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17779168? ago

Charlottesville faggot here.

I also "left" the "alt-right." After Charlottesville, specifically.

My personal experience at Charlottesville was extremely stressful. I had some duties assigned to me, and I knew things could get bad. Nevertheless, I was determined to fulfill all of my responsibilities, and I did – and like many others, also went above and beyond, to help with what we could. I remembered how many people have died, how many people climbed up out of a trench when the whistle blew, running into certain death, to get us to where we are today – and reminded myself that nothing compared to the countless sacrifices those people made before us, for us, and our people (implicitly or otherwise).

That being said, I was a nervous wreck after Charlottesville. My face had been in front of countless cameras. It seemed like the entire country was on a witch hunt to crucify any of us who had been there, through doxing, lawsuits, or worse. I could barely sleep for the first few days afterwards, anxiously worrying about my family disowning me once they saw my face on CNN with the headline "evil Nazi identified," worrying about getting fired from my job, etc. I stopped eating, could barely sleep. Lost a few pounds. Was alternating between frantically searching through images/video to try to find myself and see how identifiable I was, and between totally isolating myself.

I cut ties with the "alt-right," with all but a very few people who I had met that I had come to consider personal friends. I did not disavow anyone, either in my words, or in my head. I gave ambiguous reasons for leaving to the people who I told, if I even told them at all.

There were so many good people there. People who had sacrificed so much – much more than me. Strong, respectable, honorable men. Most of whom were well-educated and physically fit. Truly individuals to look up to.

Charlottesville went badly because of a number of forces conspiring against us – the crooked town and its Mayor and its officials, the police forces and the way that they forced protesters and counterprotesters into each other, ensuring violence, the lying news media of every format (cable news, newspapers, Internet "news" sites, etc.), and many more.

The Challenger incident was what caused things to go from "bad" to "disaster." Of course, such an incident was inevitable, and according to the design of our opponents. Then, the chopper went down, as if things hadn't gone badly enough.

So as I was saying, there was a national witch hunt, and I left the "alt-right," after going through the above.

I stopped reading all websites. No more online videos. No more blogs. No more podcasts. Etc. I just turned it all off, and tried to figure out where to go from there.

But the ride never ends.

Day in and day out, seeing the depraved filth of our modern society, being surrounded by foreigners, seeing every vice promoted and every virtue condemned as "bigoted," the terrible crimes committed against the psyche of our children, and a thousand other things that are truly sick about this world.

I realized that there is no escape.

The war came to us. And it will keep coming to us. They will never stop. You can leave the "alt-right," you can bury your head in the sand, but the tides will keep rising, with or without you. The enemy is here, and they're here to stay. Like it or not. Ready to fight or not. You could have complete amnesia and forget your entire life, and within a day of being in this modern world, you will already know that something is terribly, terribly wrong.

So I came back, within about a month. I learned from Charlottesville, and I've adapted.

I'm still trying to answer questions like: if organized groups have floundered, how can I play a useful part in this? To be honest, all I do is read /pol/ on 8chan, send memes to friends/family, prepare myself physically and materially for what is inevitably coming to us… But not much else.

Bottom line:

You can leave. But it won't change what's coming.



17779170? ago

nobody's alt kike here

17816551? ago

Yeah, I know. That's why I put it in quote marks every time: "alt-right."

Nevertheless, lots of us were there, and at that time, that is what they called us, whether we called ourselves that or not.


Yeah, breaking up paragraphs is only for redditors. "Reddit spacing" is the most exhausting topic…

17816557? ago

I guess so. Everyone starts on different paths to national socialism. I was a lolberg. Maybe Hitler was reborn among you there, but I doubt he'll return as an American. Our spirit is fractured.

17816553? ago

still reddit spacing

17816554? ago

Still sliding with "reddit spacing" bullshit. Thank you for your incredible contribution to this thread.