19056652? ago

Can anons grab this one? YT downloader is giving me errors.


19059972? ago


just use invideo. find the video you want, click download. done.

19056625? ago

I just went through the deleted videos in my liked list on Youtube.

12 were pol related.

1 is unknown.

6 were non pol.

Of the 5 deleted videos in my watch later list, all were pol related.

Of the 7 deleted videos in my favourites, 5 were pol related, 1 was non pol, 1 is unknown.

Verdict: Clear political censorship.

19056623? ago

Youtube purged had begun in the Obama generation.

I got purged on youtube for this video back in 2014 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wPN6JfflQyc&t=42s

Crybaby fucks… Crybaby sucked Islamic oil dick..

Fuck Chan

19054371? ago

do something about you cucks

phone number:3059055923


19054366? ago

Jewtube has been dying off for years, t. regular user. Just move to bitchute and let it stagnate.

19054357? ago

Im talking about the fact racist white males censor comments on their blogs all the time; so its about time they got a taste of their own medicine.

Im glad you race fags are getting shut down.>>13365155

19054358? ago

fuck off nigger and don't complain when we come to rip out your tongue

19054338? ago

Why are all you faggot white boys upset about censorship?

You bang and delete comments all the time?

I guess what comes around goes around?

19054343? ago

You bang and delete comments all the time?

What the fuck are you talking about?

19054347? ago


19054332? ago

bloggers and MSM journos need to be hanged at this point. everyday i read the news and i get more angry… why isn't anyone doing anything about this? this isnt "free speech" anymore. its flat out lies and to crush anyone who stands in their path. WHY ISNT ANYONE TAKING THE GUN TO THEM?

i cant do anything about this because im a fucking leaf

19049535? ago

The internet will not be the same during the next US presidential race.

That's correct: we won't be using Big Jew to distribute agitprop for free.

Don't count on archive.org either: Kalhe associates with (((leftists))) and has already purged some material.

19047887? ago

Just dropping this by, have fun /pol/


19047869? ago

Oy vey, this is just cringe drama about (((Steven Crowder)) and (((e-celebs))), if you goyim want to be as cool as a real national socialist such as myself, you must disregard all of this cringe stupid drama and go back to planning mosque shootings, remember that muslims are the true enemies here, goyim.

19047884? ago

mosque shooting are salvation


19047843? ago

they gassed FascistBall IV

Fuck, can't say much about all the other channels that got deleted but that channel was the most comprehensive collection of fascist music with English translations that I've ever seen.


19047849? ago

Some of his stuff

19047848? ago

Anyone have his channels content backed up in webm or video mp4 format? I only got audio files.

19047851? ago

There are/were a few channels that re uploaded some of his stuff that got put in jewtube jail but I don't think there's anyone that backed up all his vids

19047857? ago


Okay good news, found a channel that's re-uploading literally all his vids so we're good for now.

Better get to downloading them all though.

19054356? ago

by no means complete. fascistball had over 200 videos i believe. my favorite 'funkenlied' isn't there. 3/10 wouldn't touch with a severed jew baby arm

19047860? ago

Thanks a bunch.

19059988? ago


Welp, it already got taken down

Fucking kikes

19038503? ago

I really hope there is a sleeper agent in the moderation team who will mass ban all the libshits before the election and mass delete their tweets/videos for the lulz. Let them take their own medicine.

19038506? ago

you know, many of us have been using alternate "imageboard" sites. Like what? Well, I'm not going to be shilling them here because they will get shoahed too.

Codemonkey fucked us all

19038496? ago

19038490? ago

19038487? ago

19038486? ago

19038482? ago

I have never gone out of my way to act maliciously towards anybody.

You're the scumbag.

Quit using our symbols to justify your behaviors.

19038471? ago

The internet will not be the same during the next US presidential race.

Good, I'd hope (((Trump))) dies in cancer

19037706? ago

Friendly reminder:

(((They))) don't give a fuck about any arguments or being perceived as a hypocrite. They do it, because they hate you, want you dead and most importantly: they can get away with it.

Only reasonable thing is to make them not get away with it.

19038472? ago

Who cares?

19037692? ago

Youtube permanently banned my 13 year old account last night with 62 subscribers. I didn't even have a strike on my channel, just a warning. According to Youtube's own terms, channels are deleted at 3 strikes.

19054345? ago

Maybe this Q-Larp stuff about Shillary and Puma raping a girl are true. Or something of that maganitide.

I mean, why NOW?

19037697? ago

Xbox paid meme drop? Really Microsoft?

19037703? ago


19037704? ago

he has an xbox embedded product placement on his forehead. it's the xbox logo. you got paid by microsoft.

19037714? ago



Also just for reference he has the 'x' on his forehead because one of his skills is called 'x marks the spot'. He's a pirate.

polite sage.

19037707? ago

Nigger you're retarded. That's a character from Dota called Kunkka, and the only reason I posted it is because it was my profile picture on my shoah'd account, and there's a small chance someone would recognize it from a stream I frequented.

19037709? ago

So Kunkka in DOTA had the M$ product placement put on him. Interesting.

19056639? ago

Christ anon your posts are so awful, so all over the place that I can feel my brain turning to liquid as I pore over them, you post commie memes and the whine about "xbox product placement" because someone has an x on their forehead, why are you here and furthermore why were you conceived?

19037686? ago

There needs to be a serious movement to leave Youtube. Why the fuck would you even stay on a site that is actively hostile to right wingers? They have basically banned any slightly edgy form of speech with the new regulations. They even demonetized all firearms/hunting related channels.

The solution is fewer more specialized sites that explicitly guarantee free speech. The firearms related content creators have full30, there should be a video streaming site for politics… etc. The only reason big right wing channels are staying on this dying platform is for the shekels. ==FUCK YOUTUBE EVERYONE WITH A BRAIN SHOULD LEAVE== (including the snownigger in pic related). I hope Youtube becomes nothing but finger family videos and makeup tutorials.

19038498? ago

You guys know about invidio.us? It allows you to view youtube videos without going to youtube. Not sure if it helps screw with jewgle datashekels but I use it.

19038504? ago


what does it matter?

If it's on Youtube then you can watch it on Invidio

If it's not on Youtube, then you can't watch it on invidio

defeats the purpose

use bitchute as an alternative, at least for now before it gets shoahed too

19038517? ago

I think at least it stops giving views to youtube and other data they can analyze for shekels.

19037684? ago

The reminds me of the baker sued by the faggots for not making a cake around their mental illness.

Youtube banning certain channels looks to me that there are grounds for civil rights violation related to exercise of free expression, suppression of religious expression, general liberty, loss of income and harming the public good. This would need to be a class action lawsuit but it could be instigated by a channel owner.

Are there any lawyerAnons out there that could give some insight?

19037690? ago

As a platform, youtube should be beholden to US law. Google and all silicon valley tech giants platform government officials, are on a system of network created by the government and receive subsidy from the government. This means the 1st amendment should absolutely apply to youtube. Leftists don't realize this, It's kind of funny hearing literal commie fags tell you lecture you on private companies. Pic related.

19036821? ago

19037669? ago



19036820? ago

We need to get organized. What if you NEETS in the southwestern USA had a purpose? Get up and shoot up the Jew locations, and actually get kills, unlike Tarrant.

19036810? ago


Here's a nice piece of free and open source software that will download a video using youtube-dl (which works with more than just youtube: https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/blob/master/docs/supportedsites.md ) with it's description, tags, and thumbnail and re-upload it onto archive.org. You need an archive.org account and if you don't want to use up your bandwidth downloading and uploading everything, you can install it on a cheap vps, but you all should be using this to mirror anything that might even have a chance of being deleted or censored from youtube.

I've also seen other people archive entire channels in 1 upload, but I'm not sure what software they are using or if they are just youtube-dling the channel url and reuploading manually:






19036154? ago


Anon you are far-right/nazi/white supremacist!

<Hey, that's what Freedom hating Communists call people. Why are you a commie?

When a label is attached to the enemy it is easier to target them. This is why they do this to us.

THEY ARE COMMUNISTS pushing for another Wiemar Republic.

Label them accordingly and watch them glow in your meme gun sights.

19054339? ago

THEY ARE (((COMMUNISTS))) pushing for another Wiemar Republic.


19036793? ago


must be destroyed


no, JUDAISTS and followers

19036158? ago

Drop the B'nai Bircher revivalism. The label for our enemy isn't "communists", it's "jews".

19054342? ago

B'nai Bircher

Stolen, anon.

19036162? ago

implying (((communists))) weren't kikes


19036794? ago


19036159? ago

we call them jews goy

Outed yourself there kike. Only shills use that word unironically.

shabbos goyim are jews

No. I can hear your bolshevik kvetching already.


19036778? ago

Nigger, "it's not the jews, it's the communists" has always been a jewish line. They've were behind all the kosher "anti-communist" groups and movements who refused to identify the real enemy.


implying the enemy is limited to one specific jewish ideology

Both judeo-capitalism and judeo-communism are involved. Blaming one absolves the other, and obfuscates the fact that this is ultimately an ethnic agenda.

