19695963? ago

How long until the japanese go extinct?

They won't as long as they keep other races out.

19695965? ago

as long as they keep other races out.

Hahahahaaha about that


Japan will be taking in hundreds of thousands of immigrants and will be taking in exponentially more in the coming years. Their condition is terminal.

You can now abandon hope in them

19682797? ago

This happened to the Carribeans, when they got enslaved by Spanish colonists. Sometimes, when society changes to it's very fabric, the whole nations can lose it's will to live on.

19682780? ago

this is the type of propaganda these Jews use to get them to support infinity niggers.

19677197? ago

reminder that they countered the phytoestrogen with the nigari(magnesium chloride), but they stopped using nigari to make tofu during the second world war due to magnesium being used for weapons, in its absence the used what the tiny dick'd chinks use, quicklime, witch does not have the phytoestrogen negating properties of magnesium(this is why the chinks have tiny dicks and why the use placebos to get their chode hard, like rhinoceros horn witch is made of chitin… yea), some time after the war they started making nigari tofu again but the relative cheapness of the quicklime tofu makes it the most produced one of the two(there might be some other compound to make other types of tofu, but i do not know them) and now nigari tofu is a really small amount of the total tofu that they consume, leading to the over-estrogenization of the japanese men AND woman, if you think that having more estrogen that the amount they should does nothing to woman, you are wrong.

to the anons that might read this, please inform your japa-friends of the dangers of phytoestrogen and advise them of eating only nigari tofu.

19695958? ago

Are you telling Japanese to eat nigger? Nigari means nigger.

19678843? ago

modern tofu is bad for you

<modern Japan has longest life expectancy in the world


19677196? ago

Max Fisher

19667991? ago

In truth Japan's fate was sealed upon being defeated by the Allies in WWII. That effectively brought to an end the authentic Japan and signalled the birth of the Westernised nation that went on to combine the worst of both cultures, with sparse success, to the present day situation. The collectivist materialism that Japan has become known for is a gradualist wet dream. A slow but steady decline of familial and community values, of locality and nationhood, to a slavish identity of conformity achieved through vapid pursuits. All the nationalist fervor was transferred to the pursuit of economic accomplishment and social standing defined by dedication to the corporate world. Their strange hodge podge culture has given birth to an entire culture of feminised entertainment, technological absurdity and ultimately, this decline in birth rate that is the end result of all that was sown since 1945.

19682783? ago



Oh my, Japan literally cannot stop being BTFO now can they?

19668004? ago

know what happened after WWII? surrender treaty required giving women equal rights.

Women decide when and if to have children in the west and in Japan. They determine, on an individual level, that they have "better" options for their life and so that is what they choose. Now incentivize them to divorce for the Double Points Bonus. Why have a husband when the government will provide for your every need, money, personal security, safety nets AND give you the ex-husband's money too? Everyone here arguing post after post like it's some kind of grand mystery or conspiracy. No. It's the money. It's the availability of options. It's being the majority of voters in a democratic system.

19667995? ago


19667993? ago

Based as fuck anon speaks the truth

Japan is a westernised colony through and through. There is literally no reason to have hope in them. Blame (((anime))) for killing them completely. RIP Japan, we will never miss you.

19667985? ago

Given their close proximity to countries such as Thailand and the Philippines, they have NO FUCKING EXCUSE for being incel!!

19667987? ago

If you were really going down that rode most japs would have the money for a slav mail order bride

19667990? ago

They really don't like White women, despite what your incel insecurities tell you

19677195? ago

No. They do. Stop lying.

19682789? ago

They also love niggers. Japan openly loves getting pozzed and everyone on this board knows it. Literally nobody is even concerened with their condition except us, not even the nips.

19667981? ago

population of 120 million in a landmass the size of new zealand that has a population of 6 million

About 300,000 years.

19667976? ago

oy vey, overpopulation goy

oy vey, reproduction rate dropped below 2

oy vey, accept mass migration and open borders for menial low-wage jobs

oy vey, closed borders for israel though

19667978? ago

What are you talking about?

19667973? ago

28 days ago

you guys ever wonder if japs shitpost about our problems?

19631676? ago

There's 126 million Japanese in Japan.

hurr they aren't multiplying beyond their natural limits and instead living extremely high quality lives reeee

durr there's no way the government could even incentivize to increase birth if it ever got serious

19631667? ago

populations don't increase and decrease by virtue of space and wealth

japanese baby boom in the 90s totally ignored

implying this isn't just a population normalization

next boom soon, probably

19631669? ago

This, you’re all retards

19577760? ago

now you can see the dangers of >cuckime and the reason why weebcucks must be burnt alive wherever they are found.

19631678? ago

implying most Japanese men are otaku

implying the decline in fertility didn't coincide directly with female equality reformations

implying European birth rates aren't lower than Japanese ones

19667975? ago

That image.

19615654? ago

Someone post cuckime infographic

19577761? ago

Goon nigger dog. This is not and never has been the result of cartoons - but of womens' rights and a lack of male authority.

19577757? ago

You guys are idiots. It doesn't really matter if the population decreases if you don't bring foreign populations into your country.

Actually, lower population means more resources to the newer generations, which end up causing a cultural, social and scientific growth, just like after the black plague.

Not only that, but I believe it was Evola who said something along the lines of: "The idea that the increase in population doesn't decrease the value of a single person ia stupid" When population decreases people, their cultural and heritage have more value.

The real problem for japan is that the old population isn't dying out and this, combined with government financed retirement, creates a situation of generational theft where the older generation steals from the new one. We have the Boomers to thank for that system.

19576837? ago

Infinite growth is unsustainable, Japan is merely leveling off in population for the holding capacity of their island. This doomsday, fearmongering, globalist kike propaganda is completely fabricated in order to encourage Japan to open it's borders to floods of shitskins and niggers. Just as Europe, US and Australia have been bludgeoned to death with false propaganda to open their borders to the third world and ruin living opportunities for their own offspring.

19576838? ago

This doomsday, fearmongering, globalist kike propaganda is completely fabricated in order to encourage Japan to open it's borders to floods of shitskins and niggers

And it worked. See >>13470275 and >>13470331 for the results.


Keep thinking your orange kike president is going to save you. Nobody is going to do shit to save the nips. Nips can't even save thenselves because all of their masculinity is completely gone.

19576840? ago

You act like it's somehow too late when non-Japs make up less than 5% of the Japanese population, of which many are temporary and are deported if not voluntarily leaving after their visa ends. You also keep switching IPs, your formatting is exactly the same as the other posts that you're astroturfing. What's your agenda, to just be apathetic and do nothing, to no longer provide the truth to the world.

Asses and buttholes?

19682786? ago



See >>13488617 for the truth. Japan will no longer be Japanese soon, and their culture shall be lost to the sands of time for all eternity, never to be recovered.

Asses and elbows anon is absolutely correct, and the lack of debate against him now is proof of that..

19695959? ago

less than 5%

Still less than 5%

What is carrying capacity

What is limited growth

It's retarded.

19695964? ago

spicspam, fuck off already. You are not wanted here.

19668002? ago



Japan is just as fucked as we are. This is the fault of Japan's loss to the Allies in WW2 and the advent of (((anime))) promoting pedophilia and trannyism. See >>13485219 and tell the weebs to leave.

19576841? ago

Asses and buttholes?

Your mind is in the right place, but you need to stop posting like jews.

19576842? ago

newfag… he's the ashes and echoes poster.

19577748? ago

That isn't one person, moron. Do you think that all of the D&C is literally one jew?

19577751? ago

I know the molasses and cheerios poster when I see him. He's is one of many fucking losers that shill this board, including JIDF and the FBI.

19577752? ago

So you think all D&C is one person.

19577753? ago

Learn to read before you type.

19577754? ago

I made no mistake.

19577756? ago

I guess I'll have to read for you then:

He's is one of many fucking losers that shill this board, including JIDF and the FBI.

He's is one of many fucking losers that shill this board

one of many fucking losers that shill this board

one of many fucking losers

one of many


19581182? ago

Not him, but oh boy, thanks for that anon, got a good few keks from reading that. Honestly the funniest thing I’ve read all day.

19576818? ago

Sounds like the women of Japan need some handsome, strong white men to breed them.

19575938? ago

It's not apathy. Japan's one of the most sexualized nations ever. It just costs too much to raise a child.

19667983? ago

porn isn't sex.

porn is a distraction from sex.

copy/pasting a porn video is not human reproduction.

19576810? ago

It just costs too much to raise a child.

It won't for the shitskin immigrants who will soon make up a vast majority of the country because nips are complete pushover cucks who refuse to fight back against the genocide of their own race.

19576817? ago

Thanks JewSA, they basically nuked the masculine guys away. Only a few with true samurai blood remain. Doesn't mean we can't help. Learn Japanese and go on Japanese videos. Spam about Jews and shit, but disguise them as ancient monsters from the Japanese folklore. Remember, the Tengu has a long nose. 👺

19575161? ago

given there are 120 million of them in a landmass the size of new zealand which has a population of 6 million, I'd say that another 30-40 years is all Japan has.

because fucking KIKES like you are targeting every successful, decent homogeneous country for destruction while using your favourite, infinitely self-replicating biological weapon, the shitskin.

19573679? ago

Never imagined that one entire nation would just stop reproducing and die off.

How long until the japanese go extinct?

In truth; the Japanese will be perfectly fine as long as they keep their borders closed. All the Japanese who fail to reproduce were not meant to reproduce and the genetics of the population will change towards far-right conservatism. Whatever libtarded tendencies exist in Japan will be gone. In a hundred years they will be stronger than ever.


19573685? ago

This is why we have to help Japan. They’re already letting low skilled workers in, and they have a Pajeet born in India elected in their government.

The white race seems to be done for, so might as well try to save Japan. That’s what I’m gonna do. Get my degree, teach in Japan, join small political party, fight like Hell to turn the Japanese against the browns, if I die trying, at least I can say that daddy Hitler would be proud for me trying a last ditch effort to reignite the hatred of subhumans.

19575145? ago

Get my degree, teach in Japan, join small political party, fight like Hell to turn the Japanese against the browns,

You won't do shit. No japanese person is ever going to fight back against the shitskin hordes. Japan will be less than 50% ethnic Japanese in a matter of years.

if I die trying, at least I can say that daddy Hitler would be proud for me trying a last ditch effort to reignite the hatred of subhumans.

So you admit you know you're going to fail either way. You know it's all over just as well as we do.

19575142? ago


Stop fighting. Shitskins are already infecting the Japanese government. It's ovready over. Nips actually want to be pozzed. Japan will become an African and Indian colony and there is nothing you can do about it.

but muh bioweapon

Nobody will make one. Not even you. If nips were truly against pozzing then they would have fucking shown it by now.

19575146? ago



This bot seems to spread blackpill about Japan, but why?

19575156? ago

If whites are able to completely cuck out to jewish interest, what the fuck gives you hope for the Japanese? Nips will go completely extinct in a decade or two, guaranteed.

19575149? ago

Learn how to filter

19575158? ago


19575160? ago

Wasted trips from a cuck who would rather ignore the truth about Japan.

19575153? ago


i can't handle the truth so i'm filtering your post

Japan's condition is terminal and nips love having rapefugees buttfuck them. Deal with it.

19575148? ago

There are literal pajeets and shitskins in the Japanese government now. Japan's condition is already terminal. The bad guys always win.

19573678? ago

45% of women

<25% of men

Why am I not surprised by this? We could kill every second male and skew the gender ratio so there's 2 women for every man and there'd still be more men involuntarily celibate than women.

19572832? ago

Japan sided with Hitler during the war. Rothschild won that war. Japan belongs to Rothschild. Do you think he wants nazis or descendants of nazis on his land?

19573696? ago

(((blackpiller))) torpedo, gas yourself


hmmm… that doesn't sound good. thankfully it's just one so they could shoot it if it began spreading.

19573698? ago

It’s not only him, a Bolivian woman got Elected at the same time as him. She’s advocating for gender equality. Pajeet is trying to integrate the 35,000 other paneets living in Japan into Japanese society, and “bridge the gap” between Japan and foreigners. There’s also apparently many Nigerians in Tokyo, and more niggers in another major city in Japan.

That coupled with the fact that Japan is supposed to be bringing in ~340,000 low skilled workers for things like convince stores, restaurants, construction, etc. doesn’t help either.

Japan’s population is still supposedly 98% ethnic Japanese, but I think you see where it’s going. It also doesn’t help that Japan is influenced by the west.

This is why I say that I want to do what I mentioned in my previous post.

Not saying I would do this part, but I also think that a bio weapon that targets only African genes would help ensure the survival of the whites and every other race. Personally, I believe they pose the biggest threat right now. Africa’s population is set to reach 1/4 of world population by 2050. So convince me a bio weapon isn’t what the world needs. (Again, not planning to create such a thing, Mr. FBI man; calm down)

19575150? ago

It’s not only him, a Bolivian woman got Elected at the same time as him. She’s advocating for gender equality. Pajeet is trying to integrate the 35,000 other paneets living in Japan into Japanese society, and “bridge the gap” between Japan and foreigners. There’s also apparently many Nigerians in Tokyo, and more niggers in another major city in Japan.

That coupled with the fact that Japan is supposed to be bringing in ~340,000 low skilled workers for things like convince stores, restaurants, construction, etc. doesn’t help either.

Japan’s population is still supposedly 98% ethnic Japanese, but I think you see where it’s going. It also doesn’t help that Japan is influenced by the west.

So, in other words, it's already terminal.

19571213? ago

Hasnt this thread died yet?I am quite impressed considering most of you 8fags dont even live in japan

19571216? ago

Threads take some time to die here.

Do you live in Japan?

19566495? ago

I like it how he headline is so telling where the concerns of the writer lie. In economy. Money.

Not the actual people or culture.

19566497? ago

It’s the fucking Jews.

19564122? ago

falling for the lie of the japs just arent having kids

thinking they will go extinct

being this retarded

19563444? ago

The Japanese only give a shit about themselves anyway and have shown no interest in what is happening to Whites. No reason we need to waste our time giving a shit about them.

19563446? ago

You’ve got a point.. on the other hand, the way I feel about it is the West is turning into a shithole. We get a slow and painful death, while London gets a swift death. I don’t know which is worse.. In either situation, I see one of 3 things happening.

1.) (most unlikely) Whites rise up and take back their country, driving out every last shitskin.

2.) (God, I fucking wish) China or Russia comes to our aid and developed a super bio weapon that literally targets niggers, and shitskins; solving overpopulation, AIDS, and famine in one fell swoop.

3.) Whites say fuck it, and take over another country and make it whites only.

4.) The whites are eventually declared the scum of the earth, and we're all rounded up and genocided.

5.) Whites are eventually absorbed into the shitskin gene pool.

Quite frankly, before 4 or 5 happen, I’d rather the whole world die in a nuclear holocaust.

Until then, I’m gonna try to save one of the last remaining homogenous societies on earth from falling to the same fate. Seems to already be in motion, but maybe something can be done before it’s terminal like the US.

tfw Hitler was right all along, but we had to fucking stop the man who was trying to save us.

19563806? ago

Don't bother saving Japan. Kikes have already begun the pozzing process. Nips will never fight back against the brown hordes. They chose this fate for themselves.

If there were any nips outwardly against the recent pozzing of Japan, there would have already been discussion about it here. But there isn't, because pushback is non-existant in Japan, just like the West. The kikes won. Embrace the blackpill.

19563804? ago

4 and 5 are the only possible choices. The rest are a pipe dream.

Seems to already be in motion, but maybe something can be done before it’s terminal like the US.

