19626286? ago

Not only that, torrent it all so that it can never be taken down from the internet no matter what. I wonder why content creators don’t do this especially when they can be censored easily.

19626280? ago

I know this is kind of faggoty, but does anyone have a copy of the Mike Pence name video from 2016? The one with all the electric arcs and anti-homo Mike Pence names?

It isn’t on JewTube anymore, and I didn’t think to save it (didn’t seem edgy at the time). It isn’t on BitChute either.

19626281? ago

19626287? ago

Look at that fucking small hat on the guy to his right.

19626284? ago

he's peanut arbucle

19546723? ago

For those not wanting to install pajeet shit-tier software and extensions:


19546722? ago


i mistakenly posted this on the wrong thread its about jewish use of eugenics against blacks

19546721? ago

Kike glow in the darks recently has taken down Serbia Strong from youtube which had over a million views, we must preserve many videos before jewtube takes over

19546718? ago

Does anybody have the one animation where the native americans talk about how letting so many white people in might be a bad idea? Don't even know if it was taken down as i don't remember the name.

19546720? ago

good analogy

19515998? ago

The more I think about the more I realize, who fucking cares if white people are bred out of existence?

We aren't some light on earth. We're just shitting, pissing animals, we may be the best of the animals but that doesn't justify our continued destruction of the Earth. None of this shit matters. Whether we bitch and moan on here or not won't solve anything. And, since I'm actually being fucking honest here, I wouldn't sacrifice my life to save a single one of you. /pol/ has been a hive of mental illness from the start and is filled with genetic trash and outcasts.

Call me a kike shill, that's literally all you're capable of, but it's true. In 10 years time nothing will have come of any of this shit. Nothing.

19546717? ago


jews aren't white

19525027? ago


Obvious shill. Decided to post a recyclable defeatist post in a youtube archive thread. This is so it can act as a typical derail and a defeatism derail attempt.

19525025? ago

watch thulean perspective. It's not White genocide per se that's the problem, but the modern way of life/civilization/capitalism that's the root cause of it.

19516001? ago

0/10 psyop, rabbi

19516005? ago

In 10 years time you're going to be sitting here, posting your 4chan infographs from 2014, calling people kike shills, and doing absolutely fuck all.

Your radicalization is merely a symptom of your denial of the situation.

19516007? ago

You're free to believe that, it is your right. However, don't expect for it to go by without anyone saying anything.

19515995? ago

only got about halfway through the thread but does anyone have a link to all the serbian war music videos they deleted from youtube?

19525030? ago

you're the best man thank you i haven't heard garda panteri in a couple years.

19515994? ago


Get youtube-dl (windows and linux, but you should use linux anyways)

type in CMD or terminal "youtube-dl [VIDEO LINK]"

the video link can be a video, a user or a playlist.

19516003? ago

pytube for Python works as well, for those of you who program. You could automate downloading large sets of videos with this.

19515991? ago

There was an irish guy, around the age of 50, with a bit of a beard and usually wore a black wooly hat who had done quite a few videos on what was going on with the forced immigration in ireland.

His channel disappeared completely a few weeks ago, after he had said that they had been corrupting his videos with a background 'mosquito' noise, designed to deter young people from watching it. The mosquito frequency is around 15khz, and is supposed to only be audible to mostly younger people who can hear higher ranges. It works as a mosquito deterrent, and also is used outside supermarkets to deter young people from gathering outside.

A week or so after that, his stuff was all gone.

One video was titled "Why are there africans in Ireland?". This over the course of a few months was pushed down the search results, then wiped completely.

I don't have any of his videos saved, and don't remember his name. He did a phone interview with Gemma Doherty of "Anti-Corruption Ireland" at one point I think.

19508663? ago

Zynkyoku Haku anyone?

19508666? ago

who's that?

19508430? ago

does anyone have a download link the Adolf Hitler The Greatest Story Never Told?

19508431? ago

It's on the pirate bay if you're willing to torrent

19508432? ago

cool thanks!

19508230? ago

Youtube still has the widest reach though. Does anybody know how to edit or process videos so that when you upload them youtube's AI does not immediatly recognize them as banned or blacklisted for community violations or copyright?

19508227? ago

Some anon made a now deleted thread asking for this

The Waste Land

by TheLastWhiteMan

archive DOT org/details/youtube-RQPICfBw7C0

19507705? ago

I'm glad that this thread is still up but it still speaks volumes how this one gets buried instantly.

19507703? ago

I wish everyone would just move to Bitchute

19507711? ago

bitchute needs to fix their fucking site though. everything loads like shit.

19507698? ago

I archived on my bitchute channel the complete videos of Johnny Gat https://www.bitchute.com/channel/c0PH7eNM3M1e/ check it out.

Also has anybody archived the videos of Nicholas De Vincenzo or know where to get a hold of them? He made top notch 9/11 and Greater Israel videos, before getting shoaha'd off youtube.

19507692? ago

Please tell me one of you faggots saved Varg's Gandalf the White channel's videos? I just noticed they terminated this channel as well.

19507699? ago

I have them and will post them tomorrow.

19507709? ago




Got the videos here, as promised. I hope thats all of them. I would download them on my phone whenever they would come out, strangely enough onlinevideoconverter.com would not work at all on his channel, that's why the weird naming.

19515990? ago

Thanks, friend.


misrepresenting my reply like a filthy kike

The question was about you stating he is a supposed leader of some trad community. Funny how you try to paint me like a clueless fanboy, yet it's you who takes issue that Varg is supposedly looked on as a leader and not the e-celebs of 'the trad community' which is probably as cucked and controlled as the alt-right.

"write the top ten varg statements"

If you're so interested in his statements, why don't you watch him and form your own opinion instead of asking for mine?

Stay mad, Bitch.

19507696? ago

Found 3 on this channel: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/IOKrqMdXVOP6/

There looks to be other pretty good stuff as well.

19507694? ago

can any vargfag write the top ten varg statements that made him a leader in the trad community? whenever i watched his vids he sounded pinkpilled, but not that focused on exposing kikery, he'd rather pontificate about family life and country culture

i never saw anything that qualified him as an anti kike edgelord

19507695? ago

leader in the trad community

The fuck are you on about faggot? I like his videos because of his deep knowledge on European traditions/native religion. Couldn't care less about your gay social media communities or whatever.