19036783? ago

it's not the jews, it's the communists"

it's not the jews

Show me where I said this. Pro tip: I didn't nigger.

Do you think the Frankfurt school shutdown and went away nigger?

There is a reason everything they do, including kiketube purges like this, and your kvetching so hard, are a perfect match with Communist plans…


19036787? ago

Saying "it's the communists", is taking the blame off the jews. This is the jewish ADL working with the jews at YouTube to ban any content they deem to be a threat to jewish interests. Framing it any other way is good for the jews.

19036797? ago

Saying "it's the communists", is taking the blame off the jews

again implying communists weren't jews


Calling it what it is COMMUNISM. Puts the correct label on the plans of every shabbos goy and their master since 1917.

Option 1: Fight against ethnic cleansing kikes and shabbos goys by exposing their communist plans using proven tactics over a 100+ year hot and cold war.

Option 2: Keep kvetching there is an honorable way to win a war by saying "jews" while the kikes lock you up for anti-Semitic hate speech.

You chose 2? Good luck faggot.

19036815? ago

capitalist shill. don't get stupid anon.

19038507? ago

class traitors

19038508? ago

wtf is that? get that normie trash off 8chan!

19037682? ago

That "meme" misses the point on so many levels lmao

19037696? ago

sounds more like you missed the point. notice the GOP shills flooding the board. I hope 8chan gets them under control

19036805? ago

No matter how much you screech, this agenda isn't about a single form of jewish economics, but the jewish agenda s a whole. The kikes have laws against "anti-Semitic hate speech, because it's actually a threat to them, unlike cowards like you who are fine focusing on kosher poltergeists like communism.

This is a major opportunity to wake people up to the jewish agenda, and you're trying to squander that with a boomer-tier, jew-approved narrative.

19036806? ago

this agenda isn't about a single form of jewish economics,

Oy vey goyim! Let us tell you what the (((agenda))) is.

cowards like you

total thread contributions: kvetching x 4

19036807? ago

the jews want you to name them, goy. cowardice is the only way to stop them!


19047885? ago

O Ven!

19036152? ago

Is there a way to know exactly how many vids have been shoah'd after a month orso?

19036149? ago

It's not censorship, Raiden, we're just creating context :^).

19036147? ago

not using this to your advantage

Do you even meme war bro?

19036784? ago

Good meme,

here's a png

19036786? ago

t. anon

19036804? ago

hate speech

has swastika avatar

Yeah. Does not matter what the content is. It's all about appearances. When will you retards learn? Make an account that impersonates a nigger trannies and you will avoid any banning until you get popular enough.

19047839? ago

I'm pretty sure his YouTube avatar didn't have a swastika in it.

19036142? ago

No e-celeb shit on /pol/. No one cares if your e-celebs are banned.

19036151? ago

Can you be shilling anymore for MSM though Moshe?

19035409? ago

19035408? ago

Someone i don't know has been comment trolling lefty channels for the last 3 years. How fucked is s/he?

19035406? ago

Xurious is down.


Death to every single jew parasite.

19059968? ago


Remember when they banned omniphi/Oscar Turner? this was even before trump got elected IIRC so you know he made some of the potent redpills out there

19035398? ago

19035397? ago

19034394? ago

I really miss getting Colin Flahterty videos spoon fed to me every day by the Jew Toob algos…I need my 20 minutes of daily nigger hate.

19034392? ago


19034380? ago

What is the significance of the picture OP? That woman is not traditional she's just a whore wearing makeup and with her head uncovered

19036790? ago

Oh look, it is the kike TRANNY again.

19034389? ago

It’s a tranny that fought against jewtube censorship by shooting up one of their offices. It thought it was censoring its bunny videos or some stupid shit like that. By being so absurd it memed it’s wat into our hearts.

19034396? ago


Looks like you fell for the psyop. Nasim was a War Goddess born in a mortal woman's body, and the war part demanded a more powerful form with greater agency, hence the desire to be more masculine. They did not succeed in becoming male, but they fulfilled a more important mission - the extermination of rodents.

Too bad the kikenvermin at JewTube didn't learn their lesson, which is why they restarted their censorship campaign.

19034400? ago


Regardless we need to stop posting pictures of these whore women. Hitler was a disgusting feminist and his followers need to be treated as such (unless they ONLY follow him on the jq)

19035388? ago

19036161? ago

Fuck you feminist scum!! DIE!!!!!

19035394? ago

Which generator did you use for the book?

19035396? ago

I copied it lol. Not my OC.

19034399? ago

It’s a tranny, and probably the only good one to have ever lived.

19034397? ago

19034381? ago

she's just a whore wearing makeup and with her head uncovered

You take that back faggot.

19034379? ago

19034387? ago

no one can hear you screaming about censorship

God forbid people use the old-fashioned form of communication and start painting lamb's blood on your door, spamming your mail with propaganda and committing "random" acts of arson, planting spike strips on roads, robbing food from grocery stores and wal-marts, and using wire cutters and flathead screwdrivers to disable people's electricity. Nevermind, some of that shit is illegal, like smoking weed.

19034382? ago

Why instead of whining like a little bitch, is he not doing something? Like Nasim did? Fire up his minecraft server and livestream Youtube raid. Even an Iranian ladyboy is tougher than any burger today.

It is his damned livelihood, but wait, the only reason people listen to him is because jews push left-leaning politics and push normies to alt-right controlled opposition. Get something in your mind, he was created by them, he is a product of a kike dominated political scene. He owns everything he has to kikes. Now ask yourself, where lies his trust? He doesn't care about it, because if he did, he would never do that video. He would champion his right to bear arms and literally use for something productive instead of just crying over the internet. I'm starting to get mad at this youtube e-celebs.

19036144? ago

Why instead of whining like a little bitch, is he not doing something?

<expecting ecelebs to "do something"

What you want him to do? Embarrass himself by running for office? Nice try Sarg'n.

I'm starting to get mad at this youtube e-celebs.

how have you gone this long and only now realized how ineffectual and useless youtubers are? They make "careers" on youtube because they're not capable of doing real work like swinging a hammer and now you want him to arm himself like a real American?

The only E-celebs worthy of even a sliver of respect are gun channels, and more than half of those guys are politically retarded boomers or pseudo-commie faggots.

19034375? ago

It's theirs? They can Jew what they want? …. No. They can do what we let them do. Swat YouTube lol. Swat them all. And then begins the games. There will be no peace, no capitulation. The order of the day is chaos. Mazas grandmothers Adress? Ect. Fire and fury the likes of which only Kek and the fiends of the underworld know. If the winds are right burn Silicon Valley. Fuck the kikes, fuck the globohomo bullshit. Fuck it if you live near by throw a box of nails where they all must drive, but do something. No peace know chaos and always when action is taken name the Jew.

19036143? ago

Someone swatting midlevel youtube employees in Minecraft would be horrible.

Midlevel, as they don't give a shit about lowlevel grunts getting whacked in Minecraft, but midlevel employees (like attorneys etc) would be a whole different kettle of fish in Minecraft.

19035405? ago

This. IRL operations needed even if disrupting local services, harassing targets in your area. Let then know fear.

19034364? ago


PeerTube is a free, decentralized, federated video platform powered by ActivityPub and WebTorrent, that uses peer-to-peer technology to reduce load on individual servers when viewing videos.

Not that they care, but Gab recently announced they're switching to their own fork of Mastodon to federate with other servers. We need more people switching over to federated systems to they can't just pull the plug from us. Bitchute needs to be pushed to switch over to use PeerTube so we can have a free (but jew funded) federated video platform.


Also post channels that are worth saving before they get shoa'd. I have an extra 2TB hard drive I can fill.

19054361? ago

Newfags can’t triforce lol

19034369? ago

Oh shit, I hadn't heard that gab was moving to mastodon, that's excellent.

Also requesting the oldest MDE and Sam Hyde stuff.

19034367? ago

Save the old youtube stuff (YTP, YTPMV, old internet culture) that you can, I'll be doing the same.

19034344? ago



Start reposting videos on PeerTube. Also, move your Gab shit over to Pleroma/ActivityPub/OStatus/GNUSocial/Mastodon instances if you haven't already (PeerTube federates with these as well). Opposition is going to need decentralization to survive now and in the future.

Things seem to be heating up on multiple fronts. Get prepared and be safe, brothers.

19034348? ago

Anons reported that Mastadon was banning anything pro-white/NatSoc.

19034356? ago


Mastodon is self-hosted. Anyone can host an instance and moderate it as they see fit.

19035403? ago


Anons corroborated this in another thread. Mastadon is kiked. It doesn't matter, no point in hiding power levels anymore.

19054336? ago

There's something called Plemora that is a non-kiked version of Mastadon.

19034363? ago

What does that mean? If it is hoste by a jew it is backdoored and it is going to ban you if you say nigger or kike.

