18634096? ago

The situation IS dire, for all the reasons you stated. But I remain optimistic. We are an awesome race. A minority on the world stage, and still the dominant player throughout history.

So spread the word, get prepared, build a family and focus on surviving the coming years.

You are not alone

18634092? ago

I feel you anon, but suck it up pussycup. Using hate fuel to overcome crushing depression isn't a great way to live, but it is a good way to not die. You must resist wallowing in the absolute faggotry of self pity, or we're done for.

18634090? ago

Me too. I also wish I was a normie for a bit too. Too much awareness has made me see through all the (((bullshit))). It is what it is, try not to stress over it. We can't change anything, so just let it be. I just sit back and watch the world burn… there's nothing else that can be done.

18634088? ago

what the things that look like "ghost trees"?

18634086? ago

For a different age I was born every man has once said.

Where each was to honor sworn, rather than to all this cowardice bred.

Thus for a gilded time we mourn, insisting such days forever dead.

Yet of all the feelings ever known, longing for a time not your own, is when true cowardice is shown - especially if dark the age has grown.

For like dawn light in black sown, all darkness will be overthrown.

All darkness will be overthrown.

Instead one is given a great gift, born in darkness in darkest days.

He is given trials, mountains to lift - aye the very minotaur in his maze.

He is called upon to be strong, to be swift, a hero upon which his sons gaze.

So appear you king or appear you slave, amongst the good or a people strayed, with actions now the future pave.

For the coward is he that delayed.

Product of his age, cradle to grave, but an age makes not, it is man made.

It is man made.

18634081? ago

Oh boy, to be back in your spot, Anon… Here, let me show you what you're in for…

"holy shit, something's wrong the the world… but what?"

"gee, for all this talk of equality and camaraderie, some people sure do act like dickwads!"

"wait, why do are all these dark-skinned folks moving en masse to the West? and not integrating? and demanding we accept them?"

babby's first redpill (lobbying, bankers, societal control, information manipulation, private think tanks, governmental oversight, globalism)

"yeah… economics are to blame! if we only embraced Libertarianism, things would improve almost immediately!"

productivity continues to soar while wages stagnate, living conditions deteriorate, and everyone gets progressively sicker

year after year, we're told how much the West owes the rest of the planet, how much we have to feed/clothe/heal/shelter them all

White replacement is real, and most people are blind idiots who either disregard or cheer it on (~~!!YOU ARE HERE!!~)

tfw you realize there's an unbridgeable gap between Whites and non-Whites… and the same gap between sub-100-IQ Whites, and those 120+

tfw you come to understand that 99.999% of humanity is enslaved by its own simplicity, and will never advance except under strict paternalism

tfw this line of thinking inevitably leads to benevolent tyranny… as without it, democracy/monarchism/theocracy all lead to malevolent tyranny

tfw you finally see the jews' greatest crime wasn't their desire to rule, it was dismantling the spirit of meritocracy and technological progress

the West's complete industrial base has been uprooted and moved to the East, in order to weaken the former and strengthen the latter

with the loss of industrial output, and the rise of feminism, men's status and purchasing power plummets… women lose their instincts

females become 'emancipated' (married to the government), fertility drops below replacement level, a civillizational death spiral ensues

xenoestrogens, plastics, and unchecked birth control rob men of their very essence (testosterone), while the nation imports 'migrants' (fighting-age foreigners)

feminism and mass migration are both canaries in the coal mine, and by the time they appear it's already been decades since the rot started

this cycle has happened countless times in the past… it's the death knell of empires, and once triggered it cannot be reversed peacefully

Western 'elites' (financial, hereditary, and (((Chosen)))) collectively sell the nation down the toilet while embracing globalism

you realize that the people in power have more in common with each other, than the proles they ought to represent

you realize the last 4 great wars (WWI, WWII, the French Revolution, and the American Civil War) were fought over this

you realize that there's no place on Earth left to run, no free land, no untainted country, no unclaimed clay, nothing anywhere

you realize that every organ within society has been corrupted into its antithesis in pursuit of the profit motive, beyond all sanity

you realize the globalist degenerates envision a planet-wide Brazil (demographics) coupled with China (social control, worker-drones)

you realize there have always been evil men throughout history, but the unprecedented level of modern control now allows them to oppress millions

you realize the only force capable of stopping all this were independent visionaries like Ford, Hitler, Jefferson, Tesla, etc., but they're gone

you realize the very mechanisms that prevented this (idealism, heroism, traditionalism) were stripped and eroded to pave the wave for globalized slavery

you realize the masses will accept planet-wide electronic currency, 5G permanent surveillance, and forced urbanization, all while cheering their own enslavement