Nothing can be done. Nips have gone on record admitting that they openly welcome immigrants and poz. Japan is doomed and you won't do shit about it. Kikes have the entire planet under their thumb. It's all over for us.

19571212? ago








All the recent responses and (1)'s filled with blatant samefagging. Pitiful.

The (((jews))) lost. Whites won. All (((juden))) are exterminated.

We are Free!

19576812? ago

Not yet. We simply woke up. The war is far from over.

19561525? ago

Looks like Japan's rising sun will finally set for eternity.

Game over, nips. It's too late for you.

19561530? ago

Dumb (((jew))), gas yourself and stop shilling your lies. Japan will never die.

19563807? ago



All these denials. He may be a bit extreme, but he is not wrong.


5 more likely.

19563809? ago

Finally, fucking finally someone who understands. Japan, as well as the rest of the world is completely fucked and nothing can be done to make anything better. We were always predestined to lose. This cycle of humanity will forever belong to the kikes, and it's up to us to cope and eventually surrender, either through conformity or death.

We lost. It's all over. Now embrace the fucking blackpill like you should have done years ago.

19575165? ago

this is what JDF looks like, note the overuse of redtext to call attention and pretend authority.

19575934? ago

If he were JIDF he would convince people that Japan is still a (((based))) ethically pure country. If you knew the truth you would agree they are completely and utterly fucked.


This is why I believe it can still be saved by using the right influence. The Japanese tend to group people together, and not judge based on the individual. So for example, if someone could pin some big crimes on a certain minority in Japan, and make these things seem to keep happening more and more, the population would quickly turn on them.

Don't kid yourself, nobody is going to do shit. Nips don't want nationalism anymore. You yourself admit that Japan is twice as fucked as the west

19563810? ago


19561531? ago

More and more nips are accepting immigrant poz than ever before. The trend of increasing leftism in Japan is irreversible. Nothing can stop kikes from taking them now and finally controlling the world.

19563442? ago

Retarded, lying (((jew))). Gas yourself.

19561534? ago

How much do you get paid to make these posts?

19563815? ago

Fight like a man or die like a dog.


19563816? ago

*Fight like a child or die like a man


19563817? ago

fight like a child

No wonder Generation Zyklon has the Boomercucks FUMING

Better to die and take out the enemy before you go than to kneel and let him shoot you and fuck your wife.

19564123? ago


Idk I agree with him. I’d rather humanity be eradicated instead of becoming all brown or one fucking mutt race.

Totally unrelated, but kinda.

Do you guys think that with whites getting less and less, it’ll change Asian’s perspective of whites? Or will they only respect us more, because there are fewer of us?

19566500? ago

The white race will go extinct in only a matter of years. It's just a fact of life.

19563820? ago

Better to die and take out the enemy before you go than to kneel and let him shoot you and fuck your wife.

Either way we lose.

19560622? ago

Quick! Send in the emergency nigger fuck battalions!

19560620? ago

It's almost as if basing your entire culture solely on how much a good little wagecuck salaryman you are is a bad thing

19545066? ago

Reminder that if you have a trip to Japan planned, you best cancel it. Japan is a shithole that will soon be pozzed to the point of no recovery.

19545063? ago

Japan is soooooooo fucked ahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!

hope you like Sweden 2 fuckers!!!!!!!!!!

19522055? ago

Ban and harshly criminalize the distribution and consumption of porn and lo and behold this trend will reverse over night…

19545019? ago

dumbass tradcuck blames lines of graphite and ink instead of womens' rights

More breaking news at 11

Of course, Moishe's 3dpd cuck video lessons aka real porn ought to be piled and burned, but the birthrate is inversely proportional to the amount of rights unjustifiably given to women.

19522063? ago

And on this topic, the Japanese porn you see in America is not the same thing as the Japanese porn the Nips see. They have to pay a fucking premium for real porn, and piracy is much more heavily scrutinized and punished in Japan. The porn available to your average Nip is absolutely nothing compared to the porn available to your average American or Frenchman, hell, it's nothing compared to the shit Eastern Europe has access to. There's more fringe artists in places like Akihabara compared to the rest of the world, but that's Akihabara, the capital of /d/egener/a/tes. Your average hotel porn is vanilla shit, and it's harder than one might think to even acquire porn in most cities.

19560605? ago

the Japanese porn you see in America is not the same thing as the Japanese porn the Nips see

Yeah no kidding…

19631647? ago

2 nukes wasn't enough

19571229? ago

I couldn't stop laughing throughout this video. top kek, that is some crazy shit.

19571210? ago

Holy fuck hahaha


The octopus just had enough of this shit.

19571208? ago

Wow this is some degeneracy on par with the Jew

19522053? ago

You niggers are still always pissed about lower birthrates when there's nothing wrong with them. Lower birthrates = higher labor demand. The only people who hate lower birthrates are globalist kikes who need an ever-increasing population to keep labor demand low, nationalist faggots who need an ever-increasing population to keep their pyramid scheme economies from collapsing, and race-niggers who can't see the forest for the trees and fail to realize a shrinking population actually destroys the kike by making kikery impossible within both social and economic settings.

19514928? ago

It could be a natural phenomenon caused by genetics which prevents continued overbreeding in the islands. Otherwise they could all starve. Look at the population density compared to before world war 1. Japan isn’t big enough to sustain continued population growth.

19514923? ago

Let’s just examine the ways this can play out:

  1. Do nothing. Population continues to fall and deflationary spiral hits the economy. The loan that you took out for 5 years now will take 500 years to pay off. Your 30 year mortgage now a 3000 year mortgage.

  2. Immigration. Niggers. Rape. Violence.

  3. Open marriages to polygamy. The top men have harems of 5 or more wives. Average male fucked.

  4. Turn back feminism. Not gonna happen. Women and their white knights put number rational people.

There you have it. Pick one

19513854? ago

Not a long term problem for a homogenous population. They could lose 99% and still have enough of a base to rebuild. The boom following a crisis will happen long before that.

This is only a problem in countries where there is high immigration of breeding age people. Then the result will be a population exchange in just a few generations.

19511340? ago

45 percent of women and 25 percent of men ages 16 to 24 are "interested in or despised sexual contact"

What the fuck? Did the guys just not go through puberty whatsoever? And also the Japs must want some drive to fuck if they can sustain such a big hentai market, right? What's actually causing this?

19513827? ago

The want for sex is there but dealing with the super high standard of the women isnt worth it. Youd be amazed at just how much porn flows through the country.

Think you need to make 100k/yr as a nip to even get a notice vs some gaijen who shows up and gets puss for free.

19513831? ago

Think you need to make 100k/yr as a nip to even get a notice vs some gaijen who shows up and gets puss for free

I assume gaijen means foreigners, as that's what I got when I looked up the phrase. But why are they all after the foreigners n shit? Do they just love white dick or something?

19513833? ago

Same reason white women get with niggers. Just women having power so they destroy their own people.

Should you see an arab chick dating a nigger, the dad would kill her. Have you seen an arab women with a nigger? I havent not even once.

19513832? ago

Look up gaijinhunters.

19513835? ago

They mainly seek for foreign partners in order to “stand out” and show off, rather than just liking the person for who they are.

Oh, fuck, it's not even that they like them, they just wanna be fucking special. Hey, if Eliot Roger knew about this he'd be a weeb in no time kek.


Have you seen an arab women with a nigger? I haven't not even once.

I gotta admit, I don't think I've seen one either, though I probably would if I was in the more populated areas.

19513837? ago

I gotta admit, I don't think I've seen one either

Gotta admit. Me neither.

19511334? ago

<screenshot of a 6-year-old article

kys, blackpilling schlomo

19508226? ago

How long until the japanese go extinct?

What? Natural selection is still in effect, if a third of the population doesn't want to reproduce, then those faulty bloodlines will go extinct (as they should). The next generation will be almost entirely composed of those descended from people who were determined to breed even though the background culture no longer pushed them to do so. Thus, the next generation will have a lower proportion of people eschewing reproduction. Natural selection always works fastest on things that directly interfere with reproduction. If things continue the way they are unimpeded, the answer is 'never'. The much bigger threat is getting carpet-nuked by China or something, which is almost infinitely more likely to result in their destruction.

19545050? ago

Is this man the White Samurai?

19513834? ago

Natural selection

Natural selection does not mean a lack of extinction. Lots of species got extinct for being less non-reproductive than Japanese are today.

19485746? ago

There’s an anon going around /pol/ with a literal obsession with Japan. They say he barely sleeps or eats. Guy has an idea to grow a political party to rival LDP, and turn Japanese against the minorities. He’s also INFJ. Auitistic, probably, but he may be our only hope.

19485745? ago

So based on Japan's sexual apathy, that means for a horn-dog like myself, Japan is a untouched buffet of horny women?

19485728? ago

Have you asked yourself why the birth rates are dropping in every European country and now in Japan? Have you wondered why Israel is experiencing a birth boom when everywhere else is dying off?

19571227? ago

Even the (((kikes))) admit it.


19571225? ago

But (((israel))) is the gayest country in the entire Earth.


One of several hopes.

19571215? ago

Could it be because Europeans and Japs aren't having kids? Birth rates are even dropping in China. People are opting to have excuses rather than children.

19485726? ago

Just remove women rights,all problems end.

19482474? ago

Criticising Japan for this is like the pot calling the kettle black. The General Social Survey conducted in the U.S. in March this year found that over half of young Americans were single. I would say that the problem is just as severe in the US as it is in Japan and in some European countries it might even be worse.

19482479? ago

It's better in Japan, because they aren't being demographically displaced by brown subhumans.

19482487? ago

They actually are. But, I am not gonna tell you by whom.

19482485? ago

they're slowly replaced by poos. 20-40k poos/year because of abe needs (((capitalism))).

19485735? ago

This. This is literally a frog in a boiling pot situation. Japan is done for.


I hope that olympic 2020 will create a lot of problems to japanese so that not just politicians, but also their citizens will acknowledge the problem of immigration.

Nips are soy drenched cucks and will literally never fight back against this shit. Like you said nips 100% support multicultutalism and now they will experience it firsthand.

Japanese people and Japanese culture will go completely extinct and there is nothing we can do about it.

19482492? ago


Not nearly at the suicidal rate that the west is. It's not even comparable.

19482488? ago

Shut up idiot.

19482473? ago

by max fisher


No nip crisis…brace for a tsunami of shitskins

19472186? ago

Nice meme kike. Japan's lack of reproduction is a result of excessive population density. Their population growth will even out once it drops to a more sustainable level, or they acquire more land. The only thing they should be worried about is a pontential dysgenic drop in intelligence from poor breeding.

19483578? ago

By that logic, Japan wouldn't haven't gotten as dense as it is/was to begin with. There is no inherent bodily reaction to population density. You sound like one of those "born that way" faggots trying to rationalize why a certain number of people suddenly go gay: "It's just a natural reaction to overpopulation shitlord!"

19482465? ago

what a cuck arguement

there is a whole planet and even the moon and mars for japan to colonise

i want the japanese to double their population every twenty years and occupy more land around the world

19482499? ago

I would be cool with them colonizing something and getting more living room however there is no reason for them to have to deal with the deleterious effects of overpopulation. After a point population growth gives diminishing returns and Japan has gone past that point.

19472185? ago

First time posting on 8chan. Got banned from 4chan.


Never thought I’d agree with a Pajeet, but he’s right.



No it’s not, because I’m gonna fucking save Japan.

I’d like to say that I know it’s next to impossible, because I’d be a foreigner, but I believe it’s all about method of execution. I plan to work in Japan in a few years. I want to get involved in politics and try to get people in office that will get out all the immigrants and improve various things that have recently been going on in Japan. (“Temporary” workers, Jew buisnesses pushing for diversity, and low birth rate)

How could I improve my plan?

1.) Get my degree so I can move and work in Japan.

2.) Join a small political party with similar views.

3.) Grow the party by spreading the idea of solving Japan’s birth rate issue, and making Japan more self sufficient.

4.) Feed into the people’s pre existing fears of immigrants and minorities. If it comes to it, hire low level criminals to commit small crimes and pin the blame on these workers and minorities.

5.) Feed into fear more and more, and grow the group to the point where we can rival the current party.

6.) We take office, and get people into all levels of government.

7.) We fix the birth rate issue at the core, deport all non ethnic Japanese, and slowly get rid of the mixed people by deportation w/o consent, or sterilize them. Cut down immigrants, and keep a tight fix on them. Make Japan self sufficient, and preserve the Japanese bloodline.

Westerners and minorities bring problems to the East, and I myself am the very thing I intend to stop.

19472187? ago

you want to help japan's birthrate?

go over and impregnate their women

they don't use birthcontrol

just blow loads in them

japan is only as good as it is due to ancient white admixture, a fresh dose is just what they need

19482502? ago

I want to help Japan’s birthrate, and preserve their racial purity, not taint it with impure blood.

19482503? ago

its the local yellow skins who have tainted the original white blood in japan

but okay

your refusal to spread your genes is why whites are dieing out so i understand

i suppose it is time for non-whites to start planning how to survive in a non-white world and still be able to destroy the jews and other scum

it might even be easier without white traitors guarding them

19482504? ago

It’s really more so the fact that I’ve given up on the US because of how fucking retarded people are getting with political correctness, the gays, and diversity. So I want to save Japan from falling for all that shit. For now, they’re free of feminism, diversity, political correctness, and everything that comes along with these things.

19482468? ago

Kill yourself, racemixing scum.

19482469? ago


19482475? ago

Epic comeback, you stupid faggot.

19482482? ago


19482494? ago


19482501? ago


19383109? ago

Japan's population numbers decline because it does not take in outsiders to replace the Japanese.

Europe's population numbers increase because it takes in outsiders to replace the Europeans; and it's not just jews, there are complicit Europeans too.

The death of the nation does not happen in the slight reduction of the populace, especially when today we have artificial intelligence taking the place of the office men and office women. The death occurs when a population is ousted by a foreign horde, and occupied and ran by some unknown king.

19383107? ago

Japan is a country around the size of california with half the population of the entire US, im pretty sure theyre overpopulated

19383105? ago

low birthrate doesn´t mean they´ll go extinct you reactionary cunt

19383111? ago

Exactly, all the obvious points have already been made. Japan is the size of Cali with 120 million or so people, obviously they will return to a more normal size.


This guy gets it lol.

I recently had a discussion with a based Jap at my Uni who happens to be a PhD. His analysis of Geopolitics is that as long as Japan stays Japanese, it won't be going anywhere because within maybe 10-30 years the global population will start to plummet. Who knows what could happen during this time, but when your genetic line has been preserved you are here to stay. They are still at 98% with alot of dumbass gaijin in Tokyo, once you leave the city you are like the only foreigner around.

He also discussed that China is colonizing Africa but it's likely that eventually they will return to self-isolation, like they have historically. Europe and the West will be a shitshow that will possibly be half sorted out.

The United States will become a Brazillified version of a south american country. Why are you guys so worried about Japan lol

19472184? ago

Japan won't stay Japanese for very long. The Olympics will be the final nail in the coffin.

19380675? ago

Once the kiked monetary regime collapses and the average Japanese isn't being kiked into oblivion they'll start breeding again. Same goes for every other Western-aligned country.

19380674? ago

How long until the japanese go extinct?

This is such shit. As long as they're not dumb or greedy enough to listen to the globalists and mass-import Third-worlders to replace the kids they didn't have to keep the Ponzi benefits system running, then never. Never.

As others have said, the place is overpopulated already. A drop in population would not be a bad thing as long as they can weather the short-term economic disaster their short-term-focused policies have already guaranteed.

The low birthrate will correct itself in time as more space and opportunity open up with a lower population, and as the genes that make people value bugman shit over reproduction select against themselves.