19034355? ago

Mastadon belongs to a jew and is propped as a Twitter without nazis. Do you really wanna try it?

19034352? ago

What a smarthy band is antiWhite?

Well why do Jew think that is?

19034354? ago


I don't think he's talking about the band.

19034361? ago

Then who cares?

Jews want to own the internet so they can Jew each other. The military still controls the next generation of it.

19034342? ago

They're trying to cause as much damage to their opposition as possible before the anti-trust hammer comes down on them, and comes down hard.

19047867? ago

All this time and these kike retards still don't understand that censorship only makes us stronger. Every single one of these jewtubers and a good portion of their followers are going to be more dedicated than ever in their efforts to "spread hate".

I wonder how many are going to take the clown pill.

19032751? ago

4pol is getting baited hard. I bet this YouTube shit is all just meant as a provocation. Shutting it down is also helpful but they need violence to clamp down they’re too chicken shit to just do it. They want someone to jump. This honestly doesn’t even anger me that much in this hell on Earth. I use that site as a juke box while I read Mein Kampf on pdf. Ban all the time eceleb jack offs you want. You’ve already ruined the world anyway.

19032738? ago


19034340? ago

"take the guns first, worry about due process later"

It still blows my mind that he said that in front of thousands of press reporters and none of his base chose to acknowledge that he said that.

19032712? ago

Anyone know where a Battle Europa mirror, the 12 hour series on WWII lives?

19054368? ago


19032710? ago

The electric jew that my dad listens to is tuned into CNN and the fucking talking head is talking positively about youtube's decision to "combat hate".

19032709? ago


A shitskin female had more balls than you white cucks.

You don't deserve free speech if you can't fight for it.

19054367? ago

Persians are White, retard.

19054372? ago

They are mixed.

19032731? ago

A shitskin female had more balls than you white cucks.

You don't deserve free speech if you can't fight for it.

All true.

19032704? ago


19032694? ago

don’t post things we don’t like goy

that YouTube video will create anudda Shoah


19031778? ago

migrate to whatever video hosting the gooks use? I doubt they'd give a shit about content that bothers kikes.

19031771? ago

Can we use this against them?

Like flag videos calling for diversity as racist against whites?

19032693? ago

1: Stop using jewtube

2: Use jewtube and click all the ads while purchasing nothing

3: Upload content destined to be blocked but with slight tweaks (the shitskins have gotten good at this with pirated TV content, tweaking the audio speed, picture in picture nonsense, etc), to increase jewgle's censorship costs.

19032697? ago

as google locks down the account creation process this get's expensive though. you need valid phone numbers, large blocks of them preferably.


This is why the shitskins tweak the videos, change the audio speed, use picture in picture with moving backgrounds, the AI cannot figure it out yet so it requires human moderation which costs google money even if it's $1/hr to some pajeet

19032701? ago

but they'll just block first and ask questions later after receiving reports

this is good. this will catch goyim into their censorship net as well and piss them off, youtube will become nothing but a sea of blue checkmarks, regular goyim will realize anything short of an extreme left wing viewpoint will be censored, and even then the ultra-left is also censored, some of their views are unsavory to the tech jews.

19032727? ago

everyone already knows yidtube sucks. they've habitually fucked over "content creators" for awhile now. It's time to move

I'm serious about piggy-backing off the bugmen's video hosting services. They give zero shit about DMCA complaints, so I doubt they'd care about redpilled videos.

19032773? ago

This. Do you have recommendations anon?

19032700? ago

even if it's $1/hr to some pajeet

Too bad pageets speak english. If they didn't we would be redpilling our own people.

19032695? ago

It is AI censorship. It doesn't cost them anything.

19031779? ago

Newsflash: shitposting isn't going to work anymore. Shooting up their offices will work.

19032696? ago

IRL shitposting is so hot right now

19047879? ago

I'm not even mad at this point. Typical tricks.

19038479? ago

They just made a lot of people hate them, so one would guess they're spreading hate?

19047871? ago

lXve not hOte

Do better. There are circular swastikas, and you can modify the star of moloch to resemble A a little more.

19032765? ago

jews hating Germans and Goys

praised by media

which is (((them))) self circlejerking




19032741? ago

Imagine how delusional and psychopathic you would have to be to make the elimination of an entire human emotion the foundation of your political platform.

19056649? ago

This it's insane that basically an entire generation doesn't know how to process emotions and have quarantined several off.

19032753? ago

But it is not even the elimination of 'hate' anon. It is just them making an arbitrary goal posting about what 'hate' is and banning that.

19032730? ago

we've defeated hate!

I'm still here. I will always be here. This is my world.

19032724? ago


ile #itler ADL.

19032725? ago

these things are a powerful tool and make them use the censorship apparatus against themselves

keep pushing with the fashtag and all hashtag videos will stop being used. keep pushing clowns and all clown videos will be banned. take their symbols and turn them into fascist symbols and their own symbols will be banned.

19032715? ago

must be followed by many more

I would love to know where they draw the line for the last step.

19032775? ago

Hebrew language videos only would be my guess.

19034334? ago

hebrew is infiltration code language like hasbara, shanda and etc.

19032723? ago

YouTube fully adopting the Noahide Laws into its TOS.

19054370? ago

Christcucks will support this. Just add some anti-abortion and godly niggers.

19031774? ago

19031757? ago

Cuckservatives will do nothing but tweet about it on another jew controlled platform. Boomers cucks will do nothing but cheer Israel's greatest goy Trump when he sends out his angry tweets about it. These companies only understand bloodshed. Social Media HQs should have multiple subscriptions to PewDiePie.

19032703? ago

Agree as Boomer. But we need to act with a cold head and accurate calculation. That not one victim was no longer in vain. It makes no sense to waste yourself on small things, like security, ordinary employees, clerks and other small stuck to large parasites. We need to start hitting right in the head. By purpose. We no longer have the right to waste such valuable and rare human material.

19032735? ago


This is not even about youtube anymore. Take two rabbits with one truck.

Vox Media, Inc. is an American digital media company based in Washington, D.C. and New York City.[2] The company was founded in July 2005 as SportsBlogs Inc. by Jerome Armstrong, Tyler Bleszinski, and Markos Moulitsas, and was rebranded as Vox Media in 2011.

James Philip Bankoff is an American businessman who serves as chairman and chief executive officer of Vox Media.

Martin Troen Moe is an American executive serving as president of Vox Media.

Technically you could play Hitman Multiplayer with these guys and not even be banned fast enough to not get a high score.

In December 2014, Vox Media raised a US$46.5 million round led by the growth equity firm General Atlantic, estimating the media company's value at around $380 million.[21] Participants in Vox Media's previous rounds include Accel Partners, Comcast Ventures, and Khosla Ventures. Other funders are Allen & Company, Providence Equity Partners, and various angel investors, including Ted Leonsis, Dan Rosensweig, Jeff Weiner, and Brent Jones.[22][23] According to sources, the Series C in May 2012, valued Vox Media at $140 million.[24] A Series D valued the company north of $200 million, raising an additional $40 million.[25][26]

In August 2015, NBCUniversal made a $200 million equity investment in Vox Media, valuing the company at more than $1 billion. Comcast, which owns NBC, additionally already owned 14% of Vox through other subsidiaries.

Accel has funded technology companies including Facebook,[5] Slack,[6] Dropbox,[7] Atlassian,[8] Flipkart,[9] Supercell,[10] Spotify,[11] Etsy,[12] Braintree/Venmo,[13] Vox Media,[14] Lynda.com,[15] Qualtrics,[16] DJI,[17] Cloudera,[18] Jet.com,[19] GoFundMe,[20] Vectra Networks Inc.[21] FabHotels, BrowserStack[22] and Instana[23

You will see that all these people than ban you, hate you and genocide you to replace are basically the same investors all over.

19032756? ago

By their own admission they've been planning this for a lot longer than the Vox faggot has been having his spat with Crowder. It just gave them the smoke screen to get away with it.


Isn't he jewish himself, or am I mistaken?

19032772? ago

green?… I do not know this name as it's anglo, but I would doubt it? (it's not that I haven't wondered)

But Bjerknes?

No that's Norwegian

19032774? ago

I meant Bjerknes. Metapedia says he's a jew, and I'm sure I heard something else about him being at least part jewish somewhere years ago.



The issue isn't so much hosting videos, but getting people to watch them. Even the "trending" videos on BitChute only ever have a hundred or so views. Of course that might change now.

19031749? ago


I mean, I don't want to upset you (you seem fragile) but don't you think it is better if our people are preparing and getting fit rather than plugging into the Kike Human Factory Farmers Media outlet? Learning things and being outdoors/physical, ring a bell? In a way they are doing us the best favor EVER. When 'it' happens we will be the only people prepared and ready and we will have already made contact with friends and neighbors IRL. I love you guys, but you need to develop community if you are going to survive. There is no better time to develop community than the time that you would have spent on jewtube.

19031743? ago

no mo google for me fam

19031740? ago

Repost all your available NS videos, holocaust denial, redpill videos on JewTube. Use fake accounts.