18634084? ago


meanwhile, infrastructure rots, the cost of living skyrockets, and slumlike conditions slowly encroach (shared apartments being the first step)

global warming is being used to further defang the West and siphon the last remnants of its wealth into 3rd-world shitholes like India and China

all this as Africa's population of feral nogs continues to boom… currently at 1.5 billion, and projected to hit 4+ by the end of the century

Whites were 30% of the planet during the 1900s… by the 2100s, that number is projected to fall to sub-5% (possibly even lower)

energy technology hasn't advanced in 100 years… we're still reliant on internal combustion engines and petrochemical dynasties

the same people who stifle technological progress and retard the advancement of (White) mankind also profit immensely from it

gone are the days of optimism and unbridled leaps of science - nowadays everything is to extend its (((market value)))

planned obsolescence is killing the environment; rogue shitskins have access to nuclear armaments; bottomfeeders rule the world

it all could've been prevented over and over again, and at every step of the way the majority of the West turned a blind eye to these things

had the Axis won, their technophilia and meritocratic perfectionism would've eventually ushered in Utopia on Earth, governed by the Ablest Men

instead, the world regresses while a handful of (((short-sighted retards))) stymie its progress

the greatest tragedy of the age of Materialism are its masters, who'd rather sit on the top deck of a sinking ship instead of being lower on a floating one

we could've been a race of God-men, exploring the cosmos and ascending forever in all aspects of the human experience, to our own benefit

you realize the very spirit of your ancestors has been plundered… all their accomplishments, science, and technology, stolen, and given away

you realize you've been robbed of the past, present, and future… that this nightmarish hell is just that, and isn't what life should or could be

and it'll keep getting worse, year in and out, until the world buckles under the pressure of billions of useless, worthless, humanoid locusts

and at the end of it all, you KNOW the West will never be free of its inherent weakness until Kalki descends, and burns away the rot

There are depths of misery and despair that await only the enlightened, and the deeper your knowledge, the greater the pain.

I wish you luck, OP. Stay strong.

18634085? ago

There is no way to travel universe. Our mass cannot move the speed of light.

Also, we still have heroes.

18634076? ago

For me it's not about fighting "for my race."

It's about averting the threat of other races, particularly the Jews in power, and supporting the allies of my race.

Many people of "my race" are not on my side and some are outright hostile.

18634079? ago

Or to put it in better terms:

I side with those that value white homogeneity and I am against whites that fight against it.

18634075? ago

Trust me OP, you don't have a fucking clue. Go make a tumblr account if you want to whine about your feelz and how you have sad brain now.

Imagine being such a dumb cunt that you wish you weren't informed and knew some history haha. Oh and imagining you're soooo enlightened that your basic bitch facts are now a burden to your existence.

People are practically retarded

Indeed they're, so why aren't you out killing it? Because you're being a little bitch. Or a jew shitposter. I don't believe this is a sincere thread.

18634063? ago

u r a mangina

18634046? ago

18634044? ago

OP, I would read Might is Right by Ragnar the Red. We fight because only the strongest are allowed to exist and rule. If we stop now than we have already lost.

18634040? ago

You wish you could be a normie for a bit…

18634065? ago

This is what clenched it for me, I realized I wasn't a normie, I was a dreamer like St. Hitler.

18634036? ago

It's fun knowing about white genocide, of course fighting for the white race is worth it. The point of the battle is to piss of jews for the lulz. ALso I recommend people listen to Plato on librivox.org and also the roman historian suetonius. Just get into classicalism. The greco roman culture, and start larping as a roman and living in your own fantasy world. It's what I do. I love this stuff. I am working on constructing a mythology that fully demonized jews, I also pour out wine libations to mars daily and I pray for my god mars to curse the jews. All I do is larp and pray and talk shit about jews.

18634034? ago

Meh, all the low IQ's thought that the black nigger death was going to take us out but we survived it.

We survived arguably worse in the ice ages too.