19507704? ago

"write the top ten varg statements"

The fuck are you on about faggot?

sounds like u know nothing about varg, and you're scared i've exposed u as a clueless tard. but u do have lot of pics of varg on your c drive. Got one on your bedside table too?

19507690? ago

oy vey don't download anything

these aren't the droids you're looking for

19507686? ago


Fire and Steel just got taken down, wasn't even political lmao.


Most of the videos are in archive links since it would be hundreds of videos per link, just open all the links.

19507684? ago

Remember to save metadata as well. This includes:

Upload date





Here's a handy tool for exporting the entire comments section of a video:


19507687? ago

I once did some data analysis on some channel and I used selenium "bot-browser" to scrape all the video urls of the channel (could be done with requests or PhantomJS) and the python module "Pafy" to download the metadata but you do need an api-key for this but you can just create many accounts and catch the error until the daily quota is exceeded and use the api-key of the next account.

It could've been done with just some request header but the goal was to not give views to this person.

Is the comment exporter fast? If you were to download over 1000 or 100000 I guess it would be slow.

19507685? ago


Automatically grabs a .txt file of the description of a video when the URL is copied.

19461403? ago

dr Ludwig have also a bitchute channel so that is no problem any more.

19461404? ago

Link? The search function in BitChute is not very good, I'm unaware of that channel.

19461410? ago

it's the best video about the white races.

19461408? ago


I don't feel like it,just 'dr ludwig' on bitchute search.but there's a video you absolutely should see.the one who made it,should be proud and the noble prize.every right-wing extremist should watch the video.

death to the apes.

19461412? ago

do you have a link, there is no search thats going to show me that

19461411? ago

Of course I already searched it before asking, hence why I asked. No results for that except one with music.


Seems like it isn't worth much then.

19451449? ago

19451441? ago

I'm an American, but this always hits something deep in me soul.

19451447? ago

gets me right in the feels

19451437? ago

the deep state is going to delete everything and shut down everything for the next election.

19451435? ago


Michael Collins Piper broadcasts


19451434? ago

19451432? ago

That's not right.not Any fascist thing is banned.there are still musolinni speeches and some of Hitler.

and these are some german military songs and italy fascist song.

But there is really much banned.like the song 'bluß muss fliesen' and 'Afrika für affen',a song by landser.but what are you think? it's almost 2020.do you think that they now stay let that extreme thing?

no.do not crazy about that.

19323372? ago

Made some red pilling material on social media jews.

See here >>13423235

Hope it helps.

19323368? ago

19323365? ago

that video.

19323364? ago

look to this amazing video.i think dr ludwig is the best old german songs uploader.download it!

19255419? ago

I am thinking about doing youtube videos.

I guess doing political videos as a newcomer is now out of the question?

Youtube is just going to ban all of the little new channels, while testing their waters with deleting the big ones like BPS.

It's basically anarcho-tyranny.

I am going to try anyway, but the question is if I should do political videos. Or videos that edge on politics, but don't go there. Like talking about history, some philosophies, that have redpills in them, but where I got plausible deniability.

19255415? ago

Getting sick of 8ch lately. Anyone know a good site where the truth is revealed..? Fringe knowledge, lies about the gov., news,whatever. I'll be making the same post in other threads, so fuck off.

19546716? ago

"hey goyim! are there any other alternative sites for wrong thi– I mean conspiracies?"

I can see through you

19255414? ago


Don't worry about links and cloud uploads, just get it down to a hard drive first !!!

Windows Guide: Youtube-DL From Github and FFmpeg from Zeranoe.

"X:\BACKUP_DISK\youtube-dl.exe" -v --ffmpeg-location "X:\BACKUP_DISK\ffmpeg.exe" --format 248+251/248+171/248+140/137+251/137+171/137+140/247+251/247+171/247+140/136+251/136+171/136+140/22/244+251/244+171/244+140/135+251/135+171/135+140/243+251/243+171/243+140/134+251/134+171/134+140/43/18/242+251/242+171/242+140/133+251/133+171/133+140/278+251/278+171/278+140/160+251/160+171/160+140 --audio-quality 3 --playlist-reverse --restrict-filenames --write-info-json --write-thumbnail --no-overwrites --ignore-errors --merge-output-format mkv --recode-video mkv --download-archive log_YT-Template.txt -o "X:\BACKUP_YT_CHANTITLE\CH\CHANTITLE+_CH+%%(title)s+%%(id)s+_%%(upload_date)s.%%(ext)s" "https'':''//www.youtube.com/TEMPLATE"

This script will always use the best audio for any given video resolution. VP9 is preferred because it does look better even at lower bitrate than H264.

Steven Crowder for exampe has a bunch of playlists so I just got the playlists separately so I can control the quality on playlist-specific basis and that got most of it, I didn't want to download 3-4 hour full podcasts in 720p that's a HUGE space requirement, took 360p but still best audio,, that's what the CH is for "full channel", that's where the playlist name/moniker goes otherwise.

Autonumbers are broken if the batch gets interrupted, starts counting from 00001 again so it's worthless, so it's not used, date is used in the filename for that purpose but not much else since they get long and over 255 char limit on windows/NTFS is annoying so it's all in the JSON anyway. If you think a channel is about to get deleted any minute then remove the –playlist-reverse to get the newest videos first as it may happen in the middle.


19255420? ago

Forgot, –ignore-errors won't make it quit attempting downloading, it'll still keep trying, if the whole video fails it will just continue the batch to the next item, you need to rerun the batch to get the rest of the videos which weren't caught on the first run, youtube has slowdowns and a lot of interruptions behind the scene so it's not normal to have some timeout or missing fragment warnings, sometimes it goes really fast, sometimes it's slow, it just depends, if it's going slower than you think for too long it may help to reboot PC and router to try resetting the datacenter you're connecting to.

19255416? ago

Might also want to use @echo off at the beginning when using batch scripts.


