17129131? ago


17129129? ago

Thoughts on sweden?

17124310? ago

Since you are in the know how is the civil war in Europe progressing? From my understanding the fascists are far ahead of their opposition?

17124308? ago


17120593? ago

"Look, mom, I posted it again!"

17120592? ago

130 posts

Not 100% convinced but i commend the effort posting.

Is there anything you can possibly provide to us to prove this?

17120594? ago

It's a LARP, you fucking idiot.

17124298? ago

17124299? ago

truth is a matter of opinion


Get the fuck out.

17124306? ago

its a larp

thats why im shilling so hard

I asked for proof kike now fuck off

17124307? ago

oy vey you're a jewish shill if you expose jewish shilling

Kill yourself. Sage the fucking LARP thread.

17129134? ago

doesn’t understand how “sage” works

Fuck you


17124309? ago

bumping it again just to piss you off

17120587? ago

I don't think it's right how people won't let me have sex with farm animals. All these people have human boyfriends and girlfriends, husbands and wives, they have children and three cars each and their own homes and they all have sex with themselves and other people and comit adultury no matter how ugly or how poor they are, but they want to ruin my life if I have sex with farm animals. They won't let me have sex with farm animals and if I do they are going to punish me for it. How sick can people be what is wrong with these peoples lives they have everything they ever wanted and they won't let me have sex with horses and cows or any animal? They have herds of farm animals and they tell me I have to get my own. The FBI people they all retire but they let all these people get away with raping children and blowing people up but nobody is going to let me have sex with farm animals. Why? What is wrong with people?

17120590? ago

Are you Robert Mueller?

17124301? ago

No I don't care about those people and I don't know why anybody would. Everybody talking about these television people like they live right next door but in reality none of these big names matter to us at all. They're just a distraction to distract us from things that do matter like local issues and the fact that people are too stuck up and stingy to let me have sex with animals.

17120575? ago

Look rabbi I bumped it again

17120574? ago


17120581? ago

Blow your fucking brains out, you subhuman piece of shit.

17120586? ago

Is that you Barry?

17120595? ago


17116106? ago

I guess that’s it. Let’s hope the South Africans that stole the Atlantis library from Phoenix Arizona come through.

17120576? ago

Actually the library they removed was under Horse Mesa on the Salt River in the Superstition Mountains. Their people cared for the library for many years and when the city state of Calalus was destroyed they sealed the library up and many years later their offspring returned, located the library and looked over it until it became clear that it was just a matter of time before several government agencies found it and looted it for military purposes. It is a helluva story and hopefully it will become public one day. The ancients were in the Superstitions mining a huge deposit of rare minerals in the western part of the range. Those deposits are just now being recognized by Geologists. One tidbit the plates that the government has located point to a location in Antartica for the home of Atlantis. They have not located it yet and there is concern that others have found it and are exploiting the discovery for their purposes. My own opinion is it was found in the early part of the 20th century by Germans and where that goes I had just as soon not know.

17108577? ago

Hey OP, thanks for all your posts. Not sure if real or larper, but doesn't matter.

Where do all the retired spooks put their money? I'm getting close to that age myself and am not crazy about banks or Wall Street or even gold. Need a place to stash my shekels so I won't be broke when I'm your age. That CIA larper on the other thread said there was a big crash coming in 2022 or so, but then again, morons have been saying shit like that since the beginning of time. Need some sound advice, but don't trust Jews. Thanks.

17120589? ago

the folks i know are just getting as independent as they can and self sufficient. A lot of these folks could be dropped in the Alaskan wilderness and come out fat and happy after three months. A good place to hide assets is in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. Bank there is very accomoditing. And they have a neat attitude about stashing stuff. I would always have a load of gold coins put up. When folks start eating each other, well gold can help.

17108571? ago

Hey guys, Yahweh here. AMA.

I hear some of you goyim have been talking bad about my son Yeshua and talking about killing my Chosen People. I know these extremists don't represent all of you (I know literally everything, after all), but you goys need to step up and call these hateful people out if you want to get into my Kosher gated community. Otherwise I'll send you to the elaborate torture-rape dungeon I built and have my Jewish way with you for the rest of eternity.

17120568? ago

Hey Yahweh my God do you ever have disagreements or infighting with your son Yeshua?

17120570? ago

Being a dad is tough when your kid is omnicient and omnipotent, but luckily I am too. Mostly he has been a gud boi, but there was this one time when I literally sacrificed him to the devil and grounded him to the Kosher oven for three days and he accused me of betraying him just for implementing the most mind shattering tortures and depravities I could think of on him. (I can think of all the tortures). He has never really been the same after that, though, now that I think of it.

17120573? ago

What did his Mother think of that?

17124303? ago

You know how Jewish women are. They never fucking shut up with the guilt trips. You would not believe the חֻצְפָּה of a bitch who knows I can turn her ass to salt but still runs her mouth anyway. 2000 years later and she's still moaning about it, no matter how many times I patrol her. She makes it out like I made a mistake and I'm a bad father even though I am literally perfect and without any flaw or sin. SMH. If it wasn't for her milkers I swear to me I would have smited that in quite a different way entirely.

17108544? ago

Who really shot up Las Vegas? What really happened? Were there multiple shooters and attack helicopters? Did 58 people really die or was it way worse and the real body count is being kept hidden?

17108553? ago

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. This idiot was a gun runner and tied into Saudi Arabia and the CIA. Those folks were in town that weekend but this was totally his shit show.

17108558? ago

what i think happened:

arms dealer sells weapons to either sandniggers, sadistic CIA niggers, or cartel

they shoot him in the head because lol freegunz, then decide to test the weapons in ways only sick CIA niggers, arabs, or cartelspics would

cops and hotel get paid off and nobody bats an eye because it's fuggin vegas

17108565? ago

I know that stuff can run folks crazy but shooting up innocents is something those folks shy away from. Just seen as well tacky and unprofessional. why shoot up the sheep when you need their wool?

17108539? ago

thread still up

17108538? ago

might as well bounce this theory off the FBInigger larp thread…

Working off the premise that many "News" media outlets/sites/bloggers are mouthpieces for the Intelligence Community; Is it likely that all the recent articles and tweets warning that Mueller's report will be a "disappointing" dud are actually part of a disinformation campaign intended to keep the President's guard down?

To that point, even James Clapper is pushing it.

Mueller report may be 'anti-climactic,' says ex-intelligence director


17108552? ago

Seems disrespect is a way of being for young people. Sad. The Mueller investigation was never about Russia, just a way of putting Trump`s entire life under the microscope and covering up FBI and Justice Department mis-deeds. Barr being a CIA operative planted in the Justice Department will exonerate Trump and will be bringing on a special prosecutor to go after those folks. They have become unsound. Huber has a file 4 inches thick and is a part of this. See the simple fact is the Democrats are simply going off the deep end and now they are becoming expendable given the shit show they are running. Will be fun to watch. Clapper is a fucking moron and always has been. Total shit for brains. Would not believe anything out of his mouth. He and Huma Abedin are Muslm Brotherhood stooges.

17116110? ago


Personal stuff is just wrong.

They wrong me first. I'm a "forgive and forget" and "live and let live" kind of guy. They're a "never forgive, never forget, hunt you down to the ends of the Earth" kind of guy. Peace was never an option.

17116107? ago

Seems disrespect is a way of being for young people. Sad.

What exactly is their to respect huh boomer? You haven't created a society worth respecting.

17120580? ago

Lot of truth in what you say. Shit just get over it and make a difference. The main thing that is keeping America going is the fact that the rest of the world is so fucked up.

17108532? ago

Once again, what do you recommend we do to fix the situation we are in?

17108559? ago

Well any legal means you can find. The other stuff just leave along. The Democrats and CIA are lining up the commit massive voter fraud in the 2020 elections. The CIA is now Team Trump. Gina is quite the girl. Imagine voter identification is a good start. Also the illegal immigration thing is far worse than people realize. The Democrats are fools trying to pick up voters this way. They have lost their minds. A lot of immigration is nothing more than an attempt to overthow the U.S.

17120567? ago

A lot of immigration is nothing more than an attempt to overthow the U.S.

No shit lol. Now get to work deporting all these non-whites and making America white again.

17120577? ago

Actually the CIA has a plan for dealing with the whole mess that is pretty diabolical.

17120566? ago

Also the illegal immigration thing is far worse than people realize.

I'm a human trafficker, you got any questions for me? Your border is porous as fuck and a big joke btw.

17120582? ago

I think the CIA folks are working on a plan right now that involves the Cartels where the human trafficking folks will just disappear. Seems the cartels are pretty colorful in how they deal with folks. Beyond that not sure why you folks do what you do. No honor in that shit.

17108533? ago

Lemme see? Kill the jews? I mean this isn't rocket science and I can barely believe that you need to ask a LARPER about this.

17108535? ago

How many Jews have you killed?

17108556? ago


17108540? ago

6 gorillion, TORFag…

I mean REALLY…

Clap on, clap off…the clapper.

17108525? ago


Now this is a funny story, I imagine this guy was feeling something wierd in his ass, and he went to the doctor, the doctor tells him he's fine, and he dies in front of the doctor.

Reinhardt, who served on the US 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, died of a heart attack during a visit to his dermatologist, according to spokesman David Madden.

Judge Stephen Reinhardt, a liberal federal appeals court judge who was part of a panel that rejected California's Proposition 8 same-sex marriage ban as unconstitutional, died Thursday, according to a court spokesperson. He was 87.

Are they going to tell the world what caused this judge the pain in the ass and killed him?

17108528? ago

Forgot to uncuck the link.


17080362? ago

Cool larp, Q. Want to bring it to the white house?

17080338? ago


17080337? ago

(628) only a few more to go before we are done with this forever…come on anons, we got this…

17080341? ago

Im doin my part lad.



will you get a nice burial after you take my advice and KYS?

17080311? ago

Hey folks. Donald Trump here. I apologize for coming to you anonymously like this, I really do. But I had no choice. I simply had no choice. Things are bad, folks. There are some bad bad hombres in control of my administration right now. But I've got a plan, and I think it's gonna be a huge success for everyone involved. What I need /pol/ to do is to ban all of those who spread discontent against my amnesty plan, and my deals with our greatest allies, Israel. We need Israel on our side, and I don't need a knife stuck in my back while I'm trying to convince our benefactors that America is a friend to G-d's Chosen, okay? We need to get rid of all these bad folks, these nationalists, who undermine our need for labor to get the economy good so I can pay for the wall. We WILL build the wall, but only if I can get these people who oppose amnesty & israel out of my government. Trust the plan, folks. Who can I rely on if not you? Besides Israel, I mean.

17080313? ago

Dear Donald remember when you said that you would clean up the swamp?

17080314? ago

I'm trying, buddy. I really am. But these nationalists are entrenched a lot more than you'd think. So much more than you'd ever believe. What was Obama doing, letting so many nationalists serve in his FBI and NSA? Total disgrace, very very pathetic.

We will drain the swamp, but that fight starts at home folks. Get all the nationalists off of our board and soon they will find they have no where left on our internet to hide. We don't just need a physical wall, we also need a firewall to keep radical political elements out of cyberspace.

17080315? ago

Donald, It's me Alex! Alex Jones, you remember me right? You and Steve were buddies for a while? Why don't you ever answer my calls?

Donny man, you gotta help us! They're turning the fucking frogs gay! Fucking faggot frogs Donald! I don't know what they're putting in the water but I'm walking around with a fucking chubby all day and the goddamn thing can't decide whether it's a clit or a dick. I gotta tell you, it's driving me crazy!

Donald, you gotta clean up the swamp man, you gotta get these gay frogs the fuck outta here, these frogs are advocating for homo lizard rights, we got underage crossdressing alligators down in flordia, just the other day a gecko told me to suck it's dick!

Donald, the people need you! DOOONNNAAALLDD!

17080318? ago

What, no shameless plug for male vitality? Your slipping Alex…look at the chem fags in the background on your photo…they should be bathing in this stuff…quit being such a stingy fucker and give your employees a change to be men as well. Especially that guy on the left.

17080317? ago

Now this guy's got high energy. What a fellow. What a guy, folks. Of course I remember you Alec. You're a tremendous friend.

What's happening to the frogs is a tragedy. Just the other day we made a huge push to decriminalize the mistreatment of LGBTs in Saudi Arabia. Saud, I said, I said to him, I love you, and I want to do deals with you, but look at what's happening with your frogs. And he looked at me, and, I swear to god, he looked me right in the eye and said "Mr. Trump, I think you're right." We're on the verge of huge change in Saudi Arabia, Alec. Huge.

17080326? ago

Oh thank god, wheeeww, I was worried Donny, I was worried for a second. They don't call you the Zion Don for nothing old buddy. You told them about the water filters though right? We gotta get those water filters out there. I don't know what they drink in Saudia Arabia but I know even camel piss tastes better going through one of my Propur brand water filtration systems.

There he is folks, Donald Trump. He's our guy in Washington thank God. He's going to get those goddamn secret nazis and the gay frogs the fuck out of D.C, don't you worry!

17080328? ago

I knew you could squeeze a shameless plug in there somewhere Alex….

17080294? ago


17080302? ago

What is sad this is not a larp. Sadly this stuff is true, just my little gift so if Yellowstone goes up, or Assange`s body is found floating down the Potomac with others, or the next election is won by Trump you will know a bit of why it happened. Hope Trump does win. Oboma is a damn traitor and his treason did a lot of damage.

17074132? ago

Do us all a favor and paint a wall with your fucking brains, pig.

17074134? ago

Nothing but dark energy there. Did you sacrifice a little boy before you wrote that?

17067497? ago

What's it like knowing you intentionally and directly played a hand in the ruination of the country you lie about loving?

Shoot up your offices before you neck yourself, if you actually have any principles.

17080309? ago

What I did feels good.

17065929? ago

You faggots give way to much power to the CIA/FBI/DOJ. Remember all men bleed. A few targets on the receiving end of .308s could destabilize any of those faggot 3 letter agencies.

17068995? ago

Fedposter on /pol/ tries get a /pol/ack to make stupid searches or pop off for free.

…Running out of wind-up toys?

17080344? ago

That headshot wound is not consistent with the blood pattern spray on the wall. Fake photo.

17080348? ago

That headshot wound is not consistent with the blood pattern spray on the wall. Fake photo.

Shockingly enough, real /gore/ of clown suicides are in short supply

17080307? ago

This is why the CIA keeps winning. You are helping them make the CIA great again. They steal elections and elect AOC while you folks sit around with your fingers up your ass.

17108567? ago

us folks

The ones who went to to work and paid your salaries while you corrupted the earth? Those folks?

17080329? ago

This is why the CIA keeps winning. You are helping them make the CIA great again. They steal elections and elect AOC while you folks sit around with your fingers up your ass.

(OP encourages violence against government bad actors with state-level resources on a public board)

Now I know you're a fucking larp, or a fed fedposting as a retired fed. Encouraging people to go lone wolf as part of a strategy to reform the government on 8ch? That's beyond retarded for a dozen reasons.

If you're legit, why don't you find some of your old co-workers and run your own op? You know the players, the game, and you're old, with no family (or any that care about you, from your story), so you have nothing to lose. Why not do something decent before you die of alcoholism?

17080358? ago

Shame you do not really understand who lurks here.

17080331? ago

I would have thought it was obvious at this point that OP was a total LARP and that the government doesn't 'recruit' autists to do their dirty work for them when they are perfectly capable of fucking shit up on their own.


At least that anon could invite his old bosses over and poison them to death or shoot them, but he is too chickenshit drunk to even do that…that is what WE are supposed to do for him.


Come back alien fucker we are at (624) and we need to sage this shit up one letter at a time until we get to (751)

17080352? ago

I would have thought it was obvious at this point that OP was a total LARP and that the government doesn't 'recruit' autists to do their dirty work for them when they are perfectly capable of fucking shit up on their own.

IMO could have just been drunk and alzheimery but this confirmed it

17080364? ago

We will see. As I said AOC is a CIA plant. Just sit tight and see what happens next week. Showtime. Also Bob Barr is on stage. Not to shake anyone up but Barr is a spook also who was instrumental in getting Trump elected. Hold on to your panties boys.

17108514? ago


Nothing is happening.

17064277? ago

What's in Antarctica and are the hiding land from the public?

17063591? ago

lurk moar

17063577? ago

I'm aware the FBI is full of anti-American far-leftist TRAITORS that actually had the balls to try to overturn THE RESULTS OF THE ELECTION RIGHT IN THE FACE OF THE AMERICAN PUBLIC AND OVERHTORW THE ELECTED COMMANDER IN CHIEF, but how come Trump isn't doing anything about it?

17063584? ago

unfortunately though that commander in chief turned out to be crap, so why are we giving a fuck again ? Are we paid to ?

17063570? ago

is this what /pol/ is today? boomers LARPing about being ex FBI agents while believing the earth is flat? you people are making /leftypol/ look like a temple

17063563? ago

The business at Yellowstone and area 51 are very real but in terms of what can be done, that stuff is pretty much baked in. Would be nice if the CIA would get out of politics but maybe it is just the way it is. I don`t think we have had an honest election in a long time. Do enjoy watching the boys fuck the Democrats though.