We'll survive this multiculti shit show and Jew intended genocide of us.

We just have to hold on and ride out the storm of insanity is all ie "Ride the Tiger" as Evolva fags would say.

18627285? ago

its only a small percentage of a folk that can be called active. And for those people there are higher expectations!

The most important possesion on this earth, is your own folk. And for this folk, we want to struggle and fight.

And never loose strength, never tire, never lose courage and never lose faith.

What I want to say with this, whenever you think its fucked. Think about the Führer. And also remember Dolan, Breivik, Bowers, Tarrant and Earnest.

And most importantly, remember that aproval of the current leadership in Europe isnt even 30%, aproval for democrac in general in Germany for instance is only 52% and aproval of niggers is like 28% or so in Germany. And these are state given numbers.

Our race is waiting for us, Mother Europe is waiting for us anon. Its not the time for tears. Those are neither justified nor needed.

18634033? ago

aproval for democrac in general in Germany for instance is only 52%

Huh? This seems a bit optimistic. I've talked with many Germans and literally every one has been a liberal, eeeekwality loving establishmentarian. The conformity they displayed was almost surprising.

18627283? ago

Nothing good has come out of knowing about white genocide.

We've killed quite a few clickbait empires, and will continue to do so. One day, the Dollar will die, and the leeches will starve. We've learned that our enemy is mortal and vulnerable. We've learned of its nature and identity. We've learned that truth is spreading. We've learned that people survived Weimar, USSR, DDR!

18627282? ago

They are going against nature. We are with nature and logos. When someone goes against nature it always ends with… Well look at history.

18627281? ago

It motivates me to rise to the top if anything. If people won't listen to you, then it's up to you to do it by force.

18627277? ago

Nothing good has come out of knowing about white genocide.


18627273? ago

All these things Shall Pass.

You, too, can bring forth life from your loins and etch the soul of God with your greatness.

There is nothing in this life if not for struggle.

Struggle is eternal.

You must always be yearning to be better.

18627271? ago

I love being this aware. Stupid faggot pussy. Go run down a hill nigger.

18627265? ago

True. I admit there doesn't appear to be much hope on the surface. But consider this, OP; The System that the jew has constructed is not built upon a solid foundation. Talking about the collapse of Rome is not applicable to the current System because Rome was built upon real foundations; The Latin People, the Roman faith, and the backs of the legions. This system is built upon the false ideal of ekwality, the false ideal of deeemokrasy, and the power of the mass media to hold this hypocritical and contradictory society together. The System is a house built upon sand. Upon illusions. It's a trick.

Mark my words; 6-8 dedicated men could bring down this entire rotten Regime. I've done the math and that's the minimum.


The aristocracy of the Middle Ages had wealth and influence. We have neither. We're not an enlightened elite. We're enlightened pariahs.

Apart from the actual dumbasses in any case.

Also, it's not so much the "strongest" leader that people follow. It's the most popular or legitimate leader or leaders.

18634054? ago

You have more knowledge at your disposal today than even the Kings of those days could ever hope for. You can reach more people in one day with 8chan than most nobles would talk to in their lifetime. To hell with you and your blackpills.

18634055? ago

In addition, back in those days the King's word was the law. A Baron's mere opinion was considered sacrosanct by many of his own peasants.

Whereas today, all we can do is attempt to reason with people that we never even meet over the internet. People who go right back to CNN and Fox and here the "correct" opinions there.

I'd trade places with a Medieval Baron in an instant.

18634062? ago

Today's eceleb is the equivalent of a medieval Baron. Kill me now.

18627272? ago

<give up goy

<we aren't god's chosen

Fuck off jew.

18627274? ago

Learn to read, torfaggot.

18626641? ago

You need to get out of wherever you live, turn off whatever device you get your news from, and take a tour of the country. It's not as bad as your being told... the liberals want you to think this way, it's not true. Don't listen.

18636050? ago

Take a tour through the white towns that are dying because whites aren't having children and are miserable/self medicating with heroin. Yeah, great blackpill.

18625520? ago

our women want us to go extinct

No we do not, only the loudest ones on the internet do - go out into the real world and interact with real people

18623929? ago

Why are people so gloomy when all this news about the deep rooted corruption is finally going mainstream? Isn’t the goal to expose the hidden evil? Out off all the the years I’ve spent spreading the truth, this is the least gloomy I’ve felt. People actually chant “lock her up” at our presidents rallies. That shit wouldn’t have happened 10yrs ago. Sure, I would like us to be further along but this is the furthest we’ve ever been and we’re moving forward. So cheer up. Good times ahead.