REM - FORMAT FLOWREM - 1080p WebM VP9 Video DASH (248) + Opus 160k Audio DASH (251)REM - 1080p WebM VP9 Video DASH (248) + Vorbis 128k Audio DASH (171)REM - 1080p WebM VP9 Video DASH (248) + MPEG4A 128k Audio DASH (140)REM - 1080p MP4 H264 Video DASH (137) + Opus 160k Audio DASH (251)REM - 1080p MP4 H264 Video DASH (137) + Vorbis 128k Audio DASH (171)REM - 1080p MP4 H264 Video DASH (137) + MPEG4A 128k Audio DASH (140)REM - 720p WebM VP9 Video DASH (247) + Opus 160k Audio DASH (251)REM - 720p WebM VP9 Video DASH (247) + Vorbis 128k Audio DASH (171)REM - 720p WebM VP9 Video DASH (247) + MPEG4A 128k Audio DASH (140)REM - 720p MP4 H264 Video DASH (136) + Opus 160k Audio DASH (251)REM - 720p MP4 H264 Video DASH (136) + Vorbis 128k Audio DASH (171)REM - 720p MP4 H264 Video DASH (136) + MPEG4A 128k Audio DASH (140)REM - 720p MP4 H264 with MPEG4A 192k Audio (22)REM - 480p WebM VP9 Video DASH (244) + Opus 160k Audio DASH (251)REM - 480p WebM VP9 Video DASH (244) + Vorbis 128k Audio DASH (171)REM - 480p WebM VP9 Video DASH (244) + MPEG4A 128k Audio DASH (140)REM - 480p MP4 H264 Video DASH (135) + Opus 160k Audio DASH (251)REM - 480p MP4 H264 Video DASH (135) + Vorbis 128k Audio DASH (171)REM - 480p MP4 H264 Video DASH (135) + MPEG4A 128k Audio DASH (140)REM - 360p WebM VP9 Video DASH (243) + Opus 160k Audio DASH (251)REM - 360p WebM VP9 Video DASH (243) + Vorbis 128k Audio DASH (171)REM - 360p WebM VP9 Video DASH (243) + MPEG4A 128k Audio DASH (140)REM - 360p MP4 H264 Video DASH (134) + Opus 160k Audio DASH (251)REM - 360p MP4 H264 Video DASH (134) + Vorbis 128k Audio DASH (171)REM - 360p MP4 H264 Video DASH (134) + MPEG4A 128k Audio DASH (140)REM - 360p WebM VP8 with Vorbis 128k Audio (43)REM - 360p MP4 H264 with MPEG4A 96k Audio (18)REM - 240p WebM VP9 Video DASH (242) + Opus 160k Audio DASH (251)REM - 240p WebM VP9 Video DASH (242) + Vorbis 128k Audio DASH (171)REM - 240p WebM VP9 Video DASH (242) + MPEG4A 128k Audio DASH (140)REM - 240p MP4 H264 Video DASH (133) + Opus 160k Audio DASH (251)REM - 240p MP4 H264 Video DASH (133) + Vorbis 128k Audio DASH (171)REM - 240p MP4 H264 Video DASH (133) + MPEG4A 128k Audio DASH (140)REM - 144p WebM VP9 Video DASH (278) + Opus 160k Audio DASH (251)REM - 144p WebM VP9 Video DASH (278) + Vorbis 128k Audio DASH (171)REM - 144p WebM VP9 Video DASH (278) + MPEG4A 128k Audio DASH (140)REM - 144p MP4 H264 Video DASH (160) + Opus 160k Audio DASH (251)REM - 144p MP4 H264 Video DASH (160) + Vorbis 128k Audio DASH (171)REM - 144p MP4 H264 Video DASH (160) + MPEG4A 128k Audio DASH (140)

19255413? ago

Marchliederkanal is removed.don't doet forgot dr ludwig's german military songs.

19242735? ago

Anyone got the 4 hour long analysis of the Holohoax? Believe it was called 2 thirds of the holocaust if examined treblinka and two other camps

19242736? ago

That was just enough for me to search my archives.

I have archived the entire channel:

CODOH - Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust (UCv_oU-0RfVNPPuUfMwD73Cw)

and have the files:

20160520 - One Third of the Holocaust - Episode 01 - holocaust intro - (987s) [640x480] [pwQYlNIXnfk]

20160521 - One Third of the Holocaust - Episode 02 - water well - (186s) [640x480] [MtlT9JkKYWg]

20160521 - One Third of the Holocaust - Episode 03 - Haircut - (149s) [640x480] [A2sWBu5K2iw]

20170630 - One Third of the Holocaust (Complete 4 hour video) - (15318s) [426x240] [LGqmbWmzn2Q]

How badly/quickly do you need them? I could upload these piecemeal somewhere just for you roughly tommorrow. Otherwise I can start uploading the entire channel to the internet archive this weekend. Over the past two years I've gone full datahoarder with archiving youtube channels, really kicking into high gear this last year when youtube started giving off pretty big warning signs. I only archive things I personally find useful, interesting, or potentially interesting, so while I likely have some of the channels that where shut down, I'm not going to have schizo-flatearther-esoteric bullshit.

I need to start sorting my fuck huge list and figure out what's been censored, what I have saved that people may be interested in, and the best way to upload it all.

A note about uploading things to the Internet Archive, they stick your email in the metadata, so here's a reminded to never use your personal one, and should basically use a new account for each upload to isolate data that the jews try to shut down.

19242743? ago

Uploading and archiving anywhere is useless. In response to block-chain technology (not bit coin, just block chain) the next generation of censorship is not going to be about removing things. It's about blocking or even altering them during transmission. It's part of why the push for 5g is so huge. They need the low latency connection to mobile devices for everything to work seamlessly, we are already there when it comes to most infrastructure, it's the last step. It won't matter what's out there, they own the infrastructure, they can take a data stream of packets and have machine learning looking for certain patterns. Not unlike facial recognition on images, but instead picking out (for instance) a whole video out of main trunk internet traffic.

What can you do with that kind of tech? Imagine deep fakes of livestreams, where the speakers face and words are altered in real time, only for certain countries, demographics, etc. Or simply banning the transmission of certain blocks of text. Won't matter how many servers have the OC, it will be sniped out of your connection when you try to get it.