Report and Flag as many Vox, Buzzfeed, and other communist News channels as fake news, faggot, tranny and related videos for child abuse.


19059970? ago

How can I make a fake (((google))) account without a phone verification? They blocked every online sms service and there is no way in hell I will give them my own number. They won't let you verify with a third party email either. I had a puppet account full of /pol/ memes a few years back, one of the videos got over a million views. I haven't checked to see if it is banned yet.

19059984? ago

These online sms service numbers are being changed all the time. If you're persistent you can get one that works eventually. It's just a matter of getting to it before they ban. Other than getting a phone just for this purpose I don't think there's anything you can do. They're ultimately sabotaging themselves by imposing this kind of barrier to entry on the user, though. I certainly stopped using all their services once they started asking for telephone numbers, most of them have reasonable competitors that don't require this kind of privacy invasion.

19059974? ago


I have numerous throwaway Jewgle accounts and, though prompted to provide a phone number, have been able to get by without specifying one. However, you do need a recovery account of some kind, so just get one from a different email service.

19059985? ago

They changed the shit recently, you are forced to use a number and answer a text. I have burned through all my sock puppets already and those were using the phone numbers of indian scammers that I stole, but now they force you to answer, so I need a hidden sms service that google has yet to blacklist.

19059973? ago

Answer me now.

19031754? ago

inb4 CIA shows up at your door


Natural selection


19031746? ago

being this delusional

We lost anon. Jewgle jas gone in for the kill and there's nothing we can do to fight back.


Accelerationism only works when people on our side are willing to fight back. There are none. The world has been pacified

19031763? ago

GTFO kike nigger faggot

19031752? ago

You're so right. It's over.

Kill yourself with rope.

19031751? ago

Give up fellow Goy, kneel to the JWO


19031734? ago

kill ==jews==

19032698? ago

nice try moishe, lurk 2 more years maybe you can get more shekels for the shitty job you are doing.

19031731? ago

19037687? ago

that's not drugs.

19031718? ago

Does anyone have a MASTER LIST of people who got shut down / demonitized after this new shitstorm today?

19031732? ago

Anon it's still happening now, we're working on it but it's far from over.


Varg is already back.



Don't give these nigger faggots the responses, just filter them and move on.

19031717? ago

I think they've been rolling out these new policies slowly. About a month and a half ago I had two channels banned for "multiple or severe violations of YouTube's policy prohibiting hate speech", but they only ever really had videos quarantined - maybe one removed video on the smaller of the two channels. One of them had been up since January 2014, and was moderately successful with around 8k subs.

19031714? ago


And there si nothing we cam do to reverse it.


<Accelerate it

19031704? ago

reminder that this still exists


click all ads automatically (while still blocking them)

jewtube autoplays poz now so just go to some poz channel with this installed and let it run for hours

19031707? ago

It was telling how much this would work as there was a rapid panic about from the scumbags.

19030778? ago

Well going through my subs we can see some power players got removed.

Varg being a big one. However some more extreme personalities left untouched.

19047886? ago

the golden one survived

Huh, genuinely surprised, did they delete any of his vids?

19049533? ago


19047874? ago


This is cybernazi and Xurious, full archive of all of their work up to a few months ago.

19047880? ago

Thanks Anon

19030792? ago

Sam Hyde content is the real loss there. In a better world he'd be trolling on TV once more.

19030776? ago


19030774? ago

19030751? ago


its only a cult for tax purposes

19030744? ago

Reminder that YouTube is a money pit. The reason there's no major competitor, even to this day, is because the puke-jews are happy to piss infinity shekels down into the jewtube rathole because they're not after profits. They're after control.

19031712? ago

19030750? ago

Don't they make some shekels from the ad revenue, especially as they also own the ad company?

19030761? ago

They don't make as much in ads as you think, and most of what they DO make in ads, they make because they lie to other businesses about how many clicks are real and how many are just bots. Bots run by google themselves in some cases.

19032758? ago

youtube loses google money, they just keep it for the power/influence it provides

19030764? ago

Damn. It could be a big fake houe of cards like fb ads allegedly being bloated in similar way?

19030743? ago

deleted my 13 year old account, lost all my liked videos, everything. because i posted a few videos of natsoc era footage with music. no gore, no commentary, no words. showing german soldiers faces is hate speech. they wont stop. its time to go hot.

19036140? ago

Post that footage here bro.

19047850? ago

my laptop is fried. pure coincidence. i will if it ever gets fixed. i have the mp4s ready.

19047852? ago

Possibly not off topic - my laptop got fried last week as well, I know 2 other red pilled acquaintances IRL whose laptops also malfunctioned (((coincidentally))).

19049534? ago

my laptop got fried last week as well

So did mine, while browsing here. That's intriguing.

19030746? ago

Cunts. I have probably seen some of them before too. :(

So straight up historical footage is now bannable!

19030756? ago

soywars shill

Did they ban him too?

19030773? ago


holy shit he's on KMN right now! that's the soywars shill right?

19032748? ago

that's the soywars

nah that' bjerknes, a bit deranged boomer. long story but he is very good at digging and come with damn good shit… and at the same moment he goes and claims hitler was actually a communist and zionist..

so you .. uh wut? probably got dropped in the floor as a baby or something

19032755? ago

soywars shill

ah.. now I get it, that's what they meant by that ofc..

19030777? ago

Adam (((Green))) at it again. You'd think he'd choose a less obvious name Look at that big honker and curly side locks.

19030781? ago

big nose curly hair

His hair isn't curly, its straight. Mine looks the same because its long. His nose isn't semitic. I'm talking about the guy next to him, he's the spitting image of the crying soywars shill.

19030782? ago

He's still an obvious jew. Especially with that name and his absurd sidehow. I've seen pictures of him where it really shows. I just assume everything from such a tribal is disinfo, ignore it and not worry about it.

19030794? ago

Superman, do you do anything besides give unsolicited advice?

19030796? ago

stop replying, he is clearly an epic troll

19030795? ago

Yes, but I like doing it when it can annoy you especially.

19030779? ago

curly side locks.

this makes me laugh every time

19030730? ago

libertarian/conservative/conspiratorial channels

just so they can distract from the real target

19030740? ago

That's probably true. There will also be some collateral damage when they do their purges by hand or by AI.

19030729? ago

Communism by the back door.

19030085? ago

Damn Semites! They are purging all the channels which have been up for more than a decade of translations and explanations of old Aryan stories. Going to have to spend my day trying to save what I can.

19030754? ago

I can't see the video but if it's "Racial Hygiene in Sweden", then that's part of a documentary.

A Jewish documentary meant for christcucks. It's basically "look at beautiful white people and let me tell you why that's bad". It does also attack the soviets tho.

19030766? ago

The documentary is "Homo Sapiens 1900". It's good despite the goal.

19030080? ago

bump for her

19030071? ago



19059987? ago


Nasim was XX.

19030069? ago

19030724? ago

some of these guys dont even JQ


you missed the bald-gay-manosphere guy

19030727? ago

you missed the bald-gay-manosphere guy

Which one? There's so many of these idiots to keep track of.

19030083? ago

See, this isn't just

Ban the Nazis and Hate Speeches!!!

Shit being affected. They are purging run of the mill lightly conservative people that are 1980 - 1990ish left wing opinion on most matters. There are some large leaps to the extreme left being planned for soon. My guess is the first leap will be the election and they don't want any ideological or physical organization, questioning or discussion from the right or even centrists at that time.

After that we will see massive pushes for unchallenged massive changes in conjunction with some punishment for their political opponents and larger government driven censorship, restrictions and controls. You don't try to reduce an already corrupt 2 party system that placates most down to a 1 party system unless you have very big plans.

19056640? ago

This is when we all need to man up and start dropping leaflets in public and posting more meme posters than ever

19030060? ago

OP is a faggot

19030058? ago

My bio Eli Herman flew under the radar.

19030055? ago

The thing is that the democracy is fine. Anything you want to achieve, you do not need terror and violent propaganda. As long as what you want will not lead to poverty, things that are really not a good idea, destruction and terror.

This is why they are, in my opinion, right that they have done this. This is how the homos got what they have. And now people like you are needed to moderate this somewhat. And immigrants. It's time some countries become more considerate to it's inhabitants. Like in European based countries.

19030052? ago

I dereted YouTube rong time ago ror

19030051? ago

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Ijmxk_tAH2U" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

19030054? ago

19030045? ago

Why isn't anyone from the intellectual dark web demonetized?

19034386? ago

No Andy Warski, Gunt, or JF


19030070? ago

Controlled opposition. They give an illusion of tolerance towards difference of opinion but it is always within an "acceptable" range.

Anything that inspires deeper change will get targeted unless such change benefits the ones pulling the strings.

19030065? ago

why jews, gays and gatekeepers not demonetized by jewtube

19030044? ago

The thing is that the democracy is fine. Anything you want to achieve, you do not need terror and violent propaganda. As long as what you want will not lead to poverty, things that are really not a good idea, destruction and terror.

