We can discuss ideals and system set ups when we have power to do so.


Why is that, hershel? You don't have to threatening physical violence to be a threat. What James is talking about it potentially the best way we can win this.

19158076? ago

Everyone who speaks at AmRen is 100% kosher. Jared Taylor is working for the enemy.

19158070? ago

Why hasn't the financial avenue ever been discussed?

It has, right here: https://voat.co/v/news/3215895/18578992/10#18578992/ :)

19158077? ago

I mean discussed in general but cheers.


I've seen these images before. Does nothing to me lol. Try it on some idiot and you may get your pays worth, kike. But Jared looks okay to me :)

Either way, what he has said doesn't hurt anyone and he may have just been saving his skin. Ultimately he has done more for the cause than you so who the fuck are lmao!!??

19158081? ago

I've seen these images before. Does nothing to me lol.

We know you dont care about facts. No need to tell us.

19158091? ago

They aren't facts in the context you want them to be though. That is the point of it having no effect.

19158060? ago

Allsup is great. You always know someone’s a threat to kikes when we see the replies to threads such as this.

HaShem chose the Christians and cast away the heebs!

19158073? ago

But , chrisians ARE heebs dude

Objectively they’re all semites and therefore trash

19158068? ago

No one who's a threat to kikes would be allowed to speak at AmRen.

19158065? ago

Yeah, the reason they are scared is because when Whites go local they can't co opt or disrupt it. Plus you have the element of there being no surveillance. These replies are the same elsewhere. The kikes are nervous when people like Allsup and others get together.

19158059? ago

off-topic eceleb spam

just report these threads

19158058? ago

77 posts per hour.

You kikes really killed this place. Congratulations.

19158056? ago

Jews are not White