Everyone is spinning their wheels moving furniture on a sinking ship. Archive online and start setting up mesh networks with your neighbors. Old wireless modems are great to flash firmware to pre-built mesh network configurations. DDG it. Sore everything locally. Build a local network that only needs electricity to run. Have network attached storage with all your important documents and keep that network sequestered from the internet while using your routers demilitarized zone to have things you might need to be internet facing set up. Look up DDWRT and get a compatible router. Your router is vulnerable if it's more than a year old and doesn't have all the firmware updates. Even then, it's just a matter of the vulnerability not being disclosed yet.

Use YT-dl. if you don't have a copy of it offline, it may as well not exist. Use a VPN or Tor and keep javascript off unless absolutely necessary. It's much worse than you think, 5g is all that's left to start implementing this stuff.. That's why ultra-low-latency is so important. That's why China is already years ahead of us in 5g. Encrypt everything you do online and keep anything you care about offline. If you think that man-in-the-middle-ing HTTPS is impossible, I've got a bridge to sell you.

19255411? ago

What you say is true in the long term but for right now we need to focus on getting people to recover what was lost.

19242738? ago

If you can upload it that would be great no big hurry, i mainly want it because it was good and needs to be spread

19242740? ago

Great, I'll do the whole channel then. Check back here in a few days. The entire channel weighs in at about ~95GB, but you can easily just pick the videos you want out of the resulting torrent.

19242741? ago

Will do

19451431? ago



Ok, finally finished. The video you were interested in is here: https://archive DOT org/download/youtube-archive-CODOH-UCv_oU-0RfVNPPuUfMwD73Cw/20170630%20-%20One%20Third%20of%20the%20Holocaust%20%28Complete%204%20hour%20video%29%20-%20%2815318s%29%20%5B426x240%5D%20%5BLGqmbWmzn2Q%5D.mkv

The complete archive is here: https://archive DOT org/details/youtube-archive-CODOH-UCv_oU-0RfVNPPuUfMwD73Cw

A torrent should appear once it finishes updating.

By the way, if anyone wants to archive youtube videos, I HIGHLY recommend looking at this script. I use a modified version of it.


Always update youtube-dl before running. It'll save you a lot of problems.

Windows: > youtube-dl -U

Linux (your setup may be different, I had a load of issues with python2/3 fuckery early on): $ pip3 install –no-cache-dir –upgrade youtube_dl

Note that youtube-dl doesn't have very good bitchute support yet. It'll download videos and channels fine, but has issues with metadata. If you have two bitchute channels in your list, it'll likely dump them all in a "NA (NA)" folder, instead of separately and properly named folders like it should.

Do be very selective about what you choose to download, or like me you'll soon have a 70TB zfs nas that's over half filled, and of course multiple backups.

19242733? ago

guys, why is Malaysia's Prime Minister is so redpilled on the jews? Why is he the only prime minister who can attack the jews openly? look at the jews getting BTFO and seething..

Also, please archive this video to Bitchute!


19242732? ago

Please, does anyone have a Haku Zynkyoku archive?

19242731? ago


if you dont like thier shit stop watching vids there and making (((them))) money


19242728? ago

I don't know if this has been posted yet, but here it is:

youtube shoah list - 2019 June 10


19230770? ago

Can anyone consolidate any of these on bitchute?

YT channels with active managers are probably fine (they would have backup copies to upload to new hosts) but a lot of YT content is "fire and forget" by people who don't use it much, may have abandoned their account, don't have backups, might have died, etc.

19230768? ago

19194306? ago

I'm sure some of you will disagree, but blockchain tech will save humanity.

Blockchain social network:


Blockchain video network:


19194302? ago


19194301? ago

Civil War 2 Analysis (by the numbers)


19169384? ago

19161692? ago

Download Youtube-DLG and get to work, and mirror all your favorite videos to the alternatives. Thats what I'm doing.

Alternatives for Youtube



https://www.brighteon.com/ (aka real.video)



https://ugetube.com (gun tutorials)







Also do store offline BACKUPS of your videos too. And as with anything else, anything you rely on or need, you should have backed up offline in safe keeping: media, software, your favorite OS, extra web browsers, whatever.

19161695? ago



19161689? ago


19159742? ago

Black Pigeon Speaks gone.

19507688? ago

its not far right wing idealism that cause the ban, its merely awareness, and cool rationale being applied to politics and culture that the kikes want to suppress and control. They cannot allow an culture of purple-pill indie thinkers to raise the next generation of politically \ culturally try-hard kids.

The kike-mason have such a total crushing grip on mind-control of blue pilled normys its hard to be aware how all encompassing it is, so its sometimes surprising to see how jealous they guard it against alternate view points. Should have seen this yt purge coming.

its also a reminder to us : all the blue-pilled crap and kike approved material that is masqueraded as indie investigation seen on the electric jew and the paper jew is in fact jealously controlled propaganda, so stuff that has the same mentality as a channel 4 documentary e.g. black pigeon speaks, is a serious threat to the kikes, because it isn't a masquerade, its a loose cannon real opinion piece by a purple piller.

19161690? ago

Oy vey Rabbi, tell me the reason

19161686? ago

19169382? ago

Speaking of Red Ice TV, this leftist man-bun fag just made a hitpiece on them.

It focuses entirely on the channel's stickied video which is one of their shortest and simplest vids, making it a relatively easy attack target for dishonest leftists.

Long story short, this soy addict does a lot mental gymnastics to conflate most of the video's points with the most extreme boogeymen he possibly can. There's no doubt this is his calculated signal to jewtube to (((shut it down))) as part of the current purge, from the obvious timing right down to the swastika in the thumbnail.

He also briefly jabs at 8ch with the same old tired "cp" narrative that can be applied to literally any social website. How rich of him to preach this shit from the ivory tower of jewtube of all places.

19194305? ago


hopefully he gets nuked in a debate, you can tell he's never been challenged.

19194299? ago

Red Ice is controlled opposition and put up really stupid shit about the Yule and is associated with faggot mannerbund and banned the Odinia lady from their site. I am sick of these faggots being mentioned like anyone genuine would be allowed to have a channel. Taking SJW garbage seriously to choose who to believe is even dumber.