19030039? ago

As we do this, we’ll also start raising up more authoritative content in recommendations, building on the changes we made to news last year. For example, if a user is watching a video that comes close to violating our policies, our systems may include more videos from authoritative sources (like top news channels) in the "watch next" panel.

Better watch that John Oliver!

19030063? ago

we are happy to announce we are not only banning any and all right wing content, but actively attempting to change you opinion should you show any interest in it at all. As the number one public video sharing service on the internet we find it our duty to dictate your opinion and the information you are allowed to see, and publicly gloat about it because hiding the fact we are attempting to brainwash and reeducate anyone remotely right wing, conservative and/or with traditional values is useless. You need to understand, very clearly, that the changes happening will continue and become more pronounced and you will join us and our beliefs or, at the very least, keep quiet and pray that we don't find out and remove your existence. We have partnered with the main stream news services to reinforce this process. Remember, it will be 2020 soon and, honestly, you are a piss ant compared to our combined might and will do as told. You may bitch about it, but not anywhere popular and can lose everything if our news partners decide to identify you and ruin your life.

19030053? ago

authoritative content

Interesting turn of phrase.

19030032? ago

I always laugh at this stuff.

Here's a small list of things currently going on

The Left:

Journalists trying to censor opinions

Attacking the right in the streets

Social media banning right voices

DNC Super PACs are contacting Tucker Carlson's advertisers to het him deplatformed.

They try to get the right fired from their jobs and made unhirable.

The right:

Bitching on youtube that youtube is censoring them.

That's all, but hey, Trump won, right?

This whole thing should spark a gamergate against the MSM's advertisers, but it won't.

19030030? ago

Can I get a list of everyone we know who has been canned thus far?

19035389? ago

If anything they banned a bunch of popular names. I still see a few small time conservative-view posters on my YouTube feed.

The main problem is that they'll take down right wing but leave up left wing filth of the same caliber. Why haven't we made PolTube yet?

19035393? ago

Look below your post.

19035391? ago


19030763? ago

Dr Shaym is one

19030042? ago

sargon of akkad

video i had on mine fourteen eight eight morrakiu collab

the red elephant

james allsaid never heard of ..

19030082? ago

Sargon is still up.

19030800? ago

They're demonetized, not banned. Sooo… soft banned.

19030035? ago

Anyone white or could be mistaken for white that is right of "Children understand consent" that said anything remotely political at any moment, or has a political affiliation in question. There is a margin of error, but that will definitely be worked out before election season.

19030031? ago

You're gonna have to find out yourself. Youtube is purposefully quiet about which channels they ban, and how many.

19030026? ago

does anyone remember the name of the case involving a proselytizing woman and a company coal town?

19030023? ago

19030024? ago

Where did he post this??

19030021? ago

everyone needs to report every unethical ,nigger tier ,commie, etc shit channel on ju tube to them

we need a mass offensive ,against there socially/morally offensive materials they allow

hopefully there algorithms pick it up

19030017? ago

Be sure to support Bitchute despite their search feature being potato at the moment. Varg Vikernes has a channel there and so a bunch of other Youtubers such as Styxhexenhammer666.

Also, arm some angry Turkic-Iranian vegan THOTs with shotguns and plenty of shells, give them supplements despite not being very vegan to support the parts of their brains that regulate aiming, and then send them to Youtube HQ.

19030020? ago

I don't usually agree with resortimg to voilence but honestly it's starting to seem like it's the only way they'll learn.

19031759? ago

Learn? You think they will learn? Nope. But they can die. Or be forced to go home.

110 and done.

19030074? ago

I used to wonder as a kid why anyone would risk dying in a war, or how they could commit an atrocity like inhumane torture.

I miss being that naive.

19054329? ago


Act as a group, get treated as a group?

19030079? ago

why would the Nazis wake up one morning and round up hundreds of thousands of jews?


19030041? ago

Oh wow, fucking incredible! It's almost like the pogroms and killings kept happening because kikes left the goyim no other choice? Who would've thought?

19028901? ago

Already? They're about 6-7 months early from when I thought they'd do the purge.

Stalinist purges were the funnest of all Commie purges, Youtube can agree.

19028906? ago

Also, they must be super fucking scared of elections.

19030025? ago

They aren't afraid of elections. They are afraid of having the elections questioned. When the landslide victory happens they can point to the mass communication systems and say that every video, message and thought present was obviously for it. Meanwhile the many people that voted for "please don't put my kid on mandatory hormone injections" and "I don't have enough money to give 75% of my paycheck to welfare" will look around and think that they must be evil for being one of the only 100 votes against. At that point they aren't going to ask out of fear of the mob that voted for Billy's hormones and mansions for Detroit gangs.

19028896? ago


This is your daily reminder that the Jews hate freedom of speech and are the enemies of freedom.

That is all.

19028899? ago

Thanks tornigger

19028878? ago

Its working anons. their charade is cracking if they have to specifically mention their sacrificial lambs.


19036800? ago

Somebody make a video denying Armenian genocide.

19031737? ago

haha how convenient for the alex jones trial to conflate the term "sandy hook" with "tinfoil"

hey let's tack sandy hookers onto holocaut deniers

pretty crazy how all these things are coincidentally happening. it would be quite unsettling if there was some forethought behind this chain of events

19028892? ago

except the Armenian Genocide

19028885? ago

Nobody will care about this. The world is loyal to the Jew now so everyone will take this rule up the ass.


People already hate it. They only tolerate jewgle because of youtube.

Denial is the first stage of grief anon.

Don't believe me? Watch their new "console" Stadia fail in spectacular fashion when it comes out

They're literally shilling their Stadia conference all over the internet. Can't wait for you to be proven wrong tomorrow.

19028893? ago

Lol. This is a new subspecies of the old jewish barking? Where is the moderator of this dump? How much longer is this clown going to be making faces, hoping to drag someone else's opinion into a demoralizing swamp? Hey you! I heard a penny dropped in the next tread.

19028890? ago

They're literally shilling their Stadia conference all over the internet.

And people hate it

19028889? ago

This is the best of what's left, anons. This is the only shit they can get to come here and do what they do. Desperation.

The Fire Rises.

19028888? ago

The world is loyal to money. Replace the jew as the source of money and goods. https://voat.co/v/news/3215895/18578992/10#18578992/

19028880? ago

I posted that a while ago lol

19028870? ago

Our youtube channel Volkisch Gamers got hit and taken down in the ban wave

19031699? ago


19028866? ago

have anyone else had a problem creating a channel on bitchute ?ive clicked to verify email and its been over an 1.5 hrs

yes i clicked multiple times

19028872? ago

Don't bother with BitChute. It will die in mere months.

Jewgle will win. The thought police are scoring more and more victories and there is nothing we can do to get our voices back.


Delusions: the post

19049553? ago

Master Mason Metokur is a judas goat.

19035390? ago



153news net watch_video.php?v=36W6678Y16G4

19032776? ago

Heebs are already spamming blackpills ITT i see

19030759? ago



Assholes and Elbows Learned to IP Hop


19028903? ago

19028877? ago

Where do you get off thinking jewgle will win? People already hate it. They only tolerate jewgle because of youtube. Don't believe me? Watch their new "console" Stadia fail in spectacular fashion when it comes out.

19028876? ago

It's only over when you give up kike

19028803? ago

The internet will not be the same during the next US presidential race.

since 2016 the plan was to lock the internet down before 2020, yes. we are seeing the endgame here

19028868? ago


I think what they are doing is good. People already know they need mirrors and backups. This kinda of pushing is just turning people to discover about open source technology, different protocols, operational systems. I hope they keep pushing until everyone understands the necessity of not relying on (((them))), it will be the turning point. The shekels will cease its abundancy and they will end up losing their greatest weapon, (((consent))).

19028840? ago


All we are seeing is a small control method. A step in a plan, either planned for some time or thought up recently, to ensure that the pesky groups of people that don't like the current direction can't be too vocal. Don't want fence sitters to look around and see that there may be any even remotely popular opinion other than the one being sold. Don't want any groups questioning outcomes while pointing to anything larger than a very few voices that said nay. This is all about selling on narrative with the false pretenses that all but you are on board. They tried by basically saying

Americans all wanted Hillary, trannies, illegals and welfare but Russians pretended to want otherwise to destroy our democracy!

But it didn't work as well as they hoped.

Now it will simply be

Where are the masses of people saying no to this? We can't find them. 99.9% of people on our mass communication networks want intense communism, mandatory gender reassignment for children and transfer of wealth! Trust the votes and the news articles, they all say so!

19049547? ago

I spend more time IRL dealing with it than online and it's been like that for at least a year. There's no more free outreach, well, let's make some lemonade with those lemons. I mean, if we are honest with ourselves, we outjewed the jew for YEARS using his own facilities; I started noticing IRL changes in 2015.

tl;dr they're too late, they should have done this 3 years ago, now we win

19028800? ago

Oy vey, belive all of our lies, question nothing from now on goy!