19383099? ago

Your theory requires them to live in an isolated bubble where they aren't directly next to a China with a massive population surplus and a ton of single men.

19383103? ago

Japan has a larger air force and navy than China

19380669? ago

The japs will only go extinct if they allow immigration.

Japan is overpopulated and undergoing a natural return to a population size of about 50 million that the islands can support.

19380648? ago

The only way Japan lives is if the USA and the West live too. Since we are dying, so is Japan. You want to save Japam? Save the West.

The only difference is that Japan is the hotbed for all sorts of social engineering experiments that the Jews have done. Its ground zero for them for all sorts of degeneracy. The Japanese have been brain fucked to all hell. Its just a piece of what is coming here.

You see all of the Japanese anime shit where they are jacking off to humanoid rabbits, wolves and shit? Well what do you see on all these photo apps?

Yep! Rabbit ears, cat eats, animal noses superimposed on photos. You see where this is going?

19380666? ago


19380664? ago

This. Anime is pure degeneracy, as everyone on this board will agree. It needs to be removed from this board. /pol/ should not be supporting pedophilia.

19380656? ago

The only way Japan lives is if the USA and the West live too

You realize the US is the main country trying to undermine them? Trump is about ready to declare ww3 on them/Iran

19380663? ago

Not realizing Trump is a puppet

Get with the times buddy

19342532? ago

Bump to remind people that Japanese people will no longer exist in 10 years and the country will be filled by shitskins.

19342525? ago

its lower compared to what? its a densely populated tiny island. if you think their population should always be increasing you have the mind of a nigger.

19244431? ago

A depiction, squiggles on paper. Distanced from reality, if it were not so then you can say goodbye to all media(books, films, games, etc).

I do agree that Japan should not try and prevent its population decline. It will continue further Robot and A.I. development.

19216355? ago

Isnt it strange that the "loosers" but winners of the hearts of the WW2

have the lowest rates of reproduction. Worldwide:




I wonder (((who))) could be behind this kind of thing

If you have a gf, make at least 4-5 children. The more the stronger the relationships becomes, because noone wants a single mom with 4 kids.

If you have no child, make one this year!

19216356? ago


Get a good job and have 10-15 kids.

19244423? ago

19244424? ago


19244427? ago

19216344? ago

49% of unmarried women are single

61% of unmarried men are single

Who are the women dating then? 51% of women can't be dating 39% of men.

19380672? ago

Yes they can. It's called the 80/20 rule. Japan is gynocentric as fuck.

19216354? ago

Gaijin men

19216343? ago

This would not be happening to Japan if Taisei Yokusankai had not fallen

If the Yankees had not occupied the country, abortion would still be illegal and Japan would not be a South Korea 2.0

19206923? ago

birthrate drops

population numbers decline

more housing and excess resources cause cost of living to fall

birth rate rises


19485724? ago


Japan is overpopulated, they are massively dependent on food imports. They can't independently pursue their national interests until they establish some measure of autarky. Japan currently has eugenic breeding, with only the elite have multiple children, when the Japanese elites decide that their population should increase in preparation for a conquest of China in a post-American world, they will just ban pornography and their population will shoot up.

In the meantime we can watch videos of Japanese streets in order to have something to aspire to.


19485737? ago

in a post-American world, they will just ban pornography

lol are you fucking serious?

19485738? ago

Pornography is the most effective means of fertility control which has ever been devised. The first step to increasing population growth is to make possession or production of pornography into a serious criminal offense.

19485742? ago

I'll be holding my breath that Japan is ever going to ban porn

19497123? ago

Looks like Japan still has anti-pornography censorship laws, they just aren't seriously enforced since Japan got zog'd.

In Japan, under Article 175 of the Criminal Code of Japan people who sell or distribute obscene materials can be punished by fines or imprisonment. Article 175 was included in the original document in 1907 and remains relatively unchanged.


19513820? ago

Let's see them try to ban it.

media bans cannot work when people have the technology to disseminate porn on their own.

19513852? ago

A ban would relegate pornography to a small circle of dedicated perverts. Normies are generally not willing to break laws and circumvent censorship, especially for something like pornography, most pornography-viewing normies would just go out and find a woman.

19513856? ago

Normies are generally not willing to break laws

lol dude piracy and illegal streaming are rampant online you think people are willing to "steal" but would be to afraid to look at porn?

19545047? ago


No normies will download pornography if it will get them put on a sex-offenders registry like it ought to. No mentally healthy man will want it publicized that he is a porn-viewing pervert.


That food imports graph is fascinating anon.

It really puts things into perspective. White people are feeding the subhuman hordes of the world. Once we redact the kikes and make it illegal for Europeans to feed subhumans, the global brown population will naturally fall back down to just a few million. According to the map, an actual 40k style exterminatus isn't even necessary for an Aryan planet, we just have to retake control of our countries and let nature take its course.

19631663? ago

No normies will download pornography if it will get them put on a sex-offenders registry like it ought to. No mentally healthy man will want it publicized that he is a porn-viewing pervert.

Pornography will not be a problem in a white ethnostate since christcucks will be permabanned. You gotta be white on the inside too, you see.

19560608? ago

Trust me, normies won't break the law if we ban something that people have an an emotional desire to view

Somehow I don't quite believe you.

It's illegal to do drugs too. And unlike drugs, ogling naked ladies doesn't have the entry barrier of being physically harmful.

19545056? ago

pornography if it will get them put on a sex-offenders registry

Lol you have no way of enforcing that. Thank god none of you idiots will never be anywhere near power

19482506? ago

too bad most posters here are too retarded to see this; there are even some retarded enough to think Japan will have a 1.3 birthrate until they all disappear, all 180 million of them. Absolute stupidity. The birthrate will inevitably rise up as a result of excess resources and opportunity. The wagecucks will die off childless and the future generations will refuse to adopt the corporate slave lifestyle of the previous, failed generations; leaving only those who are family oriented.


19216346? ago

Wont happen unless you ban forign investment into residential housing. China will buy up all the land then bribe politicians to let immigrants and refugees into the country to buy it up for inflated prices. Prices that the Japanese taxpayer would be funding with subsidized rent, mind you. You have to kill the chinks and Jews, or you will never be free.

19216340? ago


19204988? ago

Capitalism's paycheck to paycheck lifestyle has that affect on the population. Best thing Japan can do is get reparations for historical aggressions like Israel. The aggressions can be fictional.

Oh wait. Japan is a NATO country. Yeah, it's fucked. Best thing they can do is support China. lol. Japan has to go extinct or declare allegiance to China. Jews do things like that to nations.

19206922? ago

Japan has to go extinct or declare allegiance to China. Jews do things like that to nations.

Literally nobody on this board is even lifting a fucking finger in support of Japan, it's fuckin' incredible. Just surrender them to the jews or China, there will be literally no Japanese people in 10 years lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

19206920? ago

weebs so mad they aren't replying



19204983? ago

high birth rates are a sign of a unga bunga economy that doesn't contribute much that eventually gets saddled with high crime

19204979? ago

South Korea has an even worse birth rate than Japan. The only thing that's going to fix this problem is if the Japanese government institutes reforms like Orbán has done in Hungary. Incentivize couples to have decent housing and children, and the birth rate will go up.

19204991? ago

This in Japan would skyrocket the birthrate. Man would have economic reasons again to look for marriage, and japanese is the most loyal women. The numbers on divorce with japanese women are very low.

19193587? ago

stagnating number of people > replacing number of people > decreasing number of people

pro tip: if its europoor its okay

If the west will flood itself with migrants. So be it. If western people are so brainwashed - they deserve to go extinct. No brightly coloured women, no fine music, no culture, architecture or whatever. Just an endless paddle of shit. There is no point in discussing it any futher.

19244430? ago

You sound like a coward. The normalfaggot problem will never be solved, but it doesn't mean we should throw away western civilization because of jewish parasitism and a sellout elite.

19342524? ago

Did you ever heard of the word "if". If you have read the message it clearly stated thaf if X is true than Y can be concluded. Y doesnt have to become reality. Cowardice is born from ignorance. Jews arent the answer to everything - but try to seperate the host from parasite.

pro tip

You cant.

The only argument you COULD make is that the message itself is litered with loaded terms and everything but positive. But the reality my friend is hard, unforgiving and cruel. I refute your point of me being a coward and i also refute your point that the host and the parasite (jew) can be seperated. And im not gonna lie - if the good goyjim meme is real - we are doomed.

19204978? ago

This. Anyone who knows their fucking limits shouldn't be fighting it anyway. It's inevitable.

19207880? ago

we will see, you fat nigger.

19193583? ago

America First. It needs to be wiped off the earth.

19193582? ago


19193586? ago

Yes , rabbi, (((accelerate))) indeed

19193580? ago

They know exactly what they are doing. They have been in this world, but never truly been of it. They are opting out of clownworld in a way that is to be expected of an isolated island nation that views pride in heritage as a fundamental basis of existence.

19193577? ago

people still think there is hope for Sweden 2.0


Literally everyone is accepting that Japan is fucking dead. It's all over.

19193578? ago

I fucking wish imkikey is still here.

19193579? ago

he wants /pol/ to get cencer and die because a chad anon told him the truth about Africa 3.0

19193568? ago

Hmm, sounds like they need to import more niggers.

19193572? ago

They do.

19182334? ago

Oh, I almost forgot?


19182332? ago

well most of you pink faggots are gay, so yeah, I doubt you play sports or lift…

You probably stay in your moms basement jacking off to jap cartoon girls with tails, fur and cat ears coming out they heads…

If I see you on the street Im slapping the shit outta you

19207881? ago

lol this is black brain tier bait. Nice nigger, do something, we want a war, the sooner the better. then we will see who the top fucking predator is.

19193564? ago

pink faggots are gay

Yes faggots are gay. I'm boxing weekly training with some guys who have done hard time tatted up (real) and everything.

You slapped me, I'd make you sit down real quick. One cross from me (you won't see it coming even with your guard up) and you'll go stiff and start shaking on the floor and making silly sounds.

19193565? ago

tatted up (real)

Oh shit, real tattoos? Is this a fucking twelve-year-old's idea of intimidation?

19193566? ago

Earned is a better word. You understand.

19182341? ago

Ever thought about being called black irks you; i have no issue with people calling me white, pink or mayo. I am proud of my white skin, blonde hair and green eyes. My pink nips are peak aesthetic.

When i call you a black nigger you get mad.

Bad bait.

19182325? ago

ok, and short too right?

and a small penis?>>13381338

i can sooner justify my great great grand kids having slightly slanty eyes than i can them being brown.

19182321? ago

all they need to do is reduce women to livestock that can easily be bought and sold


19182319? ago

The Jap population is restoring itself. During the world wars, it was heavily encouraged to have lots of children. Well, all those children got old and are dying now.

19182320? ago

No goy. You see Japan needs to grow so it can consume more so we jews make more money!

19182315? ago

Oh no their birth rate is too low and will affect us all we better open up their borders :^}

19177453? ago

QTDDTOT left up for three days.

19177454? ago


19177450? ago

They should initiate Operation Anti-Purge where it's legal to rape women for a day.

19177449? ago

mfw this is a thread used to slide others down the catalog and retards keep bumping this shit

19177451? ago


19177448? ago

It's almost like feminism is bad for birth rates

19177443? ago

Why does the train groping happen so much then there is tons of videos with it? The female usually just sits there and the guys look extra horny.

19631658? ago

You got to be joking if you dont understand that it is scripted.

19177444? ago

kek at picture

Japanese trains are automatic grope machines. I would never let my girlfriend ride a Japanese bus or train. All females in Japanese trains get groped sometimes.

19175763? ago

Why does it bother if they go extinct ?It is theyr choice if they so desire . I happy to know I am not alone in this world , I can relate to these men and women , and your birthrates will not affect my decision making

19175761? ago

Reminder that Japan has already (((opened up its borders))). It's too late to save them.

19175343? ago


Filter the dumb shill.

19175338? ago


The whole thing is bullshit pushed by Western media to encourage immigration.

19175342? ago

Holy shit

19174401? ago

They all live in closets like pigs in a kosher farm. There's no room for sex. Families hurt productivity too so getting fired and evicted from their section of the closet is inevitable for the family man.

19174398? ago

Technology, specifically porn, did this

19174389? ago

Can you raise a family in this """"home"""?

19513842? ago

the kid even had an iPad

I guess you can

19174393? ago

Pretty sure that's Hong Kong. People live in cages there.

19174395? ago

Pretty sure you are wrong. Japanese apartments are really small.

19174397? ago

Japanese apartments are really small.

Not as small and shitty as the ones in Hong Kong, at least not most of them. That picture is 100% Hong Kong.

Japanese people don't have a lot of living space and most can't afford bigger places to have a proper family, I'm not arguing that.

But that picture is Hong Kong and the living conditions are much worse.

19174391? ago

Yes, that dude is raising one.

19174392? ago

One child, below replacement rate

19175339? ago

He sure can raise another.

When there's a will, there's a way.

19174388? ago

And as badly as I want to fuck nip girls. WTF is wrong with Japanese guys?

19158100? ago

the island is simply overpopulated as it is. I think it is normal for overcrowded populations in colder climate zones to stop reproduction when this happens. Nothing to worry about anons you will still have your gay mangas and anime 50 years from now.

19158108? ago

Their (((goal))) is to mix Japan up.

19157498? ago

Where are the japanese ITT, are there even any samurais left?

At least NSJAP are (still) doing the most badass demonstrations ever.

19508225? ago

Who is this man? I NEED to know.

19545048? ago

Sensei Haku Zynkyoku, he's an interesting character - really, but a lot of his teachings are gone - outside of his "Jews fear the Samurai" speech. He had a JewTube account, but that's gone.

19511342? ago

he's dead retard

19482508? ago

let me update you on that one

19482509? ago


Never post in any Japan related threads ever again.

19545054? ago

holy fuck face reality or go on and be a goddamn child

19485731? ago

refusing to acknowledge that Japan is also facing same problem as west, albeit at slow rate


if you watch japanese related video about immigration, you will see that many of them don't know the outside world, as they still think london, paris, etc. are still a nice place to visit and multiculturalism is a wonderful thing. The only reason why they are not as fucked up as in the west is because there are many politicians who know about the situation in the west so they are actively oppose kikes (which is why kikes created fukushima disaster).

I hope that olympic 2020 will create a lot of problems to japanese so that not just politicians, but also their citizens will acknowledge the problem of immigration.


see >>13387158

many of anons here really don't know how small is japan, do you really think that japan is as big as america?

19157497? ago

I hope the Nippons don’t fall for the lies.

19157488? ago

(((Global economy)))

Japanese people aren’t going to extinct and there are one million or less births per year.

19175760? ago

Japanese people aren’t going to extinct

They will, in 20 years

19160801? ago

Japanese people aren’t going to extinct

Hahahahahaaha yeah right


Cope harder faggot. Nips are nigger-tier and their shithole island is gonna become India 2.0

19157477? ago

Realtalk and I know you guys hate hearing this, but what's really killing birthrates is FREE SPEECH.

Everyone knows now that as a man, having kids means the government and a woman shaking you down, forever. It's not even so much that men don't want to do the right thing and pay for their kids (although some do) as the fact that the government and women make such a point of making it clear how obviously they are FORCING YOU to do what they want.

In the past, it was possible for society to use religion and cultural fluff to disguise or at least de-emphasize how shitty this was. But now most guys look atthe reality of 'family' and realize "I don't want this."

It's not the Jews. It's not even modern feminism although that doesn't help. It's the reality that family = the government and women turning you into a walking ATM. The fact that feminism has made this more humiliating and more like slavery is just the cherry on top of the shitcake.