17063569? ago

Do enjoy watching the boys fuck the Democrats though.

To which we can all agree.

17063553? ago

Threw my badge in the river a few days ago.

Which river and are you prepared for what will happen when I find it and abuse your power?

17063561? ago

knock yourself out.

17063566? ago

Kill yourself.

17063565? ago

Which river and do you live by it in a van?

17045675? ago

Like the first thing they did when you terminated your employment there wasn't taking possession of your badge.

17044866? ago

Look Italy has arrived. The whole pastafarce is here now.

17044865? ago


17044873? ago

Nope just someone from the other side of the rainbow who is looking back and finally seeing the insanity for what it is. You folks are still in the maze looking for Jews and other craziness. Like I said it is a lot darker than the jew in the closet.

17063543? ago

You folks are still in the maze looking for Jews and other craziness.

Like I said it is a lot darker than the jew in the closet.

Like what, satanists? Satanists are Jews, and Jews are Satanists.

Free Masons? Hebrew larping.

"Illuminati?" More jewish larping

Majestic 12? Jews once again, rothschild founded larpers

You could list and name every single stupidly named spoiled brat conceived organization and I'd find a way to link it to jews.

You're probably younger than me, if you want to pretend to be an old boomer, at least take the effort to study some history, the Third Reich understood the situation better than you seem to.

History and its narratives have been so politicized they barely reflect the truth of the situation, the perspective of the world and reality itself is so warped in America that you still think Native Americans were the first people to live on this continent.

What happened to the giants?

17044869? ago

National socialism turned out great for Germany.

17044864? ago

You go to take a piss and everybody freaks out because you don't want to be their fuck pillow.

17044862? ago

ctrl+f folks = 41

dat u obonga?

17044856? ago

This thread is a waste of time

17044874? ago

Most things are a waste of time. Are you ready for the truth or do you wish to slum around with the fog and shadows.

17063551? ago

Are you ready for the truth

By all means, some capital-T Truth would be a welcome change from your shit-peddling. How has anything you've said here helped in the least?

muh Yellowstone weapons

Why so much fear mongering? We already know things are unimaginably bad. But like always, you're here talking about UFOs instead of helping create solutions. Not a word you've given changes a thing. If you actually cared about the future…well, I guess you wouldn't be here pretending.

17044858? ago

This thread is a waste of time

And yet, here you are with your big red anus text

17044861? ago


17044863? ago

17063545? ago

Yes, b/c it's so cucky, comp'd, and censored over there


KYS (((nigger)))

17063547? ago

Don't play with angry Anglin the kike. Filter it and move on.

17044850? ago

What do you recommend that we do to fix the situation?

17044851? ago

Trust the plan, goyim.

17044852? ago

Be quiet, Moishe. You're bumping the thread and that will make your boss very angry.

17044853? ago

not even fucking trying


17044854? ago


Reddit is missing their village idiot.

17044859? ago

Trust the plan. You don't believe if you don't sit down, shut up, and never ask for proof. Trust the plan. Listen and believe.

17044868? ago

Everything I want to shut down is Q

You have to go back

17044871? ago

Trust the plan, ban evading shill. Your spookLARP is fake, too.

17044879? ago

This is not a Q thread. Reported.

17044847? ago

Get out.

17044875? ago

All you have to lose are your illusions.

17044877? ago

Suicide now.

17044878? ago

There you go again with those negative thoughts. Must be a Bernie supporter.

17063550? ago

Thoughts on India vs Paki war? China involved?

17063556? ago

know a few folks in Indian intelligence. There fear is that the Pakistanis have poor security for their nuclear weapons and that there could be a launch or use of weapons without higher up control. From what I know of that mess afraid the likelihood of a nuclear exchange is about 50%

17063564? ago

Hahahaha. Security? They drive some of their warheads around in cube trucks. They literally venerate the bomb. To them it is an actual manifestation of God's power. They can't wait for the day to use them. Neither side can. They loved those tests religiously.

17124312? ago

The Bomb is a holy weapon of peace

17132079? ago

Think about this. Three Colonels sit in a military bunker near Yellowstone, and with the Presidents order will turn three switches at the same time and will destroy much of the earth. The idea being that the elite will survive in shelters already in place in N.Y. near Plattsburgh, close to an old military base. The elite will then start over without the burden of all the rest of you and a brave new world will be born. Yes folks to them we are all just cattle.

17129135? ago


The Bomb is a holy weapon of peace

He's right, ya know.

17063575? ago

That is what happens when you give a species with barely enough intelligence to be humanoid nukes. I really blame our own people for handing out what amounts to AK-47 to chimps. At least the chimps will eventually make a mistake with it and there will be fewer chimp…and who knows, maybe that was the plan all along but I can think of better ways to handle half nigger people.

17063573? ago

Am I remembering correctly that they believe it is the same type of weapon their god used in their god wars?

17044882? ago



Blow your brains out. All your LARPs are identical.

17045673? ago

Great thread. OP I believe you. China is indeed the real enemy here, but people are too brainwashed by all this Israel shit to parse it.

A couple questions:

1) you mentioned that spooks keep a lot of cash around the world. elaborate? any bitcoin?

2) what are some objectively good things the FBI/CIA have done?

3) do you think we'll see hillary in jail?

17063567? ago

Go away, dumbass.

17063544? ago

Looks like I have to post it again.

17063549? ago

nice infographic

17063546? ago

It is time to do away with this civilization anon. Are you ready? It was kiked from the start of it and now it needs to be disposed of completely.

17044829? ago

462 replies



17044831? ago

Imagine it is better to sleep at night with the light on and simply stay safe. Good for you. What I find interesting is all of this is true. The stolen election of 2016 by the CIA and folks just slide right through it looking for aliens

17044848? ago

Imagine that you kill yourself. And then do it.

17044835? ago

I read that. Twice in fact.

It doesn’t really fit with what you are saying.

CIA niggers are too far out in the woods to come home, yet they rigged the election in favor of Trump…partly, to clean up the FBI…because Trump is a white hat CIA asset.


Not really fitting the story I have come to understand.

17044846? ago

Watch Steve Pieczenik's videos around the time of the 2016 election.

17040570? ago

The story of those folks from South Africa removing an ancient library from the Superstitions is well documented in relevent groups all over the S.W. Seems they smuggled a whole airplane full of artifacts out of Phoenix in the middle of the night and flew it to South Africa. That is the kind of operation I can admire. Damn what a group. I saw what I saw at area 51 and have no doubt it happened. Read up on the Tucson Artifacts and Calalus.

17044832? ago

Will have to look into it then. Thanks FBIanon.

17039751? ago


17039742? ago

Anon is telling the truth about Jarbridge.


17040569? ago

Yep I would recommend any law enforcement folks stay the hell out of that area. You might go in but you will be lucky if you go in and get out. More spooks there per square mile than any place in America. And all have bad attitudes. The mountains are full of folks that know how to deal with problems.

17039731? ago

Its been swell; I have to go study…BY FAGANONS!!! Enjoy your circle jerks where you all fuck each other in the ass, I guess that pick isn't really an MDE meetup but I don't have time to change the name just for you H8fags.

17039736? ago

No one cares what you do, you fucking cunt. Your beliefs and behaviors are meaningless without a man to keep you in line.

17033691? ago

Get out.

17033687? ago

The FBI was a fucking mess from the beginning. It was formed because it couldn't outsmart bank robbers running across state lines. Did some questionable shit to get itself founded as well as to take down organized crime, also because it couldn't outsmart criminals (RICO Act). Then to top it off for the entire existence it largely relied on Jewish intelligence agents scattered nation and worldwide to provide them with their intelligence gathering.

It was a disaster from the beginning and should be nuked with everyone fired forced to get real jobs and only reformed once a fascistic movement can come forward and assert itself on the national scale. Ironically it was largely responsible for growing the government out of this lolberg state we were in but doing so in a fucked up manner. Now that we realize central authority is and always has been the true path we can put some people in those positions with all the power available to it.

Only a matter of time before the big dick of uncle sam gets turned around on the true enemies of our people. Tick-tock.

17033689? ago

It was a fool's errand then. How can they be so smart and not understand that there is corruption at the very core of the structure of this entire civilization. Poor dudes…everyone loves their chains here…probably because they make a fashionable clanking noise when they walk.

17033690? ago

Show us your tits.

17033692? ago


mistakes me for a whore like his own mother.

I am sure some anon can show you your own mama's tiddies.

17033696? ago

Well, you have a pussy for a mouth and no brains so we can all tell you're some fucking retard magapede, and since you're probably a boomer being a whore is already second nature, no need to make mistakes.

17033697? ago

I think you might need an anatomy class anon.

17033698? ago

One of your magapede approved U.N tranny classes? No thanks, chicks don't have dicks,

17033702? ago

Ohhhh look at you, such an angry elf…why so angry anon…latent homosexuality, right? You WANT my non-existent tranny dick in you, don't you? LOL…well, you can't have it. I don't want to pick up a disease…Anglin is that you BTW? Shouldn't you be off fucking Thai ladyboys, or plying underage Ukrainians with drugs for sex?

17033706? ago

So you fully admit you are a fucking retard magapede boomer whore, right?

Everything you've written is vapid and empty, so it's very apparent that you are a fucking facebook tier boomer cunt that somehow thinks she's got the drop on secret docs on a renegade website.

Holy shit kill yourself you fucking retard.

17033707? ago

Actually there isn't a thing on your list that is correct, Anglin.

thinks she's got the drop on secret docs on a renegade website.

I really have no idea what you are talking about here. Have a cup of tea, fuck a ladyboy and come back when you have calmed down (or at least jerk it to get some of your anger out). Everything I talk about comes from inside me…because being FEMALE I am still connected to Creation (something you are not). Too bad for you…not my problem. I'd tell you to kill yourself, but you are already dead…no point.

17039722? ago

Tits or get the fuck out.

17039724? ago

You are on the internet stupid fag…where am I supposed to 'get out to'…also, I don't know if it has occurred to you but this is how I know that you are a half nigger kike.

17039727? ago


I just thought about it. The standard magapede is about 200/230 pounds. Please do not post your tits.

17039725? ago

where am I supposed to 'get out to'

Shit, it really is a woman.

17039730? ago

Muh a real woman (like the fucking unicorns that you never see because you are not allowed out of the basement at mommy and daddy's)…yes stupid cunt I'm not a tranny. {shocker}

17039743? ago

Because of this some of you faggots feel miserable for not having even 1 woman/chick

The mistake is that you revealed your sex and you fags expose what i said before with not ignoring it and milking it.

so true if weight isn't 300 show tits or gtfo

17039746? ago

I think it is interesting that the demons came out in full force when I said I wanted to visit the Vatican Library…fuck off subhuman. Aryans don't ask to see a womans tits just poointheloos and niggers do that.

17039734? ago


17039732? ago

DERAIL! Look at how she writes. Classic. Study this style.

The majority of women can be recognized by the way they write. Look at the insults she chooses and how she uses them. These are the common go to's we all know about.

What does she bring to the table? Nothing. She's gulliable, ignorant, uneducated, borederline i.q, just the worst of the worst.

You might be ready to mistake her for a teenage boy with the way she writes, but a teenaged boy will have lousy spelling and make sense.

17039738? ago

All female arguments revolve around their, or other females, holes and denial of them.

17039739? ago

You forgot accusations of homosexuality that expand beyond calling someone a faggot. A man will write a paragraph about how another man is a fag, but it will be fucking hilarious, while a woman is just angry and hateful about it. Alos, references to virginity or sexual status, penis size, or living in 'mommies basement'.

17033708? ago

Wait, so I was wrong about you being a chick? Or a magapede? Or a retard? I actually think from the sounds of it I hit the nail on the head there.

17039718? ago

You are boring, Andrew.

17039726? ago



Lol This poster is a magapede slut. Remember the I.D and dismiss anything this retard writes. She is a larper, and probably erotic roleplays online.

17033701? ago

There's nothing more to that, the comma should be a period. Which trannies don't have you fucking boomer scum.

17033680? ago


17032718? ago

In all seriousness, I don't know what the fuck to make of any of this shit. OP seems, at times, like he might be the real deal, writes like someone who is not a 20-year-old larper, but then goes completely off the reservation with all sorts of /x-tier lunacy that reeks of a CIA psy-op. I really don't get all the crazy fucking threads about aliens and astral planes and mysticism and all that other horseshit, I really don't. I'd be plenty happy with little tidbits like Trump is a fucking pervert that fucks high-scale whores in his spare time, etc. At least that shit would be believable. Anyone else sane here?

17033683? ago

I'm laughing with you. You just don't know it yet. : )

17033681? ago

It's boring distractive shit. Aliens are just a stick to whack crazy people with. We will never see real aliens and if we do trust me they are going to be super fuckable.

17032717? ago

I hae a serious question for OP and any other agents about Aliens and the current level of technology being surpressed.

  1. Do alien women have big asses, and if so do you think I can get abducted so one will sit on my face?

  2. If their technology is essentially telepathic in nature. do they worry about A.I reading their dirty thoughts and posting them online?

3.I'd really like to know about those alien chick's butts. I don't mind small tits but I am not a fan of flat asses.

17032713? ago

Men…the best entertainment women ever had on this planet.

17032697? ago

Whats in the vatican library?

17032698? ago

Faggots…lots of faggots…I feel like we are playing the board game Clue here…A faggot in the library with the candlestick.

17032705? ago

I am in the library. I don't have the candlestick and am not a faggot.

17032707? ago

men wearing lace and dresses

not faggots?

17032709? ago

I have never seen that myself. I think I could live without that in my life.

17032710? ago


or know?

17032716? ago

What color wear the stripes on their tracksuits.

I don't understand the whole tracksuit thing.


Definitely know, since you're being pedantic about it. Any time you want to trade places, let me know.

17032719? ago


Have since I was a little kid. BOOOOOKKKKKSSSS love books.

Don't want to miss my biology quiz though…I will have to pretend in my tiny library at home… :(

I didn't look at their outfits as much as their faces…the only reason I know that they were Adidas was because I was looking down while I was walking (uphill; on approach) and I looked up when I saw the little Adidas sign on their pantleg…it was white and the pants were majority black, can't remember much else about their clothing. I surprised that someone was sitting out that early in the morning in the cold. I will say this about their outfits, the tops didn't match the bottoms…Like the tops (tracksuit) were a different brand or something…maybe something Italian or something.

17032722? ago

Like the tops (tracksuit) were a different brand or something…maybe something Italian or something.

Maybe they were trying to blend in with their environment…LMAO

17032702? ago

Even funnier is that we are being straightforward.

17032695? ago

Israel forced Palestinians into a ghetto. Are Israeli's Nazi's?

Sources familiar with the thinking of someone who knows about Hitler say yes.

17032687? ago

Not likely. Dude tweets constantly about diaper bags not alcohol. Also knows how to spell Strzok.

17022338? ago

Fuck you, FBI.

17022343? ago

That is quite funny and who knows maybe 40 years ago.

17022335? ago

fuck off FBI magapede LARP nigger

you are gay

17022337? ago

There is a certain lady in Jarbridge that would disagree with that. Her husband is a really nice democrat.

17022296? ago

Fake and gay.

17019081? ago

Qlarper thread

350+ replies

Top larp, /pol/, top larp.

17022291? ago

Nope not into that. Just simply a drunk trying to stay sober one day at a time and it seems recently failure is the only truth. That other stuff is well silly.

17019074? ago

bad LARP is STILL up

17019065? ago

ITT people laugh at a larper

17005163? ago


17005165? ago

What has been posted is really off the spectrum if someone takes the time to read and connect the dots. The evidence for everything I have said is either in the posts or out there for an inquiring mind. Question?

17019060? ago


Question for the presumed FBIannon, what questions to ask that you might find enticing…

set 1: civil war

  1. How seriously is the Trump Admin taking the threat of impeachment and/or removal from office by some other means?

  2. Are y'all anticipating a foreign incursion at that time? How will you prevent it?

  3. If/when the country splits up, who will control the military? For instance, who will control the Navy?

set 2: secrets

  1. What evidence have you seen for extraterrestrial/advanced civilizations, whether it be break-away civs, or black science/technology?

  2. Will the FBI continue to quash investigations into the Irish potato famine? (((white slavery and mixed-race slave-breeding programs)))?

  3. The environmental devastation of Fukushima, have you been briefed on this?

set 3: progressive

  1. What do you know of the new 'Space Force'?

  2. How about that Wall?

  3. What is the government's position on the natural order of things? Of the legal inroads of screeching loonies and SJW's. Is there anyway to keep these crazy challenges from proliferating?

No one is gonna change anybody's mind about the power of the Jewish 'lobby', so let's set that one aside for now. Usually we say, "lurk moar" to newfags who don't yet know too much about how corrupt the world actually is, but in your case, maybe just let it percolate that collectively /pol/ represents an effective intel group in own right… when reading between the shills and larpers and foreskinless subversionists… on some things.

Also, do note that many kids here are just that: petulant children. Please have patience while they learn why good manners are worth the effort. Especially online, where misconstruing someone's meaning is so easy, where decorum is quickly rebuked, even here on /pol/ patience and politeness are slowly taking root again.