Also the hitler speeches with english subs are gone now.

19028799? ago

Goy guide to world history and (((Victory Day))) taken down

19037680? ago

Goy guide to world history and (((Victory Day))) taken down

Yup, Dr. E.Michael Jones got censored hard.

19028797? ago

yep deleted a video i had ,didnt make myself but it was a 1488 parody short of a disney movie

19028031? ago

This is a good opportunity for an alternative video-hosting service to take up the market portion, where is people's entrepreneur spirit?

Or it's that it would be banned or demonetized/cut-off from financial flows due to not being compliant with the globohomo tyranny.

19028037? ago

The problem is how big youtube is. People are used to logging in every day and using the site. If a "right-wing" site is created, it will fail in that it will not catch the attention of enough normalfags. We don't need another echochamber.

19028807? ago

Jewtube can’t censor shit if their brains and lung matter paint the office walls and hall walls and parking lot pavements. Just sayin

19028805? ago

Any other "right-wing" site will also fail due to a myriad list of other problems, ranging from getting dog-piled (by the left) to having any kind of money being invested into it getting swiftly cutoff. This only applies, though, to things not under their control or connected in some way to the clique.


It always strikes me as odd when they do this. One would think it would be of great benefit to keep these sorts of things up as actual proof for their narrative. Instead they squelch it and give a canned response, rather than use it as an opportunity to actually rebut (assuming they could, but we know they can't and won't).

19028813? ago

Whenever they point out that kind of shit it just proves kike lies


Someone might be the hero Asim couldn't be, alot of mad creators out there right now, give it a week or two, very possible someone will be a champ.

19028821? ago

Bonus points if the mad man creator live-streams the jewtube cleanse on jewtube while he cleanses

A guy can dream

19031738? ago

I hope someone does it.

19028818? ago

Alright you got two weeks bud. If there isn’t massive high score then I’m gonna find you in every thread you post in and call you a nigger for not doing shit

Don’t be a nigger

19028823? ago

Well, I'm nowhere near hollyweird or cali ( thank god ) so I kind of can't.

19028826? ago

Checked. Butterfly warfare that shit spookanon. You can do it f you set your mind to it

19054365? ago

This yet another lame attempt at associating Butterfly War with mass violence. Don't think I haven't been monitoring this nigger-tier Fischer Price My First Smear Campaign that's been going on.

19028035? ago

Theres currently bitchute. Some anons could create one like what happened with gab and wrongthink

19028022? ago


19028837? ago

Problem is the opinion is not reaching the censors, but the other side of the ban wave. We need to voice our opinions to the censor. Only then they will reeeeeeear.

19028029? ago


19028018? ago

Lately got banned 30 days on faceberg just for saying trannies are degenerates (which is a fact) , this shit is just the begginng , tbh the push for censor was bounnd to happen,after all the media is owned by ((them)). Cant wait to be banned for calling out furries and pedos lmao . Accelerate!

19028016? ago

Over the more recent years they were shocked and dismayed to see how many people aren't comfortable with a good portion of the clown world they are creating. At first they tried to sell that it was a minority of people, "evil Nazis" and such, that were pushing back in one way or another. The problem with that, as we saw, was that it turned out "Nazis" were around every corner. Too many people aren't comfortable with, or downright abhor, the many proposed and enacted changes to our societies. The only thing they want to do now is make sure that even more don't question any of the "progress" while continually propping up the ideals of it. Control the flow of information and opinion to make it seem like there are no alternatives. Should John Doe from Texas one day wake up, take a good look around and say "Wait a minute, this is insanity" he will feel alone and hopefully self control himself back.

Where we stand in the next 5,10,20 years is going to be reliant on how much individuals understand right vs wrong, nature, common sense and can reject programming. It won't ever be dependent on anons having the ability to share information or opinions.


This was bound to happen and has been written on the wall for a long time. The real question has been and always will be: What percentage of the people possess enough common sense and know right vs wrong in a world where both are under assault?

Hopefully enough, because 2020 will see the narrative become tenfold and the objections be hushed.

19028859? ago

The real question has been and always will be: What percentage of the people possess enough common sense and know right vs wrong in a world where both are under assault?

Simple answer: 0%

Hopefully enough, because 2020 will see the narrative become tenfold and the objections be hushed.

There will never be anything close to enough, since nobody will fight back.

Everyone is pacified for the dystopia.


This is what Jewgle and the thought polive will go with.

And they will win. There is no future. Nothing worth living for. Prepare for 10000 years of despair.

19030725? ago

Nothing worth living for

If you're a puss

19030797? ago

The Persian Media Influencer needs to darken their door once again

19028011? ago

Use youtube-dl

19047872? ago


GTK youtube viewer is superior

19047877? ago



19028006? ago

Already have everything I could want saved. Daily. You're about 19 years late to the party my dude.

19032728? ago

DL the KJV and Pilgrim's Progress from youtube and gibes me dats in mega cloud please.

19028004? ago

heil queen nasim

19028003? ago


19027999? ago

trannyposter still at it

19027994? ago

Whites need to stick together more than ever

19027993? ago

Uploaded vid related, after being (((rejected))) and trimming the video to get around the filter, then minutes later I get a (((warning))) and the video removed.

19056651? ago

I use horizontal flip to get around the kike algos that yt uses. they also cant detect if you downsize in frame, like how you'll see people format copyrighted tv shows with a background and the video only taking up 75% of the screen. fuck jews.

19030086? ago

You are an artist my fren.

19030073? ago


19028815? ago

pro-kikes pre-filtering: enabled

Not surprised

19028001? ago

Top notch.

19028005? ago

Turns out cropping the video and giving it a different thumbnail keeps it up. Bot still caught the music though.

Do take note of this, Anons!

19028024? ago

Thanks anon

19027990? ago

The impartial truth gone wtf

19027973? ago


I'm guessing you fags are just butthurt your kike pagan larper got shut down because jewtube has been doing this for years now you dumb niggers

19054362? ago

Enjoy eternal life in (((Sheol))) with spics and niggers.


19027989? ago

kike pagan larper

As opposed to what? You LARPing as a Semite from the Middle East while you worship an actual kike? And no, faggot, I'm not pagan.

19027988? ago

Does your preacher know you're on /pol/?


claiming 9/11 did not happen

Well fuck me, I guess it didn't happen.

19027983? ago

This is a new major crackdown

YouTube will delete thousands of accounts after banning "supremacists", conspiracy theorists and other harmful accounts, it has claimed.

The decision was made after an in-depth review of its rules on hateful content, YouTube said. While it has always banned hate content in general, the site has allowed some specific kinds of harmful videos – such as those promoting Nazi ideology or claiming 9/11 did not happen – to continue being hosted on the site.

Those videos, as well as other kinds of "supremacist" content, will now be officially banned.

"Today, we're taking another step in our hate speech policy by specifically prohibiting videos alleging that a group is superior in order to justify discrimination, segregation or exclusion based on qualities like age, gender, race, caste, religion, sexual orientation or veteran status," it wrote in a blog post.

That is expected to lead to the removal of thousands of accounts as it goes into place, though that could take some time. "We will begin enforcing this updated policy today; however, it will take time for our systems to fully ramp up and we’ll be gradually expanding coverage over the next several months," its announcement read.


19049543? ago

Will those googles ban my videos on how to gas the skypes, in minecraft?

19032726? ago

White nationalism is white self-defense. It's simply saying white people need our own safe spaces.

19027984? ago

This is bullshit. They didn't ban the israelites who are constantly promoting supremacy and violence.

19027982? ago

Lel, Varg lives rent-free in the mind of the christkike.

19027965? ago

Forcing bankruptcy is useless. Killing their owners and employees is the only solution. Never obey their rules. Kill them for opposing your will.

19027961? ago

A few of my redpill videos from years ago also got removed. It's almost certainly a bot doing it, as my channel only has ~30 subscribers and I barely upload anything.

19049546? ago

Reupload and change the video name.

19027951? ago

This is how it always happens. The drum up controversy around someone kosher, like Crowder or Jonestein, so they get all the attention while the banning of the actual targets goes mostly unnoticed.

19049536? ago

Kind of like WTC 1 and 2 vs WTC 7 and the Pentagon.

19028861? ago

Despite making 13% of the population… Then everyone's gun rights are taken away. Almost see a pattern here. Another example: They raise up some golem like Tarrant then push nonsensical restriction laws.

"Parliament passed the gun reform bill, the first substantial changes to New Zealand’s gun laws in decades, by 119 to 1."

"In 1996, neighboring Australia banned semi-automatic weapons and launched a gun buyback after the Port Arthur massacre that killed 35 people. "


19027950? ago

Its their site they can do whatever they want especially after you agreed with EULA.

Should've leave their site if you don't agree with rules. Don't you say same to immigrants? Want to be a part of the place? Follow the rules!