19575140? ago


stopped reading there. gas yourself dumb nigger

19156920? ago






That's the ONLY thing these faggots think off. Rampart capitalims and materialism is cancer.

And endless, self-destructive drive for more profits, spearheaded by traitorious multi-national coorporations (no loyalty to nation) that are the driving force behind immigration and multi-cult (low-wage workers to save money).

19156919? ago

Why do the kikes go absolutely ballistic with their shilling in any thread that has even a glimpse of japan. Desperate?

19156916? ago

It’s akways about muh infinite growth economy with these niggers

Fuck the economy. Let the population shrink, more jobs and resources for the rest of us. Just stop the mass third world invasion open border nonsense and all would be right in the world.

19156915? ago


Free reminder ITT that kikes are the most evil creatures to set food on this space rock and they must be annihilated by every race on the planet, only after that we can regain prosperity on this planet once more, their paranoid tendencies and persecution complexes are reinforced by them knowing this fact; that they are insidious evil consciously or subconciously.

19156918? ago

Real Japanese people won't exist in 20 years. Sorry.

19157481? ago

That can happen, but 20 years is a too short time. Maybe 100 years.

19156638? ago

What a kike post.

Next you're going to tell me they need immigrants.

19156636? ago

birthrates don't cause extinction unless they're literally 0, it's just an overpopulated country reducing its population. and it's probably the souless urban dwellers living in basements in Tokyo, not the rural folk that are in touch with local traditions

being colonized and mongrelized by foreign races, now that will cause extinction very rapidly

19156634? ago

fuck off butthurt chink/gook.

19157202? ago

More anon, This small island contains at least 130m people. The only thing nips should worry is abe importing poos.

19207879? ago

abe importing poos.

The only reason why neo-cons support importation of brown people so openly, kikes aside, is the realization that no one wants to go and work 12 hours as a pizza place on Saturday and receive dirt pay. Most whites would rather live under a tent on the border of a city than do slave labor. Mexicans love slave labor, they keep voting to be subjected to it in any country they come from. They want beer, a soccer ball, and some shitty music to listen to in the evening. They will grind there faces into dirt from 8 til 5 every day just to have it without a complaint.

There is more to life than working for 45 years and hen hopefully not dying of cancer as you enjoy 10 more.

19156640? ago

Doesn't matter, Japan is fucking doomed, see >>13380988

Japan is the next Sweden and there is nothing weebs can do to save them. Let them die. Nothing can be done to fight racemixing.

19156633? ago

Sterilize ‘em all and let Science sort ‘em out.

19156632? ago

grow up watching cute waifus and handsome husbandos

look around you irl and there's nothing but bleak ugly 3DPD

everyone looks the same, trying to be diferent is discouraged by society

insectoid like corporate culture leaves little time for family or friends

you realise that even if you ever met the perfect irl waifu/husbando you are way to flawed and will never be good enough for them

with the internet as a life line, becoming a hermit has never been easyer

you realise you are happier when alone than with company

you don't want kids cos they consume time and money that you want to spend for yourself

you know the end goal of relationships is reproduction so you avoid them even more

you grow more nihilistic and apathetic the older you get

you live perpetually surrounded by millons of people and you just wish they all dissapeared and left you alone

relationships are hard, you have to give something if you want to recive something

but waifus/husbandos will always only give and neve ask anything back

it's ocationally depressing to be lonelly, but it's far more depressing to know you would live way more depressed and stressed if you were with someone else

t. volcel

19508224? ago

Gymcel knowledge

women don’t like me!

I lift

6 months later

all the women like me!

wait, why do they like me? What’s changed? It’s just my appearance… oh god no

19136307? ago

25% of men and 45% of women

it's stated why pretty clearly right there in the article

<women whine for freedom

men finally give it to them

<ok now you need to be 6'6", have a six figure income, immense social status or you aren't "worthy" of me, and don't you fucking dare think you can have a single standard when it comes to me in any way

jew with a camera: you tell em girl, btw want to lick a homeless niggers asshole? you'll be a star!

<teehee sure

what troubling times we live in, the poor poor wahmen

19380673? ago

This. Taking women's unearned rights and privileges away is the first step to fixing your birthrate.

19136310? ago

You sure you're in the correct board shill?

19136294? ago

the birth rate of japan is like this because of the age of the children and a change in the age of the babies from the japanese population to the american population.


What a great job she did on these two charts. I like how it all goes back to the beginning of history. It's great to see the evolution of technology and how we are all connected by technology to one another. There is no such thing as progress unless there is change. That's the way it has always been, not that the development of technology was slow but it was slower. Just ask the Egyptians. In ancient civilizations such as Japan and China where there used to be very few people, then there were many and many more people came to power. The ancient civilizations were overthrown, the people left, changed, and those people are like the people we are dealing with today in the US today. That is all to say that progress is slow, but the process starts.

19136301? ago

19135563? ago

Porn is mental illness. That's the problem.

19135544? ago

There is more chance of USA being completely cucked than Japan being extinct.

19135545? ago

At this rate, the number of breeding age people in Japan will literally be in the hundreds of thousands in only a few decades. Pretty funny if you ask me. I've always hated them.

19156642? ago

At this rate, the number of breeding age people in Japan will literally be in the hundreds of thousands in only a few decades.

Nips won't exist in a few decades. See >>13381493

19135546? ago

OK, they will outlive you.

19135532? ago

fly to japan

pump n dump as many virgins as you can find


19135518? ago

Most countries need to shrink thier population.

Japan is one of them.

However, that doesn't mean they shouldnt still have babies, and let a bunch of niggers or muslims in.

If thier pop goes down, maybe the chinks can take a fucking hint too

19135550? ago

Yes, but the central banks hate that.

<What is not understood by most bankers and economists is that the only method available for keeping the economy running is to sink further into debt (at interest), as debt based money is the only source of our means of exchange. Hence the persistent mantra that growth must be maintained at all costs, because if all loans were to be repaid, the money supply would vanish, and we would be reduced to exchanging goods and services with bank notes and barter. In the current situation a world-wide debt cancellation would therefore not be out of place, if the money supply could be replaced by state bank created interest free and debt free money.

<The underlying reason why the developed world, which has in the past produced superior, long-lasting products, has been partially deindustrialised, is so that inferior goods have to be continually produced by third world countries in order to fuel the growth when its indigenous population is shrinking. This policy of deliberately planned obsolescence and forced growth also has very deleterious effects on the environment. As will be observed in the final section, the collapse of female fertility rates in the developed world, which is a direct consequence of usury, will lead to the extinction of civilisation.

  • Stephen Mitford Goodson

It's very very easy to understand.

Two more great books taken off Amazon and one of the most important ones you will ever read.

These two books were written by the former Executive Director of the South African Reserve Bank - Stephen Mitford Goodson.

He quit the S.A. Federal Reserve to name the Jew. Here is a short synopsis of who he was.


and a longer one with tons of videos etc.


Here is his Euology at his funeral.



He was poisoned and died on August 4th 2018.

If you like the books please go and buy them at http://www.christianlibertybooks.co.za

His wife and family have not been able to get at any of his money. They are having a VERY rough time of it.

A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind by Stephen Goodson (One of the best books I have EVER read)

https://www.murdochmurdoch.net/various/ (EPUB)

https://b-ok.cc/ (PDF)

Inside the South African Reserve Bank by Stephen Goodson (Click on Libgen to download)


http://lib1.org/ (mirror)

Everyone listen to a couple minutes of this.

We are so indoctrinated, that we don't even know what normal is anymore. ALL of us, right, left, everyone in the US, Canada, Europe, Oz


Goto 22 mins and 52 seconds and listen for a few minutes. Horrible what has been done to all of us with usury. Listen to the statistics on the working lives of peasants in the middle ages. He starts of with the usury of the Jews and thier being kicked out of England. You only need to listen to about 3 minutes.


How is acting like a nigger creating fatherless subhuman mongrels going to help them?


This. It's not even mathematically possible.

19136306? ago

implying i was advocating impregnating gooks

19135558? ago

But anon I think that the extinction of civilization is going to be a good thing overall. The subhumans are not going to survive, but it is in our DNA to plan and survive. We will survive and carry on no matter what happens to the human waste.

I will look at his books anon. Shame that his family is having difficulty.

19135524? ago

stop christcucks breeding the turd world "for a dollar a day," close borders, dump globalization that fuels the non White world population by making things ourselves.

19134490? ago

19513849? ago

Seems like all the chads died in WW2 and the women inherited the nation.

19572064? ago

That's typically what happens in every war. Intelligent people generally have a greater ability to think ahead and about consequences for their own group, and are much more prone to being selfless and self-sacrificing, as well as more cautious about having children. In war that translates to them dying like flies, along with younger men who are also more prone to take risks. In large scale wars this causes a selection for the next generation.

There's a reason intelligence has been dropping since the late 1800's in the west.

Micro plastics and female sex hormones in the water doesn't help either.

19572829? ago

The first world war could have been fully avoidable.

19572831? ago

But, had it been avoided, we wouldn't have had Hitler.

19514925? ago

Think about that next time you see someone glorifying war.

19134488? ago

Japan is overpopulated.

Most of their reasons for their aggressive expansion in WWII was said overpopulation (after claiming the "empty" northern territories and sponsoring emigration wasn't enough).

Japanese population reduction is a very good thing for them long term…

The problem is the short-term, the entire world economy is a ponzi scheme where debt is money and said debt interest can only be payed on a running tab of growth>inflation.

And since a "developed economy", even one that is still an industrial powerhouse like Japan, is a service economy: no population growth means no economical growth (or not enough at least).

What's the solution to our globalists friend?

Importing niggers.

19134469? ago

This is just the kikes desperate to import Muslims into a functioning homogenous zone. If anything i bet the Japs fuck like rabbits, they are bug men after all. More global warming for thee and the WHO for thee.

19135561? ago

If anything i bet the Japs fuck like rabbits

You betted wrong. Japs are the most sex-shy in a maritual relationship.

19134467? ago

The only solution is to get women out of the workplace and back into the home. Anything else is a band-aid solution that will still lead to inevitable disaster.

19134494? ago

As much as I don't want to agree with you for a number of different reasons (part of which is the INSANITY that comes from being forced into the isolation that is 'modern suburbia'; your wife will go insane if you force her into something this unhealthy) I think you are 100% correct. I watch the squatamalens that live near me and they do fuck all all fucking day, I mean they are the laziest fucking trash parasites in the world, BUT they have a lot of kids. The reason women don't want to go back into that situation is that it is an isolated fake hell that is not REAL community or real living. Also, it is breeding a pathetic parasitic dysgenic aspect of 50% of the population.


However, if you want what is best for our people and not to squeeze out slaves for the globalists (this still requires a fundamental change in the lifestyles that we currently lead in order to be successful. But you men have to decide…do you want an eugenic high tech ubermensch society or do you want to pump out slaves for the globalists? You can't have both, because quality is an issue. But it does require some more forethought than, "muh gazzillion offspring".

Community (that keeps your wife from going insane) can't be part of 'consumer culture' because that is like a prison for women. If you want a wife at home she needs to be in charge of the house, the land and possibly the livestock or at least part of it (smaller critters and children). IDK you all have some difficult choices to make about what direction you want to go in and what is important to you.

Consumer culture made women insane.

19135521? ago

Can start on an individual basis, not being a consumer as you've pointed out, setup to live as independently as you can manage, cut your contribution to sustaining and breeding jews' non White bioweapons to replace you. https://voat.co/v/news/2848609/15001002

From there form an army of financial warriors to take over everything. https://voat.co/v/news/3215895/18578992/10#18578992/

19135527? ago

Tallest_Skil 2 points (+3|-1) 7 months ago (edited 7 months ago)

Did I miss anything?

Actually fighting back against this in any capacity, yeah. Nothing you’ve said stops my children from being raped to death by niggers.

This isn’t about coexistence. This isn’t about running away. It’s about killing them all.

This person is 100% correct anon. We are going to have to kill them all, there is no 'coexistence', that is a Empire/Globalist wet dream.

19135529? ago

The response negates that person's "100% correct"

[–] voatusernamevoat 3 points (+3|-0) 7 months ago (edited 7 months ago)

What I've gone over isn't about coexistence or running away, it's about keeping jews from stealing your wealth to use against you and crippling you by keeping you in a precarious financial situation, keeping your wealth to setup to be more independent, having wealth to utilize for fighting back. jews are attacking in many ways, financial is one of them, a big one. Taking such financial measures doesn't preclude doing other things, it assists them, helps you and fights jews and their bio weapons at the same time.

19135533? ago

Well, I am in agreement with you as well (as an interim step). But this is not going to stop them from being violent towards us anymore than it does now. They will never stop and you will be a slave and prey to them if we don't stop them ONE FINAL TIME.

19135547? ago

"but violence" is an irrelevant response to this, it doesn't have a bearing on it. Your and the "100% correct" rebuttals hint/stem from the argument to do nothing/no point/just wait until the happening, which is stupid for a sincere belief and malicious for a black pill one. You operate in the current environment, plan for future, violence is one but you don't count on it, you plan for everything, and with whatever comes up you've got a response.

19135555? ago

you plan for everything

impossible. But I still support your points and think they are valid. I think that violence is the only solution.

19135556? ago

What's gone over in the links is not impossible.

19133757? ago

Curiously only WW2 countries have "demographic problem".

There must be some horrible truth behind such a phenomena in WW2 countries.

19560616? ago

Curiously only WW2 countries have "demographic problem".


Those low birthrate stats from European countries comes from SJWs

Jesus, what a retarded thread. Where is any of the discussion?

19132882? ago

so long they dont start inviting foreigners in, there isnt much to worry about. there's millions and millions of them, at most in 50 years they'll be reduced to a quarter of what they are now and assuming they dont invite foreigners in, they can just "reboot" and start growing again, kinda similar to what happened in europe after the black plague but slower and less fatal (much less fatal)

19134474? ago

If they're reduced to a quarter of what they are now, they'll be easily invaded. You can't just consider individual circumstances in a vacuum.

19132881? ago

How long until the japanese go extinct?

It will never happen, jew. Artificial wombs are already in full usage there, and soon they will be mass spread. Women aren't needed anymore.

Jews, on the other hand, will go extinct soon, by genocide.

19130800? ago

19130798? ago

Women who marry salarymen are likely to divorce them after they retire. They do not want to live with them. They just want a comfortable life. Men are expendable. When they are used up, they are discarded.

19130802? ago

Women who marry salarymen are likely to divorce them after they retire. They do not want to live with them. They just want a comfortable life. Men are expendable. When they are used up, they are discarded.

There are other explanations for this anon.

You don't have to D&C between men and women 24FUCKING/7 you big fucking kike faggot.

19134475? ago

Women are total NPCs though. There's nothing to divide. If you have one she'll be under your total influence, if you don't she'll be under that of the media and her peer groups.

19130809? ago

That's the reality they live.

19130805? ago

He is not wrong. Grasseaters(Hikkikomori) and Neets exist there for a reason.

19130787? ago

When futanari means 100% German?

Ok, anon…whatEVER…

19130795? ago

Araaa~ What a tsundere. Your polite tsukkomi's will atract more futas.

19130786? ago

They have juste to make natality riot. may be we can use sociale media to impusle this subjet in the head off japaness.

19130779? ago

nation that has had resource shortages due to over population

oh no why aren't they growing infinitely on a mostly uninhabited island

19130792? ago

Strawman double date?

19130721? ago

Yeah, no. The Jew is trying to influence Japan, and have been for years. It's the same angle of attack they've been using in the west - "You aren't having enough children to work, so you need to import unskilled brown labor! But you're also overpopulated, so you need to stop having kids!"

