19229122? ago

Finally you whiteys are fighting back, if only my people would do the same.

19259270? ago

Keep the faith, chink anon. The PRC losing to HK pressure is a huge victory for you guys.

19229119? ago


hufpo: White Supremacists Keep Beating The Federal Government In Court


19229118? ago

Fuck off you larpniggers. ALL these threads are, and all RAM is, is big homo faggots virtue signaling and circlejerking about how they got to the gym.

19229117? ago


Leftypol out

19180127? ago

29 October 2018


Video obtained by Law&Crime shows the GOP’s standard-bearer for California’s 43rd congressional district, Omar Navarro, marching alongside various anti-Muslim protesters in San Bernardino on June 10, 2017.

In the video, Navarro is approached by a masked man holding a sign reading, “DA GOYIM KNOW.” As Navarro and the masked man pass one another, Navarro smiles, gestures, and says, “Nice sign.” After complimenting the anti-Semitic message, Navarro holds his smile and then chuckles.

The phrase on the sign–seemingly endorsed by Navarro–is a well-known anti-Semitic trope that researchers have traced to alt-right meme culture. Similar signs have appeared at rallies for President Donald Trump in the past. The Forward notes:

<The slogan comes from an “alt-right” online meme. “Goyim” is a pejorative term for non-Jews. The second phrase of the meme is often “Shut It Down,” a reference to how internet users in the “alt-right” imagine controlling, conspiratorial Jews hope to silence critics.

The masked man wielding the anti-Semitic sign also appears to be wearing the insignia of the Rise Above Movement (RAM), a small, neo-Nazi fight club whose membership travels across the country in search of left-wing protesters in order to engage in overt acts of political violence.

Anyone know how to mine this video? Something very encouraging that Omar Navarro (R) has managed to win ~20% of the vote despite this. He's been nowhere near unseating Maxine Waters (D) but that could always change with his recent initiative of showing the homeless people camped out in tents on the street, black women saying Maxine Waters ignores them, never comes to talk to them, etc.

I would like to see RAM show their support for Omar, help defend him. As a Latino he's a potentially great wedge once people turn on bitter ol' Maxine.

I don't really mind Latino guys like this who realize they don't belong here and want to shut the door behind them and help stop the destruction of America. I think they realize that if spics keep flooding in it will ruin their hopes to enjoy white society so they want to preserve it like us. They are a rarity.

I especially love it when they're chubby guys because odds are they won't impregnate a white woman and will probably just make chubby babies with a negress or latina. If he can manage to help build the wall and keep out at least 100 illegals, I could tolerate an anchor baby or two from him.

19180123? ago




Here is a must read for everyone who wants to save the aryan race. The forces of our enemies are stronger than ours. Therefore we must use our brains.

Strategy, tactics and stratagams can be a useful aid, when our own resources are limited and the enemy has superior numbers.

But we have iron will and our brain. Use it. Read this: A book written by an ancient greek writer who collected all the clever ruses and strategies of the ancient greeks/ SPARTANS and so on:


19080914? ago


senpai noticed me

19080910? ago

Kick boxing, work out and reading clubs

Whites only

Coming to a city near you

19080904? ago

u guys should join the atomwaffen division

19080908? ago

great now every fbi nigger and cia nig is going to call you a fbi nig so no one joins atomwaffen they will say HUR DUR their Satanists"!!

19014254? ago


19014266? ago

Sage negated.

Reminder kikes get most triggered when you're actually achieving real world activism, rather than shitposting on a glowingly trash board infested with useful retarded boomer goyim and the jews who run their narrative.

19014265? ago

check this kike

19014253? ago

Anything like this in Arizona?

19014249? ago

Reminder that controlled OPs don't go to jail, but you will.

Never join deep state projects.

19014243? ago

the Rise Above Movement

I never understood the reason behind this name. Because even if you rise above, those evil things still exist below you. I'd rather dive to the depths while slaughtering everything in my path until the earth is cleansed of their filth. I would be the sacrifice to ensure my children, grandchildren, and further descendants can live in a world devoid of kikes, shitskins, niggers, and cucks.

19014252? ago

You would understand if you read more Evola. The RAM lads read lots of Evola. Rise Above refers to the transcendence of what Evola called the bourgeoisie life. The movement itself is centred around what Evola termed warrior spirituality. Essentially, RAM is a neo-Kshatriya group rebelling against the ideals of the modern world.