17005158? ago

By the way heard from someone going to Vietnam. Seems big things in the works. Trump is to commended for his work there. Whether or not anything comes of it we will have to see.

17005150? ago

Wow something going down soon. Larps crying and stomping mad. Over the target. Soon Clowns, soon.

17001655? ago


17005145? ago

CIA nigger

17001659? ago

This board is ((comped)))

17000898? ago

Kill yourself asap

17022297? ago

16999563? ago

Fascinating. The Chinese are gobbling up the world and you are worrying about the Jew in the closet. The folks battering down the front door are the real problem.

17040561? ago

Fascinating. The Chinese are gobbling up the world and you are worrying about the Jew in the closet.

I have seen enough. If you are not a larp, then your intel is fubar and comp'd. Too much of what you say is clearly fucked by internal psyops, meaning there is too much misinformation to bother assuming you have any relevant info to bring us.

Sorry dude I gave you a chance, and you went and fucked up. We CAN tell what is legit and what isnt.

17044844? ago

A bunch of buzzwords pretending to point out an actual flaw in anything OP has said

Not going to work, Langley.

17044830? ago

Actually what I have posted is from my own experiences and information from folks I totally trust, except the FISA Court Judge may or not have her shit together. Fear she is in the middle of that mess. What is scary is it is true. But folks have the right to believe what they believe and that is fine.

17044841? ago

Actually what I have posted is from my own experiences and information from folks I totally trust

Let us say that for a moment hypothetically that was true. Then you got so much bogus intel by your higher ups, or handlers, for a lot longer period than you realize. Little, if anything, you say is legit or has already been provided by other sources that we are already aware of, and its pretty clear you are trying to piggy back off other sources that to make it seem like you know something.

Another small possibility is you are purposely giving us shit intel.

However after going through your comments, I would lean the most likely using "Occam's razor" principle though, is that you are just LARPing for shits and giggles. You are giving so many red flags that this is indeed just a LARP thread. I also suspect you are not just some randomly doing it out of the blue either. What it seems like is that you are part of shill organization or group targeting 8chan. I would guess thanks to people all over the place starting to come forwards and leak damaging information. Hence you all are trying to do disinfo as damage control like we are plebs. I'm at least 80% or more certain this is the case. Next time try this at reddit or gab where normies congregate more.

17044872? ago

Like I said believe what you will. Why do you find it is so hard to believe the CIA would rig an election and then sit back while it was blamed on the Russians. Next up 2020. Trump will win because the deep state has turned on the Democrats. The shit in Virginia was just an operation run out of a contractor`s facility in Virginia. They nailed the governor and the lieut. governor. The files run deep. Next up will probably be the revelation that Nancy Pelosi and Diane Feinstein are lesbians and had an on going affair for years. Or perhaps the drug problems of Pelosi. Either revelation will help destroy the credibility of the normal faction of the Democrat Party and push the Democrats off the edge. By 2020 you will have a Democrat Socialist Party and a Repubican Party with everyone else. But this is all normal shit, I would be concerned about the weapons that are stored near Yellowstone and the maniacs that put that plan together. Once you reach a certain level it is all insanity with the truly crazy ones still believing they are normal. Stay frosty but understand you do not have a clue as to what is behind the curtain.

17063585? ago

Look anon, if you are what you say you are, then you know very well a certain number of things:

There is no real 'retirement' from covert ops. You're always an asset, or a liability.

Being chatty about covert operations is unwise unless it is acceptable to your handlers.

You've already given yourself away if your details about age and retirement are correct, or you begin all this with a foundational lie that encourages more lies.

Your speculations and insights are par for the course on /x/ and /pol/ with nothing particularly new to offer.

A man truly in your position would be able to point at an otherwise uninteresting topic to point out operations, current or old, that occurred there. A LARPer would only have whatever was recent and already known or speculated about.

What is the point of chittering on an image board with anons when you've got a bar full of real spooks to chatter with?

An older man who gets drunk to the point of gossip would be a trait well-known by your handlers and accounted for if true.

There are therefore three main possibilities for what this all is:

LARPing for amusement or attention using /x/-tier material sprinkled in with political speculation amenable to anons here.

An "ex"-FBI guy who is allowed to chatter like this by those who would be monitoring him for purposes that are likely less than honest.

You're telling mostly the truth and just trying to be friendly but it doesn't matter to your handlers what you say to strangers since you don't have the ability to damage their enterprise.

To what purpose? Really. Either you just find it amusing to tantalize random anons online, or you're prodding them for a particular reason. What are you looking for? Cui bono?

17063589? ago

A well written response and excellent questions. First to help you understand go back through my posts and answer this. Given what I have spoken to specifically the nuclear issue regarding Yellowstone and my involvement although limited with certain activities at area 51 what would my security clearance have to be? Given this level of clearance what is it that I would know about secret operations in the government for a number of years. If in fact Area 51 is a hot spot for off world military and exploration activities what does that tell you about Trump`s rolling out the notion of a space force. We have had a space force for at least 10 years and off world travel has been going on for at least the last 5 years. These aircraft, if you call them that are warehoused in California and when they are out and about entire neighborhoods are shut down near the operations. The only exception being the original craft that are still maintained in Nevada and research activites relating to those craft. Yes there is more than one.

My reason for posting has been to create an understanding of the magnitude of the Matrix that envelopes the United States and to make folks aware of things that are well going on. I really am to old to do anything about it, and while I have spoken here about 10% of what I know it is enough to get folks who are really concerned focused on the right things. Plato once wrote in his later years that action and thought are both good and I am to the point in life I can light fuses but I am useless going over the barricades.

As far as me personally as long as I steer clear of certain issues there is well little danger and since the stuff is so of the chart most people will simply pass it right by. Also think Wikileaks. If that trail is triggered this would make the Podesta e-mails look like child`s play.

What I am looking for. Curious to see if the truth will set you free. Did not work for me and I suspect most folks are caught up in the allegory of the Cave. The truth is too much and they prefer the shadows. Who knows maybe the folks in South Africa will come across this and say to hell with it and release what they have. That would be quite the hoot. Have a good evening. Time for margaritass and a good steak, and hell that gal across The bar will look pretty good in a couple of hours. May just send Strozks Iranian Dossier to Wikileaks just to piss some folks off.

17108536? ago


17108530? ago

the folks in South Africa

Tell us about the folks in South Africa senpai

17108563? ago

The folks in South Africa have the keys the kingdom. A complete history of mankind leading to the destruction of Atlantis. From what I saw at area 51, the files are enormous. Hope they decide to make them public. If the intelligence community ever gets them the files they will never make it out and they will be used for purely military applications. Always wanted to know how all of that ended. And the history of the survivors and their sealing up the library and any clues as to what happened to them would be a great read. Imagine rediscovery that place with the help of Plato`s Critias, just wow. Interestingly enough one of the reasons I have been told the library was removed from the Superstition Mountains to South Africa was the unearthing of a storage facility on the Giza Plateau which helped folks zero in on the site in the Superstitions. Who really knows.

17120572? ago

Have the spooks yet figured out the reality of reincarnation?

That awareness is at the base of much which steps us in the right direction.

17120578? ago

Not that I know of. They are primarily interested in technology and time travel at area 51. A lot of interest in rigging the 2020 election right now and setting Bernie up for the fall. Sneaky shit.

17067494? ago

Also think Wikileaks.

I'll bite. Give this as proof: what happened to Assange and why was so much effort put into shutting down the blockchain search when only key partials were present?

17080295? ago

Good question. Would like to ask you two questions to see how deep you are in all of this first. I have been very, very close to the Assange situation. First do you believe Assange is still alive, and if so where is he now. Need to know if you are holding a pair of two`s or four Aces. Suspect somehow in between. I will give you this shutting down Assange was not as important as shutting down what was in those files that was planted by a foreign intelligence service. Assange and his folks are amateurs when it comes to security. The only important stuff Assange has in the Clinton e-mails that if they ever become public will outrage the public to the point she will have to go to prison. The stuff on her server is downright treason, and there were I believe six foreign intelligence services that got into that server and if I am correct cause the death of 47 intelligence assets across the globe. Interestingly enough Trump knows this and has held back publicly releasing the information. He will do so and a lot more if Mueller indicts his son. That is when the shit show starts.

17063599? ago


Listen. Listen to me. You do not understand the lengths I will go to in order to fuck a dumb space alien slut. You do not know how much energy I have put into this over the years. The laser beacons set up to pulse mathematical languages, binary, morse code, the multiple trips to Arizona, New Mexico, even Texas for fucks sake, and I hate Texas…Do you know how hard it is to get access to Area 51? Fucking hard. But I did it. I did it so I could fuck an alien.

I have slogged through a disgusting underbelly of UFO abuctees, alien cults, sweaty manchildren wearing 'I want to believe' t-shirts 3 sizes too small, I have even attempted to question, and failing that, seduce an M.I.B for more information on where they're hiding the alien sluts.

The only information I got is that men in black give lousy handjobs.

I have fucked my way through rosacrusians, wiccans, indigo children, starseeds, a couple of raelian girls I hooked up with in New York state (I don't know what they were doing there, other than catching my dick in their crazy pussies!), several decent looking ufo enthusiasts, and the one time I though I was going to get abducted so I was halfway through getting my pants off but it turned out to be a border patrol and let me tell you something, explaining that you're looking for ufos and not a cartel drop off with your pants off and a stiffy pointing with the breeze to a pair of BPAs is not the easiest thing in the world.

I have been kicked out of the Scientology headquarters in L.A for lewdness and I am not welcome in the majority of gift shops across Nevada. I have also been banned from Disney World for an indecent act that I rather not go into but in my defense princess Leia is motherfucking hot.

I am fucking serious about this shit. I am not playing around man. So if you want to come onto this board and start in with the aliens and area 51 and all the other shit, I am going to say one thing and that is you better tell those motherfuckers that I am coming for that Space Pussy!

17124313? ago

Capworthy. I admire your enthusiasm.

17063604? ago

I want to be like you when I grow up.

17063611? ago

You can't. You're not valuable enough

17063607? ago

checked and respect

17063601? ago

A lot of energy there. Good for you. Hope you find what you seek.

17063609? ago

No man, you don't get it. You tell them I'm coming for that pussy.

You in fucking Jarbridge? Nevada? Get on the phone right now, because I will come down there and if you think some fucking retired spooks and a couple of goofy russians are going to stop me from kicking an old man's ass until he gives up the goods, you got another thing coming. Which is mainly my boot across your head if you don't tell those fucking geeks down at the lab to break out the superlube and fire up the particle accelerator.

You think that's a joke don't you? You think I won't fly a cessna up your ass just to prove a point about how bad I want to nail some black eyed big headed grey baby factory? I will. I'll fucking buzz you with a goddamn boeing 747 in the middle of the fucking night just to let you know I am not playing games.

You better be on the phone old man or you are going to wish you stayed in the F.B motherfucking EYE!

17064273? ago

I would prefer a qt 3.14 Ginger. To each their own I guess.

17064272? ago

If you find your way to Jarbridge keep in mind that some of our more crazed citizens have a taste for human flesh and you might find yourself in quite the stew. Maybe safer to visit Area 51. Given your language skills have to ask are you from Nigeria?

17065925? ago

Kill yourself.

17067496? ago

I would have no trouble chopping you up and feeding you to some animals so I could eat them.

17064276? ago

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little /pol/ack?

I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the MIB, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Draco, and I have over 300 confirmed adduction/anal probes. I am trained in psychotronic warfare and I'm the top precognate in the entire project Majestic. You are nothing to me but another MKUltra wind-up toy. I will mind wipe the fuck out of you with psionic precision the likes of which has never been seen before in any of Earth's twelve known dimensions, mark my fucking projected thoughts. You think you can get away with thinking that shit while I'm monitoring your thoughts from hacking your phone's bluetooth? Think again, fucker. As we speak, I am contacting my secret network of cloaked reptoids across the astral plane and your neural imprint is being quadrangulated across counter-space, so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your ego-self. You're fucking un-dead, kid. I am everywhere, in everytime, and I can dissociate your etheric body in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my fourth dimensional construct. Not only am I extensively trained in etheric combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the fourth Reich's secret Teslian psychotronic arsenal and I will use it to its full extent to descontruct your miserable consciousness off the plane of existence, you little shit. If you only could have remote-viewed what multidimensional Lovcraftian retribution your little 'clever' comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have quieted your mind. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamned idiot. I will shit ectoplasm all over you and your soul will dissociate it. You're fucking going in the void, kiddo.

17064278? ago

Hahaha holy shit that's good. I'm saving that.

17065924? ago

Thanks, glad you enjoyed. Fix typo in next to last sentence at end tho, delete "it"

17064275? ago

You hang out at the local bar and stare at the waitress while getting drunk. An old man going bald, paunchy, a thick nose, drinking his nights away after long years of doing all the dirty work, taking out the garbage.

How many hippies did you help set up over the years? How many americans did you stab in the back?

Were you at Ruby ridge when they shot that mother down while she held her child in her arms?

What kind of flesh eaters would I be worried about? After all, you were F.B.I right? You take the biggest chunks out of America. No bigger cannibal than a field agent.

How was it working for an agency that never shows an ounce of loyalty even while it grinds you down and turns you into a bagman for politician child molesters and mafia dons? What was it like letting real criminals go so you could catch the fall guys? If you're F.B.I, how much do you hate the italians?


Patrician taste my fine fellow. A redhead is the most vibrant spice.

17068999? ago

You hang out at the local bar and stare at the waitress while getting drunk. An old man going bald, paunchy, a thick nose, drinking his nights away after long years of doing all the dirty work, taking out the garbage.

How many hippies did you help set up over the years? How many americans did you stab in the back?

Were you at Ruby ridge when they shot that mother down while she held her child in her arms?

What kind of flesh eaters would I be worried about? After all, you were F.B.I right? You take the biggest chunks out of America. No bigger cannibal than a field agent.

How was it working for an agency that never shows an ounce of loyalty even while it grinds you down and turns you into a bagman for politician child molesters and mafia dons? What was it like letting real criminals go so you could catch the fall guys? If you're F.B.I, how much do you hate the italians?

Pls respond drunkfbi

17080301? ago

Well when you get to 70 well shit happens. Still in good shape though, as the lady last night attested to. Good to know things still work. As far as getting drunk it seems most folks in the political world stay drugged up. No foul.

No worry from me not into dark meat or white. A Nigerian though might appeal to a few folks up in the hills. Believe they put heads on sticks up there. Don`t really hate anyone that much its just when folks become drunk on power they go nuts. White, Black, Green, Aliens, whatever. Actually a lot of good folks in the FBI doing good work. Would not like to be in the same room with the three Colonels that share the codes for Yellowstone. They are not quite right.

17069001? ago

17063593? ago

My reason for posting has been to create an understanding of the magnitude of the Matrix that envelopes the United States and to make folks aware of things that are well going on

larp confirmed

17063596? ago

Pleae feel free to enjoy the shadows, the light can be to bright. Totally understand.

17063597? ago

I understand too , you're larping so you can either make a prediction that probably won't come true or talk a bunch of bullshit that can't be proven either way, hell at least say things that have a ring of truth, that's the real art. Don't start with the masonry shit.

17063600? ago

Fascinating observing how much damage our educational system has done to folks. You might start by responding to what has been posited and let me see if you are sharp enough to warrant a response. Give it a try.

17067499? ago

In reaching out for sincerity, which much of /pol/ lacks, you might touch base with IANDS. They are among the few gold-standards for sincerity. Don't know if that's where you're at yet, but you seem to be approaching that horizon. Hope that helps ; )

           [https://www.youtube.com/user/NDEaccounts/videos](https://www.youtube.com/user/NDEaccounts/videos)                             [ ](https://8ch.net/pol/res/12841429.html#q12860388) 

17068992? ago

Thinks Jesus is unjust and that you won't have to PAY FOR THE SHIT YOU DID HERE ON THIS PLANET…LMAO…

but I am sincerely sorry for betraying everyone and royally fucking up the program…

what are you going to offer in reparations, anon?


Now that is the fucking funniest thing I have seen all morning. Let's hope the day just keeps getting better.

17063606? ago

Fascinating observing how much damage our educational system has done to folks.

Given this level of clearance what is it that I would know about secret operations in the government for a number of years.

wew lad

17063588? ago

What are you looking for?

Pussy. Alien pussy. Interdimensional grey Alien Pussy.

Never give up the dream Anon, never.

17063594? ago

Alien whatever. Much prefer earthlings. Can`t really get into that.

17044880? ago

What should we do about all of this? How do we fix things?

17044883? ago

We kill you, since you're paid to post here. Then we kill your fellow jews and the alphabet agency members who lie to us. Then the world is fixed.

17044849? ago

Vague claims of inaccuracy with no specifics, but lots of attempts to discredit

Damage control.

17044881? ago

Vague claims of inaccuracy with no specifics, but lots of attempts to discredit

I am not going to help the LARPer improve his next attempt with refined information, thus I am not pointing out the specifics for a reason. Sometimes the best thing you can do for faggots is to give them enough rope to hang themselves.

17044833? ago

You can fuck off with the rest of the boomer traitor scum

Fuck you

Fuck off and have a heart attack

17044834? ago

Sounds pretty negative, maybe a good anger management group would help. Well when the CIA steals the 2020 election you can always blame the Russians.