What's really happening is that the population growth is more or less returning to equilibrium. The post war boom in the West and in Japan was not normal. It's even more important in Japan, where they don't have a lot of room to grow. They're so crowded that love hotels are a thing, so you can actually have some privacy to go fuck somebody. And you think boomers refusing to retire and running businesses terribly is bad here? Japan is even worse. There's a reason a lot of the terms we use (or used to use) for dudes just checking out of society originated there. The work hours literally kill you and there's no chance of significant advancement.

19193585? ago


The reason they kevetch about this is because the endless consumerism can only be maintained by an exponential population growth. They need more bodies for the grinder or the matchstick economy is catch on fire and we get plunged into economic hell.

In a decent society a stable population number is all you need since real progress would be through science and technology.

19182335? ago

They're so crowded that love hotels are a thing, so you can actually have some privacy to go fuck somebody

There's actually this thing called a 'home'. People own them and can do things privately within.

19156641? ago


weebs still think Japan can be saved when there is hard evidenced that they will be pozzed in a matter of years and will never, ever return to normal

Now that the Jews have full control over Japan, nothing can stop them from world domination. They won and we lost.

19130747? ago

They work less hours than Americans do now, which is why I see this population deflation as things really getting better. You're absolutely right the boom after the war was unnatural, things are just returning to how they should be and hopefully they'll be able to afford homes again on their meager lands once their boomers die out.

19129601? ago

them 2 nukes fatclaps threw on em realy did them in good

19130727? ago

I doubt it, given those two booms gave them the largest post-war boom in history where at one point the Japanese GDP was the highest in the world ties with the USA. No country post-war has ever achieved that, not even the USSR. And they don't need "replacement level" because it's just bunk, they're overcrowded so they need to slim down but go on the path of infinite growth like a cancer.

19130733? ago

19130734? ago

What about it? Of course west is fucked because the kikes and suicidal pathological altruistic retards.

19130745? ago

This applies for Japan, too. The eternal jew isn't going to leave the nips alone.

19130749? ago

This applies for Japan, too.

land of committing sudoku

having any innate concept of value of human life

Just because the so called Nankin Rape did not happen does not mean that nips aren't unempathetic bugpeople at their core.

19129599? ago

oy vey, you need perpetual growth! Here, take a few immigrants to help raise the birthrate!

19129598? ago

Japan's birthrate is actually growing and is already better off than a ton of European countries. I'm actually more shocked they somehow magically managed to stuff a 130 million into an island the size of Germany [Population 80 mil] or California [Population 40 mil] and most of their land is fucking uninhabitable mountains.

19132872? ago

Japan is extremely urban (92% I think) and thus they shove all their people in massive cities. This is also apart of the problem. The Tokyo area is basically a massive city of 40 million people, the largest in the world. No wonder those fuckers go insane.

19132875? ago


19129602? ago

I would be very surprised if it makes it all the way back up to replacement rate within the forseeable future.

19129604? ago

Don't you see the boomer gotta die off first, it's not like the extended family is still their model. It's all (((material woes)))

19130720? ago

Maybe I'm just being retarded, but I don't see how dead boomers are going to make people have more kids.

19130725? ago

I don't either, a common counter refrain is that old people are bottlenecking the economy and what economies allow (family formation) for the young. Not really vouched for.

19129597? ago

you guys are retarded. i hate all shades of chinks, but they're in abundance and all of them hate nigs and can recognize the evils of race mixing. We should be teaming up with them to destroy shit skins and hebes and let them inhereit land that they wish that isn't Europa. imagine the japs replacing the nigs in Africa, better to compete with pale lads than niggers. i can sooner justify my great great grand kids having slightly slanty eyes than i can them being brown.

19128752? ago

The best thing to do now is to make it worse.

If you can't stop some process, you can speed it up and make it end sooner.

19128750? ago

I assure you that Japan will exist as a Japanese country long after every single White country has turned into a multiracial shithole. A shrinking population can increase again, but it's very hard to get rid of people once you let them in, and impossible to get their blood off your people once they mix.

19130750? ago

The problem with that argument is that Japan has already let (((them))) in. You just seem to not see them.


Japanese women don't view their own race as worthy of propagating. They just want to "upgrade" to hapas or die out

This. The amount of gaijin hunters and hapas here are alarming.

19130766? ago

I have nothing against miscegenation between nips and Whites as long as Russia gives the Kuril Islands back for containment.

19128738? ago

Japs will be fine, I assume. When enough people start dying, more people will want to fuck.

19128741? ago

Is that how it works?

19129594? ago

I saw tons of babies in Japan anyways.

19128737? ago

slants dying off

Good. Now we just to force anime on the jews to prevent them from breeding as well.

19380653? ago

Where do I get this object

19128734? ago

It's the same story, but without masses of foreigners coming in and without a corporate entertainment machinery and academic landscape, threatening everyone into propping women up. You could say it's a more clean but also more pronounced version of what otherwise would have played out here.

Pressure but also encourage your daughters and send them to expensive schools, so that they have a lot to offer and score a well-earning husband in adulthood

do that with all of them

meanwhile neglect your sons and don't give them incentives and rewards along the way to encourage them to work hard, get qualifications and become well-earning men in adulthood

boys grow up seeing the vapidness and just recluse and retreat into annie mays and waifufaggotry in adulthood

once next generation has reached adulthood, all the women are/see themselves as out of all the men's league

no relationships form, men and women alike die alone

It's not rocket science.

then why is this happening? What were we (boomers and gen-xers) supposed to do?

What your ancestors did, which led to them having healthy and prosperous lives, enough so to have plenty of children and now be called your ancestors. You marry off your children when they're in their teens, create hard incentives for them to stay together (I like the killing-everyone-who-doesn't approach, it's cruel, but it works and the last part is what matters, and if you think about it, it's not cruel at all) and that way, your sons and daughters encourage and incentivise each other to become the best that they can be. And thus they do.

b-but my Jewish college professor said arranged marriages are archaic

And yet his tribe members do it to this day. You should turn around and ask yourself instead: Why is it 'archaic'? Because it is old. Why is it old? Because it works. Whatever you thought was such a good idea, like 'love' marriages, has been tried in the past, over and over, over and over, for millennia. But that isn't old. You know why? Because lines of ancestry that take that approach, perish, whereas those that use arranged marriages, do not. It's old, because it works. You were duped into trying to fix something that isn't broken because you were marketed a snake oil known as 'freedumb'.

19130744? ago

And yet his tribe members do it to this day. You should turn around and ask yourself instead: Why is it 'archaic'? Because it is old. Why is it old? Because it works. Whatever you thought was such a good idea, like 'love' marriages, has been tried in the past, over and over, over and over, for millennia. But that isn't old. You know why? Because lines of ancestry that take that approach, perish, whereas those that use arranged marriages, do not. It's old, because it works. You were duped into trying to fix something that isn't broken because you were marketed a snake oil known as 'freedumb'.

This. Dumbfounding how "progressives" not only completely overlook that their ideologisms are completely incompatible with Darwinian principles (aka real natural progress) but also have the audacity to accuse conservatives as anti-science and "creationist".

19129586? ago

but without masses of foreigners coming in

chinks, gooks, dinks and especially flips are flooding the country for unskilled labor and healthcare services. They are even starting to bring in poo. Things are changing fast, and the rate of change will only a c c e l e r a t e

19130753? ago

They are even starting to bring in poo.

That's because they have takeshita street.




See >>13381278

19128709? ago

Its the species over correcting for wild material growth in the last seventy years. Fundamentally, nobody with sentience wants to contribute to a project that is actively conspired to kill them off. Japan show us our future, and the death of all industrial civilizations. Its going to happen to them, China, the US, Europe, we're all going to hit the motherfucking wall hard and instead of eugenics to ensure our survival and easing our return to "primitive" societal forms, our zog governments and capital pour the cheap labour into the fissure hoping they can just make the holes in their absolutely shit debt society go away. What they'll end up with is slum lording a global Liberia. This is the kike's ambition, and the end result of capitalism. Its his leftist paradise, the world he wants for his ass-fucker meshiach to rule over.

19573691? ago

People who think a certain way… like all the anons who seriously think that "breeding is stupid" and "having a family is a burden" and such. Male and female. They're all going to die out and thank God for that! Meanwhile people like me that see family as a blessing from god and value the survival of the lineage above all else in the world are going to proliferate. The future looks like fascists of various races fighting each other until one race dominates and destroys the rest just like Charles Darwin predicted.

19130761? ago

Its his leftist paradise

Yeah but anon, 96% of the world thinks that sounds 'really good' as a future. Only 4% of Whites (probably a lot less) would say that was a bad future. The vast majority of our own people think that is a 'good future' and they want that. They are working hard to import as much of the ghetto to their nation as they can via 'tolerance'. So lets be generous and say that 1% of the planet thinks that would be a bad way to live. Without BioChemically slaughtering the 99% [shameless plug 4 ETHNOGLOBE] how realistic do you think it is that things are going to 'go in a positive (for us) direction'?

19130771? ago

The media deliberately overexposes a small minority of our people to make you think they're the vast majority. The actual majority say nothing because they all think they're alone in opposing it.

19135560? ago

The media deliberately overexposes a small minority of our people to make you think they're the vast majority. The actual majority say nothing because they all think they're alone in opposing it.

Pluralistic ignorance

19128702? ago

Thread theme.

19380661? ago

The supposedly enthralling "overman" negro-arabic dancer is likely gay as fuck.

Enjoy your throat slitters, bugmen.

19128697? ago


Going extinct

Yeah no, what is this stupid fucking thread

19128693? ago


Take your kike campfire stories, and beat it, traitor.

19127841? ago


israel #china #usa #trump #darktolight #ai #elonmusk #spacex #tesla #bts #iran #iraq #starlink #stan #youtube #amazon #google #facebook #twitter #netflix #news #breakingnews #london #star #starlink #cnn #nbc #abc #cbs #fox #russia @realdonaldtrump #ibm #cloud

19127831? ago

Not very long to go extinct. And that's a good news.

19128695? ago

On the other hand they would stay at very low workers/non working population for any foreseeable future and this means that economic depression would remain forever. Same awaits all western countries. There is no escape from such without drastic measures (like banning 50+ old people from right to have income and own property).

19128699? ago

future and this means that economic depression would remain forever

Very grim indeed. They should import niggers.

19128711? ago

There is no escape with immigration too. Low IQ immigrants can't work. High IQ would replace indigenous population.

19128716? ago

Then they are truly fucked.

19128720? ago

Violence is the only solution.

We all know this.

…tick tock.

19127823? ago

It's understandable.

Imagine growing up watching beautiful anime girls and white girls on tv but then when you go out all you see are those fugly cunts?

I would just give up on having sex too.

19678846? ago

Says you. I'd still do em.

19678849? ago

Chink detected.

19678851? ago

I'm white and I live chubby Asian girls

19682779? ago


19695968? ago

I love my Japanese shortstack braphog gf

19695969? ago


19678850? ago

Wrong. Flip.

19680560? ago

Is that Chinese or Japanese?

19631656? ago

Imagine growing up watching beautiful anime girls and white girls on tv but then when you go out all you see are those fugly cunts?

Why do you think men drink beer?

19380660? ago

Effin aye sir

19206926? ago

Why did the rice burners lie to me?

19193576? ago

Eh, had a Japanese import classmate here in the states, face was a lot thinner than that. Wasn't quite attractive but cute in her own way. sweet gal. I don't get the fetishization but they're no chink.

19157200? ago


When I was in Japan, I saw plenty of all kinds of girls in the streets. Ugly, plain and beautiful.

Anyone going to Japan and expecting animu girls is retarded. The beauty distribution is like everywhere else.

White countries aren't populated by white supermodels qts.

19193574? ago

White countries aren't populated by white supermodels qts.

Eastern Europe and Scandinavia can give you a run for your money on that.

19157484? ago

Shut up, aho. There's plenty of beautiful girls in the streets of Tokyo.

19157490? ago


I think you replied to the wrong post, buddy.


I think you're full of shit.

My experience and talks with the natives in the actual country sez otherwise.

19133760? ago

Japanese women are actually very endearing and many I've found are good looking. White women can be more beautiful but that usually tapers off dramatically after their mid 20s, jap women maintain consistent looks into their 40s. The endearing and feminine attitude that they have is their true value. My japanese girlfriend will put on heels and make up to go to the store on the corner for milk. My white ex would put her hair in a bun and stroll down in pajamas while burping. Guess which one I like coming home to more?

19134468? ago

Ching chong ding dong, your genetic legacy won't last long.

19134465? ago

Fucking race traitor, you will hang.

19133769? ago

No one cares that you are opting out of your race fag. Why are you here? Fuck off to the hapa board. That is YOUR future.

19156922? ago


Oh stop it. Trying to attack or shame anyone who isn't a 100000% super-ultra natzi isn't helping the cause.

Japs are cool. If he's going to racemix, at least he picked the best. Hopefully some of those graceful aging genes will stick around after they get whited.

Seriously. Race mixing really isn't a big problem. As long as only a few are doing it, and it's not with genetical poison bombs like jews or niggers, in a few generations it will dillute.

19157199? ago


I would not necessarily define it in those terms because Japan is essentially White. It is no worse than a Frenchman marrying a Hungarian.

inb4 yellow fever shill

Wrong. This intermarriage, as well as intermarriage between French and Hungarian, Italian and Sweden, etc. should be opposed and we should refrain from this in order to maintain White ethnic uniqueness. Not out of hatred, mind you, but rather out of mutual respect and understanding. We have enough brother wars and bad blood, so this must be a goal accomplished with mutual brotherly love and appreciation.

19157483? ago

I would not necessarily define it in those terms because Japan is essentially White. It is no worse than a Frenchman marrying a Hungarian.

This. Even, I want a Japanese bride.

19157204? ago

Japan is essentially White

Whiteness is not about skin color or culture.

I r8 your b8 1/10, because at least you made me reply.

19380667? ago

If you're gonna race mix, you may as well make a Keanu Reeves instead of some 56 percent nigger kike. At least Japs don't have jewish DNA

19157478? ago

That's your prerogative. We share the same goal, if you bothered to read.

19156923? ago

Keep thinking like that untill to your race inevitable demise

19157201? ago

Fun fact - race mixing has been a thing since various races first met. Only now is it becoming an issue. Why is that?

Get out with your silly slippery slopes.

19182312? ago

being this blatant with your kikery


19158112? ago

Formerly largely ethnically white but now shithole countries like brazil/venezuela/turkey/south africa etc sends its regards, they are crime ridden shitholes now with extremely low quality of life(what a surprise) because of demographics(aka the people that live/rule there since you're clearly brain damaged).

And no race mixing has not been a thing for most races you cretin, races do not share the same ancestral DNA haplogroups proving seperate evolution and destroying the myth of the out of africa (((theory))) everyone would be mullatos at this point over the 8 billion years this rock has floated in space, but it's not the case, because that's not how nature works.

I advise you to go live in morocco, el salvador, south africa or somalia for a couple of years reduced to their wages and standard of living, let's see what you have to say about your diversity then, instead of preaching your disingenous bullshit far away from it and the people that you "love" so much with only them around you will realize you were wrong. But we all know you'll never do that because you know you're wrong deep inside and that ultimately has lead you to being an eternally evil disingenous hypocritic little fucking rat who only lies.

19177442? ago

You wrote a lot without saying anything of substance and are sperging like an idiot.

Out of Africa? Who the fuck mentioned that?

WTF does anything you wrote have to do with anything I said? Did you even read what I wrote?

Stop being retarded and start talking your meds, an0n.

19182310? ago

<race mixing has been a thing since races met 2

You're still completely wrong because it really hasn't. Not among whites anyway. Hence; not various degrees of genetic mullatos like most of the rest of the world with some exceptions in asia.


