19528631? ago

Bump never forgetti the jew spaghetti

19435461? ago

Maybe someone can dig this up I remember it happening but I don't know where to look to find it.

Midday of 911 CNN aired 10 year old file footage of Palestinians dancing in celebration over the event.

I remember they were called out on it and it was proven that they aired footage of some kind of old celebration but used it as blatant propaganda when they thought no one would ever notice.

The thing I can tell all the younger anons is 911 happened at the beginning of the tubes. The rat bastard fuck heads had no idea that old fags like me and 10's of thousands of others around the world would use the tubes to network and try and figure shit out.

Actually I took 30 seconds and found it myself

19352962? ago

do u have the meme where a bird jacks off to the towers sucking the planes dick? (srs)

its hella foony

19358530? ago

nvm I found it :D

19358534? ago

19358538? ago

19358540? ago

19358541? ago

Anon, I…

19358542? ago

…Did it again

19358543? ago

And again? :0

19358545? ago

19358547? ago

19435460? ago

achievement unlocked

19352960? ago


19352955? ago


19352954? ago

you know, ive recently stumbled upon a guy who has tons of videos very well geared towards this very subject. bonus, hes one of the few truthers ive ever seen that does not come across as tinfoil.

i dont agree with some of the things he says, but hes very well spoken imo, and very knowledgeable on geopolitics

not trying to shill for him, but his videos could be very useful in spreading this idea to people who are capable of logic and reason

19352948? ago


19352945? ago



19352940? ago

19352937? ago

No, it was we, the muslims, we did it and we are proud of it, sharia rules!

19352938? ago

No, it was we, the muslims, we did it and we are proud of it, sharia rules!

Tel a viv is hating on this thread.


Thanks for the info anon a mini mystery is now solved for me.

19041759? ago

Friendly reminder to all the tel a viv posters the first trade center bombing had fbi foreknowledge and help the egyptian colonel they had on the inside got fraid and split.

He gone the truck bombs went off. Somehow the fbi let it happen but did no wrong.

There are better articles but here is one.


19041757? ago

Islam flew planes into the world trade center to destroy the Jewish american money system.


Muzzy tried it in 1993 and siad they would do it later.

In a court of law nobody would believe this stupid shit. Islam is evil..


19041755? ago

related and also ((((terrorists))))


18993655? ago

And people keep calling (((him))) anti-establishment.

18993654? ago

This faggot was definitely reciting a prewritten script.

Known throughout the 9/11 Truth Movement as "Harley Guy", here is the entire interview from FOX News who identifies the man as Mark Walsh, a Fox freelancer. He describes what would eventually become the official story of how the World Trade Centre collapsed. This interview occurred roughly around 11:55 the morning of 9/11, only an hour and a half after both towers had collapsed.

19041761? ago

He was a regular on Opie and Anthony. And now Jonestein has hired his fellow tranny-lover, Anthony "Nana" Cumia at infowars.

19041754? ago

What a kike

18993648? ago

You might find this interesting OP:



Pentagon/Twin Towers Bombing Investigation

Bombing Investigation


May Trump turn /pol/'s DACApedes into citizens #MAGAwithDACA

18993646? ago

Literally the israelis reported that something is going on, and now its our guilt

sloppy job amerifags

18993644? ago

israel is much smaller then that and we got more arabs than we fucking need

18993637? ago


18993636? ago

Jews did 9/11.

All you need to understand that is to read their mitzvots regarding conduct of war with Canaanites and Amalekites.

Read about massouds life and death:


Internet image search:

purim 911 costume

What is purim?

18734280? ago

Check out Benji Netanyahu's Wikiquote page. In 2008 he literally said that 9/11 was good for Israel.

Just to make that clear before it's memoryholed: THE CURRENT SITTING LEADER OF ISRAEL SAID IN 2008 THAT 9/11 WAS GOOD FOR ISRAEL.


Jewgle it

18736007? ago


18734279? ago

this is the only 9/11 thread worth its bytes

18734278? ago


18734277? ago


18635747? ago

It was not us. It was radical Islam. Have you been living under a rock loser?

18736009? ago

18634709? ago

good thread, Chris. you should upload all of your sources into one large downloadable file.