18623539? ago


the enemy (US federal government) in all his wisdom uses his most effective weapon against his own domestic dissents. that is he is the voice of the people and if he can drown those people with the voices of foreigners he can pretend to act as an adjudicator of world order. he's fucking wrong and things are going to kick off this year abroad and at home. anons get prepared because the days of running water and zoomer electronics are about to fucking end.

18634042? ago

Coming from the Trump admin I interpret this as after the election there will be draconian hate speech laws. Trump's already threatened freedom of speech.

18627270? ago

Barr’s role in planning and covering up the massacre of Randy Weaver’s family at Ruby Ridge.

You may remember that Randy Weaver was entrapped by a federal agent for violating a very technical part in the federal gun law. U.S. Marshals later launched an offensive against the family, first, killing Weaver’s 14-year-old son. Then, an FBI sniper named Lon Horiuchi shot Weaver in the back and murdered his wife (shot her in her face), as she stood in the doorway of their cabin holding her baby.

Afterwards, an Idaho jury found Weaver not guilty on almost all counts, and a federal judge blasted the Justice Department and FBI for concealing evidence and demonstrating "a callous disregard for the rights of the defendants and the interests of justice."

All of this was under the leadership of then Attorney General William Barr.

Barr claimed at the time that he had no involvement in the Ruby Ridge shootings, even though it all happened under his jurisdiction. But, in 1995, The Washington Post reported that "top officials of the Bush Justice Department had at least 20 contacts concerning Ruby Ridge in the 24 hours before [Weaver’s wife] was shot" and that two calls involved Barr. But that’s not all: When the FBI sniper who murdered Vicki Weaver was faced with criminal charges, Barr tried to get immunity for the killer. He tried to get the judge to dismiss the charges on the general theory that prosecuting FBI snipers "undermine[d]" the attorney General. In fact, a majority of Barr’s pro bono activities have consisted of trying to cover up for the massacre at Rudy Ridge and exonerating the government killers.

Barr’s top priority as Attorney General will be "secret police-initiated orders" to raid gun owners’ homes in the middle of the night (aka, "red flag" "laws")

Is it any wonder that Barr supported semi-auto and magazine bans for "non-jews" and helped create Brady Checks, and then denied it under oath?

18627276? ago

All of this was under the leadership of then Attorney General William Barr.

this is why the memes arent sticking. its written like a boring jew from "nowthis"

18627279? ago

pretending old news

It was much longer. I am not going to rewrite it for the dumbfuck. Just sharing it.

18627263? ago

Checked. That's going to be a good day.

18623528? ago

It's not hopeless anon, however we do need a purge. We need civilization to collapse so that that which is weak will perish, and that which is strong will survive. There is no other way at this point. Our only hope is the happening. I believe the whites that survive will create a better nation from the ashes.

18623533? ago

Make all traffic lanes two-way and only those with a high score will be left.

t. Joe "Machine Gun" Viterbo

18623527? ago



18623523? ago

18627267? ago


18623521? ago

Fuck your black pill. Take the white

You didn't realize there was a white pill hidden in #WhiteGenocide did you? Neither did the Jews. They did this to themselves.







White genocide white pill

Far right conservative whites exhibit k-selection and therefore are more loyal, protective, and supportive of offspring, family and racial group.


Western civilization is our birthright.


Exhibited by the facts that…

We work much harder


We make/grow all the food


And are much smarter and more inventive


Our women are also THE most racially loyal despite constant Jewish propoganda.







The extreme far right is the only group with positive population replacement rates. Which means the white world will be ours


Whites are the fiercest and most capable warriors. Do not fuck with us.


We also own the largest amount of guns for a single homogenous civilian group. 46 million white, right wing adults own 125 million firearms. For context, this is 21 times larger than the world's largest army of 2.1 million soldiers in China and 31 times larger than the U.S. Army, most of whom are on the right.





We are objectively the most beautiful and most diverse.



And despite all the Jewish brainwashing and trickery, we are waking up unlike never before and realizing we are part of a much larger group. IT IS OK TO BE WHITE.