<no worse than a Frenchman marrying a Hungarian.

That's hilarious.

19182313? ago



The mental hoops you're willing to jump through, to justify how eager you are to disgrace and dilute your own blood. Imagine being so selfish you'd doom your children to eternal mongreldom. An utter disgrace.

19158106? ago

it was also allowed to kill subhuman races then

19158104? ago

and it created shitholes like southern and eastern europe. When you think about it the only descent places in europe are in scandinavia and a few in germany.

19158111? ago

Any place with forest is good

19158099? ago

Says the trustworthy jew.

19177441? ago

everyone I don't like is a jew

The mental capacity of a toddler at work!


Those places are not shitholes, buddy. You'd be surprised in how many ways they are better than the places you value so much.

But they do have a very troubled history. Lots and LOT of fighting and infighting.

My country is 98% white, with far less of the pozz shit than the "great countries" like Germany or Sweeden. Though I fear this is chaning.

19130756? ago

Second picture bottom left.

Is that a hapa, it looks like it is excluded from the culture.

19130758? ago

No, it's your papa

19130762? ago

Since that doesn't make any sense I will go with 'No' you don't think it is a hapa.

19130764? ago

No. It makes sense. You were born of your futanari papa and mama. One of them is in the picture.

19130776? ago

Whatever, anime faggot.

19130783? ago

Oh. Is the futanari child blushing. ~Cute~

19130739? ago

The thing is, several of those girls are not infected by the semite mind-parasite called feminism. They actually want to have a home, be a wife to someone who they romantically engage with. It is still possible, assuming the man has what it takes to take them out of their shell. Pretending that you are something else than the average basement dweller, that posts on cantonesian embroidery imageboards, you would be set to bond with the highest value females there, even if it doesn't mean much, you still would be settling down with one female that regularly swims/works out, intelligent(highest IQ among females), capable of at least being reasoned instead of forced, when the subject is trivial ofc. Take care of you and your kids, all in all, be a gentle animal instead of an aggressive harpy hamster that would eat its own offspring if it meant more shekels.

In the west, even if you want that, it is not possible. Because semite-nigger culturae has entrenched itself in the heart of white-westerners, or wiggers. It creates unbalance and pushes women to compete with men.To do so, in order they have to abandon feminine characteristics that aid them in bonding with the opposite sex. So, spontaneous bonding doesn't take place anymore, only breeding dances and pick-up techniques that cheat out the natural power-struggles that balance the bonding dynamic. What this ultimately produces, is the average hairy arm-pit, blue-haired, entitled piece of shit nigger that composes the possessed spirit of western women today, I don't even mean that religiously.

All things considered, I would still prefer if western women could be taken back to old customs, but that is impossible, because they are required by law to acquire slaves in the endless pursuit of money. In eastern-women this unbalance is also present, but they are not "woke" enough to realize the dangerous potential, or simply, they take responsibility regarding the power they wield. That is about to be over as we can see, more and more unbalance is being created artificially to push them to adopt western values, which they struggle to adapt to.


This, TBH.

19182323? ago

you know nothing

KEK! I'm close with people from there. Some are even going back to Japan, because the dating pool is not poisoned with brainwashed violent niggers. Not saying they are not self-interested at that. I've heard from t. literal femanippon you cunt, now read:

I wish I had got pregnant when I was younger. Now it is harder and harder. I should have made more mistakes. Even if meant being a single mother. I miss that now and I can't have it.

This is their mind on kike, they rationalize it, because they feel pain of missing traditional motherhood. Clearly, being a single-mother would be acceptable to her, because she doesn't know what it means to the kid. She is willing to risk.

blaming women

Your D&C is glowing. Otaku is a culture most populated by man, because it is a niche-oriented, selfless interest and devoted area. Which is rare trait on women. If only man stopped acting like (((men))) and actually started acting more like traditional men, things could improve. It doesn't mean taking them to the altar, it means leading them, including western men.

pushed to work

And why do you think it is happening? Do you even saw the post I quoted below mine. Please, spare me from your glowing IQ.






if only the colors

Someone shop this?


Downloaded and on the reading list.


Whats up with this being propped here so much? I've even heard the series is like a piece of counter-intelligence. It is not the first time the protagonist made a fool of herself. Watch Ruben Ostlund movie The Square. Bonus tip: Play.

19132870? ago

The thing is, several of those girls are not infected by the semite mind-parasite called feminism. They actually want to have a home, be a wife to someone who they romantically engage with

Stopped reading right there.

Jap women literally only care about their careers now, it is literally one of the reasons why jap birthrates are so low.

I would advice you from refraining yourself from talking about stuff you don't know shit about.

19127820? ago

It's almost like you retards have never heard of Malthusian restrictions and think that populations can just infinitely expand with absolutely no downsides. Population decline for developed nations in the face of scarce resources and social tension is natural and arguably necessary. A lower population increases the value of labor and prevents creating artificial scarcity for housing. Only pozzed landowners and slave-driving capitalists want or need an exponentially increasing pool of idiots to buy their shitty products and pay their taxes.

19563436? ago


Peace is weakness. There should be war instead and the weak should die along with mouthy cunts that don't want to be mothers. Gas the kikes, race war now. #KKK

19563805? ago




Are you okay. All they said was that Japan is fucked. Which is absolutely true, Nips are guaranteed to go extinct in a decade's time.

19244420? ago

The native (European) birthrates of Canada are loosely comparable to that of Japan. Canada is highly underdeveloped and underpopulated relative to its usable landmass; it is by no means overpopulated by any measure.

If this population recession is just a "natural" response to scarcity, how does Canada fit into this Malthusian model?

19128694? ago

Malthusian restrictions

All non-retards have heard of this debunked kike bullshit. Only the most pozzed golems think it's legit

19127830? ago

. Population decline for developed nations in the face of scarce resources and social tension is natural and arguably necessary

Its not even 1/100 close to Malthusian restrictions in the West. True reason western woman are too smart to waste their youth and health on breeding. And there is no rape culture anymore that allowed to impregnate women without their consent

19573688? ago

True reason western woman are too smart to waste their youth and health on breeding.

If they were smart they'd use their youth and health on breeding. It's the stupid ones that pursue a career or promiscuity or other bullshit.

19193575? ago

western woman are too smart to waste their youth and health on breeding


yea, intentionally planning for a solitary, catlady future. real brains there roastie. enjoy the lonely.

19128706? ago

Holy shit what is this fucking thread, not a single fag in here is from /pol/

19127839? ago

True reason western woman are too smart to waste their youth and health on breeding.

roastie detected

19128708? ago

deluded conservacuck detected

No matter how would you try to advertise "advantages of breeding" to women they are not goonna act against their own interests. Unless your force them. But whiteknights can't.

19545055? ago

No matter how would you try to advertise "advantages of breeding" to women they are not goonna act against their own interests.

Women naturally love the idea of having children. It requires brainwashing to make them move away from that idea and even then, most still want to do it.

Unless your force them.

Just being pervy about it can coax many women into it. You can turn it into a fetish for them. You can also tell them how much you'll like it and love her and take care of her and the kids, etc. Many women love to please men. It's a big reason why so many are whores lately; because so many men hound them to be.

19545057? ago

This is what I’ve been saying. They need to implement things in schools to make the boys more masculine and assertive. The girls need to be taught that climbing the corporate ladder isn’t everything. Glorify the idea of being a mother, and having cute Japanese children.

You guys think I’m nuts, but if you think about it, I believe I have a chance if I can gain support.>>13451738

19545059? ago

Meant to tag myself


19128751? ago

Unless your force them.

Cunt are you fucking retarded? Bearing and raising children is the natural state of women. You don't have to force them to want that. They have to be brainwashed into thinking that staring at spreadsheets for 60 hours a week for some soulless corporation and wasting away their most fertile years riding the cock carousel are better life choices than becoming a mother and raising children. It's not some coincidence that EVERY SINGLE STUDY on happiness shows that married women who stay at home and raise large families are the most happy of all women.

19129592? ago

You don't have to force them to want that.

Conservacucks always conveniently avoid FACT that domestic rape became crime ONLY in the second half of the 20s century.

listen to this anon>>13381226

Rape culture is the only true answer to the breeding problem.

19128729? ago

Nudge with propaganda, it's how women were always managed, religion was better operating system than ThotOS. Japan in particular aborts hundreds of thousands of newborn yearly that isn't for correction, only repopulation is advocated.

19128717? ago

"Breeding" is your "own interest", you fucking brainwashed whore.

Come back when your 45, childless, alone, blown the fuck out by 80 cocks, bitter, cynical, and reeking of cat piss, and discover who the fuck gives a shit about your "interests" the, bitch.

Women aren't known for thinking.

We should have never GIVEN you the vote.

You fucked the entire world, and your own species, with your selfish "interests", you worthless hag.

19573695? ago

Btw best way to get a dumb whore cornered on her anti-natalism is to remind her that her values and whatever she holds sacred will be wiped out from this world by her not having children.

We who breed get to see our values live on.

19678852? ago

We who breed get to see our values live on.

Can’t say this enough.

I keep telling people that hag is how leftists destroy their own ideology.

And only by allowing self hate to enter our Homes and our children’s minds can they recruit numbers. Most die childless.

19573692? ago

Men we'd survive women's emancipation if we just would destroy or keep out the jew first so our borders remain closed for the hundred or so years it would take for libtards to self-select themselves out of existence.

If we ban birth control we'd just be saving the libtarded kind from dying out.

19128736? ago

Breeding would only reduce amount of savings and health women would have at 45. No way she can turn children into financial assets (slavery is banned long ago you know). If she dumb and insufferable bitch having offsprings not gonna help her as these children would just walk away from bitch.

19573697? ago

Breeding would only reduce amount of savings and health women would have at 45.

At worked I listened to a Cree woman and an Italian woman talk about how they have great figures and better health because they had children while they women they know that got to about 35-40 have smaller breasts, worse skin, and health issues that all happen because they didn't have children. If only I had my spy camera on to record that conversation.

No way she can turn children into financial assets (slavery is banned long ago you know).

You can do this if you aren't a piece of shit libtard who treats their children like shit and guilts them for existing making your child ask "why the fuck did you even have me then" as has been the case with me and my own parents. I know however people who don't have these issues and their children are, guess what, great assets both financially and otherwise for their parents! If you raise your children with god's word and treat them right they will defend you to the death and respect you forever.

If she dumb and insufferable bitch having offsprings not gonna help her as these children would just walk away from bitch.

Of course. Don't be a bitch. Submit yourself to God, King, Country, and your Man!

19574364? ago

submit! be a good slave goy!



Nah, I'm not an fbi guy. If you want, make that bioweapon. It will be good for ensuring true purity of the White race, as you say. You can later tune it to target the rest of the subhumans.

If you are going to use Linux for it, don't use fedora or centos, as a special eula says that you can't use it for the development of any chemical weapons etc. etc. bla bla.

19575928? ago

I genuinely think China or Russia is the world’s best hope for creating a bioweapon that targets genes. If you look at say Anthrax, it’s very deadly, but easily curable.

Also, wtf does operating systems have to do with the development of bioweapons?

(Again, I’m not creating such a thing. Even if I had the ability to create a military grade bioweapon, I sure as hell wouldn’t be posting about it on 8chan.)



So, in other words, it's already terminal.

Not necessarily I’d say terminal is when the general population accepts them to the point of political correctness and they fully integrate into society is terminal. I believe Japan will be more susceptible to falling for this than the west, however the moment these immigrants start commuting crimes, it’ll REALLY resonate with the GP. This is why I believe it can still be saved by using the right influence. The Japanese tend to group people together, and not judge based on the individual. So for example, if someone could pin some big crimes on a certain minority in Japan, and make these things seem to keep happening more and more, the population would quickly turn on them.

19575937? ago

I believe Japan will be more susceptible to falling for this than the west,


19575936? ago

I’d say terminal is when the general population accepts them to the point of political correctness and they fully integrate into society is terminal.

Nips are already welcoming the immigrants with open arms (and legs)

I believe Japan will be more susceptible to falling for this than the west,

So Japan's pozzing will be infinitely quicker and more severe. When you say this you admit that Japan's condition is already terminal.

19575932? ago

Not necessarily I’d say terminal is when the general population accepts them to the point of political correctness and they fully integrate into society is terminal. I believe Japan will be more susceptible to falling for this than the west

And there you have it. You yourself admit that Japan is not only as fucked as the west, but even moreso. You cannot save the nips from being pozzed, don't even try.

19575931? ago

I believe Japan will be more susceptible to falling for this than the west,

So you agree they're even more fucked than the West.

however the moment these immigrants start commuting crimes, it’ll REALLY resonate with the GP.

If it didn't resonate with the West, it won't resonate with Japan. Japan's culture is doomed to disappear for eternity BY YOUR OWN ADMISSION

19576815? ago






Say what you will (doesn’t matter, cause you gay fags get paid to demoralize regardless), but I’m going down fighting to save Japan, and I have a political plan to make Japan reject everything the West stands for. ;)

19576821? ago

I have a political plan to make Japan reject everything the West stands for. ;)

Hahahahahahaha no you don't. You won't do shit.


Thanks JewSA, they basically nuked the masculine guys away. Only a few with true samurai blood remain.

Exactly. Nips will never, ever fight back against the shitskin hordes. Masculinity is non-existant over there. They are doomed to be genocided no matter what.

19576824? ago

you won’t do shit

Operation Zyklon is already set in motion. You UN niggers don’t even know because you think Kek is stupid enough to operate in the open on an internet site. We evolve faster, faggot.

19634124? ago

Q nigger. Japan is dead and there is nothing anyone can do to save them. See >>13480241 for the absolute truth about the soon-to-be-extinct Japanese race.

19634128? ago

I'm going to laugh at you for eternity when in a hundred years we both see Japan at >90% Japanese demographics from the afterlife.

Oh, and that will be after the zombie pigmen kill me for using a dupe TNT cannon on your family's Minecraft village.

19677194? ago

He is not wrong. I came to post this as soon as I found out.

Japan’s foreign population exceeds 2% of total for the first time. 15% in Shimane and Kagoshima (article in Japanese)

日本に住む外国人、初の2%超え 島根・鹿児島15%増


Protip: Shimane is where all the beautiful girls are.

19682801? ago

Japan is getting pozzed at the fucking speed of sound. I'm horrified, yet impressed.


Sometimes, when society changes to it's very fabric, the whole nations can lose it's will to live on.

Don't tell the weebs that. They don't want to accept that their pwecious Nippon is going to die soon and there is nothing they can do about it. It's a frog in a boiling pot situation.

19682806? ago

You're a kike in a fiery oven situation, spic spamming nigger.

19682804? ago





Holy shit, you retarded IP Hopping spicspamming nigger!

How are you so completely unaware of your vibrant glow? And why do you have such a raging little brown hard on for the destruction of Japan?

You're such a vile little angry kike slave.

What a bitch you are, nigger.



19682792? ago

Welp. Guess it's over then. Japan wants niggers, they can have niggers. They are literally beyond saving now.


We give them 10-20 years if >>13488617 is anything to go by.

19682781? ago

News article confirms, Japan is completely fucked, will and should never be saved.

Japan confirmed to be <30% Japanese by 2030, confirmed.

Literally nobody will ever debate this. Consider Japan surrendered.

19634129? ago

See >>13480241

Nips wants their country to be niggerfied. This is a proven fact.

19634130? ago

So why haven't you converted to Judaism since you're so delighted in your belief that the jews will conquer the world?

19634135? ago

I'm not denying anything, I'm asking a question about a statement you made here


19576831? ago

Trying to activate the almond orchards in Tel Aviv?