18634710? ago

btw I should also mention that:

this guy the pic, (((Michael Chertoff))) became Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security in 2005.

He is an Israeli dual-citizen and it is stated in his mother's obituary that she worked for Mossad during their Operation Magic Carpet in 1949.

(((Michael Chertoff))), as Asst. Attorney General of the United States in charge of the Criminal Division of the Dept. of Justice, In this role, (((Chertoff))) was central in creating the 9-11 myth by providing the list of the 19 Arab suspects and supervising the FBI's confiscation of evidence and the non-investigation of 9-11.

He is the co-author of the US PATRIOT Act and spent time in Israel as a child.

Why have the American people tolerated this Israeli corruption of the 9-11 investigation? When will it end?

18634727? ago

RT has lots of lulzy videos where their journalists troll him at press conferences with difficult questions.

18634717? ago

Chertoff is evil as fuck, he was involved in promoting Pakistan's Ghulam Nabi Fai ring (Inclusive America Project)


18615010? ago


which rabid orthodox jewish criminal gang had a long history of terrorism using high explosives? what do you know soon after 9/11 they were all rounded up and suicided in prison. good thing goys weren't informed that would have been bad for the rest of (((us)))

18615003? ago

You know, if you joyless false-laughter sociopaths focused your energies on truth, society would probably be happy to carry you forward even if you were useless. I bet you might find people who would even help you have 1.5 children one way or another, on condition that was as many as you wanted.

18615004? ago

Do you know how many faggots like you come through with this same tired bullshit, and within moments, get totally shredded to pieces.

You'll end up being here forever, dipshit.

You can't deny simple logic, and truth, bitch.

One of us.

18615001? ago


18615007? ago


The anti-semite with the Israeli wife… really?

18615008? ago

Ex-wife, but I still wouldn't trust him. It's funny, everybody's willing to talk about all the retarded, discrediting things in the Loose Change films, but nobody wants to talk about how Bollyn was the source of a lot of it.

18559869? ago

Never 4getti

These 'art students' were israeli

18993647? ago

Stop spreading misinformation

18559871? ago

see: >>13238995

these guys genuinely were just Austrian art students. Nothing to do with 9/11. Avoid disinfo

18559868? ago

Best video on israel involvement

18518342? ago

if 7's controlled demolition was set off from a little debris, then why didn't any other nearby buildings get in on the insurance fraud?

18559867? ago

Full story is as follows:

In 1998, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey agreed to privatize the World Trade Center, the complex of office towers in Lower Manhattan that they had owned and operated since their construction in 1973. In April 2001 an agreement was reached with a consortium of investors led by Silverstein Properties, and on July 24th, 2001, Larry Silverstein, who already owned World Trade Center Building 7, signed a 99-year lease for the Twin Towers and Buildings 4 and 5.

The lease was for $3.2 billion and was financed by a bridge loan from GMAC, the commercial mortgage arm of General Motors, as well as $111 million from Lloyd Goldman and Joseph Cayre, individual real estate investors. Silverstein Properties only put down $14 million of its own money.

The deal was unusual in a variety of ways. Although the Port Authority carried only $1.5 billion of insurance coverage on the WTC complex, which earlier that year had been valued at $1.2 billion, Silverstein had insisted on doubling that amount, insuring the buildings for $3.55 billion. Silverstein’s insurance broker struggled to put that much coverage in place and ultimately had to split it among 25 dealers. The negotiations were so involved that only temporary contracts were in place for the insurance at the time the lease was signed, and by September the contracts were still being finalized.

Silverstein’s group was also explicitly given the right to rebuild the structures if they were destroyed—and even to expand the amount of retail space on the site if rebuilding did take place.

Within hours of the destruction of the Twin Towers on September 11th, Silverstein was on the phone to his lawyers, trying to determine if his insurance policies could “construe the attacks as two separate, insurable incidents rather than one.” Silverstein spent years in the courts attempting to win $7.1 billion from his $3.55 billion insurance policy and in 2007 walked away with $4.55 billion, the largest single insurance settlement ever. As soon as the deal was announced, Silverstein sued United and American Airlines for a further $3.5 billion for their “negligence” in the 9/11 attacks, a claim that was struck down by the courts but is still on appeal.