The Jews hate to see a group superior to theirs create the wonders of the world.


This is why they throw everything they have at us. Through all their media outlets, they try to convince us being white is a curse and is detrimental to the world.





Make no mistake, their media reach is vast and powerful


They tell the lie that whites don't have any culture when they know our culture is the most desirable. Some say it is even divinely inspired.










Nostalgia for this culture and stolen prosperity is what will fuel the revolution.


The reality is that there will come a time in the very near future when the white man wakes up and decides he's done taking shit. The world will change forever.




18623520? ago

18623516? ago

It's hard to fight for a retard that won't fight for himself.

Please stop tailgating and passing me when I am already driving 5mph over the limit.


Or you deserve death.

18623511? ago

Yes we have to accept the reality of things, as you close out your post with, which contradict what you began out with.

A healthy hobby, a productive hobby, that might help you. There is more to life than politics, and with a hobby as a vent you might not get bogged down so completely.

Are you isolated and alone in what you think? That might too be what is causing your misery. But this is something intentionally done to us, to inspire these feelings in us. You have to reach out and find likeminded people, because we are more than most of us realize. You can also not be too harsh on those that haven't yet come to the truth of things. Live as an example, be the change you want to see.

The struggle is not just ours, it is the same struggle as those that came before us and will take it up after us. Live, be healthy, procreate and keep your blood pure - for a mind can be mended, blood can not. Take heart in that. Bless you anon.

18623508? ago

Put it into perspective, kid…we all are going to die, so make the fucking best out of it. The problem in your head is that you think you're entitled to anything based on what your ancestors accomplished, meanwhile the kikes are constantly taking, taking, taking with no remorse for anything. Learn from them. Reconquer a place for yourself in this world.

18623510? ago

I'd love to but I look around and see no fighting men left. Just cowards. The most depressing part is the inaction.

18623514? ago

How do you know they aren't looking at you and thinking the same thing?

18623534? ago

Because they shout me down for being racist. Where the fuck are all of you guys, because in every social gathering nobody stands up for my point of view.

18623537? ago

No. You flip me off as you speed past me in the slow lane because you can't into speed limits. I wave and smile.

18623512? ago

That's just what (((they))) want you to think. The media and ZOG members are there to demoralize. Meanwhile we are growing. We are fighting. We are dying for the cause. Just because you cannot see it doesn't mean it isn't happening. Make a plan, put your nose to the grindstone and get on with your local Nat Soc revolution.


18623507? ago

Knowing this can lead to depression of you don't do anything constructive.

Eg you know it is very bad. That feels bad. But you're afraid. Fear feels bad, but you do nothing, because fear is immune.

Some would say the answer is to do something, even if if is scary. At least then you won't feel so bad.

If you do nothing it's just back to dread of white genocide and inhibitive fear of resisting.

18623503? ago

This faggot.

More demoralization, Schlomo?

The fact that you still draw breath in MY WORLD is all I need to keep me focused, dedicated, and working toward only one single goal.

…your extinction.

18623506? ago

go away sherlock

18623505? ago

18623518? ago

You either fight or you don't.

18623526? ago

Do you move over for emergency vehicles in oncoming lanes with lights flashing and sirens blaring ?

What about for emergency vehicles pulled over on the shoulder with only their lights flashing ?

18623525? ago

The thing is though is that life is a neverending war. We have simply forgot this fact while the world plans our downfall decades in advance. We need to be as ruthless, cunning, and determined as they are. AT this very moment they strengthen their military might and close down harder on their psychological manipulation. They are like 100,000 steps ahead of us at this point, and that would be okay as long as I felt a counter resistance was at least rising to meet it. But perhaps that's what they want me to think who knows.

18623536? ago

Who gives a shit the military could barely handle some shitkins in the middle east.

Because they at least had something to believe in and having high morale.

Look at germany when they were surrounded they still minded to kick ass and it took half the world to put them down if your going to be a pussy in front of a worthy opponent alright then sit on the sidelines.

18623530? ago

all the cabalistic shit aside it's just big governments that are the enemy. free independent people of all races and creeds want the same thing and it isn't control of the worlds oil production or contest with it's nuclear armed neighbors. everyone wants living space for their own and prosperity for their family. the big governments are a just a couple dozen greedy collectives we are billions. you are not alone and as long as you act in concert with your own desire you are serving mankind and it's will to freedom from these tyrannical elitists

18623497? ago

Shill thread. Reminder to sage.