19576829? ago

just trust the plan goy!

Should have known you were just another Q kike. Nothing can save Japan anymore.

19574366? ago

submit! be a good slave goy!


What even is your point? You are in submission no matter what. It's just a matter of if you're submitted to Shlomo or to God.

19128735? ago

Sex is different from breeding. Everybody wants sex, but they don't want children. Breeding is only within your interest as a man, if you can be certain your woman isn't, or hasn't been, fucking other men, and that your children are going to be born into a society which wants them. Man isn't an individual, and the last point is important too. The latest industrial generation are instinctively aware they aren't wanted, even if they haven't gleaned that from 24/7 propaganda against them or turning them into niggers.

19129563? ago


Behold. The irrational mind of the bitch.

You can't make this shit up.

They'll obviously never understand.

Take their shoes, impregnate them, and throw them in the kitchen.

Then just keep fucking them silly.

It's the only way forward.

19127828? ago

What you said might hold water if there wasn't an active agenda to flood our waning Western Cultures with hordes of shitskins to "replace" us.

Almost as if you're here arguing in bad faith?

Lying even?

Trying to get us to accept this as an "organic" phenomenon?

Fuck you, kike. You're going to go extinct before we do. I promise you this.

19634136? ago


Niggers. Co2 output reduces plant nutrition globally. It's proven. You can't increase population without putting constaints on food. Good food.

Fast food is not food.

19175762? ago

Are you fucking retarded? Hes saying its natural for popultion to decline. The shitskin invasionisnt natural, its greedy capitalist jew game. Japan can have a 1.3 growth rate and fuckin a in 100 years i bet it will be more

19129448? ago

So lets race to overpopulation!

19127822? ago


19127809? ago

2 sentence QTDDTOT thread with a stupid premise

19127807? ago

How long until the japanese go extinct?

At this speed? 400-800 years.

19127818? ago

and thats presuming they gradually decline at a steady rate as if this is a realistic outcome and there is no reversal

19127805? ago

I talked to a japanese girl some months ago. She told me the culture in Japan is to fuck foreign men and not native males. She especially liked black guys… It is no wonder if you think about it. The japanese males became effeminate like nordic males. So the girls naturally and with instinct choose those with masculine traits and not feminine. People forget we live with nature. Masculine and feminine is what rules nature and makes people attract to each other and animals.

If you are effeminate male then you are closet homosexual and how girls view you subconsciously, since it's not aligned with nature to act like a homosexual effeminate person. We are still animals, and those who act effeminate I guess deep down in girls mind are very weak males since they allowed themselves to become brainwashed enough to became literally gays. Can confirm since I was brought up to be effeminate myself by the state and culture. But I had to change with nature.

19680553? ago

Yeah, my language buddy told me that too. So I recorded it and sent it to every member of her family.

I thot patrol everywhere.

19682778? ago








19631664? ago

You're just a deluded white/yellow genocide fetishist who gets of to superior races being replaced by niggers. Japanese girls don't like black guys, that is a fantasy which only porn addicts take seriously.

19631665? ago



Japanese girls don't like black guys, that is a fantasy which only porn addicts take seriously.


so I welcome the blacking of Japan. It will be beautiful.


19634121? ago


This. Nips fucking love getting BLACKED and welcome the poz and niggerfication with open arms. Anyone believing otherwise is either a LARPer or a CIA nigger.


There will never be another nip baby boom because nips will go extinct by then. See >>13480241

19631677? ago

Either a larper from 4chan or the FBI still hasn't learned.

19182311? ago

<She especially liked black guys

<The japanese males became effeminate like nordic males

<So the girls naturally and with instinct choose those with masculine traits and not feminine

he thinks niggers are masculine

The negro is quite possibly the faggiest race, you nigger.

19182329? ago

The negro is quite possibly the faggiest race, you nigger.

Is that why your son has my name on the back of his jersey?

and your daughter twerks to my mix tape?

just sayin

19182331? ago

Implying people here would allow gangster rap in their house or waste time on basketball American sports

You finna catch a fade punk.

19157496? ago

I had a girl do this while on vacation, in front of her male friend. I notice he looked like he was slowly dying when she said this. So I called her a whore in the most polite way posiible 'ehhh? Society doesn't like supporting children without fathers though? I wonder how your parents feel?'

Turns out the guy grew up with her. Befriended him and fed him red pills/lifting advice.

I hope you're out there, nip bro, with mad gainz and alpha as fuck.

19157487? ago

Reminder, this poster is porn addict or a jew

19193567? ago

What is a matrix :s

19156921? ago

You will never be asian, nigger.

19157482? ago

This, only jews or golems worship niggers besides themselves

19156639? ago




The Japanese race is finished. There is literally nothing we can do to bring Japan back, they are literally Africa 3.0.

19157203? ago

be one of the most homogenous societies in the world

on their own island

hostile to immigrants

value tradition and order highly

literally Africa 3.0

19157480? ago

be one of the most homogenous societies in the world

on their own island

hostile to immigrants

value tradition and order highly

Hahaha. Maybe before WWII. Literally, the only thing valid today is 2nd pont.

19129582? ago

Yeah they fuck foreign men and usually don't even have children with them. Japanese women don't view their own race as worthy of propagating. They just want to "upgrade" to hapas or die out, knowing they are inferior on the "chad" level. Except being "chad" as measured by ability to attract females isn't the whole picture. An average japanese man is 1000% more valuable than a tall black man with perfect facial structure, because he has the ability to create advanced civilizations that could even travel to the moon, whereas the nigger is a complete dead end. When you let women choose you end up with a population of peacocked animals. See pic related.

19206917? ago

he has the ability to create advanced civilizations


19244425? ago

The Japanese built their own civilization though, even if it wasn't advanced to the same degree as western civilization in terms of invention

19182346? ago

Height is a vestigial trait. Manlet power!

19244426? ago

Height's good but not at the expense of intelligence

19130785? ago


Ok but have you seen their daughters? See, they are slightly more attractive than a squatamalen but not by much…look at them!


I'm not trying to be mean, but would any of you think you had won the lottery fucking on of those bugs? White women are so much more beautiful. And like another anon pointed out, they have been inundated with White anime beauty for ages, there is no way they are going to find themselves attractive.

19130790? ago

Ok but have you seen their daughters? See, they are slightly more attractive than a squatamalen but not by much…look at them!

I admit. Hapas are very beautiful. We should remove niggers from aperica and give the nation to hapas.

19134478? ago

hapas are very beautiful

Not generally. You'd really have to cherry pick or have an extreme bias to come to this conclusion

19130801? ago

Get back to plebbit, spencer. You mongrels deserve to die more than the niggers do. You're an abomination, even Darwin knew you were evolutionary dead ends

Charles Darwin - Writing about Race-Mixing…

"how oddly wild the cross-bred animals were."

"statements, so frequently made by travellers in all parts of the world, on the degraded state and savage disposition of crossed races of man."

In South America, men of complicated descent between Negroes, Indians, and Spaniards, seldom had, whatever the cause might be, a good expression."

"speaking of a half-caste man on the Zambesi, described by the Portuguese as a rare monster of inhumanity, remarks, “It is unaccountable why half-castes, such as he, are so much more cruel than the Portuguese, but such is undoubtedly the case.”

19132878? ago

Was this board really necessary?




19130772? ago

tall black man with perfect facial structure

19134481? ago

It's rare but essentially the "chad" facial phenotypes can be expressed in almost any race especially if they have Aryan admixture. It's just a pronounced jawline, hunter eyes, slanted eyebrows, nose of a certain shape, low hairline, and a short face

19127804? ago

Whites in the west postpone having families for lack of financial stability. In Japan, which is overcrowded and highly competitive, many young people struggle to take care of their own finances, and so also postpone having families.

In both situations, people are responding to an acute scarcity of resources. The difference is that in the west, this scarcity is artificial, with regulations and monopolies seemingly "guarding" vast resources and opportunities from native whites; in Japan this scarcity is a bit more natural and made worse by technology.

19216353? ago



need to shrink population of intelligent people

In both situations, people are responding to an acute scarcity of resources

Where do you get this bullshit from? Japan is a rich country. It's very feasible to live there and have children. They're not starving, and they're not homeless. They're not running out of land. There's plenty of relatively undeveloped towns and villages over there.


unironically a malthusian marxist

You retards and your imbecillic theories were dismissed as nonsense decades ago. Contrary to your bullshit, there's enough food made on this planet every year to feed several billions more. There's no scarcity of resources that technology can't solve.

19571231? ago

Where do you get this bullshit from?

You ever play Persona 5? Even in a VIDEOGAME the economic problem is present– LACK OF FULL-TIME EMPLOYMENT

Plenty of young men are hired on and paid per-day, a few hours in that day, and they have to flip from job-to-job to make ends meet. There's a proper term for it that I forgot but it's basically similar to the internship meme in the West where they hire you on for cheap or nothing, then drop you for a temp company instead, which will never provide loyal employees since they work for the temp company not the contracted company, but they cost less for the contracted company so they accept subpar work.

There's no 401k, no pension, etc. for these people but they can't get work otherwise, and also consider how women and immigrants are overrepresented in temp companies as well (how many men-v-women do you see behind a desk in office buildings?).

When there's no security and stability in careers the only option is to save-up for how you can afford a family, but you never really can, and because of basic instinctive inclination and social stigma you can't be financially supplemented by your parents at 30+ while living in their house and trying to start a family. You're some "failure to launch" loser–except that's the NORM for our and the next generation, either that or being under insurmountable debt and/or renting for the rest of your life.

You can't have kids without money, at least not unless you want to be a welfare leech.

19572066? ago

You can't have kids without money, at least not unless you want to be a welfare leech.

This is your asinine problem right here, suck the system dry, what's the problem? what's morally so reprehensible about "taking welfare" from the very same government that is quite literally exterminating white europeans -the world over- and at the same time, exporting gay?

Oh no how morally abhorrent.

19572063? ago

boohoo i need jobs to breed

what a queer

19128744? ago

lack of financial stability in the west

struggle to take care of their own finances in Japan

Usury is the problem of both. The money they want is money that isn't worth anything. It's an orchestrated economic genocide.


Still niggers breed at super rates. Why?

Free condoms from jews. But muh contraceptive? You know what the side effect of condoms are? The feeling of no responsibility when having sex. Generations of sex addicts seeking casual sex everywhere, while the jewish propaganda machine is advertising "sexual liberation and freedom".

19127819? ago

Niggers in Africa don't have any financial stability and they have like 1/10-1/50 of the westerners income per capita. Still niggers breed at super rates. Why? Redpill: breeding is animal behavior. No brains think with the dick.

Intellect self-defeats itself when it comes to reproduction Today individual has no reasons to breed. Society does but it doesn't swallow breeding red pill that individual and social interests are opposite here.

19127825? ago

niggers are dysgenic humans, in other words subhumans and don't respond to scarcity at all

the west's artificial scarcity and welfare aid to africa are proof of an intentional policy to destroy whites and all non-subhumans, while causing a mass proliferation of dysgenic traits and niggery

19127806? ago

No it's the same Christmas cake/New year's Eve emancipated cunt cause.

19573687? ago

Is that Japan in the second pic implying that just because they receive an education they're supposedly smarter?

19127803? ago

Sterilite is not an answer to endless grpwth. Vacuum means new growth, it is phase and what follows is not clear or even beneficial.

19127795? ago

There is nothing wrong with this. Society cannot grow forever. The correct solution is to gently let things ease off and return to balance.

The real fear is when this happens in the west. We aren't patient and our governments are corrupt and inept and will inflate the bubble until it can do nothing but violently explode. We already can't afford to develop robot caretakers and have staggering rates of abuse of elders, not to mention all the kids just parking their older family members in aged care facilities. Save your money for your retirement if you plan to live that long because things are going to get way worse.

19573680? ago

Save your money for your retirement if you plan to live that long because things are going to get way worse.

The fact is you're going to die. You're mortal. Memento Mori.

You should be planning not to cling to life for as long as you can but rather to die a fitting death. Get right with God. Don't let your worldview be out of touch with the reality of life and death; nature.

If you have lots of money and you're getting too old spend it on weapons and go down fighting.

19216350? ago

marxist propaganda about how the world would be better without intelligent peoples, like the japanese

it's impossible for you to sustain your population, goyim

the "natural balance" is all niggers

Are you a shill? This is utterly retarded nonsense. In reality, everyone on the planet is better off with more high-iq japanese people. They're not "overcrowded" or some other Malthusian claptrap. The more of them there are, the richer they are as a result.

19128719? ago

There is nothing wrong with this.

you will be over run by people who have kids

19130742? ago

Only if you let them in.

19136296? ago


population correction is a good thing. just keep out the niggers

19130731? ago

They are on an island and apes can't swim.

19127791? ago


the extinction of Homo Oeconomus could not come sooner

19216337? ago

It's always about (((the shekels))), isn't it?

19127786? ago

Maybe they should grow organs in vats so the present crop of salarimen never dies off. Actually, I wonder if it was the utterly unaffectionate home lives of workaholic Japanese men in the prior generation which made sex seem so unappealing in this one. Perhaps men who have sex without love teach neither sex nor love to their offspring.

19127777? ago

Let's send them all our niggers to help them out. I know it will be a sacrifice but we should do it. Think how grateful they will be in a few years time.

19206924? ago

They're literally one of the only countries that knows not to bring in niggers and other subhumans.

19128219? ago

But muh nigger ball.

19127774? ago

Admiring Japan’s present culture is kind of a “who I needed as a child” thing. I don’t know how to reach people with the message that sincere asexuality is okay, but here’s an entire culture trending that way to make the world a little friendlier to people like me.

Historically the anti-sex position has been the lie of moralists, but finally a new age is dawning on Earth, where people may truly cease to sexually assault each other. Once new reproductive technologies stabilize this, it’ll be truly beautiful.

19129581? ago

Delusional retard. Although it is good you won't be breeding. The next generation just got one iota stronger.

19127768? ago

Japan is a great, technologically advanced nation. And I admit, part of my joy in seeing this is that I share that basic sexual disinterest, so I’m excited to see how such a modern nation deals with the issue at scale.

19129571? ago

Getting replaced by lower races is pathetic

19127766? ago

This isn't reddit. Who cares if nonwhites go extinct?

19216349? ago

The weebs are worried no other country wants to make pedophilc cartoons for them.

19513860? ago

The weebs are worried no other country wants to make pedophilc cartoons for them.

Sometimes I wonder if people who shout "think og the cartoon children" are just that much into MILFs.


That food imports graph is fascinating anon. Also India will remain food-secure forever due to a feedback loop in the system.

19380645? ago

Are you actually a pedo?

19216351? ago

if it's pure and feminine, it's pedophilic

Yeah and tell us more about how Steven "Crossdressing kids" Universe is the picture-perfect portrayal of kids in media, you subhuman jewish rat.

19216360? ago

Lol are you seriously trying to defend a picture of three 6th grade girls in their underpants? Japan can't go under soon enough

19216367? ago


Pedophiles literally cannot stop getting fucking roasted lmao. Japan can't die soon enough.

19216366? ago

Unbeknownst to you, they're actually 6,000 year old dragons using magic to merely look like little girls to infiltrate grade schools for laughs.

You dumb retard. Those are lines of graphite and ink carved into sheafs of dead tree material - not actual photographs of people. You're so gay and braindead you want to ban doodles and ink splothes because they hurt your feefees.

Whereas, you're silent when Sucrose draws up crossdressing freaks to indoctrinate little kids.

19513858? ago

This is a great post.

19342521? ago

lol dude Illya is pedobait

19342530? ago

those girls are petite and cute. theyre also feminine and pretty. is that what you see when you look at children?

