Youtube started the purge on right wing/libertarian/conservative/conspiratorial channels (8chan)
submitted 5.7 years ago by 3261707?
The internet will not be the same during the next US presidential race.
Use and to register everything you think is relevant, if you can save too, and in physical media, the cloud is not reliable.
Provide a new non-pozzed platform for audio-visual content like bitchute and devise operations to bankrupt the huge social networks.
OP -
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19028878? 5.7 years ago
Its working anons. their charade is cracking if they have to specifically mention their sacrificial lambs.
19028885? 5.7 years ago
Nobody will care about this. The world is loyal to the Jew now so everyone will take this rule up the ass.
People already hate it. They only tolerate jewgle because of youtube.
Denial is the first stage of grief anon.
Don't believe me? Watch their new "console" Stadia fail in spectacular fashion when it comes out
They're literally shilling their Stadia conference all over the internet. Can't wait for you to be proven wrong tomorrow.
19028888? 5.7 years ago
The world is loyal to money. Replace the jew as the source of money and goods.
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19028878? ago
Its working anons. their charade is cracking if they have to specifically mention their sacrificial lambs.
19028885? ago
Nobody will care about this. The world is loyal to the Jew now so everyone will take this rule up the ass.
Denial is the first stage of grief anon.
They're literally shilling their Stadia conference all over the internet. Can't wait for you to be proven wrong tomorrow.
19028888? ago
The world is loyal to money. Replace the jew as the source of money and goods.