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18230641? ago

Here you can find the full booklet:

Here's a picture with the full contents in 1 overview: Album

Last page: *"This project was designed by Marina Abramovic and Jacob Samuel. The text and plates were created by the artist in her studio in Amsterdam, Holland during May and June of 1996. The etchings were printed by Jacob Samuel, on Gampi naturel and Rives BFK. The text was edited by C.A. Samuel….

…..Special thanks to: Sergio Edelzstein; and Sean Kelly, New York. The edition is limited to 21 copies".*

Sean Kelly is a butcher and an artist: maybe others have other info on these people.

I presume John Podesta attented the first 'recipe' because the other recipies are too time consuming. He had the Essence Drink.

A mix of fresh breast milk with fresh spirm milk and then looking in a mirror as long as it takes to summon the devil or demon. Then cut your middle finger of your left hand and then suck the blood and chew on your finger. The rest I don't really understand.

But the booklet makes it clear that it isn't about food, but about rituals.

18233030? ago

Marina Abramovic and Jacob Samuel


Jacob Samuel

(((Every single time)))