18623496? ago

Killing the enemy can be fun and think about feed their children to sharks. Doesn't tossing the children of traitorous politicians with carefully placed puncture wounds into shark infested waters sound fun?

18634066? ago

Doesn't torturing and killing children sound fun?

No, I'm not jewish

18623493? ago

This isn't your fucking blog you faggot

18623504? ago

I doubt I'm the only one whith this perspective. Why not address it?

18623488? ago

this demoralizing shit again


18627287? ago


18623486? ago

You took the red pill, now you gotta live with it, as much as it hurts me saying. I'm feeling you man

18623529? ago

You took the red pill, now you gotta live with it, as much as it hurts me saying. I'm feeling you man

Did you forget about your Eternal Soul? Did you forget about Mimirs Well, and the Soul Consciousness of our people?

You have taken the Red Pill, and the Black Pill.. Now find it in your Strength to Take the White Pill.. Don't only take it, Manufacture it and Distribute it to all who you know.

This is a Spiritual Battle, and it has waged for thousands of years, on other planets, in other realms, and in many places.. The Eternal Aryan spirit Transcends to godhood, and the Dark forces seek to block us from our Self Realization, and the Self Realization of our Folk.

Please fren, don't give up.. Never Give up.

When you feel Down and Out, when you feel like the battle is lost, don't retreat.. Go all In, Go Public and make a Splash. Svarga waits for the Heroic.. It is not Happiness taht is the Purpose, it is Bold Heroism for our Folk.

  • Matthew Baumgartner

18623482? ago

Just a question OP, how long ago did you not know about white genocide? 1 year, 5 years, 10 years ago? When did you become aware, and how much of your life was "not aware?"

18623483? ago

I've known for about 1.5 years now and I'm early twenties.

18623500? ago

at some level you must focus on your individual self improvement

man and mankind are finite we'll all die and civilizations are always one chimpout away from total collapse

18623477? ago

It's hard to fight for a retard that won't fight for himself.

Imagine yourself as part of the aristocracy in the middle ages. The majority of the common folk are retarded and illiterate. Is life still worth living? Of course, because you can get on with the things that concern you and build up your own power. The herd will just flock to whoever they see as a strong leader.

18627280? ago

Remember Sparta. Never give up.


People go to those who have power and influence. We are not aristocracy. We are like the glue on the other side of the pyramid in the sewers somewhere.

Situation is tricky but never give up.

18623491? ago


Stay strong and prepare OP. The party is just getting started.

18634049? ago

should we subscribe to pewdiepie?

18634048? ago

I wish there was an avenue to discuss what we know in a non-anonymous forum

social engineering nullifies free speech

18634059? ago

Requires a whole new monetary system or moving to Iran or Syria, and if you make a new economy, like Hitler, they will put you on the list with Syria.

We need some tournament system to have everyone compete and agree the winner gets to start a new cryptocurrency that we will all use, and we need to make sure Jews can't infilitrate and win it, but I have no idea how the various tribes of Anglo Saxons, Celts, and Danes could be organized to agree to such a competition in the first place, with all the social engineering brainwashing they have already endured.

So, really, we can wish but to the same vain end, what we must do rather is fight, fight for our Freedom, fight against the dying of the light.

"Our strength grows out of our weakness. The indignation which arms itself with secret forces does not awaken until we are pricked and stung and sorely assailed. A great man is always willing to be little. Whilst he sits on the cushion of advantages, he goes to sleep. When he is pushed, tormented, defeated, he has a chance to learn something; he has been put on his wits, on his manhood; he has gained facts; learns his ignorance; is cured of the insanity of conceit; has got moderation and real skill. The wise man throws himself on the side of his assailants. It is more his interest than it is theirs to find his weak point. The wound cicatrizes and falls off from him like a dead skin, and when they would triumph, lo! he has passed on invulnerable." , Emerson, Compensation

18623478? ago

I'd say it is worth fighting for but just that I'm blackpilled on the outcome. It's not like we have time to bide, and wait for history to give us an oppoirtunity. We have aboiut a century left tops at being a world power as a people. Eventually there won't be enough of us to offer resistance even if every single on of us were on board and fighting.