17044836? ago

Understand the folks that pulled that off like I said was a group in the CIA who hated Oboma, Breenon and the rest. The CIA is made of of several factions. These folks took home the gold for their work in 2016 and they are actively destroying the Democrats right now. AOC is their asset. Might as well get that out there.

17044837? ago

Alright, I will take that under advisement and consider it with other things I am watching.

I would love for the bit about AOC to be true.

She is a gift from above, such a hot mess wreaking havoc and she hasn’t even gotten started.

17044838? ago

I would love for the bit about AOC to be true.

Alright, that is when it is time to be 'done with a thread' when someone calls AOC 'a gift from above'…

17047493? ago


I said a “gift from above” in irony.

She’s so fucking crazy that it will work against the liberals.

Geezus. Do you examine everything at only the surface?

17063537? ago

Yes, surface only.


17044840? ago

Alright, that is when it is time to be 'done with a thread' when someone calls AOC 'a gift from above'…

If you cant recognize that batshit crazy AOC is driving normies in droves to reject the poz, then you're either a glownigger, (((them))) or a fucking midwit.

Or any combination of the prior.

17044842? ago

There is hope in AOC anon….go lick her toe jam, grovel before her like the mutt you are…You people DO NOT BELONG ON THIS BOARD…GET THEE HENCE, YOU FUCKING NORMIES.

17044843? ago

12855767 (You)

There is hope in AOC anon….go lick her toe jam, grovel before her like the mutt you are…You people DO NOT BELONG ON THIS BOARD…GET THEE HENCE, YOU FUCKING NORMIES.

You should get your ESL tuition back Moishe, they kiked you right good

17047490? ago

Sure its not the AOC or SHILLS on the OP that are the problem

17033684? ago

The Chinese are not preventing the assertion of truly effective political power for the majority non-Jewish Europeans across the West (and East).

Thus the Chinese are are not preventing the type of sociopolitical culture that would create low crime, low terrorism societies with high reproduction rates of natives and lower influence from non-natives.

The Chinese are not promoting White dispossession of the West in any form that matters.

Jewish controlled media, Jewish controlled professions, Jewish religious groups and their cultic offshoots, the Jewish financial industry, and Jewish interest groups prevent / promote that (as the case may be) in concert as the collectively largest and most influential group doing so. With the penalty for any defensive ethnonationalist action (against the Chinese or others) being a loss of livelihood and social ostracizing.

The Jews are not in the closet. The Jews have much larger pluralities than do the Chinese in almost every major American City.

I rarely see a Chinese person anywhere. I can't get away from Jews on the American coasts. I can't buy distance from Jews and still make a living.

If you are trying to justify a shill's perspective that somehow the East matters or can matter before the West, or that the West is fine and Chinese influence in the East is the primary concern as we lose our own nations, then we reject your premise.

The Jews have long been accused of "gobbling up the world" by men with much more credibility than you have. You are merely applying a long held and obviously-true anti-Jewish accusation to the Chinese, using the same phrasing. As I prior stated, its a lazy LARP. And you seem to be here specifically to shill for Kosher Conspiracies.

You must have learned that while getting butt-fucked by the SPLC and ADL as an FBI agent, considering that the FBI is demonstrably the Jewish bitch through their slavishness toward these organizations and others of the same sort, even given the piss-poor optics that they lend the FBI in return in the eyes of a very large portion of the nation.

In fact, you assholes are going to need a nation-saving psy-op just to recover a base level of reputation after your partisanship over Trump and Clinton (not to mention the obvious slavishness to Jews). Good luck with that. We'll be looking for it.

17033710? ago

Based and red-pilled, friend.


But name one federal agency that isn't. The thing is, the federal government is basically an employment agency for the unemployable. By and large, no private entity would hire 90% of the federal workforce because they are for the most part lazy, retarded diversity hires.

ATF & DEA are a complete fucking trash heap full of losers that serve no useful purpose other than to rape the American taxpayer. But this could be said about nearly all of the DOJ agencies. Have dealt with these useless fucks most of my life.

17001656? ago

And yet they are being destroyed in trade and tariffs. They have absolutely zero ability to get everything they want. There are no anti anti-Chinese acts. The political prostitutes will kneel before the criminal pariah state of Israel and yet we punish China quite routinely. If their power was real, it would be obvious as the Israel lobby. It is not and that is why you Zionist disinfo agents are such a joke.

16999565? ago

European strength, what is left of it, is scattered across the world and the US has a parasite infection within it's own system.

Instead of the platitudes, why don't you give us insider data/info that will help us? Pragmatic, action taking kind of stuff?

16999550? ago

friendly reminder of who the FBI really serves


16999559? ago

Yup, an ETHNIC organization tied to top level US law enforcement. NO BIG DEAL AT ALL. That would be perfectly fine if it were a White group or if White groups were even allowed publicly to exist. Fucking disgusting.

16999548? ago


My friend you do not even know the questions only the outlines of questions that have been fed to you by others and your answers lead to things that are well not generally real.

16999557? ago

What a nigger. Anons who lurked know a lot more than you, actually. The only difference is the rest of us lurked and don't post sentence fragments like a nigger.

16999562? ago

You sound like you work for Jim Comey.

16999547? ago


Your wish is my command. Have a great day.

16999552? ago

Fucking finally

16999525? ago

Turning 30 today and have to to say the United States is a kiked up mess. From people I know there everyone in DC are jewish bastards and should be put in the oven or roped. A kike I know, had lunch with yesterday said absolutely nothing will change, and some folks are going to write books. Believe her but this shit has been going on forever. Threw my little pony in the river a few days ago. Fuck them all.

17001653? ago

Threw my little pony in the river a few days ago.

16999533? ago

This is funny and has some truth. Believe it is a bit more complex though. The Chinese are far more dangerous than the Jews. Stay safe CIA.

17019067? ago

don’t worry about the Jews, worry about _


it’s not all about the Jews




16999543? ago

who's selling us to the chincs then?

16999545? ago

Wow that is a sensitive question. I sometimes want to say who isn`t but realistically the main players are corrupt politicians and greedy business folks. I would say the top of the list includes Feinstein and her husband, and hell every politician in California that is a democrat.

17000895? ago

I would say the top of the list includes Feinstein and her husband

So, Jews, then?

16999556? ago

So, its not the Jews but the Chinese, who just happen to have a government under Jewish invented and controlled communism for decades.

Its not the Jews but the Chinese (who we can easily spot and have no real power compared to the West, and especially without Jewish "diplomacy"), but the top of the list includes a specific Jew from California and unnamed democrats.

A Jew whose religion preaches world domination and genocide. A religion that preaches "defanging" everyone for their Messianic period that needs to arrive imminently according to their clock.

Its not the Jews, but Congress is one hundred percent for anything that supports Jews and one hundred percent against anything that supports Jewish enemies to include this nation's majority population.

Its not the Jews, yet Pompeo has been happily reduced to a nigger collection agent in Europe for the Jews.

Its not the Jews but the Chinese, but yet the West has been fully defined and controlled by Jewish religious myths for 2,000 years.

Its not the Jews, but so far your best specific answer is that it is "one Jew, democrats, and China".

You needed to sit down and better write how this narrative was going to go before engaging in such a lazy LARP.

16989948? ago




Iran is bad

War with Iran good

Not blaming jews

just read only what "he" wrote by ID and you will start to see what I mean.

<Purple Anon

Another faggot Larp

16989947? ago


OP is full of shit if he is 70 he would have had to legally retire 5 years ago before any of this shit happened and Trump was just some guy with a TV show. Extremely low effort LARP to distract from Purple Anon. There are no coincidences.

This is lies and bullshit. Retirement is mandatory for all government pay grades except 3. What are those grades and what does one have to acquire and from who to keep working after the age of 70 you lying faggot?

I work at the State Department; you plan following faggots this is the worst larp I have ever seen on this board hands down.

16999554? ago


OP is full of shit if he is 70 he would have had to legally retire 5 years ago before any of this shit happened and Trump was just some guy with a TV show. Extremely low effort LARP to distract from Purple Anon. There are no coincidences.

This is lies and bullshit. Retirement is mandatory for all government pay grades except 3. What are those grades and what does one have to acquire and from who to keep working after the age of 70 you lying faggot?

I work at the State Department; you plan following faggots this is the worst larp I have ever seen on this board hands down.

OP still has no answer for this anon's very simple questions.

16999561? ago

It is good you believe what you read. With that the folks involved in certain things can get their work done while the fish flop on the shore. Do you really think things are that simple. They are not. Yes I really left the agency recently and if you think The FBI can try to overthrow the government and cannot get around this you are sadly mistaken.

17000897? ago

Retirement is mandatory at 65 for all government pay grades except 3. The only way around this is to apply to an exemption from another government agency what is that agency? Even someone who worked for post office would know the name of agency to apply to for that exemption.

17005159? ago

Try harder there are a number of folks hidden in black ops budgets. No several in their late 70`s. Do you really believe what the government tells you.

17005161? ago

Go away.

17005164? ago

I have been gone longer than you have been on earth. At least make an effort to think. It will not hurt.

17005171? ago


17005167? ago

And I'm 80. J Edgar Hoover is a hero who hated niggers and you are a fraud.

17019058? ago

He was also a homosexual and pedophile.

17019072? ago


interesting and beautiful place, enjoy your margaritas while the US burns then…you haven't really addressed one thing…IYO (since you are older than we are and have more experience) is there anything that can stop a nation from burning like this one is going to burn or is that just the 'way of things' while the COVEN has control of the Earth?

17019080? ago

Your point is well taken but being at this age with the problems I have, physically and guess some of you would say mentally, I am licking my own wounds and simply getting through each day. Besides this shit is the thing young people should be doing. I am not proud of the world you folks have to deal with but you have to make it work. Me a good beer and walking in the wilderness simply remembering my own mistakes and thinking about what awaits is really all I can handle.

17019079? ago

The Darkest problem in the world today, at least from where I sit, is the technology that remains hidden from folks. During my time in Nevada researching the effects of a nuclear explosion on a Caldera Complex I was given an opportunity to visit area 51 and see things that to this day are at least to me hard to fathom. From what I saw there is technology that is at least a 100 years ahead of technology that is in the public domain. It seems the Roswell incident was real and most of the remains made their way to area 51 and several other sites. Scientists and others have been working those technologies interestingly enough with many of the insights of Telsa. All of his works have been warehoused there and it seems they provide doors into the ways these technologies work. Basically instead of trying to destroy the world why not simply make these technologies available to the world in general and change the planet to a paradise. Can`t figure that one out. My guide did make an interesting point. The ship that crashed in New Mexico did not come from a place in space as much as it did from a place in time. Whoever did this traveled in time while warping space in such a way to say travel from say Jupiter to earth in an hour. A lot of really crazy stuff there. Seems on a fundamental level everything is in one space and by movement in time an elasticity develops that creates the illusion of distance. Figure that one out. So movement itself creates the illusion of distance and the mind is somehow wired to handle that. Guess in a way the one and the many are the same thing. Not a scientist at least this explanation works for me.

17108562? ago

Basically instead of trying to destroy the world why not simply make these technologies available to the world in general and change the planet to a paradise. Can`t figure that one out.

Just take one guess?

17108564? ago

Still hope for folks to do the right thing. Guess that reflects my background. Grew up in the South and went to Georgia Tech. Bobby Dodd was a helluva coach. Being a bit technically oriented why not make things better for folks. Seems reasonable.

17116104? ago

What the fuck are you talking about? Are you a Russian Bot?

17120584? ago

Just a bit melancholy today, and sending a message to someone I know in the intelligence community.

17124302? ago

Are the Jews involved in Area 51 or the South Africa library, sir?

17063548? ago

Seems on a fundamental level everything is in one space and by movement in time an elasticity develops that creates the illusion of distance.

A fourth dimension then?

Do you have any other stories to share? I find out of the ordinary type of events tremendously interesting!

17063552? ago

Not really a scientist and while I find that stuff interesting my comments would probably not add much. My guide did say one thing that to me is pretty strange. It is through movement that everything in a sense becomes real. Without movement there is no reality. So it seems nothing is the birth of something. Also added the texts from the ancients they are working on points to several other repositories in the southwest they are trying to locate. I hope the South Africans are good folks and the library is being preserved because of a faith that one day mankind will be able to deal with what is there. Seems a few years ago there was contact and they were offered many billions of dollars for the artifacts but passed. From what I heard they said there was too much danger in those artifacts and that they would show the way to destroy the earth again? Anyway imagine there is some scary stuff. I would like to see the unpublished portions of the Critias and how the dialogue led the explorers to the Superstitions and later the creation of Calalus.

17065928? ago

Sigh. Read all 100 of your posts. Am overall pretty disappointed. You just didn't release anything much that actually interests me.

17065927? ago

Woo as a philosopher this I really appreciate this.


There's a theory that everything is just motion/vibration (third hermetic axiom).

17080310? ago

From what I can understand it seems there exists a Technology that allows the transportation of entities using for a lack of better words strings of motion. Imagine it is like getting on a slide, yet somehow you get to the bottom before you left the top. Strange. It does work.

17108573? ago

Stop talking about science you sound like an idiot. Stick to intel.

17108543? ago

How much would it cost me for you to assassinate someone living in an apartment in Virginia and destroy all their electronics?

17108555? ago

Man that is crazy. Personal stuff is just wrong.

17120564? ago

Personal stuff is just wrong.

They wronged me first. I'm a "forgive and forget" and "live and let live" kind of guy. They're a "never forgive, never forget, hunt you down to the ends of the Earth" kind of guy. Peace was never an option.

Fucked up last post.

17120583? ago

Look if you really want to destroy someone destroy their illusions. That alone will put them in the nut house.

17116109? ago

Okay drop the assassination part. Just destroy or compromise/wipe their electronics to where they can't use them again and can't recover anything.

17080354? ago

In my experience there were and still are folks that can make this happen. Some of the work that has been done has focused on the possibility of the untilization of individuals to remote view an event and combine their talents with the notion of time travel. For example if you can visualize an event in the present can you visualize an event that has not happen? It seems you can. The first tests were somewhat primitive and only in the last few years have the avenues for this movement been understood. In other words if time is just movement then direction has no meaning. Arrow of time. However a paradox did develop. In one instance a remote viewing identified an individual that it seems was going to be involved in a deadly car crash. The person was isolated and the event never happened. What happened next is well bizarre. The person simply vanished. So it seems it a fundamental way when your time is up well it is up. The technology for a stargate seems did exist. The material that was taken from the Superstitions does mention something very similar to this and it is assumed the folks in South Africa have the blueprints. Whether it is possible to build such a device based on what I saw at area 51 perhaps it would be better to believe almost anything can be built. Just start from the premise that movement is time and therefore movement properly understand can go just about anywhere. The trick is to utilize string technology to catch the waves and well surf your way there.

17108516? ago

Btw there is a story in Frabato (by Franz Bardon) that illustrates the exact same point as you have about when your time is up, it's up, and also certain other events in a person's life are scripted. You have some freedom / wiggle-room but specific events are completely unavoidable no matter what you do.

17108521? ago

Tolstoy makes the same point in War and Peace, although not many readers of that work will understand or appreciate it.

17108517? ago

Very cool because I have done exactly that.

If anybody has ever done salvia, and you've been "stretched out" along a line of time,you'll get this (I hope). Death starts in the corners of your vision and comes to a point in the center.

17080361? ago

Can you share any more recent documents if possible or point to anything that can help /fringe/? Could you also post there in that thread whatever would be useful for the anons there?

17080332? ago

Tell us about black holes next, I dare you

17080355? ago

Sorry do not know much about Michelle Oboma. Woops is that racist?

17080333? ago

I am sure the FBI globalist LARRP has plenty of experience with black whores.

17080334? ago

I'm disappointed, this larp started out pretty decent but degraded quickly

17080335? ago

I realized I should be calling it a LAARP since he is 'retired'. lel

17080346? ago

17080342? ago

17080312? ago


17022292? ago

Yeah, thanks I already know that space is full. I already know that they are riding primes and I have almost figured out how they do it. And I already know about the solid-state emergent 'lifeforms' of their craft (the craft itself is an artificial life form; I am going to begin working on an AI/biochem version of this FOR GERMANS ONLY which is restricted and accessible to our DNA alone).

But it is interesting you are the second person I have talked to who described the solid-state operations (honestly he did better than you in describing them, but you get what you get and you don't throw a fit). My mind is now wired to handle that type of scenario of space travel because I can imagine what it means, but I expect it to get better soon as someone ('theoretically' off-world, whatever who I simply pissed the fuck off) sent me some as yet 'unclassified' proteins that I need to work out and figure out what they are and how they fit in to the equation.

Alright, fine anon…it doesn't really matter as this civilization was destined to fail from the outset and I can hardly put that all on you, it was engineered to fail…there was nothing you could have done, either one way or another. It probably won't outlive you so I hope you know how to hunt should you have the energy to preserve your life.

Most young people are brainless twits, I sincerely hope that you aren't thinking that the spics or other assorted trash that our government has allowed into this nation is going to 'help' solve anything in any way. Whites/Europeans/Germans specifically are going to have to form a breakaway civilization and leave the sewage here to die. People don't even become cogent of their humanity until they are 28-29 years old…I am not going to be looking to them to solve any problems because their heads are so incredibly fucked that they almost can't process information any longer.