Perhaps even more outrageously, in a secret deal in 2003, the Port Authority agreed to pay back 80% of their initial equity in the lease, but allowed the Silverstein group to maintain control of the site. The deal gave Silverstein, Goldman and Cayre $98 million of the $125 million they put down on the lease, and a further $130 million in insurance proceeds that were earmarked for the site’s rebuilding.

In the end, Silverstein profited from the 9/11 attacks to the tune of $4.55 billion and counting.

sources linked within the text here: https://www.corbettreport.com/episode-308-911-trillions-follow-the-money/

19352942? ago

Within hours of the destruction of the Twin Towers on September 11th, Silverstein was on the phone to his lawyers, trying to determine if his insurance policies could “construe the attacks as two separate, insurable incidents rather than one.” Silverstein spent years in the courts attempting to win $7.1 billion from his $3.55 billion insurance policy and in 2007 walked away with $4.55 billion, the largest single insurance settlement ever. As soon as the deal was announced, Silverstein sued United and American Airlines for a further $3.5 billion for their “negligence” in the 9/11 attacks, a claim that was struck down by the courts but is still on appeal.

St Silverstein

You can't make this shit up. This is beyond chutzpah.

18506599? ago

18495873? ago

Bump to keep

18480427? ago


18475269? ago

Bump again

18475267? ago


18475266? ago

18451246? ago

Let me explain the "Israeli mover scam"….I personally knew a young Israeli who was brought to USA to do this.

First off, the flood the WWW with "Moving Company" ads who all get top rating from Jewish sites like Yelp!.

Then they give very low quote, with some fake reason like "We have a truck that needs to drive that route to get to another move".

They have you sign contract with hidden "extra charges" in fine print, then they pack your stuff up, and steal any good stuff.

When they arrive at new location, instead of $600, they want $5000! They explain "open contract" and extra charges for all the extra tape and wrap, etc. If you don't pay they threaten to put your stuff on storage, that will cost an extra $3-500 per day, plus loading fees, etc, and more to get it out.

Cops will call this "a civil matter".

My Israeli friend did say that if it seems like the victim is about to become violent to back off and stick to original deal.

Last I saw him his face looked pretty well beaten, but he was in good spirits. Later, there was bunch of legal/police mail from LA, and an insurance company called MY number asking for him about some hit and run. They didn't seem to happy when I told them he'd gone back to ISRAEL (with his load of stolen consumer electronics).

Why the Moving Industry Is Filled With Fraudsters and Scam Artists


Dec 9, 2016 - ASAP Relocations is a rare example of a moving scam that was … That person, prosecutors say, is Roni Hayon, a 39-year-old Israeli immigrant.

Israelis in Moving - MovingScam.com


Mar 17, 2008 - This is not to say that ALL Israeli-run moving companies are scams, but there is enough of a correlation to make me look twice at a company if I …

Has anyone heard of Sonigo International Shipping (from US to …

Apr 23, 2007

What a shame !

Oct 22, 2004

ALERT - avoid E-Z Movers (Chicago area)

Jul 6, 2004

This is ridiculous…

Nov 22, 2003

More results from www.movingscam.com

Twelve Charged in Moving Company Scams | USAO-SDOH …

https://www.justice.gov › U.S. Attorneys › Southern District of Ohio › News

Jul 31, 2018 - CINCINNATI – A federal grand jury has charged 12 individuals with conspiring in a racketeering enterprise to defraud individuals through their …

Feds Seek Israeli Suspects in 'Operation Stow Biz' – The Forward


Mar 14, 2003 - The FBI is planning to ask the Israeli government to extradite a dozen Israelis … moving companies that allegedly scammed hundreds of clients.Sixteen moving companies and 74 operators and owners, most of them Israelis, …

FBI warns Illinois, 9 other states of moving company scam | WGN-TV


Aug 2, 2018 - CINCINNATI – Are you a victim of a national moving company scheme? The FBI charged 12 people with conspiring in a racketeering …

In latest crackdown, US goes after marketers of Israeli Internet fraud …


Sep 29, 2018 - Israeli prosecutors have yet to indict a single perpetrator of the fraud, many of whose practitioners continue to operate from Israel with impunity …

Missing: mover ‎| ‎Must include: ‎mover

Victims of €20m French-Israeli ads scam to get some money back, not …


Nov 7, 2018 - Most funds stolen from French small business owners in 'directory scam' ended up in Israel, but Israeli authorities have not helped with the …

Missing: mover ‎| ‎Must include: ‎mover

Movers Convicted of Fraud; Held Clients' Goods Hostage - The New …


May 10, 2003 - Movers Convicted of Fraud; Held Clients' Goods Hostage … The men, immigrants from Israel, were deemed flight risks by Judge Nicholas G.