19180134? ago


this Anon gets it

19014248? ago

Rising above is a pretty general statement, and can include what you state

19014244? ago

Because Dive Below Movement would sound a tad bit shitty you freaking overthinking autiste, smdh. What you say is true though.

19000292? ago

extremely happy to see this,

1488 WP

Welcome out

18999124? ago

Congratulations lads

happy days!

18998512? ago

Lads Society in Australia is what we should all be striving for.


These guys are led by based Blair Cottrell who is NatSoc. Even better they are in Melbourne which is like Australia's commiefornia. If you're an Aussie anon in the Melbourne/Sydney areas and you're not in Lads Society you're a faggot and will be of no use when DOTR comes.

18998509? ago

All you need is a couple of guys, and if one of them knows a little bit about boxing, you're already on a good track to having a successful group

I don't really know shit about boxing but I still bought a couple forearm pads and hand mitts and have a little standup station I could stand behind so it doesn't move all over the place (filling with water or sand isn't a final solution) and Ibet it's better than no training at all.

18998506? ago

Rise Above Movement

Royal Arch Masonry

19080911? ago

If the RAM boys were masons, they would have never been arrested, they would enjoy the support of the police and media and courts.

Your post = No.

19180125? ago

Nice try, wanna know how we can tell you aren't a Mason?

19086386? ago

18998507? ago

From what I understand a lot of it has to do with the fact that RAM didn't start the violence but the libniggers did. The unconstitutional part just seems to be thrown in.

18998505? ago

Holy shit they just let the RAM lads off scot-free

18998510? ago

Yes, check out their youtube, they might be putting out more videos soon.

19080906? ago

Bumping for that warrior poet monk lifestyle.


Too bad they probably wont survive the purge today :-/

19014259? ago

Well let's hope they get active again and rebound.

18998504? ago

Great news.

18999123? ago

Augustus Invictus

that guy is a satanist

19000289? ago

Well in that case, they ought to dismiss him and go back to jail at once.

18985922? ago


18980511? ago

Just look at all the shills posting garbage and replying to themselves with more garbage.

Demonstrates again that this is what scares them. Private cells of smart, fit and determined white men all over the planet who share comradery, skills and a common goal.

You will never defeat us. We will always RISE ABOVE

18985919? ago

Every poster here is a cell. If even a tenth of us linked up with another person or two we'd be a formidable force when the race war starts.

18980510? ago

3 plates

doesn't go parallel to the ground

in-betweens don't count

18977651? ago

But I do recommend joining if you live in cal like me don't know their workout place.Only ever just talked to one of them lol

18977656? ago

This thread is not a call to join them though. People get so hung up on, well, the people. It's not about the people. You don't even have to like them. It's about the idea. This is a call to follow their model on your own and get active in your local area.

18977665? ago

Ya tbh every National Socialist should workout tbh I workout everyday but not the weekends and try to not eat junk food.

If we all followed their model then I think we all will be better off

18977666? ago

Ya tbh every National Socialist should workout tbh I workout everyday but not the weekends and try to not eat junk food.

I just started following Jay Cutler's bodybuilding routine. Gonna get big enough to throw Antifa around with one hand.

19216430? ago

Muscle becomes a detriment in a fight, fren.

You want to become a good fighter, get in fights. There's no other way. Get in 100's and 100's of fights preferably finding others who will willingly get in a fight with you in a place where the cops won't show up. I suggest joining a local MMA gym and asking when the pros train and subjecting yourself to be their "sparring partner" (ie: punching bag) until you get to the point where you see a punch coming and you step forward because you completely lack an fear of being punched.

Then you're ready to train and learn. Until then, you're only learning how not to fear getting punched in the face.

19216436? ago

muh mma meme

Spoken like an armchair faggot. MMA is fucking worthless for the scenarios we actually encounter. You think you'll be ground fighting in a mob? No, if you hit the ground, your first priority is to get the fuck back on your feet. You want a martial art combo? Systeme, Savate, and grecco-roman boxing.

19216433? ago

Muscle is not at all a detriment ina dight it's a necessity. DYEL? Also, if you get in literally "hundreds of fights" your body is going to be ground beef and broken bones and be damaged beyond use

18977667? ago

Lol holy shit I think I need to start doing whats he is doing

19259263? ago

Do PPL with a focus on building strength on squat, deadlift and bench.