Is there much in the way of MOSSAD in your little hideaway? You seem to have everyone else…why not throw in some jews…I suppose if you have Russians there, by default you have jews as well…enjoy your jews then while this civilization is still intact. kek

17022313? ago

Hell who knows who is in these hills. Every summer we have a party at the Red Dog Saloon on a Saturday and the folks that come out of the hills are really remarkable. Barkeep who has had 3 heart attacks and moved here from Las Vegas. is shacked up with a Russian spy who would eat half the FBI alive and spit them out and make tooth picks out of there bones. Nasty woman but imagine she is a helluva a well bed partner. God it will be great to spend a few years there before the morons blow up Yellowstone.

17022315? ago

God it will be great to spend a few years there before the morons blow up Yellowstone.

HAHAHA…A man's gotta have his priorities.

"Après moi, le déluge"

17022322? ago

I am hoping the barkeep will loan me his female spy for the night. That would be a helluva a way to die. In the saddle sorta speak.

17022324? ago

If you suggest it to her she might kill you herself without any of the good parts. Womenses be crazy.

17022314? ago

Suicide now.

17022316? ago

Now that is pretty negative. Let me guess a Bernie supporter who works for the DNC who survived the Podesta`s. Who knows maybe they got the wrong person. Now that would be funny.

16987402? ago

Retired FBI

Comey and McCabe are treasonous bastards

should be put in jail or shot

not the entire agency

kys kike. FBI is a homosexual secret police that exists solely to subvert resistance to the ZOG. There are no innocent agents.

16987401? ago

how did the fbi, cia or nsa never end up with at least one decent anti-zog division

16987400? ago

Thread full of glow in the darks Purple anon must be a cia nigger

16986601? ago

Hey there friend, are you aware of the solar cycle thing?

16986598? ago

As I don't feel like operating with ffmpeg.

17046575? ago


16986592? ago


17005156? ago


16989944? ago

Pretty much confirmed at this point.

17001657? ago

hurr kushner is the only jew




t. CIA niggers

OP probably is too

16987398? ago

Yes this is really suspicious. All these larps are okay, but not this specific guy, trust the plan goy.


/x/ strikes again

16986596? ago

The more noise there is, the more, the other thing.

16986589? ago

Fucking gay as shit dick.

/pol/ hates strozk


Larp strozk is iranian


invade iran for Israel

I'm gagging with this empty effort attempt to sway opinion. Thanks paki FBI niggeranon.

16986584? ago

Third post.

strozk an Iranian spy.

What the fuck? You blew your LARP load way too early.

16986081? ago


In 1993, the Waco Texas incident occurred. So you helped in that FBI cuck? Fuck you.

16986083? ago

Nope was not involved in that shit show.

16986053? ago

Haha Larper.

Is it true there's a cult that isn't scientology that claims to have shit like airfuel bombs stashed around the country and anytime they want to prove something they blow up or set fire to something big? I actually heard that and I'm curious.

16986052? ago

How come FBI won't let me have sex with horses and cows?

16986044? ago

I like how asking for actual evidence for claims people are making is now 'typical censorship'.

Yes. Asking for more details and actual proof is really a bunch of people trying to silence a deep state leaker.

16986046? ago

It's easier to do that if you actually ask questions instead of just crying larp all the fuckin time like a bunch of fucking faggots in a sausage party.

16986050? ago

Alright. First. Instead of larping take a photo from an area that most people can't get to and then after you clean the photo of your prints, post it.

Someone working at langley should have to post langley's front yard with a timestamp.

The same if you work for the F.B.I, or the NSA or fucking RAND. Provide a photo showing you have at least been around the areas these people work in.

Something concrete to at least provide a solid ground for belief.

I do have a question though that I would like answered. When the fuck are we getting sexbots and hot blue alien bitches? I'm not joking either. I really want to know.

16986051? ago

Alright. First. Instead of

already tl;dr

16986055? ago


Aww I forgot to hit I.D again. I do that because I've got incredibly fat fingers you just would not believe it.

16986057? ago

Sure newfag shill. I get how you are new here. It was obvious as fuck. You idiots aren't like the glow in the dark, you are just dumb fuckers who get thrown in here without any time lurking like proper anons.

16986058? ago

Holy shit you've gone retarded. So you just admit this is full of shit right?

16986062? ago

So you just admit this is full of shit right?

Change "this" to (you)

16986065? ago

Everything you say sounds stupid. It might be because you are a moron.

16986048? ago

You've had 12 minutes. You've clearly seen them, and you've undoubtedly seen the questions in the year and a quarter your hoax has been ongoing. Yet you don't answer.


16986049? ago

  1. tl;dr

  2. I don't participate in resource burn tactics

16986060? ago

Hey, we want more details for your claims.

<It's easier to get details if you ask questions

questions asked



Reported for paid shilling.

16986074? ago

be shill, just started a week ago at this new job shilling for shekels

I don't understand how this board works tbh

d. brock told me to post anyway or he won't let me have pizza and coke break

oh god how do I track this anon i'm trying to resource burn?

all these posts look the fucking same, they all sound the same

not like they can tell I don't know what I'm doing anyway


and what the fuck is a catalog, man I'm just going to stay in this thread instead of going somewhere else

hopefully they won't know I'm retarded and don't belong here

16986075? ago

Answer. Now. >>12844446


16986045? ago

By the way I looked up Whitaker and I was right he's a total faggot. Loves the cock.

16986059? ago

Whittaker is Maga5. As I told you Maga5 reported to Sessions and has all the briefing papers on the Trump family wiretaps.

16986064? ago

Are you talking about Matthew Whitaker the conartist liar? Oh yeah hold my beer motherfucker.

16986069? ago

If you believe that you really are a fool.

16986072? ago

I believe it because he's an actual conartist who lies to people's faces. Unless he's just really stupid and gets involved in scam businesses all the time as a coïncidence.

16986063? ago

It's the jews. You can drop your LARP spam. We know it's the jews. We will never stop knowing this. You'll have to kill us all. Get the fuck off our website.

16986067? ago

Not jewish but will be a pleasure.

16986070? ago



16986071? ago

just crazy but that is ok. most of the cia folks are nuts.

16987403? ago

most of the cia folks are nuts.

That much is true.

16986037? ago

You're like the drunk uncle I never had, OP.

16985344? ago

timestamp w/ some proof or you're a faggot

16985352? ago

Not a faggot. Try looking over this thread and put your thinking hat on. My comments about Putin and Trump would lead you to conclude the President has been monitored since day one. And the White House was wire tapped until Trump had the taps removed. It happened early on because Rogers told him about the taps.

16985356? ago

the President has been monitored since day one

No shit. Almost as though he sold his soul to jews in 1990 in exchange for them not killing him after his bankruptcy. WHICH THEY ADMIT ON VIDEO. Got anything we don't know already?

16986026? ago

video of jews admitting they didn't kill trump plz


This thread is now about discovering formula for Dicyanin

16986582? ago


16986583? ago

Dicyanin is also interesting because of its genetic structure which features a dual domain motif absent in all known BCBs [Blue Copper Binding protein]. This dual domain is theorized to bind two copper ions in a cooperative relationship for unknown reasons, and provides a unique window to trace a branch of BCB evolution with great confidence and precision. For these reasons this project has focused on two goals: 1) to purify and characterize dicyanin to determine its native structure and function and 2) to trace the evolution of dicyanin and homologous proteins through all available gene sequence information.

16986593? ago

That's a hot dip I didn't realize I almost forgot about.

16986591? ago


The tomato protein is a different compound than the (alleged) dye. They just go by the same name.

16986586? ago

Apparently it really does have attributes useful in transofming IR and UV light into visible spectrums:

16986600? ago

Summary. Diyacinn dye cuts out all the visible light except a tiny bit of UV/IR which apparently the eye can pick up but the brain trains itself to ignore. But wearing Diyacinn goggles you can train your brain to pay attention to these wavelengths, thus see auras.

16986032? ago

Oh, sorry, it's only a minute or so in. You don't have to watch the whole thing to get to it, but the rest proves the point.


Prove Q-LARP is real. Prove this boomer is real.

16986033? ago

It is simple to disprove it. Reporters can simply ask the Trump administration at any day to quickly dispel any rumors. They don't for a reason.

16986080? ago

They don't for a reason.

Is it the same reason they talk about two scoops all day instead of all the kids he's killing Yemen? Is it the same reason they run agitprop for regime change in Venezuela right in line with Trump's PNAC agenda?

The. media. is. not. against. trump.

16986041? ago

I've honestly never understood why you faggots keep saying that, as though it actually proves anything.

  1. Trump is entirely owned by jews. We already know this.

  2. Everything Trump does serves jews and only jews. We already know this.

  3. Trump publicly states that he wants all antisemites killed and all white nationalists either killed or imprisoned. We already know this.

  4. Trump has built zero wall, deported zero nonwhites, and arrested zero government officials. We already know this.

  5. Trump has put his signature on dozens of illegal bills. He has vetoed nothing. He has cucked out every single time, always. We already know this.

  6. He has violated the constitution in a dozen ways, one of the most egregious of which being "take the guns, due process later." NOTHING he has done has benefited whites. NOTHING he has done has harmed jews.


  1. Q-LARP says good jews exist. We know this is a lie.

  2. Q-LARP supports civic nationalism. We know this is bad.

  3. Q-LARP claims that there are more patriots than traitors in the government. We know this is a lie.

  4. Every claim and date Q-LARP made has been proven false. No one has been arrested and nothing has happened.


  1. Prove a single claim about Q-LARP and explain why we should support it. We being /pol/. /pol/ having a specific ideological standing.

  2. Prove how Trump's actions against whites magically serve whites, and explain why we should support Trump given his treason against us.

16986031? ago

Sure thing. Already embedded, sorry.


16985354? ago

timestamp or u gay

nuh hu

that's not how this works faggot

16985341? ago

Not lame and boring enough for you to find other threads. No, you seem pretty interested in shutting this one down.

16985343? ago

It's insulting to our intelligence. You are essentially asking us to pretend to be retarded so a roleplayer feels good on the internet.

There's not so much a need to astoturf the thread as shitpost on brainlets.

16986028? ago

No one is accusing you of having intelligence here.

16986034? ago

Well there sure as shit hasn't been any provided by this thread so I'd say not you chucklefuck.

Does pretending make you feel special?


Is he a faggot? I've never heard or seen anything about him but %100 guarantee he's a faggot.

16985349? ago

Would not want to do that. Do you know who Whittaker really is? Sure you do you saw it on CNN.

16985342? ago

Curious the reaction to this thread. Never posted before and no real reason to post other than it is important certain things are understood. Really no real response to my pointing out that Clinton won the election but a deep state action by a group in the CIA gave the election to Trump. And is actively supporting a Congressperson now. Fascinating. Oh well maybe most folks are really happy watching tv. Good time to become an alcoholic.

17063582? ago

It’s because you are full of shit. Clinton was about as popular as an ass pimple, but you expect me to believe that she legitimately won the election? I have two eyes, two ears, and can fucking count, so my own anecdotal evidence coupled with actual evidence of DNC fuckery (eg Broward County to steal all of Fla for decades, ballot harvesting suddenly turning Orange County Blue, the verdicts against Dems re multiple-state jerrymandering cases, registering illegal aliens to vote to fill out ballots in their name, etc) means that every post by you is a psyop. Nice try, Dumb FBINigger. Utterly moronic. Your agency, and every single federal agency, is beyond AOC level of retardation. Oh, and here’s another hint to what tipped me off to your shilling: every fucking member of Congress is a GlowNigger Asset (not Agent but Asset), not just AOC. Kill yourself.

16999516? ago

Never posted before and no real reason to post other than it is important certain things are understood

<Purple Anon told you the truth now people like me have to come here and shit all over the place to obscure it

16986040? ago

Curious the reaction to this thread.

No it's not. This is atypical now. The criminals are scared shitless and are trying to censor and silence everything in media, internet, and social media. It's to late though, it has hit critical mass a good while ago.

Never posted before and no real reason to post other than it is important certain things are understood. Really no real response to my pointing out that Clinton won the election but a deep state action by a group in the CIA gave the election to Trump.

This is conflicting intel actually. From what we have heard a while back, Clinton wanted to steal 6 more states and was prevented. The states they were able to steal had no paper ballots. Remember you are accusing the CIA of HELPING Trump. That doesn't add up at first glance. But hey, disinfo is everywhere and sometimes you have to wait some time before the truth actually comes out on how this played out.

And is actively supporting a Congressperson now. Fascinating. Oh well maybe most folks are really happy watching tv. Good time to become an alcoholic.

We heard this about a week ago from another FBI source.

What I want to know is two things. The first, how panicked is DC. If you could detail observations. This is telling in its own right.

The second which I don't suspect you know much about, is where is "the school" as known in the inner circles.

16986043? ago

*this is typical now

16986038? ago


What can the average anon do?

16986054? ago

Don`t mean to be trite but I would pray. The outlines of things working out are in play but a lot of variables and crazy people are not to be discounted. If this goes sideways anything can happen. Remember only a group of lunatics would even consider project Damocles.

16986056? ago

I have asked you several times a question on the atmosphere of DC. You haven't responded old bro.

16986066? ago

Just my opinion, the best of times and the worst of times, folks panicking but the panic they do not really understand. Maybe a better word is dread. Knowing something bad is out there but the conceit and hubris prevents them from seeing it. Comey is a prime example of this.

16986077? ago

Know anything about "the school"?

16986082? ago

That could mean several things. My experience with that phrase refers to a CIA training facility that is used to rewire folks for actions in the politiclal sector. A prime example is the congresswoman I have mentioned, and the school also has a library where the source material for such things as the recent actions in Virginia are stored. Perhaps it means something else to you.

16999518? ago

This lying faggot doesn't even know the FBI and CIA train some new employees side by side in Quantico VA because the mythical farm AFETA is much further from DC.

16986085? ago

Interesting, but I was talking about the grooming school they send the rothchilds, and other political elite to groom. I'm not sure it is the same facility.

16999521? ago

In the US it's Choate and Phillips Exeter according to the Purple Anon.

16985353? ago

Why would you think anybody on this board could be shocked by the claim that the elections are rigged?

16985340? ago

lame and boring. fuck off.

16985336? ago

This stupid faggot's thread is still up. But every thread Purple Anon started was shoah'd by jew loving Qushner mods.

16985321? ago

You know what's real? Obama blowing his professor in university. You know what's not real? Pretending to have secret information and never posting anything conclusive like documents or paperwork, voice or video recordings, hotel receipts, maybe one of those souvenir spoons old people like to buy for some reason…

16985326? ago

Funny how /pol/ never had a problem with talking about stuff like this before. Only once you got sealed indictments and hilldog lost the election and the influx of shills has this ever suddenly become a problem.

16985329? ago

We can talk sure, but cut the mysterious shit.


Is that just like the honest to god for real russian doomsday device that's out there from the cold war? Sounds pretty fucking stupid.

16984495? ago

This roleplay never seems to go anywhere. Where is the beef. Where's the meat. Where's the real stuff, where's the panama papers, where's the D.N.C emails. Where's something that blows our tops off?

Huawei showing off their folding phone knockoffs is more informative and mindbending than this shit.

17005148? ago

The meat is in making you believe that there MIGHT be some humanity left in your government so that you have 'doubts' when you need to ACT later. This is all a delay tactic because the FUCKING HELL THEY ARE PLANNING ON UNLEASHING AGAINST YOU, their fucking enemies, might I remind you based on their OWN CLASSIFICATIONS as White Males being the biggest threat in the USA (or don't you all remember when these fucks classified YOU ALL AS THE ENEMY)…Why are any of you here? Why are any of you LISTENING TO YOUR ENEMY? THESE PEOPLE ARE YOUR MORTAL ENEMIES…NOT PEOPLE WHO DESERVE YOUR PITY.

16985333? ago

This. If he's for real he's quite a mediocrity. Can't hold a candle to even one story from a Straya copper thread. Bet he's never even had to deal with cannibals.

Give us a story old man before you pass out drunk

16984490? ago

Oh look another year of tick tock Q larp bullshit from an admitted boomer. Fucking hell.

17005147? ago

IKR…did someone leave the computer on /pol/ and walk away at the old folks home or something? I mean this is beginning to be like a two or three times a day heart to fucking heart 'government agent' sob story LARP

16984492? ago

Oh look another media matters shill. How's Angelou?

16984494? ago

child rapist comes to defend his LARPing boomer butt buddy


16984496? ago

Careful, might just cost another 20 of your employees their sanity

16985331? ago

Reported for ban evasion.


Reported for being from reddit and for supporting Q-LARP.



16985334? ago

Oh my were you trying to shut it down? Try not to oy vey so hard.

16985335? ago

Everything Q-LARP said is a proven lie. Everything this drunk boomer fuck said is a proven lie. Your delusional civic nationalist bullshit has no business being here. Go back to your containment board or go back to reddit.

16985339? ago

If it's a lie, what are you scared of?

16985338? ago

They mix in true stuff but everything leaked is harmless.