Hands Tied On Moving Scams - CBS News


Jun 18, 2002 - Police say both families got caught in a nationwide moving scam. … District Attorney Richard Brown recently busted two Israelis, Ronit Mantoza …

A Moving Story: Crooked Movers Victimize Consumers and Usually …


Dec 6, 2016 - ASAP Relocations is the rare example of a moving scam that was … Frequently, they say, the companies are run by Israelis

18451239? ago

Do not forget about the art groups "Gelatin & B-Thing", which were in the towers before 911.

This is just pure cohencidence that the explosion occurred in the same place where was an art groups.

Link to the article:


18451244? ago

these guys genuinely were just Austrian art students. Nothing to do with 9/11. Avoid disinfo

18454540? ago

There is something strange about these art students. The "B-Thing" is the strangest one because it was hidden from the public and from other artists on the floor. They lived in a tent on the 91st floor. They were there for 3 months to set up a balcony. It took 3 weeks to open the window. They hid the balcony behind a wall of boxes that were all the same type of box. They opened the window early Sunday morning when nobody was on the street. They had a helicopter take pictures of the people on the balcony. They published some of the diagrams and pictures of the inside of the building in a rare book. The pictures of the people on the balcony are not included in the book. It seems like a lot of work to set up a balcony for 20 minutes and get a helicopter to take pictures but not publish any of them. Some believe this is how the pictures of the "jumpers" were made and that's why they never published them.

18451235? ago

In a 1979 interview by Michael D Evans with the "father of Israeli intelligence" Isser Harel.

"I fear it will come to you in America. America has the power, but not the will, to fight terrorism. The terrorists have the will, but not the power, to fight America – but all that could change with time. Arab oil money buys more than tents."

"New York City is the symbol of freedom and capitalism. It’s likely they will strike the Empire State Building, your tallest building [he mistakenly thought] and a symbol of your power."

1979? Damn they sure do have good intelligence ;-)

18451233? ago

Requesting sources for:

The van these Israelis were in when they were arrested was searched by a bomb-sniffing dog and, coincidentally, yielded a positive test for the presence of explosive traces.


Even luckier, although he ate breakfast every day at the Windows on the World restaurant on the 106th and 107th floors of the North Tower of the WTC, he failed to turn up on September 11 because of a "dermatologist's appointment". And lucky for his two children who worked in the WTC, they were also spared a ghastly fate after uncharacteristically failing to turn up for work that day because they were "running late".

In October 2000, a retired IDF officer overheard a group of men speaking in Hebrew at the Gomel Chesed Cemetery, one of whom said, “The Americans will learn what it is to live with terrorists after the planes hit the twins in September.”

18451243? ago


In October 2000, a retired IDF officer overheard a group of men speaking in Hebrew at the Gomel Chesed Cemetery, one of whom said, “The Americans will learn what it is to live with terrorists after the planes hit the twins in September.”

See pics related 5, 6, 7, and 8

18451241? ago

The van these Israelis were in when they were arrested was searched by a bomb-sniffing dog and, coincidentally, yielded a positive test for the presence of explosive traces.

See pic related 1 and: https://www.ae911truth.org/images/PDFs/FBI-Newark-9-23-01-Report.pdf

Even luckier, although he ate breakfast every day at the Windows on the World restaurant on the 106th and 107th floors of the North Tower of the WTC, he failed to turn up on September 11 because of a "dermatologist's appointment". And lucky for his two children who worked in the WTC, they were also spared a ghastly fate after uncharacteristically failing to turn up for work that day because they were "running late".

See pic related 2, 3, and 4.

Continued in next post

18451238? ago

Are you still here op?