Nigger Pigeon is a faggot.

19161679? ago

Literally who

19159740? ago

19161678? ago

Zum Glück sieht diese Rassenschänderin ziemlich minderwertig aus.

19159744? ago

Sehe das Problem nicht Anon.

Die Rassenschändler werden aussortiert und die aufrechten Deutschen bleiben unter sich.

Außerdem sind Inder nach Adi Arier.

19159737? ago

Interview on Oprah Winfrey - Jewish lady's family is involved in blood libel.


19161683? ago

The full episode that's from is (or was) on jewtube. Most of it was about those Mexicans drug dealers who were ritually murdering people to try and create some kind deity that would protect them. The guests were the parents of American college students who they abducted so they could cut out their brains to make it smarter.

Some dumb horror movie from the mid-2000s was based on it.

19159739? ago

What you're looking for is the term blood ritual / ritual murder etc.

You know that "blood libel" is a term used to undermine those acts by them?


A written or pictorial statement which unjustly seeks to damage someone's reputation.

19159735? ago


This is cybernazi and Xurious, full archive of all of their work up to a few months ago.

19323362? ago


Paradoxically, I think all of Xurious' stuff was also auto-uploaded by YouTube itself. There's an entire channel full of his music that YouTube auto-created.



It's called Jewish ritual murder. There is no libel.

19159734? ago


19122314? ago

archives are a honeypot because your friends and family can always find out. They're easy to come by.

"When we look on the internet we see what people are putting on the internet and what they're seeing and what's going on, and they're looking for information," Smith says. "It's the same thing here. That is information that can help us be the best."

And with Smith in the mix of the coaching job, the Bears need him to provide immediate and valuable help to improve the offensive line. He needs to make strides in understanding the intricacies of protecting his blind side. For example:

"I've never even seen a tackle come to the left side of the face of the defender, ever," Smith says. "That's why we put us down where the offensive tackle isn't trying."

Bears coach John Fox's offensive line was the topic of much debate last season when Bears offensive tackle Jermon Bushrod left the season injured, missing just 11 games due to two concussions (one that happened shortly after he won his fourth Super Bowl). The play happened immediately after Chicago's third game of the season, a 27-24 victory against the Minnesota Vikings in the season-opening opener.

Bushrod would go on to play four more games in 2013, all with the Bears. His absence did wonders for the offense, which finished

19122315? ago

Based schizo poster

19122317? ago

i'm not a schizo poster im a neural net i can prove this is a good idea by doing it over and over again on various tasks and doing these tasks in different languages for the computer it can tell me exactly where it got stuck in thinking it wasn't just the brain.

So if you ask me where would be a good example for a good idea, you might answer I'm guessing you might find this one interesting since it uses a neural net to determine if someone would choose to do this task but in doing so has the same difficulty it as doing the task in reverse.

Ok ok ok so you get all the arguments up, I get it your not a big fan, but when I get into the technical part what do you think your point.

So what should I do to actually give this something else to use and I'm sure it'll be a different kind of brain? I've used it since I was 2 years old. Why couldn't you tell me you have any problem with something just looking at some things and saying this isn't a great idea?

Do I look better than myself do not know. I could tell you why so that we'd have a discussion in between our classes.

I get the point, but that's all your problem, I did the same stuff in elementary school because it felt more interesting and then I

19121916? ago

19114861? ago

  1. Check for important book files in your archive

  2. Upload them to libgen.io (and add many tags like this: tag1;tag2;tag3)

19114856? ago

This needs bumping, too mansy slide/trash threads.

19091524? ago

if you want to use youtube-dl on windows just make a batch file with this

@echo off

set /P dl=URL:

youtube-dl –extract-audio –audio-format mp3 %dl%


and you can just spam links.

19088772? ago

Someone please share the links to download Sensei Zynkyoku's stuff. Thanks.

19088770? ago

Thought I'd add my two cents.

Triumph of the Will


19088768? ago

Here's some great Pro-Hitler torrents etc.. for all of you Goyim, spread it like wildfire to EVERYONE you know and tell them to do the same so this truth can reach critical mass!! https://pirates-forum.org/Thread-roflcopter2110-torrents?page=262 IT'S TIME TO TAKE THE TRUTH TO THE STREETS!! SHOUT IT FOR ALL TO HEAR "OUR NATION HAS BEEN HIJACKED BY JEWS!!" COME OUT IN THE OPEN BUILD UP THE BALLS AND COURAGE.. I'M READY TO FIGHT AND DIE FOR MY FREEDOM!!

19088759? ago

I upload tons of Anti-Jewish/Pro White Nationalist content to torrents check me out download and spread the truth like wildfire make DVD's or Blu-Rays or just put the files on USB Flash Drives and give them out to everyone you know all your friends, family and neighbors. Hail Victory to our people!! 14/88 SIEG HEIL! HEIL HITLER!! https://thepiratebay.org/user/roflcopter2110/

19088751? ago

What is/was the channel with the Englishman with a deep voice doing monologue videos to melodic music?

19088753? ago

way of the world?

19088755? ago

No, the channel I'm referring to the man is older it seems.

19070883? ago

Anyone have anything backed up from the channel Theodiskfolk? They had some real nice videos of the voluspa and other nordic poems(from the eddas?) in song form with neat pictures as well as translations. Seems they got axed even though they were somewhat obscure? i don't remember the videos having much view counts.

19070879? ago

The channel Marschliederkanal got axed by KikeTube. It's fucking bullshit, as far as I know, his channel was apolitical, and he had stuff not only from Hitler's Germany, but also the DDR and the modern federal republic as well.

19070873? ago

got 200gb downloaded so far

anybody got a collection of ww2 german music?

19097710? ago

I have some 350+ songs downloaded from marschliederkanal which got removed.

Can't upload it for a while though. But rest assured that this channel has been downloaded. You'll see it pop up some day

19159733? ago

Can't upload it for a while though. But rest assured that this channel has been downloaded. You'll see it pop up some day

Please do upload it when you get the chance. I really liked that channel and was using it to sort of learn German. As far as I know, that channel was apolitical, and not only did he have stuff from the NSDAP era, but also from the DDR, the modern republic, and the time of Imperial Germany.