18977669? ago

Lol holy shit I think I need to start doing whats he is doing

He was winner of Mr Olympia, basically one of the best bodybuilders of all time. You can look up his routine etc. online. His YouTube channel has great info on it.

18985925? ago


not posting Dorian Yates

Why lib.

18985927? ago

Why lib.

Dorian is good, too. But why not also Lee Priest the Australian shitposter bodybuilder.

18985934? ago

Because they are all trying to be Dorian Yates.

I want the real thing.

t. tom dupee, physique competitor

18992417? ago

Because they are all trying to be Dorian Yates.

I want the real thing.

No such thing as trying to be Dorian when your name is Lee and you have the best arms in history. Dorian may have had the best back but he was no Arnold – the GOAT!

18977670? ago

welp ok ima start doing his routine tomorrow

18985917? ago

Don't forget the part where you do massive amounts of steroids.

18980508? ago

Good choice.

18977668? ago

what he is doing*

tired af can't spell

18977659? ago

Agreed. This thread should be a show of support for our political prisoners as well as a place to learn and analyze from their mistakes and build upon their model in our own various ways in meatspace. Their basic model is sound though - something like a warrior monk training guild.

18977664? ago

something like a warrior monk training guild.

Check the post above – these guys are pro fighters. Holy shit. It's a paramilitary.

18977654? ago

I mean just join for the workout lol

18977645? ago

I have talked to A member before and he said "Don't join heirs feds"with us"

18977643? ago

Feds and kikes.

Robert Rundo (in blue), leader of the California-based alt-right group known as the Rise Above Movement (RAM), fights a cage match against a Ukrainian Azov member at the Reconquista Club in Kyiv on April 27.


Among those going into battle from the Ukrainian side are some 500 trained fighters in the self-declared Azov battalion, backed by Jewish energy magnate and Dnipropetrovsk region governor, Igor Kolomoisky, according to Israel’s Ma’ariv daily.


19014258? ago

Kolomoisky and Azov Battalion

I have yet to see proof for this other than the claims of Western mediamen

18977638? ago

Ok Mr. fed.

(((Rise Above Movement)))

Michael Miselis, standing in the crowd with both arms raised, was front and center during the violence in Charlottesville last summer. Miselis holds a national security clearance for his work with defense contractor Northrop Grumman


19180137? ago

was front and center during the violence in Charlottesville


He was driving that Charger that caused Heather to die of a heart attack? Or did he shoot down that police helicopter with a SAM? You cunt

19180140? ago

He was driving that Charger that caused Heather to die of a heart attack?

It was a Dodge Challenger, and it is feasible that Heyer's heart failure was influenced by being struck by the car and then falling off it to the ground.

My money's still on the violent incorrect CPR done by antifa (before the actual paramedics got there) being the primary cause (the main "blunt force trauma") that ruptured her aorta.

18985924? ago

Northrop Grumman

Tbh that's just a local employer in the South Bay. A lot of random people work there as security guards and mail people and even engineers and accountants, very few are likely feds. In fact, although feds are bad guys, they are good guys when pushing for uprising against jews, which seems to be what this is all about. Mosssssad jews are likely the first anti-fed posters, since many feds hate jews and israel and jews hate everything American/European.

18977636? ago

Should be training with weapons as well. Absolute martial proficiency should be the goal of every living man.

18977634? ago


18958472? ago

Bumping for /ourchads/.

18957564? ago

join honeypot group

go to prison

18957567? ago

be a jew

butthurt about the aryans rediscovering the way of the Ubermensch


rabbi, we know your tactics and demoralisation attempts:



wtf, i love jews now.

18957557? ago

Maybe they should've had the audacity to start a gym and generate income for their movement instead of LARP'ing at a fed funded and set up PSYOP trap. Maybe networked with other people doing the same thing like they did in Ukraine. Delaying gratification of beating up "leftists" is the way to go. When armed conflict starts after ZOG loses it's grip you want to be well supplied and prepared.

On the flip side, prison is actually a great place to make connections. Always look on the bright side of life…

18957552? ago

18957548? ago

Playing footsies with the indoctrinated in the streets may be an adrenaline rush for you but need to do something that actually does something. https://voat.co/v/news/3215895/18578992/10#18578992/

18955849? ago

If some Rise Above Movement "members" read here then you might find value in these things which will make you become an Ubersoldat:


(and the following pages…..)

and this:


and this:


and this:


and this:


and this:


Stay safe, never give up and 1488. See you in Valhalla

18957554? ago

Thanks for these suggestions.