19056634? ago

well well played

19056637? ago

you mean faggot niggerman

19056643? ago

I dont' think anyone expected faggot niggerman

19056626? ago

19054373? ago

Hahahah, smug anime faces always get responses

19054334? ago

Upset Jews are very spicy

19047891? ago

Have sex

19049544? ago

go dilate tranny

·does anyone know if this attack's date is connected with anything of importance?

19054351? ago

it's fucking d-day, 6th of june, that is the fucking date that vermin used, d fucking day

19054360? ago

I'm sure any day would have sufficed.

19054353? ago

This shit started yesterday though, but yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if it was intentional.

19054354? ago

invasion started on the 5th through paradrops

19054364? ago


19054352? ago

this time we use sarin on the beaches and then sarin laden v2s all over south england

19047883? ago

Its their site they can do whatever they want especially after you agreed with EULA.

Their EULA has always been abusive. Private societies providing a PUBLIC mean of expression should be subservient to the same law applying to all private citizens and public organizations! Otherwise 1st Amendment means shit.

Trump hasn't done a thing to stop that. Can't believe there still are MAGAys on /pol/!!!!

19047866? ago

make your own platform goy

the memes become reality

19054346? ago

build your own government

Private law and arbitration agreements, anon. Why you have to sue Uber at the fucking Hague when you're in Peoria.

19047853? ago

JuSt mAkE yOUr oWn yoUTuBe

19038516? ago


19035407? ago

you agreed to some worthless internet agreement therefore tou can be our slave now

19034373? ago

KYS Carlos. If AIDS doesnt end you, some random rope definitely will.

19032722? ago

God gave me free will. I can torch a google building down and you can't stop me, you can only deal with the aftermath.

19031776? ago

implying we want shitskins in our countries whether they "follow the rules" or not

implying jewgle isn't a massive jewish company with deep connections to the USG

19031713? ago

These channels followed the rules and so it took a rules change to ban them. Stop defending youtube as if this is some sort of “don’t like it don’t buy it” scenario.


The politicians will not do shit because they are benefited by it. The kosher right can use it as a platform to campaign on which nothing will change even if they win where as to the left it is just more speech censorship which they crave.


Taking DMT does not make one an intellectual.


As much as I love Marcus he is no doubt going to be seen as another Sargon type. Granted something tells me the left will hesitate to throw a milk shake at someone who can bench an automobile however logic has not stopped them so far.

Also need to point out that GO is not the best at public speaking and he could very well be arrested by the Swedish police as soon as he raised his right hand in question.


Thank you based ad nausem anon

19030734? ago

Marsh v. Alabama kike. They can't if the law is upheld.

Youtube is a public space. An enormous public space. It is held to the first amendment.

19054331? ago

Youtube is a public space.

The legal term is common carrier.

Look up the AT&T consent decree from the 50's. They're likely going to do the same thing. They won't actually break them up, but they will be (((more transparent))) about censoring.

19028881? ago

I say fuck both corporations and immigrants. Use it he power if the state to mandate free speech on private platforms.

19028816? ago

Gr8 plebbit-tier rhetoric m8, YT is a service, not a place

19028802? ago

I agree with your statement but you're a virgin weaboo

19027972? ago

It's called discrimination, and there are already laws against it. Unless, of course, you moronic commies want to go back to "No Niggers Allowed" signs in the windows? You don't seem to recall that we can play this game too, and we're much better at it. Do you actually believe you're going to survive what's coming?

19031764? ago

Wasted quads. In order to survive the culling we must be the culling. End story.

19031768? ago

You don't seem to recall that we can play this game too, and we're much better at it. Do you actually believe you're going to survive what's coming?

I wouldn't call that a waste.

19031701? ago

Fuckin check that shit.


Of course anti-white leftist shits are allowed to spread their hateful garbage, and even deny the Armenian genocide.



It's still happening now, we're going to have to compile a list once the dust has settled. I'm surprised there's a some left standing. Golden One in particular, but I don't doubt the banhammer is coming.



>>13360499 (checked)

>>13360522 (checked)

1984 truly is manifesting before our very eyes.

19031711? ago

Reminder that youtube is honest and they don't care if they look hypocritical to you. They're after power and they mean it. Until these people start getting their brains splattered across the walls and floor of their offices, they have no reason to care what you think.

19056644? ago

The cold hard truth

19054333? ago

Berlin had about 100 newspapers in Wiemar. Quantity isn't quality, and they're just quantity.


This is how things work out, as far as I can tell:

(((event))) happens

autists question narrative

some are even compelled to make YT videos

masons see this, make their own disinfo hoodwinking videos with signals to the members it's bullshit (Wolfgang Halbig is one)

The Filterman has Wolfgang or Q or the Leader of Gamergate on his show

pushback begins now that schwerpunkt of controlled opposition appears

anons who aren't wise to the game get discouraged

rinse and repeat

19031703? ago

GO is ultra careful as he wants to go into politics in future. He might dodge it all beyond a token demonitization.

19027985? ago

Where can i appeal the discrimination of my opinions by 8chan janitors? How this law is called again?

19038510? ago

dont our tax dollars help subsidize youtube?

19028007? ago

How this law is called again?

If it were me suing youtube/jewgle, I would point out the fact that since politicians, public officials, news media, etc. all use the service, then it has effectively become a public domain. I think it's perfectly fine for jewtube to control the monetization of anything, but they can't also ban material falls under the 1st amendment unless the material is illegal under law. I'm quite sure this is an easy win in court.

19028839? ago

There's litterally a bill out there that allows social media companies to ban anyone they like even if it's political or religious you idiot

19028884? ago

I think you've gone retarded. You're probably thinking of their ToS (Terms of Service) but that has to obey some laws within the countries its used in. You can't be making up terms of services that might be illegal in said countries. Also, you can't be selective in how your rules in your ToS are enforced. It has to be enforced universally. If there is a certain group getting removed for breaking the ToS but another group is not, even if they violate the same rules, that is discrimination. They can't hide behind the private company argument unless they revoke being a platform and become a publisher with all the rules and consequences that follow that.

19028887? ago

So is this going to happen or not? What is needed from anons to force them to make that move? Because right now it is clear this is the only option. Does any anon need to sue in the order to raise that question, platform or publisher?a

19028863? ago

There's litterally a bill

I hope your head doesn't explode from this level of getting rekt on all levels.

19028827? ago

If it were me suing youtube/jewgle

i am more interested in suing 8chan

19031766? ago

attempts to be smart by using 3rd grader logic and posting autistic smug weeb faces

get's BTFO'd by one reply

Smell that shit and eat it, leftyniggerfaggot

19028862? ago

Your logic worked fantastic for piracy, it's practically nonexistent today.

19028019? ago

Isn't it something to the effect that Google, Facebook, etc., want to and intend to be something called a common carrier, basically being a public service and platform? The problem is that they want that kind of designation, but the protections and benefits of being a 'private' businesses, and the conflict being that these two things are, or at least should be, mutually exclusive from one another.

19028023? ago

There hasn't been a significant court challenge yet. It's common sense though, if government and public officials use a service for work, then it is clearly a public domain service. Youtube could ban all those entities, but that'll just piss off the politicians for deplatforming them.

19028038? ago

And there won't be a court challenge of any real significance. Anyone with the wealth and power to challenge this is more than happy with this. Injustices happen every day unpunished because it is beneficial to those that want the control and already have it. The internet is 99% disease and 1% actual value. Most of the bandwidth that could be used for true information and thought is instead used for pornography, narcissistic addictions, propaganda in the form of entertainment and advertising. Any information outside of pure data that most ignore in favor of the other alternatives is constantly under attack because it doesn't make for happy thoughts that keep noses down and chins up.

Contact in the personal world has been redirected to a controlled atmosphere where pesky amendments and freedoms no longer apply and that has left a large opportunity to push our societies over the edge towards a nightmare realm. Prisoners have more freedom of information and opinion than the average person, solely because they actually communicate verbally with each other and filtering a whisper is much harder than filtering a digital communication.

19028026? ago

There isn't likely to ever be a court challenge, unless its someone with some very (and I mean very) deep pockets, an axe to grind, and a reward at the end of becoming the new top dog. American politicians lead a radically different life than 99% of the country, and know only of the things lobbyists and jews whisper into their ears.

19028033? ago

I don't think it matters tbh, we're staring down complete economic collapse courtesy of the central banks. In the grand scheme of problems in the world, it's trivial in comparison.

19028015? ago

And in the meantime, we have no voice to counter the coming wave of election propaganda.

It's time, lads. Strap your boots tighter each day from here on out.

19056632? ago

That's because Trump is a cuck who didn't make Twitter, Google, and Youtube public service companies like AT&T was in the 1950's, which means they would have to follow the first amendment. There is already legal precedent for it, Trump has no one to blame but himself and he deserves to lose for not building the wall.

19028012? ago

My country has such a law too. They're always jewing around it and never answered the question of whether they're a platform or a publisher.

19028017? ago

Similar ballpark, but they jew around shit like that because they know they're fucked on the laws.


We're in the final years of this country anyway, so the next election, all the jewtube censorship, and other kike shit is irrelevant long term. Everyone here should already be prepared.