The purpose of "Q-anon" is to drive people off actual conspiracies like pizzagate.

Like ACTUAL conspiracies.

Pizzagate is real as fuck and implicates politicians and other leaders so…

Trust the plan goy…


16985350? ago

Dicyanin dye let's you see astral

available in 1940

If that's the case we should be able to easily obtain the chemical formula and produce it ourselves.

16986025? ago

Okay apparently Robert Kilner made these goggles. It was based on two sheets of glass with a blue coal tar called "Dicyanin" in between. It apparently really isn't something you can buy anymore. Weird AF.

Being able to see Astral would be a huge boost to our attic wizard division.

16985345? ago

The purpose of "Q-anon" is to drive people off actual conspiracies

I haven't seen someone else with fucking common sense in months. Thank you, anon.


you want paid jewish shilling removed from your website

therefore you are afraid


YOU'RE terrified. You're so terrified that your REAL ludicrously complex and overarching conspiracy is being exposed to the goyim that you invented this Q-LARP bullshit to well poison "conspiracy theory" all over again.

16986029? ago

you want paid jewish shilling removed from your website

therefore you are afraid

<Do the shills work for them, that will show them to get off the site

16985346? ago

I like the cut o' your red text.

16984485? ago

Is it really true a bunch of moosehead canadians are going to end the world?

Never trust a Leaf. I heard the canucks were sending secret teams of psychic socialists across the world in a plot to cause chaos and anarchy for the sole purpose of destroying the world as we know it.

Any comments? The people need to know.

16984483? ago

2 quick questions. Why do you guys target those who are targeting the true evil ones?

Ethical hackers

The people you go after for ddo'sing a website, get more time in 'federal' prison, than pedophiles, rapist or murders. Why is that? And why waste time on them instead of employing them and giving them a path, inversely you destroy their lives. I mean, you obviously see they have the drive, enough to not care so long as they are stopping bad things, for free.

And secondly, what do you guys think about places like /pol/? Do you view us as a negative, or positive?

16984484? ago

You don't need him or an insider to answer that. The agencies are compromised and have been politically weaponized against patriotic Americans.

16984488? ago

It's sad

16983736? ago


16983731? ago

I would almost believe you, but the list of people turning 70 and retiring FBI might be pretty short, so the real FBI would know who is talking.

Also saying "things will happen", it's just Q-larp with a different paint coat.

16983740? ago

As far as the FISA judge goes we met at a Judicial Meeting in a part of the Country I will not mention. Think NJC. Whether the shit hits the fan we will have to see. Do believe a lot of Fisa court documents will be leaked this year. The crap with the Fisa Courts has been going on for many, many years. The shit George Bush pulled was unbelievable.

16983726? ago

Hey is it legit there is a panic in DC? If so, can you give examples?

16983725? ago

What do Comey and McCabe have to do with ordinary people? Might this be a distraction for people with no influence from things they would have influence over like their own localities?

16983723? ago

Turning 70 today

Don't doxx yourself great-grandpa.

16983722? ago

Threw my badge in the river a few days ago. Fuck them all.


16983719? ago

so why is your boot licking ass posting on this board???

16983721? ago

My guess? The over 15 months long shilling operation, ramping up because of 2020. And we are starting to see cracks on every Intelligence agency, some real leaks on boards, and just people getting fed up.

16983737? ago

No one is even remotely fed up.

16983717? ago

Lmao, look at how fucking beautiful this thread is. Started as a retiree FBI well passed the age, after that some spook popped up, and a shill, and crazy people, and subtle enough 2 spooks shifted the entire thread focus and rhetoric towards "CIA are the good guys" or some faction is.

The amount of smoke and mirrors and bs spook talk here is off the charts. I wonder why?

17074130? ago

Started as a retiree FBI well passed the age

Started as a larp, period.

17080298? ago

It seems you believe government regulations when they resonate with your framing of issues. Sad.

17108560? ago

No proof was ever posted, dumbass. If you believe everything you read on an imageboard, you need to fucking lurk more.

17108561? ago

Believe what you will. Not here to change your diaper. I can only suggest you do not shit in it.

16983715? ago

implying the FBI haven't been working with the ADL since the 40's

Kikes go on spikes, traitor.

16983708? ago

On the day of the rope you will hang high.

16983703? ago

70 year old boomer who even knows how to use an imageboard, let alone wipe his own ass

Stopped reading there. Low quality larp tbqh

16983710? ago

You better wake up to the boomer menace. They are here and they make posts.

16983699? ago

This is a larp like W. No 70 year old I know talks like this. Nice try faggot.

16983700? ago

Q i meant. Funny how that is right next to W on the QWERTY keyboard. Not a coincidence

16983695? ago

FISA Judge here. Nobody (who deserves it) is going to prison ;^)

16983713? ago

IA here, holy shit!

16983694? ago

fuck yourself and die boomer scum

16983692? ago

give specific advice to anons on how to succeed at the recruitment process, and fill the bureau with nationalists.

16983688? ago

LARPing harder than the druids

can't even LARP 2 whole lines of text

16983685? ago


wew like you could retire from glowniggers inc. in anything but a body bag

16978006? ago

turning 70

You did this you piece of shit.

16977169? ago

What are you babbling about? I am not here to consummate. I am here to catch up on sleep.

16977998? ago

I think this thread is the real thing.

16983732? ago

Why yes it is. A group within the CIA did fix the 2016 election. Do you think Trump would have run if he did not know that? In fact over 200 million in dark money was routed to his campaign from sources close to the group I mentioned. No one will ever find that money or where it went. Now that group is ass blasting folks in the political arena with what seems an out of control congressperson. Next on her agenda will be push to remove the debt ceiling so there is no gnashing of teeth by Congress as she spins the bankrupting of the Country with social programs. By 2020 Trump will be the only adult in the room as these efforts escalate. Do you folks the things that happened in Virginia were just by chance. Hell the files the CIA has on Congress are fabulous. If Booker gets ahead his hooker files come out with pictures, names, dates and all of the corruption he has been involved in with drug companies in New Jersey.

16999551? ago

I find it difficult to believe that ANYONE in the CIA could be considered “the good guys”.

16999566? ago

It may shock you to learn the CIA is not a monolithic entity. There are various factions within the agencies all competing for policy and power no different from congress. I know I am trying. America really is filled with traitors of the worst sort and every single last one of them is either a Zionist or has Zionist sympathies, I can assure you that much.

17005154? ago

First time i've seen the whole thing, geeez.

This pic is a splendid example of our elected reps when the topic of Israel comes up.

17000901? ago

Mike is that you if so tell your wife to do a Dulles on Haspel.

16989946? ago

Daily reminder this fake and gay TRUST THE PLAN FILTHY GOYIM shit stays up on the board and Purple Anon gets shoahed. Purple Anon is the only legit anon proven by all other fake anon faggots shilling against him and for trusting the plan.

trust the plan = do nothing goyim until it is too late to save yourselves.

16978002? ago

You think wrong.

16977157? ago


This is a bad larp tbh. I don't believe you're FBI op. Post a timestamp of your pay check, (censor any personal info of course) and then we'll start talking.

16977147? ago

At least now we know what happens when you have a nigger president. American exceptionalism is no protection against Africanization.

16977141? ago

Un-Retire as fast as you can. Talk to anyone who was young when you left, have them talk to anyone who was young when they left. Get in touch with veterans groups, church groups, Boy Scouts, anybody.

Al Qaeda is currently in control of every NATO national security agency, every media corporation, every major megacorporation, the banking system, the education system, and the Jewish groups that used to track them for the FBI. Donald Trump is not doing a goddamn thing about it. "Trust the Plan" is going to get us conquered. We need to move information through the men on the ground.

We've been dealing with the full combined weight of CIA, DHS, FBI, Home Office, German, French, Swedish, Netherlands, etc intelligence who are taking orders directly from Pakistan, Qatar, and from American-born AQ that our corrupt leaders put in charge of our own national security for commercial investments and campaign donations. George Soros, Jacob Rothschild, and Wolfgang Ischinger have been laundering disinformation, money, personnel, and instructions from Al Qaeda through NATO's national security agencies so that everything is done in secret as a national security project and they can justify shutting down anyone who talks about it.

Hillary Clinton set up a global Internet censorship board run by Islamists, the Rothschilds, and organized crime in exchange for campaign donations from the businessmen who funded Osama bin Laden. The money is bundled by Qatar and other Arab countries and is laundered through the International Crisis Group of George Soros and Frank Giustra, the two largest donors to the Clinton Foundation.

The Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and Jesuits have been recruiting gullible students into the Muslim Brotherhood since the 1970s by lying about Israel and Palestine. More recently John DeGioia took $300 million for his college for an "Inclusive America" project to plant Al Qaeda operatives throughout businesses to sniff out and eliminate opposition. The White House planted one at Wikipedia and had him train them on how to recognize "Islamophobia" (accurate knowledge of Islam and terrorist organizations).

Britain has been fucking us by training up anti-American hate groups that jump to join the Muslims, then using covert ops to knock out any competing businesses and politicians. Antifa (Avaaz) is organized by British intelligence with Rothchild backing.

The Alt-Right was radicalized and spotlighted to create a distraction from Muslim Nazis taking over the Democratic Party and everything else in the United States. Faiz Shakir was a Hamas recruiter. He is one of many.

For much more information, read these threads.



When Trump calls the MSM the Enemy Media, he is not exaggerating! The Washington Post hired a friend of Osama bin Laden to publish whatever bullshit his Qatari handlers fed to him. The same Qatari handlers were involved in Common Core, the 9/11 Commission, and likely the selection of Obama's Cabinet.


It's up to you old guys to let the new guys know how to identify the enemy because new recruits were barely born when 9/11 happened, they missed the investigation and the Green Quest raid, and they are not getting the information from the MSM. Hardly anyone is aware anymore that the Palestinians are a banned foreign terrorist organization because the MSM does not mention it. Every extremist group supports them. It's an easy way to ID them.





16983697? ago

alex jones level disinfo

forgot to mention aliens

16977138? ago

Another LARP thread, eh?

16977142? ago


Good. Then they know whats coming for them. Must be scary times.

16977150? ago


You are a fucking retard, there are many great people in government who don't see their jobs as just a paycheck. They carry their duty with diligence and work honestly… rather than to blame everyone in government, you can focus on specific people that did horrible things to this country. But that might be hard considering you will have to stop being so emotional and become more selective when it comes to information.

There had been many whistleblowers at FBI and many others willing to talk (regarding 911) and yet we have retards like you who think blaming everyone instead of talking to those people.


16983704? ago

cry harder nigger, your indifference is no better than outright treason

16977119? ago

Were you involved in acquiring evidence for 9/11? Like the dancing Israelis or denko mechanical?

16975364? ago

Happy Birthday and I think we are all ready for some justice soon.

16975082? ago

I'm like Q but different!

Fuck off, proof or it didn't happen

16975076? ago

+3 save pal, throw me a die

16975073? ago

Look. I don't care if you're legit or larping, but this isn't really the place to vent about investigating for the government. You should try a different board for this, dude, or maybe try over at half chan.

16975072? ago


fuck off and don't get tor disabled again nigger

16975068? ago

the bureau is a fucked up mess

we know

/pol/ is always right

16975065? ago


Oh look it's the gay community

16975061? ago

So is this board purely feds now?

17005146? ago


We're ALL fed's anons!

I'm a fed, you love me, were best friends as friends could be, with a great big hug and a kiss from Feds to you, won't you say you love Kushner too?


and just people getting fed up.

I GET IT…you are a funny one anon.


He went for the oil while Putin will get the removal of a NAZI regime on this borders.

Those aren't NAZI's you FUCKING LARPER…those are fucking NEOCons/CIA from OUR FUCKING GOVERNMENT, goddamn this BULLSHIT clogging up the threads again.

The CIA is working to get the cartels on our side and make a deal on the U.S. Border.

Goddamn son of a bitch liar, you are doing it again. The CIA is the fucking largest drug dealer ON THE GODDAMN FUCKING PLANET!! How dare you come here with this BULLSHIT and try and dupe people into thinking that there is anything but SEWAGE in that fucking swamp.

16975079? ago

Jesus fuck, someone get this civvy off my board.

16977129? ago







DnC Jew.


Race-mixing occurs naturally, at a natural glacial pace resulting a healthy cultural and a small amount of genetic drift.

When it's pushed, the Jewish prime-directive, it results in conflict. Always. Every time.

When it's pushed hard, like now, the imperative results in societal self-destruction.

16977160? ago

Suicide now, LARPer.

16977131? ago

Huh… you actually sound like an adult (not a manchild), what are you doing here?

I come here for the nostalgia (while listening to old songs even).

16977139? ago

what are you doing here?


keeping the peace

there is only peace in Valhalla

16977148? ago

And Bolivia

16977134? ago

keeping the peace

16975067? ago

I’m not a fed you’re a fed

16975063? ago


How new are you?

16975060? ago

Funny how this crap thread stays up but every single thread made by PurpleAnon or about him gets deleted.

16977152? ago

They always give it away.

16977155? ago

I hope you're talking about US citizenship

16975059? ago

Kill yourself immediatly old fat faggot

16975045? ago

16975038? ago


OP is full of shit if he is 70 he would have had to legally retire 5 years ago before any of this shit happened and Trump was just some guy with a TV show. Extremely low effort LARP to distract from Purple Anon. There are no coincidences.

16986078? ago

Extremely low effort LARP to distract from Purple Anon.

This. Fuck Kushner and his mods. Fuck Trump. Fuck jews.

16975041? ago

He said he was in a group that was more like the Men in Black, so the age doesn't matter, but he's so mad, yet proud of his "service" that he threw his badge into the river.

16975042? ago

the folks in my group generally retire when they wish. we are paid in funds that no one really sees or wants to see.

16975053? ago

This is lies and bullshit. Retirement is mandatory for all government pay grades except 3. What are those grades and what does one have to acquire and from who to keep working after the age of 70 you lying faggot?

16975046? ago

Shady bastard.

16975050? ago

well yes. Sobering up now and have to go. Good luck guys.

16975055? ago

well yes. Sobering up now and have to go. Good luck guys.

<Purple Anon has assblasted me I must run and tell Jared the shilling is not holding

16975056? ago

Yes, have to go and believe what you will, but would suggest you look at things and try to make an objective decision based on what facts you know and use intuition for the rest. That`s all you can really do. Good luck.

16975090? ago

You spent your entire life working for jews. You will never trick us into believing anything.


drunken boomer spams the board

thread left up

16975092? ago

vols are still behind a lot of the shitting up of the catalog. It's amazing the shit they go out of their way to protect.

16975087? ago

If you were really FBI you wouldn't be retarded enough to post like a normal person.

16975017? ago

Ah now we see how hard they are shilling against Purple Anon. They have been flooding this board with shilling ever since he came here to drop his truths.

16975022? ago

Meh, who the fuck is purple anon now? Heard about it the other day but didnt look into it..

16975016? ago

Q predicted this! Have a bump.

16974987? ago

Post badge / armory room / office pic or fuck off "old man"

16974996? ago

He threw his badge in the river.

16975083? ago

CIAniggers can't swim


16972904? ago

It is a criminal enterprise - like the former KGB.

16972685? ago

I'm a high level military officer stationed in New Germany, Antarctica. We broke away from the Jewish promoted "Nazis" as they were a cancer that destroyed Europe. We will begin a World War soon to reclaim White dominion over Europe, the US, Can, Aus, NZ and part of South Africa. Jews will be relocated to the middle east.

First though we will wage a quite but deadly war against anyone that is White Nationalist as they are the first and foremost propaganda tool against Whites.

17063539? ago

Hopium…thats nice. This thread needs more LARPing.

17044885? ago

how have you remained hidden for so long

16983729? ago

Ok, but why? Why wait? Why attack?

16983705? ago

First though we will wage a quite but deadly war against anyone that is White Nationalist as they are the first and foremost propaganda tool against Whites.

This. Pretty much the best way to identify kikes. Organized white power is always kosher. Remember, r/k or rabbits/wolves. Wolves are lone.

16972684? ago

16972678? ago

I don't really care about the wall. I am more interested about the lazy mexi-fucks ALREADY here…is there a plan to deport them?

16972677? ago

What are other agents saying about the illegal invaders aka immigrants crossing illegally into the US..?

16972667? ago

This is probably the most honest post on /pol/

hey Mr. Agent, I hate these faggots

I'm down to run a honey pot.

16972668? ago

:( I hate you, too!

16972665? ago

OP what do you know about pizzagate?

16972670? ago

Really do not know anything there. Seth Rich is another matter.

16972680? ago

I already said too much

continues to drop Seth Rich

I find it curious that Seth Rich suddenly is back in the spotlights. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt here, have they figured out a new approach to dismantle the SR story uncovered in 2016? If so, what is it?

16975030? ago

No it's because Purple Anon told us exactly how they did Seth Rich in a book page length post now these shills are here to deflect from Purple's truths.

16975032? ago

I haven't been keeping up with the Purple Anon threads, what was revealed by him about Seth Rich? It would explain why he's back in the picture.