18957566? ago


high magic


18955862? ago


People need to buy a copy of this and read it every day. It's the best book ever written on how to act in the world.

18957563? ago


Nice to see that /pol/acks do know Balthasar Gracian! His book is pure gold. 300 eternal rules on how to find the best way in this world. It is even a good protection against any jewish attempt of subversion, because your mind is so sharp after reading it.



Read it and get a hard copy aswell. Read it every day on the morning instead of consuming kike media.

Give it out to friends. Read it to your white children.

The game against the jews and the coloureds can only be won with intelligence.

'''This book will raise your IQ by 10 points at least, if you try to get the messages in the book.


Nice one. Will read all of them!


Muscle and mind belong together!

'''Do everything to strengthen our power on all levels possible.

Do everything possible to weaken our enemy on all levels possible.'''

18958475? ago

Nice to see that /pol/acks do know Balthasar Gracian!

Everyone should know him. He was read by all intellectuals just 100 years ago and is still considered to be one of the greatest philosophers to ever live, despite his small catalogue.

18955842? ago

good luck to them

18955839? ago

19086384? ago

fuck being normal

18955830? ago

Just filter everyone who shittalks these guys. Kikes and noodle-armed keyboard spergs don't deserve a reply, fuck them.

19259266? ago


I'm starting an even better fight club larp especially for pride month, for all of our more tolerant natsoc anons.







18955834? ago

More Storm cringe for the Jews.

18955832? ago

dude literally none of them throw explosive punches. they really should be training with weapons.

18955864? ago

dude literally none of them throw explosive punches. they really should be training with weapons.

They were sparring. Guess you never saw the footage of them beating Antifa. THose guys were pretty hardcore.

18957549? ago

i saw the one guy punch that mop haired roastie in the face but thats it

18955828? ago

What drives glowbugs to destroy their own societies?

Can't they see the damage it's going to cause. they will be destroyed by the carnage like the rest of us.

18955829? ago

But but I was a good person! I had to do it, it was my JOB you lazy basement dwelling autist

18955824? ago

victory through kickboxing and tattoos

[/spoiler]better than nothing[spoiler]

18955822? ago


Radium wants its glow back.

18955819? ago

This is what scares them the most. White men getting together and helping one another to become the best versions of themselves.

Absolutely. You can also determine the strength of a movement by the amount of support they give for their political prisoners.

19229120? ago

very true.

this triggers the schlomo extra hard

18955823? ago

Very true.

I am outside of the US so I'm not really in the loop all that much, but if someone has an update on their current status, please do tell. The last thing I heard was several weeks ago, about some of them doing a tactical guilty plea. But I'm not sure.

18955825? ago

I have no idea of their current status. It makes me sick to see them railroaded so hard. One thing the left does very well is immediately form support groups for their political prisoners and they don't shut up about it.

18955817? ago

This is probably their most famous video. (Unfortunately it's only a 360p mirror.)

19259265? ago

only in 360p

thats only if you use cucktube


18955854? ago

Great video. Now imagine instead of MMAfags they were Brenton Tarrants. That's the kinda shit that keeps kikes up at night.

18957560? ago

That's why they were rounded up per-emptively. Given time those guys would have become an IRL Fight Club Project Mayhem. I know RAM wasn't perfect, but their hearts were definitely in the right place.

What boils my blood is leftist terrorists are allowed to run amok, but right wing groups that literally only defended themselves against leftist violence are charged as criminals. They did the same shit to some Proud Boys who beat up an Antfia that was chucking rocks and tear gas at them, again, despite the fact they were just disabling an attacker. The one sided enforcement is ridiculous. Just remember to train hard guys, both unarmed and with weapons. These guys had a good "Ubermensch" type theme going on being into both physical fitness and mental pursuits, and everyone on /pol/ should be doing the same and encouraging your friends to do likewise if they are at all inclined.

19216434? ago

Then fucking do something about it.

18955833? ago

St.George's Cross

Pretty based

18955815? ago

dont join honeypots, lone wolves is where its at!

<lol no gonna join this fed operation anyway instead of actually doing something

18980509? ago

everyone is le fed

everyone who is le fed is against me

Ok retard.

18955845? ago

Redpill friend and form groups with people you trust.

18955847? ago

See you soon, brother.