19027970? ago

19027958? ago

Changing eulas without signators consent should be illegal.

19027963? ago

unless this is written into EULA

point is it always was like this in Internets

janitors can ban everyone they want

come back with reply when 8chan would have no janitors

19047864? ago

This is illegal in Continental law.

19027953? ago

1/10 bait. Try to at least make it coherent next time.

19027957? ago

spamming report button at the same time appealing to the """rules of the board"

You only prove the point.


19027962? ago


19027960? ago

As I said, learn to be more coherent.

19027948? ago

i hope some of you niggers are starting to meet/strat irl at this point

19034338? ago

I have with more than one Anon. We have started the Fire.

19028858? ago

I tried. Everyone called me FBI

19049550? ago

We called you FBI because only FBI goes muh meadhall.

19036146? ago


19028860? ago

Homestly i'd be ok with it if we all went by anon but with a number fight club style.

19028865? ago

Besides it doesn't seem like anyone lives anywhere near me that posts

19054350? ago

Besides it doesn't seem like anyone lives anywhere near me that posts

They are around you. Look at the world with new eyes. Dare to say things that are proscribed.


Inspiring! Inspire, as they call ISIS's magazine. Make minecraft videos


And there won't be a court challenge of any real significance. Anyone with the wealth and power to challenge this is more than happy with this.

Oh they'll provide a "panacea", a good cop. You'll still find their resources adequate to dump garbage into human minds.


We don't need another echochamber.

You'll have to incubate your own monsters when you are flung from Google's warm womb.



will not save you. Their rule is BY law, not OF law.

19027945? ago

Bumping. But you should all already know this. Also make sure you have multiple redundancies, I lost TERABYTES of memes when my NAS bit the dust. Never use Drobo.

19032719? ago

This is why you always back up everything to two or more different places so one can be destroyed and you have the other backup.

t. always got everything copied twice on multiple cloud accounts and hard-drives

19027943? ago

Cultured Thug is gone too.

19028002? ago


19027942? ago

Dennis Wise, creator of 'The Greatest Story Never Told' also had his channel deleted after years of being active.

19028843? ago

The first time I saw it I immediately made a copy with youtube-dl. I thought they'd delete it before I could even finish watching.

19031767? ago

Do you have a good link for it? I can't find it among my files (and if I do find it, having another copy won't hurt)

19031769? ago

There is a whole OP for MP4's everyone should put their stuff there.

19032718? ago

It's too big for an mp4 here.

19032737? ago

Link to file sharing platform post in MP4 OP?

19032739? ago

https://8ch.net/pol/res/13183661.html Here is the webm/mp4 thread. As for posting files that are too big for here, most people use mega.nz

19032733? ago


There is this for The Greatest Story Never Told, but I am unsure how to rip the videos off of it.


Does anyone else have another source or a way to obtain the videos?

19032760? ago


1: Youtube-dl works for more than jewtube, use it on every site first

2: If youtube-dl fails, direction action:

(Instructions for chromium, firefox has the same "network" tab in the developer options).

A: Go to page, ie


B: Options -> More Tools -> Developer Tools -> Network Tab

C: Filter for mp4 (drop filter if you don't find anything, it might be a webm or something else)

D: Reload page

E: Click play on video and watch network tab, you will see the direct link to the video after the javascript bloatware loads it in (youtube-dl often won't catch these because they are loaded in after the fact with bloatscript).

F: In this case, https://thegreateststorynevertold.tv/portfolio/part-1-adolf-hitlers-childhood/, watching network tab after you click play, reveals:


Download this video either with the browser or youtube-dl or whatever you feel like

19047862? ago

On mobile, use keepvid.works or ssyoutube.com

19034336? ago


I just tried this with jewtube, and unfortunately they transfer the video and audio as 2 separate mp4s, webms, or a combination of one each and splice them in-browser. So you can direct download but will need to splice the files together yourself. You also need to remove the "&range=…" param (3rd to last param) in the url for each jewtube direct link to work since that limits the file segment being transferred.

19037694? ago


unfortunately they transfer the video and audio as 2 separate mp4s, webms, or a combination of one each and splice them in-browser

you can direct download but will need to splice the files together yourself.


install gentoo

youtube-dl will splice it for you if it can find ffmpeg.

<the reason it is not doing it for you is because you are not using gentoo and are infact using windows like a stupid goy.

in this case download ffmpeg for windows, and extract it to the youtube-dl directory.

<Make sure youtube-dl.exe and ffmpeg.exe are in the same directory

this way youtube-dl will find ffmpeg and it will splice it together for you

ffmpeg download:



19034374? ago

This particular plugin does work with the mosley video directly off of jewtube, so I think it's probably the best lightweight browser based solution

19034337? ago

YouTube stores certain resolutions with video and sound (I think 360p and maybe 720p?), but the most convenient way to rip jewtube videos is with the free version of 4K Video Downloader. It combines both streams for every resolution.

19034365? ago


Don't be a nigger: Use a command line.

19034366? ago

Fuck, wrong video. Use youtube-dl, niggers.

19034378? ago

Terry A Davis was the greatest personality of our generation, it's sad he didn't go mainstream he was the greatest. He fought the niggers, and won but suffered greatly for it. RIP F

19035410? ago

Implying he didn't fake his own death to throw the glownigs off his trail.

19034368? ago

i use clipgrab because i'm a nigger

19034350? ago


Pic related is what happens when I tried to download the mp4 version of watch?v=W2ZWKt-VpyE from 4k video downloader. The webm version is a 0 byte file that doesn't play. I'm beginning to think Jewgle has some backend flags to prevent direct ripping of "suspicious" content.

I then tried a clownworld pepe meme vid and had the same issues, but the basic mario bros theme downloaded perfectly fine. I'm pretty certain now there's a hidden layer of internal flags to prevent direct downloads of wrongthink, but not publicly flagged, content.

19034357? ago


try youtube-dl

19034372? ago

I looked at youtube-dl first but didn't want to install python on this machine yet. There's a standalone exe for windows, which I do have, but it required I downgrade my c++ 2010 redistributable binaries to function, and I don't immediately know what else I have installed that is reliant on them.



I respect Terry and his efforts against the glows anon, but installing python for just youtube-dl is a waste of memory, which is just as niggardly imo.

19047840? ago

on 9/11 no less

19034377? ago

I'll never stop using master/slave. I actually met a programmer one time who advocated we use "leader/follower". After I was done laughing at him, I pointed out that followers choose to follow, slaves do what they're fucking told. And yea, he knew exactly what I meant.

19034351? ago

Have you tried invidio.us?

19034358? ago

Video DownloadHelper plugin for firefox was able to pull it from Invidio.us. Thanks anon

19034347? ago

Youtube video downloader is a chrome app that you can rip entire webms in multiple resolutions from there.

19034339? ago

I was using Flash Video Downloader plugin for firefox for years, but it conveniently got shoahed shortly after the plugin crisis. I was trying to find the direct rip with jewtube because the alternative I was using for seome reason wasn't recognizing a Mosley video still up. Thanks for the recommend, I'll try the 4k video downloader.

19032771? ago


Follow the above instructions only replace youtube-dl with streamlink

(youtube-dl is capable of ripping livestreams but often streamlink works better, it's designed specifically for it).

When using network tab for direct scrape of video information, you are often looking for HLS streams, your usually looking for "m3u8" manifest files. you don't be able to download these directly. If streamlink fails on a page initially, scrape with the network tab with previous instructions, but instead of attempting direct download, feed the link you find into streamlink.

Example: PooNN


Network Tab reveals several m3u8 streams, labeled index_1_av, index_5_av, etc (these are the different qualities, 144p, 360p etc). Right click -> copy -> copy link address, and feed this into streamlink.

19032770? ago

Thx anon…capped it for others if they want it for future reference.

19032761? ago

Note on E:

Right click on what you think is the video, Copy -> Copy Link Address for actual link

19032746? ago

There's a mega link that's been going around for years.

19032757? ago

If you have seen it recently, please share it here.

19032762? ago

Found it.


It's in the "Documentaries" subfolder inside "Videos".

Based on the thumbnails, it looks like it's the revised version with more readable text in the earlier segments.

19032763? ago

Thanks! I just found this https://mega.nz/#F!Cah2GKIb!T7YJ6R3qaUGPPikykJLMFA

which didn't have it in there, only the trailer.

19028846? ago

The film was not even uploaded on his channel. He had random clips and interviews. I think what got him banned was his newest film "The Masonic Victory of WWII", which he was uploading in parts.

19028847? ago

Speaking of which, Occult Forces (produced by the National Socialists) is still up. Everyone should watch and archive that one, the makers were killed post WWII for their efforts.

19049548? ago

Comprehending the mason cult is key to taking down our oppressors.

This might be the REAL reason. I see a lot more untouchable people being arrested each day.

19027969? ago

What day? Today?

19027971? ago

I guess so, seems like the big purge happened today

19027939? ago

Bump for Her