18451245? ago

yep, i've posted the sources as you requested

18451226? ago





Check out Johnny Gats new vid from his new channel about fight club and Sept 11, there's alot of crazy shit.




18451224? ago

OP, Israelis are the best dancers, this is no news to us !

18451211? ago

Kick this back to the top we have 2 good 911 threads that are a hell of a lot more interesting than the spam flooding the catalog from fuckwits INC.

18451214? ago

Fuck off, this thread is for grownups. If you don't have concrete evidence, you're more than welcome to try those other 2 threads.

18451216? ago

Someone does not like the attention this thread is getting. You forgot to sage pinchas.

19352934? ago

it looks fake.

18437743? ago

Can you (or anyone else) reconcile that first image with this: https://www.metabunk.org/debunked-wikileaks-mossad-behind-9-11.t2302/

I’m fully aware that jews did 9/11, but we need to not be posting fake information. On the other hand, if that ISN’T just a mass spam e-mail sent to Wikileaks, it would be powerful.

18451210? ago

i've never saved the image from wikileaks because i concur with the metabunk analysis.

"It's an article by Wayne Masden, that was sent to Stratfor via the "Contact Us" form on their web site. It was sent in by Croydon Kemp, a realtor from Wisconsin.

It's basically some random email spam that's clogging up Stratfor's email in-box"

18422318? ago

good read

18422316? ago

I just like posting this every 9\11 thread because it's such a great entry level video.

18426333? ago

Corbett is a gate keeper. No mention of (((their))) involvement.

18433521? ago

lol, Corbett specifically did a special on the "dancing israelis."


18422312? ago

One time I fucked a Goyim whore in the ass without lube and ripped her bowels, killing her. It took two police officers and a rabbi to carry that worthless piece of waste to the trunk, and we just dumped her in a brown neighborhood.

Easy as pie Goyim.

19528632? ago

Love to see you prove what you say you did.

Oh, what's that? You don't have any? Oh, okay, we all BELIEVE you.

19435464? ago

Doesn't surprise me that you have that fantasy, sodomite. We fight for a world free from perverts like you. Why is it that every jew has some cringe rape fantasy?

18421848? ago

Four of the five "Celebrating Jews of 911" Omer Marmari, Yaron Shmuel and Sivan & Paul Kurzberg, who were arrested in New York on 911 after filming the attack in their words to "document the event," were residents of Brisbane Australia. 911 Australia - TerrorGrüppe Kurzberg - Pizza - Woodledoodledoo.

Whoever owing allegiance to the United States levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere is guilty of treason and shall suffer death." 18 USC Ch. 115, §2381.

I intend to jump about in glee as they with the entire Mossad cell in Brisbane that spawned them, the news media lobbies in Australia and the US that support the deception.

And the Australian politicos at every level who have granted them free passage since the day of the outrage, are brought to just trial and condign execution under the same US Laws were breached on the day.

18421439? ago

Reminder; this is merely a distraction thread to draw you away from the real thread that is full of real information that is damaging to the jews.


Don't be duped this easily.

18421436? ago

OP needs graped in the Mouth

But yeah Jews did 9/11

18421433? ago

Bump good thread op.

18421429? ago

When you are talented enough to crash your plane into jew owned building twice, without hitting building 7, the buildings in question should be structullary sound enough to whistand it but it comes down and 7 as well, and in the end jews get fat payoff from insurance company.

BUT YOU CAN NOT CRASH INTO UN BUILDING because they are not responsible for passing legislations and recognizing the claim of your biggest enemy to a land.

18421428? ago

There's already a really good 911 thread up right now. Why start another one?

18421431? ago

This one is specifically about israeli involvement and not buildings

18421426? ago

spam is such an effective tool to get a legitimate message across

18421418? ago

Felt like trolling and had no new comedy material?

18421414? ago

I don't have the energy to fix the other mistakes in each point you made, I'll just correct the last one:

The pass you speak of came NOT from Urban Moving Systems on 9/11, but from workers from "Denko Mechanical" (after Magic Plumbers turned out to be fake) on early 2002. This was part of a SEPARATE operation that didn't dealt with logistics (the moving companies) but with activities within one of the towers. This is important for 3 reasons: ONE, Zim Shipping contracted this Israeli group (but only the port authority could do that) before leaving; TWO, a woman who was going to testify about them was murdered by fire in her car; and THREE, this means that a second (((company))) was contracted for the other tower and also did the killing.