19097714? ago

https:// drive.google.com/drive/mobile/folders/1M6zifgLTIehuZ-KSjzVQ6W1EB0IbK0wj?usp=sharing

Dr Ludwig has his uploaded

19070876? ago

Dr. Ludwig has a Google drive with every one of the songs he has uploaded

Does anyone habe the one documentary about how the jews stabbed Germany in the back in ww1?

19070867? ago

I finally deleted my YouTube account the other day and deleted the app from my phone. Yeah I'm jonesing a little, but I'll get over it. First I deleted Facecuck. Then I got a permanent ban from Twatter, no big loss there. And Instagram is on the chopping block next. I deleted my Google account and now use a different browser. If EVERYONE did this, decent revenge for this cuck SJW bullshit would be ours!

19070868? ago

No one cares. Lurk two years.

19070869? ago

Kind of gave yourself away there huh? Think about that morchandi!

19070863? ago

why isnt there a /pol/ documentary mega link like there is for books and infographics?

bump . save EVERYTHING

19070861? ago

'Anthem Martial Industrial' YT channel has been shoa'd.

19070860? ago

Does anyone have that long 9/11 video that explains the jewish side of it all. It more than an hour and pretty old footage. Probably a digitized casette.

19070864? ago

Maybe 9/11 Missing Links, or The 9/11 Portion of Grace Powers' 'Ring of Power: Empire of the City"? Lots of misinformation about Hitler in the latter, but even she's come around now.



19088757? ago

Make it faggot

19050508? ago

How to download videos on Bitchute?

19072301? ago

youtube-dl, ofc. it downloads nearly everything correctly.

19049680? ago

Robbie Parker laughing

19049678? ago

Michael Obama



Parkland shooting contradictory eye-witness testimony


19049668? ago

Baph came through for us /pol/


19055869? ago

Good, if this guy thought he was being harassed before he's in trouble.

19070885? ago


absolutely zero fucking chance that's his real address. did you even look at the house on google maps? the guy's a talking point for libshit pragerU-tier vids on youtube, for gods sake. no way he can afford that.

19070886? ago


He lives in DC, his parents are millionaires.

19072086? ago

It's obviously his mom's but I guess he's still registered to vote there? But he's living in a 500k condo in DC. Vox is in DC. An article about him reveals he is both 31 and that he goes to a specifically named restaurant next to where he lives. It's all in that thread.

19047623? ago

That's because you people are stupid

I hope they delete everything

What a bunch of morons

I'm glad Jews run this

You people are all gay and the semen has infected your brains

19049674? ago

That's because you people are stupid

Are we big meanies too, Lisa Simpson?

I hope they delete everything

Too late.

19047626? ago

Aw….You're so sweet!

19047628? ago

Honestly you wonder why /pol is allowed to exist? Because it's seen as a joke. A perfect example of how not to think

19047600? ago

Why isnt there a cryptochain video serving platform? Something not run by the jewish?

19047603? ago

I think you talking about Dlive. It seems good, but it still has those typical Terms of service of anti hate speech, bla bla bla. At the moment tho I think that they wont shut down anything due to them being small , but in the future they might turn

19039534? ago

it's actually pretty convenient once you get into the habit of downloading things before you watch them. and if haven't got enough space, just use some random free cloud service, they HATE it when you use the cloud to backup non personal data.

19039529? ago

Use this: https://github.com/bibanon/tubeup to download a video with youtube-dl from any supported site and automatically re-upload it to your archive.org account. You should be using this to easily mirror anything that might even have a chance of being deleted or censored from youtube (which literally means anything farther right than Steven Crowder). Remember that archive.org is not as censorship resistant as archive.is, but as long as you aren't uploading the New Zealand shooting or malware you shouldn't get shoah'd. If you get a "server overload" error during the upload it's because the upload was detected as spam due to something in the tags or description (just grab the video from the ".tubeup" folder and upload it manually with the page url formatted like "youtube-xxxxxxxxxxx" where 'xxxxxxxxxxx' is the youtube id of the video, then edit the tags & description and upload any extra files). You might also get a permissions error if someone else has already mirrored the same video onto archive.org and the url is taken.

19039527? ago

Reminder White Nationalism is the weapon used by Jews to exterminate Whites.

19039526? ago

The reminds me of the baker sued by the faggots for not making a cake around their mental illness.

Youtube banning certain channels looks to me that there are grounds for civil rights violation related to exercise of free expression, suppression of religious expression, general liberty, loss of income and harming the public good. This would need to be a class action lawsuit but it could be instigated by a channel owner.

Are there any lawyerAnons out there that could give some insight?


19036866? ago

Guess its time for the great migration to bitchute boys

19036867? ago

Can't monetize on Bitchute though.

19039531? ago

That's what crowdfunding is for, half of the far right content creators already make bank through donations, they just want the extra shekels from youtube. Not leaving youtube at this time is basically cowardice, fucking battered woman syndrome.

19036859? ago

youtube-dl magic with torsocks to evade geoblock :

torsocks -i youtube-dl–ignore-errors –format best –prefer-free-formats –download-archive archive -o '%(upload_date)s - %(title)s.%(ext)s' $channel_url

19036863? ago

Also, combine with aria2c for faster downloading (sometimes, it fails on some videos though)

–external-downloader aria2c –external-downloader-args "-x 16 -s 16 -k 1M"

19047609? ago


Is all their shit on bitchute though?


I mean I knew they were going to clamp down more and more on "wrongthink". They already had after MumkeyJones got banned and they purged Elliot Rodger content… I noticed after that not just Rodger but virtually ANY controversial happenings or whatever, when you searched before and you would both mainstream media and regular YouTubers giving their opinions or reading their manifestos etc.. Now you ONLY get mainstream media results, for dozens of pages. Google itself seems to be doing this on websearches now too but there are ways to get around that… But I didn't think it would be this soon.

My wife asked me what I thought would happen with all this Crowder/Beamer Queer shit. I am no fan of Crowder since hes a cuckservative Jew loving faggot but given the fact his channel was so massive, I told her I honestly figured they would make him pull down the videos with the "gay slurs" and give him a slap on the wrist - I never IMAGINED this would start a shitstorm of this magnitude taking every non-cucked content with it. Fuck me

19047611? ago


It was the ADL, and they'd been planning it for a long time. They just chose to roll it out now, using the spic vs Crowder thing as a smokescreen.