16975052? ago

He said Rich was recruited by someone who posed as from wikileaks but was actually former Mossad and they killed Rich when done to cover it up. He also said police believe it was robbery gone wrong because Rich and the Mossad contact communicated for meet ups like they were talking about drugs so cops assume it was drug deal gone wrong and Rich was robbed of money.


Purple Anon said in last thread Mods deleted they are grooming AOC.

Maga5 was also proven as a Kushner shill faggot by Purple Anon. This faggot here is doing damage control for Jared's psyops.

Name the congress woman.

17040562? ago

Why the fuck would Mossad kill to get access to DNC info? They basically own the DNC. Intelligence agencies ans state actors are rational, and this bullshit purple kike narrative lacks motive.

16975057? ago

How did Wikileaks end up with the emails? Not questioning the story, as it sounded like Mossad from the start. Did the Mossad forward the emails to Wikileaks to be able to destroy Wikileaks by the end of '16?

16975075? ago

16977146? ago

Thanks, and fuck you too.

16972688? ago

Seth Rich was providing information to Wikileaks. The Russians were not responsible for what Wikileaks published. That is why Mueller is not going to press that issue because in Court it all blows up.

16974995? ago

Great, so you know what we have known for about two and a half years.

16975004? ago

Maybe what you do not know is Trump was briefed on all of this, and has known most of the truth since the Rogers visit to Trump Towers. He has held back a lot of what he knows because he truly does not want to hurt the Country. Do you know who Maga5 is?

17022333? ago

does not want to hurt the Country

You mean Israel.

17022336? ago

Nope the U.S.

16975020? ago

Interesting. Wasn't maga5 some insider connected to the Qlarp or something? Why wouldn't Trump use the SR story to his advantage? Will he at one point?

Seth deserves fucking justice.

16975039? ago

maga5 reported to Jeff Sessions. The true story on Rich is in a file in the Justice Department. From what maga5 tells me Barr has it. Imagine it is quite the read.

16975008? ago

He has held back a lot of what he knows because he truly does not want to hurt the Country.

No. He's held a lot back because if he talks about anything like that they will release the videos of him fucking and killing babies.

16975018? ago

nope, he has held back because he loves the country and is fighting in his own way. some folks think he is a fool but he is not. he is dealing with a corrupt fbi and justice department that is hard to imagine.

17080350? ago

nope, [Trump] has held back because he loves the country and is fighting in his own way.

Shit, you must be desperate Qushner.

We're not christcucks over here who are going to wait 2,000 years for god to come back with that pack of cigarettes.

Why don't you go fuck yourself and die in a fire.

16975026? ago

Um no, from what I can glean from you…even being a FBI agent you don't know jack fucking shit.

16972681? ago

The only people they are arresting are famous niggers lately.

16972687? ago

Only because they fucked up their DnC operation. Smollett definitely did not come up with this plan himself, the execution might have been up to him though. Which is why he got caught. Not that it really matters, it still got a lot of attention (and still does). Operation: success, population: more divided.

16975000? ago

I could see retard gay-fag nigger Smollet thinking the hoax up by himself. He did it and fucked it up and he got caught, like so many retard niggers before him.

16975002? ago

Perhaps. He is a faggot after all. I just think it's more likely he was at least steered in this direction.

16972675? ago

What department did you "work" in?

16972674? ago

What do you know about the CIA? Secret shit.

16972673? ago

Who runs Barter Town?

16972664? ago

Just let it go. If the FISA Judge is correct it will be public soon enough. Just disappointed in myself with the other comments. Guess as you get older the mouth runs to much. Proud of my service. Did a lot of good for the Country. I will say this. Out there there is only survivors

17046578? ago


16972671? ago

Just let it go.


Proud of my service

16972666? ago

What kind of pension you got?

16972663? ago

discord tranny larp no.2

16972650? ago

Post proof. FBI stuff, docs etc. Give us massive info dumps asshole. Also, are you aware of Purple Anon?

16972647? ago

Guys, I was a bit drunk and said too much. Have to let this go. Wish no harm to anybody. If someone is interested check the Iran connection. Very real.

16989949? ago

check the Iran connection. Very real.

<Kushner wants you to support invading Iran and so do I

16999523? ago

My point is that Strozk is an Iranian intelligence asset. One of the reasons he was so rabid to get Trump. The Iranians knew Trump would kill the Iranian Nuclear Deal. And Strozk was part of the plan to get Trump. Hell everyone was in on this shitshow, Iran, and a number of cells in both the CIA and FBI.

17063608? ago

Iran is the good guy, FBI is the house nigger for the kikes. I don't believe shit about Strzok, but if it was true, good, gets rid of more treasonous CIA commies. You fuckers could have prevented all of this, you knew about the Communists in the Roosevelt administration, and had the dirt on MLK and many others, and you let it all happen while acting as hitmen for the ADL. Your memory will not be honored, and your descendants will forever have to live with the shame of your treason.

17068990? ago

your descendants will forever have to live with the shame of your treason.

Cursing your linage for all eternity in exchange for some money and rough sex with minors


16999531? ago

Strozk is acting like a deceitful kike because he is a deceitful kike, and if anything is an Israeli intelligence asset. McFucking kill yourself.

16999535? ago

It is not all about the Jews. A lot darker.

16999555? ago

It is not all about the Jews. A lot darker.

'Jews' are a convenient foil, and they do deserve a fair amount of insult farted in their general direction for the way they would parasitically mess up others folks cultures and societies, however you are right about this: it is alot darker than just an insular anachronistic tribe with fucked up religious beliefs secretly supporting one-another for global domination… oh, wait…

It may not be 'tribal', but it's a dark as it can be.

Have you got a name for us? A single encapsulating commonality for the corrupting influence that crosses the lines of culture, race, religion? What do you call it, FBIannon?

I've called it Bafath and they are gone now. The whole scheme is running on fumes.

17022301? ago

Quality larp, knight. Communism is 95% Jewish but its not the Jews, nope.

17022295? ago


They might be gone as you say but their clones and partbreeds still roam here, do they not?

17022299? ago

Each of us humans has a spirit within us that does not tarnish, does not die, only learns.

In terms of our collective psyches, our planet is slowly evolving from under their influence. In terms of the physical forms, beauty within finds a way to express itself on the outside, too. Epigenetics makes moot our genetic engineering mistakes, however eventually we will embrace zygote trading and genetic engineering for positive purposes. As yet, this is several centuries from full fruition. Until then, the best we can is keep the peace, make sure we don't blow each up or destroy our environment… and learn.

17022304? ago

and learn

Doubtful that will save you, but it isn't my business either. You sound like a globalist.

17022307? ago


Saving is not necessary, thanks. The truth is simpler: only love is.


There will come a time when national borders melt away, to be replaced with micronations. Eventually, these too will melt away. There need be nothing forced about the process of coming to a global society. It will happen in it's own good time when people are much more open to it than we are now. Again, we are talking many centuries down the line.

Not everyone on Earth is on the same page. Some are ahead of others, and they are pushing, pushing, pushing the world too hard, too fast, leading to conflict. Some of these folks are Jewish, yes, but others are of other backgrounds.

A peaceful solution to their need for a right-now 'global society' is establishing a seed 'global' society, perhaps in certain cities around the world, which can act as a containment zone for the impassioned progressives who respect neither boundaries, nor traditions, nor peoples.

17022309? ago

Peace is not in the immediate future of the United States.

17022311? ago

Well I hope not. Seems we are in the middle of a collective mental health crisis. The media has become a monster, no doubt. When and where it will end who really knows. Maybe some fine CIA spook at area 51 could get some of the Technology out and save the world. One of the devices they are trying to reverse engineer makes food out of literally atoms. They are just rearranged somehow and there you have it.

17022318? ago

using rearranged atoms to generate matter

I haven't heard about that one in about twenty years. Wild times. Thanks anon.

17022323? ago

Yep it is some crazy stuff. Imagine a scientist would have a hoot with that stuff.

17022329? ago

The more we bring that tech-level out, the more we rearrange Earth's environment. I'm of the camp that this crop of humans is not ready for what tools we've already come up with. Overpop, overpop: we deal with that, then we can bring on the toys. (IMHO)

17022326? ago

From what I gathered they were simply puzzled by the entire system.

17022331? ago

Yep, like I said why not use this stuff for the good of mankind instead of sitting on it. Interestingly enough they have some pretty ancient stuff in there also. It seems a long time ago a library existed in the Superstition Mountains of Arizona that dates back to the time of Atlantis. A group of folks from South Africa have hidden that stuff for years. A long story. The CIA and others have located a few other sites in the southwest. Those relics including a number of copper and gold plates that are there being worked on. They were always pretty excited about this and have been after those folks from South Africa for years. Imagine a helluva a story.

17044845? ago

Those relics including a number of copper and gold plates that are there being worked on. They were always pretty excited about this


Gold deal between United States and Daesh: Mission accomplished

Deir Ezzor, SANA – A few days after reports from local sources in the Syrian al-Jazeera area about the gold deal between the United States and Daesh (ISIS) terrorist organization were published, new information emerged to confirm these reports.

Information suggest that the US occupation forces in the Syrian al-Jazeera area made a deal with Daesh terrorists, by which Washington gets tens of tons of gold that the terror organization had stolen in exchange for providing safe passage for the terrorists and their leaders from the areas in Deir Ezzor where they are located.

Information from local sources said that US army helicopters have already transported the gold bullions under cover of darkness on Sunday, before transporting them to the United States.

The sources said that tens of tons that Daesh had been keeping in their last hotbed in al-Baghouz area in Deir Ezzor countryside have been handed to the Americans, adding up to other tons of gold that Americans have found in other hideouts for Daesh, making the total amount of gold taken by the Americans to the US around 50 tons, leaving only scraps for the SDF militias that serve them.

Recently, sources said that the area where Daesh leaders and members have barricaded themselves in contains around 40 tons of gold and tens of millions of dollars which had been stolen from various areas in Syria and Iraq by the terror organization.

Eyewitness accounts had said that US army helicopters transported large boxes full of Daesh “spoils,” specifically gold, from al-Dashisha area in the southern countryside of Hasaka.


From another anon on another board

That wouldn’t be the first time that happened

Every time and every middle eastern country

It’s always the damn Gold not cash only Gold especially the old golden artifacts

I personally spoke with one of the nuns that were kidnapped in Syria she said the care that they took when they stole the golden artificats was mind boggling, she said they were professionals rapping every peice with special fabric putting them in wooden carets and stealing everything then after that they start breaking and doing shit

On camera we only see the breakage

I think there is some secret behind the ancient gold

She said in whole monetasry they had 4 unique pieces and one of them was never in public, they asked specifically about each piece. She said it felt like a bank forclosing on you and coming with a list

It’s crazy


17047495? ago

So same thing they did in Brazil and all over the world…makes you wonder if they know something you don't know (you done good pigs, getting all that Gold for them though). Honestly, at this point I wouldn't be surprised at all if the only two people who did survive were the two in the Prose Edda.

17044876? ago

Interesting. Have to say there is a lot there. Who knows?

17033705? ago

Those relics including a number of copper and gold plates that are there being worked on


I spent half a year there, @ RMS. This wasn't common knowledge. To call it a library is to inflate it abit, really. If I remember right, mostly just proof that ours was not the first go-round.


Not sure what you are referencing but the general outline of the story goes back to the existence of a Roman Colony named Calalus that existed in the Phoenix area a long time ago.


Some proof of Romans found in Phoenix, and of course in Tucson. Hadn't known the name of the colony.

Gold plates and a pre-Columbian White colony in the Americas?

So, the Judaic-Mormon (Nephite) story you stupid niggers?

Try harder or go away.

Btw, true or not, an apocalyptic self-destruct mechanism in-place for the USA not getting its way in a war reeks of Judaic apocalyptic temper tantrum.

In fact, the Jews have 221 years by their clock to bring an apocalypse. If they see the USA as central to that effort, then a fail-safe everyone-dies mechanism makes sense.

In fact, its the only way that it makes sense. Non-religious people, not on a deadline for their utopia, don't threaten to destroy the world because they lose the hegemony that is destined to wax and wane throughout human history.

Tell us again how you aren't a philo-Semitic shill.

17022341? ago

I spent half a year there, @ RMS. This wasn't common knowledge. To call it a library is to inflate it abit, really. If I remember right, mostly just proof that ours was not the first go-round.

17022344? ago

Not sure what you are referencing but the general outline of the story goes back to the existence of a Roman Colony named Calalus that existed in the Phoenix area a long time ago. These folks came here based on information that was glemmed from the unpublished portions of Plato`s Critias, that describes an ancient mining operation in the Superstitions dating backing to the time of Atlantis. Apparently the library was just a run of the mill library used by the miners and others. What they found in that library is staggering to say the least, and the survivors of Calalus have protected in ever since. Like to know what they have.

17022347? ago

That's a somewhat different story from what I heard, but I recognize the tale. The Superstitions were well-named.

Some proof of Romans found in Phoenix, and of course in Tucson. Hadn't known the name of the colony.


Unfortunately relaying more on this would dox meself.

17032682? ago

imagine it is a helluva of a tale and from what the spooks have squirreled away they seem to think it is important.

17039753? ago


Went n' talked with a friend who has more files on things than even I do. He was also unaware of a break-away Roman-South African group studying Atlantean technology. Have you any more info on this? It's quite a rumor to start, and given the state of things there, difficult or impossible to verify.


You're shitting up the thread with your verbal abuse. Miss sweetness and light, why don't you take your attitude elsewhere? Don't bother responding: you're filtered.

17040566? ago

Shut up retarded globalist prick.

17032686? ago

Earth's history comprises our most closely guarded secrets, but personally I think the evolution of humanity is more important.

17032690? ago

From what the spook shared with me at area 51 the history that they are reconstructing shows clearly that the Ancients were ahead of us possessing technology that they really haven`t figured out. Seems that is why they are after the South Africans who have everything. Somehow Tesla is the door going both ways. It seems evolution is not what it is made out to be. Guess the question is can folks get back to where they were and yet not destroy the planet.

17065926? ago

It seems evolution is not what it is made out to be.

Give me the redpill on evolution. I am deeply interested in alternative theories of evolution.

17046576? ago


Any relation to the Phoenix Lights?


I was out walking near the airport/river that night. Heard some interesting sounds in the wind, and some unexplainable electrical effects. Never have figured out what it really was.

17032714? ago

You know OP, I think I saw some of your neighbors 'hanging out' in my neck of the woods today. They fit right in, didn't stick out at all (I mean not in the slightest, would be similar in your town as well)…big Russian mean looking mother fuckers/adidas tracksuit guys with shaved heads, the only people outside at an outdoor cafe enjoying the 'balmy weather' in my hometown. I nicknamed them Ivan and Ivandu when I walked by them. Both so far from home, yet obviously 'not together' enjoying the coffee and weather or chit chatting. Separate, sullen, calculating. Sound like your people?

17032691? ago

Evolution, the natural law, is a cold mistress. It cares not which way we go. We can get back, and surpass where we were. I think we will, in this iteration of humanity, but I'm optimistic. Anyway, we've got about 2000 yrs. before our star grows too dangerous for us to live here anymore. Time enough to make a few mistakes and still stay on track, though just barely.

17022346? ago

Hi I'm CIA and let me tell you some reasonable things

397 posts later…

So yeah ancient romans lived in arizona and mined for shit for atlantis or something and we have UFO technology


17032681? ago

Not sure what your clearance level is, but what I described was and still is. Look I am out of all of that now, but yea it is true.

17022317? ago

fine CIA spook


Also, oxymoron.

17022327? ago

CIA folks are not all crazy. But they are generally off the reservation. The trouble is you can`t really tell and most of them have so much money stash all over the world they can do pretty much what they want.

17022308? ago

That photo looks like a soulless corporate hell on Earth. But I suppose you have to put your animals somewhere. lol

17022290? ago

An incredible post. One that kept me up late last night. The name I would use to describe much of all of this is the stupidity of not understanding how fragile our world is and simply see what has always been right in front of us. Treat others as we would be treated. Love each other and love our children so this earth can be a place of peace and prosperity.

17124315? ago

The name I would use to describe much of all of this is the stupidity of not understanding how fragile our world is and simply see what has always been right in front of us. Treat others as we would be treated. Love each other and love our children so this earth can be a place of peace and prosperity.

What wisdom can be found in this thread, beyond the important details, can be found right here.

17132081? ago

I suspect that one of two realities will win out. Either the whole thing goes up in smoke or somehow the world gets in right. I do not think we have long. Too many crazy folks running things, and take my word at lest 25% of the deep state is totally unhinged, and just waiting to push the button to see what happens. Imagine a lot of Dr. Strangelove`s running wild. Sometimes I have thought about getting the hell out and with a group of friends making our way to where the German u-boats made there way under the ice in WW2 to sites and waters that are underground in Antartica. Whatever is in there is open to conjecture but imagine there very well maybe something special.

16999540? ago

it's not the Jews

and that ladies and gentlemen, is the proper ending to a shitty LARP thread.

16999538? ago

It is not all about the Jews.


A lot darker.

Mega lol

16999542? ago

Look the Chinese have a long term goal of defanging the United States. Part of that plan involves Alaska. Who made a special trip to Alaska on their way home to China and why. China knows they are creating an environmental disaster in their home country. Think Soylent Green. In twenty years unless they expand they will be eating each other.