18422313? ago


actually, are you sure one of the Israelis arrested on 9/11 didn't also have a WTC 1 visitor pass? see pic related. The document is dated September 11, and the visitor pass is dated July 11.

Sakhera Hammad, who also had a WTC visitor pass on him, wasn't arrested until like 2002.

18422314? ago

the Israelis were arrested on September 11, 2001, which matches the date of this document. So why don't you think this list of items refers to the possessions of one of the Israelis?

18437741? ago


Different passes, hence the misunderstanding. The pass found with Urban Moving Systems is dated for July. The pass found with Denko Mechanical is dated for a week before 9/11 (5th of September iirc).

18451219? ago



Right so, doesn't this confirm what I wrote in the OP? That, "Coincidentally, one of these Israelis [arrested on September 11, 2001] had on him a visitor’s card for World Trade Center 1."

The source for the above claim is the WTC1 visitor's pass (dated July 2001) that was listed in the document in pic from


dated September 11, 2001 (the same day the Israelis were arrested.

And a SEPARATE WTC visitor's pass (dated September 5, 2001) was found on Sakhera Hammad, who was implicated in a fake driver’s license scam lead by Kahled Odtllah, who was from Jerusalem. From the 6th post of OP:

"Sakhera Hammad, who was implicated in a fake driver’s license scam lead by Kahled Odtllah, who was from Jerusalem, had a visitor's pass for the World Trade Center dated September 5, 2001, which he said was for work he did on the WTC’s sprinkler systems as a plumber. Authorities found no records of his plumbing license, and the records of who gave him the WTC visitor’s pass were lost. While Odtllah, Hammad, and the other suspects were in police custody, Katherine Smith, who was complicit in this fake driver’s license scam, was killed the day before she was meant to appear in court. She was found burned to death in her car — burned so badly her arms fell off. The FBI concluded that her death was the result of foul play. The car in which she was found dead was given to her by Odtllad, the scam’s ringleader from Jerusalem."

So there's evidence for two different WTC visitor passes.

Am I right about this? Please someone correct me if I've got this wrong

18421420? ago


also do you know where I can find the source for Denko Mechanical being contracted by Zim Shipping? I have the sources for all the other points in your post – im just missing the evidence for them having been contracted by Zim

18421417? ago

thank you very much for the correction anon. much appreciated.

BTW, I did post about Denko Mechnical above:

"Sakhera Hammad, who was implicated in a fake driver’s license scam lead by Kahled Odtllah, who was from Jerusalem, had a visitor's pass for the World Trade Center dated September 5, 2001, which he said was for work he did on the WTC’s sprinkler systems as a plumber. Authorities found no records of his plumbing license, and the records of who gave him the WTC visitor’s pass were lost. While Odtllah, Hammad, and the other suspects were in police custody, Katherine Smith, who was complicit in this fake driver’s license scam, was killed the day before she was meant to appear in court. She was found burned to death in her car — burned so badly her arms fell off. The FBI concluded that her death was the result of foul play. The car in which she was found dead was given to her by Odtllad, the scam’s ringleader from Jerusalem."

please please PLEASE correct any other mitsakes I made in my original posts. I want to make sure it's accurate

18421424? ago

I'll just do the first one… you're not far off, just details. I do recommend Ry(an) Dawson, as I agree with him 98-99% of the time:

The "high-fivers" were seen in the parking lot roof at least 45 minutes prior to the attacks. Their moniker by FBI is due to the fact that they gave each other high-fives when the first plane hit. The 3 or 4? men later went to pick up the other 2 from White Glove Movers (another Mossad front moving company). This detail is a bit important because the Mossad agents along with the rest of the Israelis had partied until very late, on a Monday night. Also, it seems their "resaca" might have played a role in their arrest as they messed up during their travel. You also mentioned their advantageous location, perhaps this was due to them scouting that same location the day before.

Wish I could go more in detail on the high-fivers, but I don't have time.