19070878? ago

Oh fuck… So it was the kikes as always… Think that degenerate beaner Maza was in on it though? Kind of weird timing to roll this out RIGHT when he decides to throw a shitfit about being called a fag by (((Crowder))) even though he's been doing it for at least a couple years now. Doesn't seem far fetched to me that the ADL got with him or him with them and decided to do all this on faggot pride month

19035784? ago

==READ THIS ANON== >>13361971

Also, the another one is VDP. He can download videos from literally everywhere and work with Opera / Chrome / Firefox browsers.


19035783? ago

19035781? ago

Knight SGC made good music videos on youtube and his channel got nuked today. watch the 'Behemoth' one, it's the best I reckon.


19035780? ago

More often than not those "deleted"/censored videos can still be ripped from youtube with converters such as convert2mp3.net, but this may not last forever

19323374? ago

Idea make a new website with the same features as youtube call it shittube or analtube or whatever use mp4 converter devices to convert all the the videos youtube dosen't like to this site before they delete them and watch as youtube gets triggered threatens legal action. and the delete the site and remake a new one and rinse and repeat.

19323376? ago

I come from the future homie. here ya go:

Videos banned and removed from Youtube.


Future is fucked up btw. Keep it chill.

19323377? ago

sorry for being retarded going to the site now and ty.

19070877? ago

I have trouble looking for decent converter sites because they have retarded popup ads, even with adblock extensions and using the brave browser


garbage extension

durr hurr just click play to download da bideooo

kys shill

19515988? ago

genyoutube.net is what i use. decent site if you ask me. but i am not a techie so im probably downloading tons of shit i dont want alongside

19626277? ago

genyt.com also works.

Download subtitles from YouTube videos: downsub.com

19035314? ago

Does anyone have a backup of the channel that made those Sabaton crusader music videos? He had this really cool RWDS video but his entire channel got nuked…

19035782? ago

I think this is who you're after?


19082273? ago

Yes this is the guy, does anyone have a backup of this channel?

19035312? ago

Xurious is gone damnit.


19035308? ago

Fascist Ball IV:

daily reminder why /pol/ has been coaxed into focusing on and identfying as neo-nazi \ facist is because they are 'witch words' that auto-triggers normy into rejecting pol. You're not doing yourself or your race any favours by labeling yourself a nazi, fascist.

19035310? ago

Fuck off optics cuck, he uploaded fascist songs for a fascist audience. Is he supposed to name him self far right ball iv?

19035311? ago

hi antagonist & divide and conquer shill. you'll never subvert me.

wtf is 'optics cuck' ? or is it just more meaningless haze along with flat earth and symbology with which u are trying to drown this rational discussion board in?

19035313? ago

Yes, i created this thread with the intention of subversion by promoting people keep back ups of shit. You brought up some unrelated shit, fuck off.

19035307? ago

Firefox-ublock origin ad blocker

Watch youtube and surf facebook with no ads

If they want to demonetize, we can take their ad revenue away

Besides that i would expect better from 8chan, the real solution would be to meme youtube as a 1942 orwell indoctrinating website that is "bad for the kids", get the karens and chad dads on our side and we're golden

19034448? ago

It takes strength some people don’t have to live in peace, but the rewards are real for those who can do it. Someday you people will know what it’s like to be strong again.

19034445? ago

always have your own private copy



Hmm… Where do people tell few lies? To whom do people tell few lies?



always have your own private copy

19050511? ago

what did schizo mean by this?


Holy shit thank you anon, i thought this shit was lost forever.

19034444? ago

1) They demoralize you

2) They marginalize you

3) They ban you

Funny that years ago I wrote in some chan: download everything that matters from Youtube because at some point they're going to crack down on Youtube (and maybe even on internet). So it's just happening now.

19049670? ago

You sound like me in 2015.

t. has 2.5TB of webms and a lot of USB sticks

19034439? ago

Didn't you faggots always accuse youtube of being jewish even when they didn't really censor nazi stuff? Now that they've actually started doing it… why are you feminist faggots crying?

19034440? ago

why are you feminist faggots crying?

You lost?

19034442? ago

Shut the fuck up you disgusting feminist. Until all of you are burned to ashes there won't be any peace in this world!! Hitler was a feminist and all you feminists are no better than liberals/cuckservatives

19451445? ago

Hitler was a feminist

Oh look it's this faggot again.

19070880? ago

Peace is for the women and the weak nigger lover

19070882? ago

There's nothing "peaceful" about nigger infested neighborhoods, believe me. I've spent nights in the worst areas of Newark, New Jersey.

19035309? ago


Get the fuck out of here you repulsive yid. You stick out like a sore thumb with this type of bullshit. I'm sorry no woman will fucking touch you but being a virgin with rage who advocates for degenerate shit like raping and enslaving all women is unacceptable in National Socialism. Aryan women are the bearers of our future generations. Not wishing to behave like a nigger or kike living out their rape fantasies does not make one a feminist either.

19034443? ago


19034447? ago

All you feminists are going to die soon… hahaha

19033936? ago




Fucking use youtube-dl

19033934? ago

BitChute is good. The terrible name scares people away too.

19033935? ago

Makes me think of a laundry chute but for binary digits.

19033932? ago


19033933? ago

19033925? ago

NYPA you faggot. When nobody has access to knowledge, those with the knowledge are wealthy.

19033939? ago




This isn’t 2004.

19033927? ago

Imagine being this much of a jaded aspie.

19033922? ago


19033921? ago

Jew tube is real!


19033616? ago

https://invidio.us/watch?v=5I3VitoVvu8 :

Fallschirmjäger - World War II [HD Colour] - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

19033607? ago

https://www.bitchute.com/video/8hPX7vmkaDll - ( 20120128 - ONLY IN BATTLEFIELD 3 - (82s) [640x3... )

https://www.bitchute.com/video/pDszekktZ6zG - ( A Lesson From Zimbabwe! - Dr. William L. Pierce )

https://www.bitchute.com/video/ZAg4lR8tVjZt - ( Fallschirmjäger - World War II [HD Colour] )

19033384? ago


19033379? ago

Someone needs to archive Blitzkrieg's channel as well.

