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19134467? ago

The only solution is to get women out of the workplace and back into the home. Anything else is a band-aid solution that will still lead to inevitable disaster.

19134494? ago

As much as I don't want to agree with you for a number of different reasons (part of which is the INSANITY that comes from being forced into the isolation that is 'modern suburbia'; your wife will go insane if you force her into something this unhealthy) I think you are 100% correct. I watch the squatamalens that live near me and they do fuck all all fucking day, I mean they are the laziest fucking trash parasites in the world, BUT they have a lot of kids. The reason women don't want to go back into that situation is that it is an isolated fake hell that is not REAL community or real living. Also, it is breeding a pathetic parasitic dysgenic aspect of 50% of the population.


However, if you want what is best for our people and not to squeeze out slaves for the globalists (this still requires a fundamental change in the lifestyles that we currently lead in order to be successful. But you men have to decide…do you want an eugenic high tech ubermensch society or do you want to pump out slaves for the globalists? You can't have both, because quality is an issue. But it does require some more forethought than, "muh gazzillion offspring".

Community (that keeps your wife from going insane) can't be part of 'consumer culture' because that is like a prison for women. If you want a wife at home she needs to be in charge of the house, the land and possibly the livestock or at least part of it (smaller critters and children). IDK you all have some difficult choices to make about what direction you want to go in and what is important to you.

Consumer culture made women insane.

19135521? ago

Can start on an individual basis, not being a consumer as you've pointed out, setup to live as independently as you can manage, cut your contribution to sustaining and breeding jews' non White bioweapons to replace you.

From there form an army of financial warriors to take over everything.

19135527? ago

Tallest_Skil 2 points (+3|-1) 7 months ago (edited 7 months ago)

Did I miss anything?

Actually fighting back against this in any capacity, yeah. Nothing you’ve said stops my children from being raped to death by niggers.

This isn’t about coexistence. This isn’t about running away. It’s about killing them all.

This person is 100% correct anon. We are going to have to kill them all, there is no 'coexistence', that is a Empire/Globalist wet dream.

19135529? ago

The response negates that person's "100% correct"

[–] voatusernamevoat 3 points (+3|-0) 7 months ago (edited 7 months ago)

What I've gone over isn't about coexistence or running away, it's about keeping jews from stealing your wealth to use against you and crippling you by keeping you in a precarious financial situation, keeping your wealth to setup to be more independent, having wealth to utilize for fighting back. jews are attacking in many ways, financial is one of them, a big one. Taking such financial measures doesn't preclude doing other things, it assists them, helps you and fights jews and their bio weapons at the same time.

19135533? ago

Well, I am in agreement with you as well (as an interim step). But this is not going to stop them from being violent towards us anymore than it does now. They will never stop and you will be a slave and prey to them if we don't stop them ONE FINAL TIME.

19135547? ago

"but violence" is an irrelevant response to this, it doesn't have a bearing on it. Your and the "100% correct" rebuttals hint/stem from the argument to do nothing/no point/just wait until the happening, which is stupid for a sincere belief and malicious for a black pill one. You operate in the current environment, plan for future, violence is one but you don't count on it, you plan for everything, and with whatever comes up you've got a response.

19135555? ago

you plan for everything

impossible. But I still support your points and think they are valid. I think that violence is the only solution.

19135556? ago

What's gone over in the links is not impossible.