18421427? ago

thank you kindly anon. and yes, I've seen all of Ryan Dawson's material. He's the main source for a lot of what i wrote above. if you find any other mistakes in my original posts, please let me know when you have time. thanks

18421412? ago

18421435? ago

Corbett is 10/10

18421411? ago

Its just a coincidence goy, it's also just a coincidence the jewish terrorists were released by the FBI despite all evidence pointing to them


dump it

18421415? ago

i have over 5GB of source material. if you have sources, you'd have to identify a specific claim made above

18451230? ago

Actually, I'd rather download all of it. Great stuff to print out and hang up to piss kikes off.

18475265? ago

is there a way to strip all the files in a folder and all of its many subfolders of all their metadata (on Mac)? if you or someone does, then yeah i could upload everything. otherwise i wouldn't really feel comfortable doing it

18421421? ago

The best ones

18421423? ago

you choose

18421402? ago

Indeed, the Jews did 9/11, but there is already a thread.

18421401? ago

  • Coincidentally, the boss of Urban Moving Systems, Dominik Suter, an Israeli, fired all of the company’s employees on September 11 and fled to Israel in a hurry two days later, leaving behind the company’s equipment and the customers’ stored items in a warehouse.

  • Dominik Suter ended up on the FBI’s May 2002 suspects list, alongside the alleged 9/11 hijackers.

  • Coincidentally, one of Urban Moving Systems’s employees was told by his colleague at Urban Moving Systems that “they are taking down the second building” before it happened.

  • Coincidentally, all of the Israeli movers caught filming, photographing, and celebrating the 9/11 attacks had flights to a variety of international destinations scheduled to depart on September 12, which they booked in June of that year.

  • Coincidentally, Classic International Movers, which was another moving company affiliated with Urban Moving Systems, was flagged by the FBI as having been used as a mover by one of the alleged 9/11 hijackers.

  • Coincidentally, one of the Israeli movers of Urban Moving Systems happened to be living near to one of the alleged hijackers while he was living in Florida.

  • Coincidentally, another of the Israeli movers of Urban Moving Systems happened to be living extremely near to the same alleged hijacker while he was living in New York.

  • Coincidentally, one of the Israeli movers moved to America at the behest of the Jewish Agency, whose billionaire chairman coincidentally happened to bribe the New York City Police Commissioner, who led law enforcement’s response on 9/11, with a quarter of a million dollars after his trip to Israel just before September 11.

19352949? ago




Go to war with IRAN goy!

19352959? ago

Very good meme, absolutely underrated!

If this could be printed and put into all the mailboxes of white people…

Share share share share!

18634715? ago






oy vey goyim you have no suace for ya pasta

18634726? ago

oy vey goyim you have no suace for ya pasta


day shift in pissrael

18421404? ago

  • Lucky for the Israelis, individuals high up in the US government worked hard to sweep Israeli connections to 9/11 under the rug:

FBI headquarters in DC told FBI Newark to end its investigation into the Israelis AFTER JUST 13 DAYS, on September 24.

US Deputy Secretary of State, along with two unnamed "prominent New York congressmen", were amongst those trying to speed up the release of these Israelis.

Israeli and US government officials “worked out a deal”, and after 71 days these Israelis were sent back to Israel.

Michael Chertoff, an Israeli dual citizen, who was United States Assistant Attorney General at the time, let these Israelis return to Israel.

Investigators within the DEA, INS, and FBI said that "to pursue or even suggest Israeli spying" is “career suicide”.

A US official who was “a highly placed investigator” told Fox News that “evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information."

About 66% of the FBI’s roughly 1800-page investigation into the Israeli movers is redacted and classified until 2030 or 2035.

The 592-page 9/11 Commission Report didn’t consider any of the evidence developed during the FBI’s investigation of these Israelis.

18615012? ago

About 66% of the FBI’s roughly 1800-page investigation into the Israeli movers is redacted and classified until 2030 or 2035.

Will it be released then?

Or just heavily censored?

18634711? ago

hard to say what will happen in 2030/2035. all i can tell you is that the redacted pages on the FBI report are stamped with the following, see pic related

18993643? ago


18421405? ago

  • In addition to the Israelis of Urban Moving Systems having foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks, there are other indications of Jewish/Israeli foreknowledge:

Israeli instant messaging company, Odigo, admitted that two of its employees received instant messages warning of an impending attack two hours prior to the first plane hitting. Only four died of the 4000 Israelis believed to have been in the areas of the World Trade Center and Pentagon at the time of the attack.