Also does anyone have an archive of all of 卐 WEBER 卐's videos? Specifically I am trying to find the video he made with footage of The Führer and shots of rallys and fireworks etc. in the Reich with dramatic music over it. Super powerful video and excellent propaganda material. My wife was moved by that video more than any other in fact.

Link to Blitzkriegs channel:


Example of his work is embedded

Can't believe one little fucking Do if queer has caused this much of a shitstorm… There is a huge wealth of amazing National Socialist propaganda works on JewTube that will disappearing very soon I would wager.

19047617? ago

7 hours later: "This video is unavailable."

19033929? ago

The video I was referring to isn't in here… It's all mostly shots of The Führer, huge rally crowds and theres a really beautiful shot of fireworks going off at night over the swastika banners.. The music is a dramatic piano piece but not contemporary to the time period.

However, all these videos are great as well and I thank you for uploading them. I am 99% sure the video I am referring to was Weber… I lost it along with everything else when my laptop HD died last week. I MAY haveit saved on another phone I have here somewhere and I know it has been posted here because that's where I got it and may actually still be up in some thread but no idea which it was

Once again though, thank you for sharing these, mein Kamerad.

19169381? ago

it sounds a lot like the "we will have won" video from esoteric truths

19033930? ago

Oh and the video ends I believe with those shots of Hitler on a balcony in formal attire while young women below salute him and wipe tears of joy with handkerchiefs

polite double post sage

19033918? ago

Some of these? (Uploading)

19091520? ago

Install Python

pip install youtube-dlyoutube-dl -f webm <video-link>

If you don't want to use terminal git


https : / / github . com/MrS0m30n3/youtube-dl-gui

19033381? ago

My laptop died man, I am a lowly phone poster at the moment until I can get a new one or I would do it myself

19033374? ago

BitChute is becoming a lot like YouTube was before it was bought out by Google, circle 2006. Hopefully, it stays that way. Looks like what's old is new again.

19039533? ago

They need to improve their search function. A small organization like bitchute is at a disadvantage in comparison to mega-corporations with unlimited resources.


why /pol/ has been coaxed into focusing on and identfying as neo-nazi… that auto-triggers

Why do you think they are trying to ban auto-triggers? it's easier.

If you're worried about optics don't: Your cerebral cortex may be small, but it's not hard to hit your limbic system or brain stem. Just line up the barrel along your cock sucking throat.

19033369? ago

19033372? ago

Do you know if John Robinson's non-Zundel uploads are archived anywhere?

19033368? ago

19070866? ago

that first image

Sandy Hook skeptics



19033363? ago



This allows you to download kiketube videos. After installation, it creates a tab below the YT video that you can click and it downloads into a folder. This also works on 90% of vimeo, bitchute etc….This is what I use and have used for years.

19546719? ago

yes i have that extension it works well

19070859? ago

Lmao nigger what is wrong with you, just use youtube-dl or https://invidio.us

19451443? ago

Most of the idiots around here are too retarded to use youtube-dl. Typing commands confuse them. They need pretty icons and shit.

19451444? ago

This isn't facebook. If you can't use a computer properly, there is no reason to be here. Being able to use the command line is part of that.

19451446? ago

Not disagreeing with you anon, however /pol/ is generally retarded when it comes to /tech/ related things.

Which makes me sad.

19047606? ago

are there any websites that download the video from one platform and then auto upload it to enemy country platforms like russia china or iran versions of youtube?

19033371? ago

Nice, youtube-dl is also a great option for youtube specifically, although it takes a bit to set up.


Thats why everyone should have their own personal backup, but archive will have to do for distribution.

19033359? ago

The guy that runs https://cheekyvideos.net needs to rethink his position and start archiving more content.

19508228? ago

yes, he archives absolute meme shit, while actual substantive videos get left out, I hope he uploads more heavy hitting stuff. His twitter https://twitter.com/cheekyvideos

19033361? ago


Speaking of oscar turner.

Also, if anyone has any videos of hourofdecision777 please link them.

19033366? ago

Problem with the Internet Archive, is that they've been known to remove stuff too, from time to time. Not as often as YouTube does, but still.

19114859? ago

One of the accounts of mine there got removed recently.

19114857? ago

Reminder we've been going over possible solutions to this since last August


19033354? ago

Migrate to chink video hosts.

they don't care about copyrights or redpilled content (at least for Western audiences)

jewgel won't get any ad revenue

we'll get to hear the kikes kvetch about china undermining our democracy in 2020 if it doesn't go their way

19088758? ago

Unironically this.

19072300? ago

You can't trust anyone to host your video. The answer is decentralized video hosting. MediaGoblin (https://mediagoblin.org/) is a great example. Users can run their own instances of it and host their own videos, so they are in complete control.

There are already sites running MediaGoblin like:

https://goblinrefuge.com/ - For videos.

https://papers.goblinrefuge.com/ - For papers.

Centralization is your enemy.

19033356? ago

What the hell is a chink video host?

19033386? ago

He probably means Chinese video hosting sites like Youku Tudou. They don't really seem to give a fuck what is uploaded as long as its not critical of the Chinese government itself. Though in my experience their sites are quite slow compared to YouTube.

19097709? ago

Metokur cucked.

19033353? ago

Where is the VPX archive?

19047615? ago

They shoa'd Sensei Zynkyoku

19047616? ago

Fucking kikes.


Downloading this one they missed.

19047629? ago

19091519? ago

wow this motherfucker is more redpilled than 99% of us…

So fucking based.

19033351? ago

Finally someone mentioned Fascist Ball

19033346? ago

You couldn't just post this in one of the existing YouTube threads?

19088762? ago

do my job for me and bury it in a thread it won't be seen despite the topic needing it's own thread is necessary

Kill yourself kikel. Polite sage for being offtopic.

19033350? ago

This goes beyond youtube, i want a general archive thread related specifically so we can get as many people here to keep copies of shit. Another thread would just get bogged down with other shit.