19380655? ago

those girls are petite and cute

and very very lewd

19216347? ago

Kill yourself. The Japanese are honorary.

19127772? ago

Go back to reddit, leftie. Aryans are niggers.

19129606? ago

3 hours

Post still up.

19130723? ago

Demands safe space from a leftist nigger


19127783? ago

Global report.

19127781? ago

Walk into traffic, spic street dog.

19127794? ago


You people are just sore that someone wasn’t obedient to your delusional racial chimpfest.

19129607? ago

Global report.

19127813? ago

delusional racial chimpfest

Welcome to planet Earth.

You fucking brainwashed faggots are the only ones playing by these (((rules))), you fucking suicidal lemming.

Eat a bag of clipped dicks, niggerkike.

No one is buying your guilt/shame bullshit anymore.


You can't stop what's coming.

19158098? ago

You wont do anything you nigger

19132869? ago

Watch that edge goy it's sharp

19129591? ago

Can you feel it, Anon? These pulses of rage that unite us, that burn and light up every now and then… It's like a primal instinct, telling us to seek out ones similar to ourselves, and bring death and destruction to those who've wronged us. And many, many have wronged us.

I see your picture, and think of Kalki… I don't know you, but so many of us resonate on this wavelength, and subscribe to an ideology of absolute maniacal, genocidal slaughter. Not because we're defective, but precisely because we're not. Hitler was the Prophet - Kalki is the Avatar. And when He manifests, you, I, and thousands of others will surge from our self-imposed isolation and unite into a swarm of genocidal maniacs that'll scrub the globe clean of the non-White clades with so much fervor and rage that the subhumans' death screams will echo into eternity…

I just wanted to play vidya and write adventure novels with romantic subplots featuring big-tiddied goth chicks, but instead I'm finishing a masters in molebio while boxing 4x a week and weightlifting the other 3, preparing in mind and body to eradicate the subhuman darkies and their khazarian handlers.

The kikes brought this on themselves.

Ethnoglobe soon, frens!

19575163? ago

what does molecular bio have to do with ethnoglobe though

19129561? ago

Your speech is so niggerfied with curses and empty word its like you dont speak english.

19129565? ago


Do you even know where the fuck you are right now, nigger?!


19129573? ago

empty headed reply

tries to shock posting dead niggers

Damn this board really is nigger tier intelligence drones and mentally ill users.

19485743? ago

Welcome to /pol/ - either mentally ill, or mentally retarded conspiracy theorists. The whole "kek" thing was suspicious, as was pizzagate, but everything was just done after Trump.

19563440? ago


19513818? ago

such self criticism for a jew

Remember, there is no slightest proof that 6 mln jews died in a holocaust.

19511335? ago

I'm so glad kek posting is dead that shit was absolutely cringe

19560625? ago





19560627? ago

Ha, got em.

19508222? ago

must be sluggish schizophrenia Sergi

19497125? ago

Le drumpf bad

Fuck off kike shillberg

19497134? ago

say something remotely positive about trump

accused of jewry

say something remotely negative about trump

also accused of jewry

This board can't get its goddamn mind straight on Trump. Was he good for the board culture or not? One half of you schizos keep crying that /pol/ was entirely full of shills and that all the real and legitimate posters who saw trump as "le mossad controlled opposition" were banned, and the other half of you glowniggers say that Trump was the only real option and that shills get killed or something like that.

Trump was never meant to be a final solution unto himself so much as an option to buy white america some time to gear up before DoTR in 2020 because autcelerationists can't into realizing that speeding everything up without getting as much people on board is only going to turn them against us. When that GET said "/pol/ is finished", they must've meant that the collective intelligence or consistency of this board's opinions were finished, because there is no way in hell you'll ever get a solid consensus on something like religion, let alone some rich fuck pretending to be for white interests.

19127760? ago

they tried their hardest by blurring out that tiny nip pecker but all it did was make the jap whore crave that great white dick. not to get all muh dick but no doubt weak, feminine men that also have small peckers are not getting twats wet. how can a girl get excited knowing her back wall will never be hit?

19127758? ago

How long until the japanese go extinct?

welp, there's what 200 million of them? at the current rate they will go extinct in about 600,000 years or so, but my math skills are very basic.

19522044? ago


the only sane poster.

There's 120 million of them, so maybe they'll die out in 300,000 years if everything stays exactly the same for the next 300,000 years, which of course it always does.

Keep in mind that the entire combined population of the planet in 1050AD is estimated to have been 500 million.

That means that Japan would be 1/4 of the entire population of the planet at that time. The entire human race could have gone extinct!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here's another one:

The continent of africa in 1950 had 240 million in it, that means japan now has 50% of the population of africa in 1950, but on a landmass the size of new zealand.

New zealand has a current population of 6 million.

I'm fucking sick of this (((FLOOD JAPAN WITH SHITSKINS NOW))) propaganda.

19545022? ago

I'm fucking sick of this (((FLOOD JAPAN WITH SHITSKINS NOW))) propaganda.

Me too. Look at this Aryan in Japan.

19545024? ago


19545025? ago

Aryan food in Japan

19545028? ago

Aryan culture festival.

19545029? ago

Cost of living for Aryans.

19545030? ago

Aryans in Little Arya.

19545032? ago

Let's go to Japan.

19545035? ago

Aryans in Japanese village.

19545037? ago

Driving license in Japan

19545038? ago

Cost of living in Japan for Aryan girls.

19545040? ago

Happy Aryan festival from Japan.

19545041? ago

Aryan food in Tokyo.

19545043? ago

Aryan Japanese marriage.

19545044? ago

Aryan marry Japanese woman in Aryaland.

19545046? ago

Japanese bride does Aryan festival.

19545060? ago















Based savage blackpiller Chad laying down the hard truths ITT. Japan is doomed forever, and their culture shall disappear for all eternity.


Look at the posts I quoted above. It's too fucking late. Japan is forever doomed.


And all the autistic, degenerate OL, NEETs as well as Otaku die off along with their shit genes and genetic dead end ideologies.

Sadly this will never happen. Japan just recently rejected a ban on pro-pedophilia content from the UN. (((Anime))) is the one of the most prominent causes of pedophilia and trannyism on the planet.

19563439? ago


19545064? ago

blackpill nigger is pro-(((UN)))

Imagine my shock.

19560618? ago

Hitler pulled Germany out of the brink of death and this blackpill nigger (probably employed to blackpill) is trying to make us lose hope. lololol Suck my toe, UN faggot.


19545065? ago

We're not pro-(((UN))), just anti-pedophilia.


You won't do shit. Japan will never fight back against the immigrant hordes. Just look at the posts quoted in >>13465281 and you will see the true extent of (((their))) power. Japan is an India and Brazil colony now. Their culture is gone forever.

19563438? ago

supporting blackpill niggerdom

Here's your fucking blackpill, you little bitch nigger: one day, you are going to get hunted down and exterminated. Fuck you, bitch.

19563443? ago



Holy fuck, there’s no coming back from that. Ha, got em.

19560604? ago



And no you're not, you're a moralizing shitstain who freaks out over paper and ink while Muslims rape your actual kids.

Neck yourself promptly.

19174399? ago

Same thing is happening in Finland, and only 6 million of us in the world. I've never dated and never will. Prostitution is legal here and males like me just go to them satisfying needs. I don't really care that we go extinct.

19193584? ago

look at that plot. amazing. with hitler taking power immediately that 30 year decline is leveled off and he's not even in finland. then following the war we see there's a dick deficit causing women to become ultra feminine and start pumping out babies. the dick deficit elicits an average +1.5 babies per woman. we end up on the same downward trend, same slope, and takes 20 years to bottom out. unsurprisingly the boomers born starting in the 50's are more interested in money, materialism, and the pleasures of life than in having kinds and raising a family.


19182316? ago

So there the fall started a bit earlier than in other countries. Any particular political event/change of law which led you to that?

19204981? ago

Also, what about birth rate data for the DDR?

19204980? ago

Holy hell. Why did the birth rate drop like a stone in Germany after Kurt Georg Kiesinger became Chancellor? It didn't even drop that much during the Weimar years.

19216335? ago

The anti-baby pill was invented and on the market.

19129566? ago

127 million

19127779? ago

All you did was divide 200M by 1.3

That's not how it works you fucking retard.

19134461? ago




43 generations of 1.3 fertility rate per wahmen is enough to end up with 1.8 japs

See: 200 000 000 * ((1.3/2)**43)

Assuming 25 year generation time, 43*25 = in a 1075 years there wont be enough japs to have a single family. Inbreeding issues would arise some time earlier.

Geopolitical irrelevance in less than a hundred years.

19175344? ago

Japs never die

In each generation even old people are fertile

Calling others retarded

The real picture is far worse.

19207883? ago

Japs never die

The dividing by 2 part accounts for that, fren. TFR is how many children an average woman is estimated to have in her lifetime so we only count them for the calculations. As a race they'd die in about 1000 years just from 1.3 TFR.

I agree its worse, less japs would have a harder time resisting globohomo geopolitics.

19216345? ago


This. Japan is dead and we should have no fucking business helping them out. Literally South Korea 2.0

19175759? ago


This. Japan is more fucked than one would realize.


Sadly no one who matters will care about this. Nips are soy incarnate and will never fight rapefugees.

19157489? ago

look goys, even though this country has a higher native birth rate than most european countries, it's still not high enough!

shill for more immigration, you moght get azn pussy goy! Definitely not the same lie I used with 2nd wave feminism!

who cares about there national character, their men are just betas, they refuse to work 80 hours a week for my temp agency in roppongi! Think about my shekels goy!

Gas the kikes, race war now.

19134472? ago

this this this and this

19134470? ago

writing their population of 127 million is retarded

19134497? ago

kek, my bad. Make that 42 generations.

19134464? ago

200000000* ((1.3/2)**43)

19130752? ago

So how long faggot?

Then some anon can make fun of your calculations… :)

19127784? ago

Forgot the 100

1.3 x 100… that guy was so retarded he used percentage (times 100) to divide the current population.

19127764? ago

if every single pair of japs had 1 child, wouldn't this half the population after the parents died

19135543? ago

wouldn't this half the population after the parents died

Halving birthrates is much worse than that. You're not halving the population, you're halving the breeding age population. Japan has one of the longest lifespans on the planet, which means the majority of their population are outside of the breeding age population. So when you're halving the population each generation, you could be talking about only a few million people. I looked up Germany when I was shit-posting a while back. I think it was Germany anyway. I found that their breeding age population was around 6 million. That is, before 2015, before the millions of shit-skins came, which basically made 1/3 of their breeding age population non-white in about three years.

19135548? ago

That is, before 2015, before the millions of shit-skins came, which basically made 1/3 of their breeding age population non-white in about three years.

If you believe the 'official figures' which I don't. I think it is much much higher than that.

19127780? ago


19127757? ago

1.3 really isn't that low, they have a higher birthrate then a lot of eastern European countries

19206916? ago

2.1 is replacement levels, anything less and you lose population. Every western country hovers aroun 1.6 or so, 1.8 at the highest, but our population is increasing, that's because of immigration, shitskin immigration. It genuinely is sinister. Native Whites can't breed enough to keep up (Just saying, if abortion were outlawed our birth rate would be 2.2 or something like that, but nigger's would be 4) so they import millions from the 3rd world to replace us and destroy our nations from the inside. The "White Genocide" conspiracy theory isn't really a conspiracy when they're actually literally fucking doing it, officially, says the UN. Look up "replacement migration" on the UN website

19560615? ago

Japan isn't a whiteboi country. Their economic system doesn't function on a nigh autistic obsession with GDP.

19136303? ago

Those low birthrate stats from European countries comes from SJWs, soyim, Hipsters and all those types. They just don't breed period, the only reason the birthright is even at the number it is in the West is entirely because of conservatives fucking their wives like crazy.

19136304? ago

because of conservatives fucking their wives like crazy.

Not by any stats I've seen, majority of births over in europe are muds.

19127755? ago

They’ll get exowombs working, it’ll be great.

19127754? ago

China should come and take their women

19513840? ago

China is having a way worse population shrinkage but you won't know about it until it's too late


give women an obscene amount of rights over the men

encourage women to be career OLs

make the prosecution in almost every case of the judicial system so overpowered that your best bet if she wants a divorce is to just accept it without going to court

force people to live in tiny spaces

force them into exhausting workdays that would constitute breaches of humanitarian rights anywhere else in the world

force a school system upon them that while creating overqualified individuals also stuns their growth as people

<get all surprised when you find out none of them care about sharing a 5 by 5 cms apartment with a shrieking hormone influenced crazy woman that can take all your stuff the moment you're no longer in your prime

<get surprised that they care more about their escapism than a bunch of high cost small adults

geez, I wonder

19513847? ago

make the prosecution in almost every case of the judicial system so overpowered that your best bet if she wants a divorce is to just accept it without going to court

Uh no, property rights in Japan don't work that way, Alimony is strictly a voluntary action. Not just that but a man's property remains his property unless he has signed papers saying they're sharing bank accounts and property. In fact even in extreme cases males are not forced to pay for alimony unless he gets caused doing criminal actions such as theft. There's also the fact that women still can't open bank accounts without a patriarch's permission as well.

The problem in Japan is not "muh replacement rate", which is nothing but kike economist's wet dream of endless growth, but healthcare being so good people are living well into their late 80s over there. In fact Japan's breaking records in the amount of centenarians as well, so much their old bowl of a silver award was changed to a placard handed out by the government. Maybe before shitposting like a faggot you should do some research on the topic instead of posting some shitty anime related shit.

19514913? ago

The problem in Japan is not "muh replacement rate", which is nothing but kike economist's wet dream of endless growth, but healthcare being so good people are living well into their late 80s over there.

So wait are you saying that people not dying is the issue? Or am I misreading your post?

19522047? ago

People in Japan are indeed reaching "unnatural" ages indeed, however if I'm to be honest, this is just natural selection taking it's course. Natural selection doesn't care about a kiked out economic's policy or plans. It will weed out the weak and too inept to pass on their bloodlines or secure their well being into their elderly years. The fact is, that this whole "perpetual growth" economics model for human development is completely dysgenic kikery. Nature has to take it's course, the old should die, the inept or socially retarded should not reproduce and the Jap government SHOULD STOP LETTING INTERNATIONAL KIKE BANKS dictate to them their immigration policies. They've already begun cucking by letting in Flip nurses, many of who are overstaying their visas. To no surprise their progeny, being the subhuman jungle Asians they are, are making miniature favelas near the Brazillian huehue monkeys who previously nearly shat all over Japan's genepool.

Hopefully this flip nurses program receives as much shitflinging as the BR immigrants program did. And all the autistic, degenerate OL, NEETs as well as Otaku die off along with their shit genes and genetic dead end ideologies.

19522052? ago

The fact is, that this whole "perpetual growth" economics model for human development is completely dysgenic kikery.


19514918? ago

are you saying that people not dying is the issue? Or am I misreading your post?

The japs frequently complain about "the aging workforce".

Imagine a city full of old people and robots, that is probably what japan will look like in 50 years, but I don't see the issue; you can't grow forever and a high rate of young people is only possible during periods of rapid growth.

19514919? ago

; you can't grow forever and a high rate of young people is only possible during periods of rapid growth.

Well theoretically you can. If you make law that prohibits living after 50.

19514921? ago

I hate boomers for how they slept on duty and welcomed the cultural changes that doom the generations after them, but you have to own up to your own shortcomings. If you're a NEET, stop being a NEET.

The fault of boomers is that they didn't do jack shit for the future. Guess how you can be different from them?

19182328? ago


Disgusting. We need less Chinese much much less. Chinese are the most hated of all asians. More hated than Pignoy and Indog combined.