Zim American Israeli Shipping Co., a company half-owned by the Israeli government, who had offices in the World Trade Center leased until the end of the year, ended its lease early when it abruptly pulled out in the beginning of September 2001, costing the company $50,000. Zim had left so recently that CNN still listed the company as one the businesses in the WTC.

18421406? ago

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s good friend, Larry Silverstein, a Jew, acquired a 99-year lease on the World Trade Center buildings just six weeks before the 9/11 attacks. This was the first time that the WTC became privately owned. Prior to Silverstein’s acquisition, the WTC complex was owned by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. Lucky for Silverstein, he secured 12-layer, 22-company insurance coverage against terrorist attacks, amounting to $3,546,809,904 "per occurrence”. Even luckier, although he ate breakfast every day at the Windows on the World restaurant on the 106th and 107th floors of the North Tower of the WTC, he failed to turn up on September 11 because of a "dermatologist's appointment". And lucky for his two children who worked in the WTC, they were also spared a ghastly fate after uncharacteristically failing to turn up for work that day because they were "running late". Silverstein ended up receiving $4.5 billion dollars in insurance payouts for the 9/11 attacks, which is very lucky considering the astronomical costs he would have had to pay for asbestos abatement on the WTC buildings had they not collapsed.

In October 2000, a retired IDF officer overheard a group of men speaking in Hebrew at the Gomel Chesed Cemetery, one of whom said, “The Americans will learn what it is to live with terrorists after the planes hit the twins in September.”

18451221? ago

In October 2000, a retired IDF officer overheard a group of men speaking in Hebrew at the Gomel Chesed Cemetery, one of whom said, “The Americans will learn what it is to live with terrorists after the planes hit the twins in September.

I recall another infamous tale of a meeting of the rabbis in the Cemetery of Prag

The more I learn about Jews, the more I think they are suffering from a civilizational neurosis. Like wtf Europeans tolerate this in no other people they meet…

18421407? ago

  • Israel has some other odd connections to the events of 9/11:

Two first cousins of one of the alleged hijackers were Israeli spies.

Sakhera Hammad, who was implicated in a fake driver’s license scam lead by Kahled Odtllah, who was from Jerusalem, had a visitor's pass for the World Trade Center dated September 5, 2001, which he said was for work he did on the WTC’s sprinkler systems as a plumber. Authorities found no records of his plumbing license, and the records of who gave him the WTC visitor’s pass were lost. While Odtllah, Hammad, and the other suspects were in police custody, Katherine Smith, who was complicit in this fake driver’s license scam, was killed the day before she was meant to appear in court. She was found burned to death in her car — burned so badly her arms fell off. The FBI concluded that her death was the result of foul play. The car in which she was found dead was given to her by Odtllad, the scam’s ringleader from Jerusalem.

18421408? ago

  • Israel has a history of staging attacks to blame on its enemies:

USS Liberty Incident (1967)

Israel carried out a sustained attack on a US Navy reconnaissance ship for hours, killing 34 and wounding 171. In addition to bombs being dropped and torpedoes being fired, Israeli gunboats even shot at the American sailors trying to escape in life rafts. The plan was to sink the ship, kill all of its crewman, and blame the attack on Egypt. The Johnson Administration covered up the attack to protect its Israeli allies and threatened any crewman who spoke out about it.

Lavon Affair (1954)

Israeli agents planted bombs inside Egyptian, American, and British-owned civilian targets, cinemas, libraries, and American educational centers, to blame on the Muslim Brotherhood.

Baghdad bombings (1950–51)

A series of bombings that targeted Jews in Iraq. The attacks were attributed to Israeli agents who allegedly wanted to panic Jews into emigrating to Israel.

King David Hotel Bombing (1946)

Disguised as Arabs, Zionists bombed the British administrative headquarters for Palestine at the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, killing 91 and injuring 46.

18421410? ago

If anyone wants the source material for any of the claims made above, ask and ye shall receive.