17039750? ago


16999544? ago

I am not a Qlarping boomer, and you cannot entice me down a rabbithole to nowhere with this type of prose. And if you don't already know that the Jews and the Chinks are inexorably connected with each other and have been for centuries, then you're a retard.

16999546? ago

Well if you have all the answers then good for you.

16999528? ago

My point is that Strozk is an Iranian intelligence asset

I am a kike chabad shill for Kushner

16984498? ago

If someone is interested check the Iran connection. Very real.

also very well known. you didn't provide any new info.

16983683? ago

drunk in the morning

Well, at least that part checks out.

16978001? ago


Really? Why are you proud of destroying a glorious Persian culture by assisting the US and instating islam - helping to destroy a once great nation?

16975080? ago

16972661? ago

Stay drunk and post secrets. We won't tell anyone, it's not like it will EVER go anywhere.

16972659? ago



16972657? ago

This is an interesting approach, but it doesn't prove anything. Why should we believe you?

16972653? ago

Epic LARP faggot, atleast provide something other than "dude trust me".

you got any images to share?

16972646? ago

I currently dont buy this 100 but am lurking.

Post stories from fbi days and we will read.

If stories are shown to he likely true or they are compelling, this will be archived and saved forever.

16972642? ago

A FISA Judge I know, had lunch with yesterday

still got those covering your tracks skills I see

16972638? ago

You really embarrassed yourself today, OP.

16972636? ago

hahahahahaha are you fucking serious qushner

im an insider i swear

anyways, fuck iran amirite

17032693? ago


Fuck Iran. Bomb them for Isreal.


16972635? ago

Sorry did not mean that. Just upset. They should only be put in jail.

16972643? ago

You are a traitor, then.

16972633? ago

how many cakes have you eaten like the one served to jodie foster in silence of the lambs?

16972631? ago

This is the worst quality LARP I've ever seen in my life.

Also the OP had better be behind a VPN because Chodemonkey is required by law to turn in this obvious threat to a federal agent like James Comey. He's known for doing this, and 8ch helps prosecute people all the time.

16972645? ago

in other country

required by law

Fuck no he's not.

16975049? ago

This website is hosted in California you moron and Chodemonkey has 100% turned in anons before

16972628? ago

What do you know about UFOs

16972627? ago

No one would be stupid enough to throw away a magic talisman yhat grants so much to its owner.

Certainly no 70 year old would still have that drive to be introspective.

LARP fail, should have been a 34 year old burned out agent.

16972641? ago

Retired folks don't have a real badge. Some memorial badge perhaps, as a thank you for your service. .

Or at least that would be how it worked in some functional country.

16972624? ago

haha I shidded and farded

16972626? ago

Best post itt

16972619? ago

Will say one thing I want to get off my chest. Fuck them if this gets back to me. Worked with Strozek on several cases and know that mother fucker is an Iranian spy. Several Americans were killed in Iran because of the piece of shit. Check out his family and his time in Tehran.

17080321? ago

I ran across some info on Strzok's father a while back and wondered about that. There's certainly basis for giving them the hairy eyeball.

17040557? ago

Kike confirmed!

17005169? ago

Several Americans were killed in Iran

good. Iran is a nationalist country, unlike the jew-controlled USGay


I was risking my life for this country

implying anybody in the FBI or any intelligence agency has ever done anything to benefit their country

fuck off and die, boomer scum

16977136? ago

I knew my colleague was a national security threat and I obviously didn't do anything about it because I'm still alive and not suicided

larp/10 confirmed

16975093? ago

Just for shits n grins, I'm gonna assume you are whom you say you are, FBIannon.


I wouldn't know about foreign spies in the US. Why are Chinese, Iranians, Jews, Turks, etc. ad nauseum, why are all these people here, anyway? As long as we keep the peace with them, and they keep the peace with us, as long each of stays in our respective sandbox, we can all live happily ever after.


Nice to see coarseness isn't lost among the educated.


Again, I wish no harm to Iranians. Their Nation has existed for thousands of years without attacking anyone. The only reason I can think to poke at them with a sharp stick is because Pissrael tells us to. You're gonna have to do ALOT more convincing, Russia!!!-tier, to convince me otherwise.


FISA courts judges have proven themselves to be as easily (((swayed))) as anyone else, which in itself is disturbing. They were supposed to be impeccable.

The dog-eat-dog culture around the Beltway is a function of its diversity…


You should know about pizza. Ted Gunderson wasn't just whistling Dixie.


Seth Rich was a key minor figure,. The Dossier started on 4/pol/, a trolling of Rick Wilson, about which the FBI and Faux News, and a host of others have all been thoroughly informed.


We didn't know, but strongly suspected it. It just makes sense.


Trump lost most of his support on 8/pol/ when he signed the amnesty bill (temporary though it may be). If he wants to regain that support… he needs to put America first, not the genocidal Jewish race-mixing agenda. This is the single biggest issue facing America in our time, and it will be decided, somehow. At best it's decided with words and memes, at worst, a whole lot bloodier. The only certainty is that it will be decided.


The CIA is not a monolithic entity, but in general, yes they've gone completely off the reservation, and are attempting to wag the dog. They are not making any friends, sad to say.



Spy stuff. Wouldn't know. From where I sit, this is just conjecture.



Don't drink so much, pls. We are all connected. When one of us falls, we all do. That why SIG threads are always popping up here.

The Nation has friends and resources it has not yet tapped. But in order for us to call upon that, we gotta expand our horizons. It'd be nice to not have to go through a civil war just to figure that out.

16977151? ago

Well I am a bit more un-drunk now but am planning to re-engage fairly soon. God I love margaritas with salt around the rim and a splash of orange juice. Little bar in Downieville, California got me drunk years ago after a wonderful steak. Anyway your questions are impressive and I will suggest your consider a few things that if you understood will help you understand the last few years. First, Seth Rich and the young lady in Congress are both CIA Agents and were activated about the same time. Second the election of 2016 was rigged by a group in the CIA, off the reservation, just as our congresswomens election was rigged. Votes were switched and the desired results were well there. There was always a key to this work in 2016. That being the wide divergent results between early voting and the final results. The early voting was correct and this group swung into action working the voting machines in Michigan, PA. Wisconsin was just well a happening. There was and still is a group in the CIA that knew Oboma, Clinton, leadership in the CIA and FBI were traitors and acted accordingly. Clinton actual won the election, but hell destroying these traitors were more important than an election. Trump was recruited into the CIA, white hats, in the 80s. Come to grips with that, the discrepancy between early vote counts in 2 swing states, and the activites of Seth Rich, and the new congressperson, and a plot of monumental complexity comes into focus. Keep in mind how corrupt the FBI was. Did you know those assholes at the top were tapping everyone around Donald Trump and his family. In fact Ivanka Trump was planning a baby shower that was picked up by taps and in a meeting at the White House Oboma laughed at the recording along with Susan Rice. These guys were so nuts they thought they could get away with anything. Rogers knew that and is an American hero. He was Trumps contact in the deep state for many years. Well that takes care of 2016. Imagine 2020 will be a hoot. All I want now is to get away from this whole pile of shit. A wonderful little place to escape is Jarbridge, Nevada. Far off the beaten track and a number of spooks to share stories with. So long and stay safe.

16986599? ago

Clinton actual won the election

Found the evidence of LARP. Trump won popular vote by 20mil.

16983707? ago

There was and still is a group in the CIA that knew Oboma, Clinton, leadership in the CIA and FBI were traitors and acted accordingly.

Come to Mass this weekend and meet friends. We're still here.

16983684? ago

So Purple Anon was telling the truth about Mossad killing Seth Rich thanks for confirming that with this pathetic shill attempt Moishe.

16977165? ago

Second the election of 2016 was rigged by a group in the CIA,

Military Intelligence, liar.

Trump then stabbed them in the back.

16983712? ago

Coulter is taking cash from Romney and LDS child smuggling operations, BTW.

16983714? ago

Further proof the faggot FBI shill is part of the Qushner Op he even has Qfags in here shilling for this. Purple Anon is the way and the truth shills btfo.

16983711? ago

Military Intelligence, liar.

MI6 is CIA so technically he's correct. Mossad too. Prefidious Albion owns everything.

Trump then stabbed them in the back.

He didn't fuck Cord Meyer's wife and I see he's still alive. Hmm, I'd have to say what is NO Alex.

16983682? ago




Ann Coulter


Drag Queen.

16983687? ago


Are we still doing this grade school bullshit?

16983689? ago

  1. It's a man

  2. It dated that nigger for at least a year.

17067495? ago


17063579? ago

She's a NY society lipstick lesbian and that bankrupt old nigger tv comedian is hired dirt cheap to

  1. act as her beard

  2. act as a barrier to charges of racism.

17063581? ago

IDK looks more like a Xeno to me than a man…look at that fucking neck…major xeno right their.

16983686? ago


16983696? ago

/trannypol/ with a collection of STDs on permanent psychiatric medication that was abused as a child

16977161? ago

It's hard to see the bigger picture when you so many details. Most people, even here in this crazy boxing ring, are good people deep-down. But some try to eradicate every last vestige of goodness within themselves, not that that's possible. The bigger picture involves a world slowly waking up to their stewardship, slowly moving in a new direction. But at this late hour, we have challenges far beyond what we can handle: overpop, resource competition, corruption, lack of vision. Near-term should be a century, and long-term more than a millennium. The details, connecting the dots one-to-one, provides certainty, but the horizon is immediate.

Maybe when you fully retire, you will cogitate on a broader scale, fueled by watermelon margaritas. Peace ; )

16977163? ago

Peace to you and god bless. The days are short.

16983738? ago


As long as nukes aren't used, we will recover.

If the nukes get out, then…

The only exception to this is 99942Apophis.

16977167? ago

Yours are, you boomer piece of shit. That's why you're trying to get what little recognition you can from retards here who will fall for your hoax so that "at least someone remembered me when I died", unlike your worthless oil driller son.

16977123? ago

What's your opinion on DACAryans?

16977120? ago

You will never be white.

16975028? ago

Several Americans were killed in Iran because of the piece of shit. Check out his family and his time in Tehran.

Shilling for war with Iran; you are a Qushner bot that is you.

16972682? ago

can't spell co-worker's surname.

writes like a brainlet.

Shit LARP, or you're a fucking retard.

17080325? ago

Who the fuck can spell Strzok? Except me, of course; I'm perfect.

16974992? ago

not sure if you are referencing me, but yes my spelling has gone to shit. at 70 and a bit drunk does that.

16974993? ago

wtf faggot, I've asked you a million questions and you respond to some bullshit??

16974998? ago

Sorry, what are you interested in?

16975001? ago

Go up and read them.

16975007? ago

Why don`t you start over.

16975013? ago

Ok, what do you know about the CIA? Is there a plan to deport the mexicans ALREADY within the country? What department did you "work" in? Let's see if you can answer those 3 questions.

16975031? ago

The CIA. Hate to say it but they are more screwed up than the FBI. They are so deep in the woods, they do not want to come home. The CIA is working now on a certain congressperson and using her to well do things that will change the political cllimate. She is doing a great job. As far as mexicans go, nothing on illegals, but illegals yes. not just the ones here illegal. the democrats have been using the illegals for votes for years, it is going to blow up on them. expect a lot on this if trump is re-elected. my department? not to brag but it never was on any organization chart. my group was well behind it.

16975036? ago

Name the congress woman.

16975048? ago

Really do not want to blow that operation up. I am enjoying it too much. Sorry. This person did go to a college that is a honey pot for the CIA and folks think she is a complete idiot. She is not. All of her narratives are provided by the CIA.

16975070? ago

This person did go to a college that is a honey pot for the CIA and folks think she is a complete idiot.

Washington state univershitty?

16972639? ago

Worked with Strozek on several cases and know that mother fucker is an Iranian spy

So are you pro Trumpenstein?

I was risking my life for this country when you still sucking your mother`s dick.

You might have done this, but you are like the Russians that risked their life for the Soviet Union before communism fell.

16972618? ago

Do the world a favor and take a permanent swim with your badge you fucking leech.

16977159? ago

anon is right. you should have killed yourself over a decade ago. everything fucked up in America right now is at least 50% the fault of the FBI. America right now is YOUR fault cuck. all because of FBI faggots dereliction of duty allowing this country to swirl down the shitter for too many years. you say you're 70, which means you probably joined the shitty treachereous Bureau around 1973, which means you entered just as J Edgar Hoover exited. do you see how you personally fucked America by being a moron? you had the opportunity to fill in the shadow of a Great Man like Hoover, but instead you did the opposite of what Hoover would have done. Hoover personally held this country together for over 50 years by fighting dirty against the Communist Menace and the Anarchist Menace. Hoover also hated kikes, niggers, gooks, spics, Atheists and most importantly of all, Hoover hated the CIA, because he saw straight through those phony Glow in the Dark closeted Bolsheviks since day one in 1947. Hoover knew CIA was moled up by Soviet spies and he rightful distrusted Langley across the board.

you may have failed America in your pathetic career as a G-man, but there is one way you could save your non-existent legacy from blowing in the wind. at the next retired FBI agent's reunion, you need to kill as many of them as you can. use explosive ideally and take out hundreds of FBI traitors. if you can't do that, then at least pack an M134 Minigun in your trunk, and lug that bitch into the ballroom and mow down as many Special Agents as possible and don't stop until they are all dead or until they shoot you.

as for your humble brag about lunching with a FISA judge, you should assassinate him too. speed stab him in the neck repeatedly with your dinner fork like a prison shank when the second course is laid on the table. FISA is just a meaningless rubber stamp, a hollow token to jangle before the public to trick them into thinking there is any oversight and that any rules are being followed in bulk unselected population scale surveillance, when in fact EO12333 meants nobody in FBICIANSA ever needs to tell FISA jack shit about them spying on everyone and everything.

16972620? ago

Well just fuck you too, you worthless piece of shit.

16983727? ago

FBI bro, relax, those are shills. We have been hit HARD by them since the first FBI anon and Q. They are paid to be on here 24/7 to attempt to discredit and silence.

Notice how you didn't give enough info in your first post to discern if you were a larp. Yet they quickly moved to "shut you down" which is classic jew/jidf tactic. Ignore them and simply discuss with those who are asking questions. Lots of anons are on here lurking and viewing your posts in real time without saying anything and observing.

Again only respond to those who are asking you legit questions. Ignore the jews.

16983733? ago

Sorry sometimes I have to pull it back a bit. These are probably the most dangerous time in our Country`s history. Without a good war from time to time the whole damn thing becomes corrupt.

16983744? ago

I agree. We were on the brink in 2016, and it was almost go time for a lot of people had a certain bitch won the election. So we are kind of in the shit now, yes, but it is on a downslope in regard to how fucked we are.

I was curious if you could expand upon the supposed DC panic. Give your experience with how people are acting there even if they aren't making conversation and are distrustful of everyone.

16983742? ago

Do you really think anyone is going to believe you without any evidence and knowing that everyone at every alphabet agency is literally a traitor to the republic? Kill yourself. Now.

These are probably the most dangerous time in our Country`s history.


Whether the shit hits the fan we will have to see.

Fun fact: No.

16983743? ago

Tell you what I will give you something you can check out. The shit in Venezuela was planned a while back by Putin and Trump. At their last meeting a deal was struck where we get Venezuela while Putin gets to fuck the Ukranians. Trump made a good deal. He went for the oil while Putin will get the removal of a NAZI regime on this borders. Beginning in the next few days, the CIA is going to ratchet things up in Venezuela with a number of military folks switching sides. The money they have is well incredible. A lot of the shit show in Venezuela is about the drug cartels. The CIA is working to get the cartels on our side and make a deal on the U.S. Border. Those boys make out and they will help keep the border safe for everyone.

17039747? ago

fuck boomers

17039749? ago

Sage the thread.

16986084? ago

you're a larping idiot. Do you know where you are boy? You can't pull a larp off here as ignorant as you are.

16986086? ago

To each his own. Really don`t care what you believe. At this point in life I am on the sideline making my way to a good bar, and someone to share war stories with. Not my fight anymore.

16986088? ago

And btw, thanks, have a drink for me! Cheers!

16986588? ago

Answer. Now. >>12844446


16986087? ago

Don't feed the trolls anon.

16986089? ago

Good point. Have a good evening and stay safe. You know one thing I regret is living this long and having seen basically politeness go by the wayside.

16986577? ago

You too. Have a good one.

Btw it's all by design, but their fatal flaw is they are fucking idiots who wanted to kill the goose that laid the golden egg. That shit is going to be ended.

16984493? ago

planned a while back by Putin and Trump

Shabbos goyim don't plan anything. We know you're a liar.

Trump made a good deal. He went for the oil while Putin will get the removal of a NAZI regime on this borders.


a number of military folks switching sides

There are no sides. There's the neocon jews in the US and the communist jews in Venezuela.

16984499? ago

Shabbos goyim don't plan anything. We know you're a liar.

See THIS is how you shill the right way sharia blew. You make us fucking laugh doing it. If you are going to get paid to betray the country for a few shekles, at least make it entertaining for us so we kinda miss you a bit when you are about to take the fast drop with the short stop.

16984486? ago

You're a piece of shit.

How the fuck can you look at that and think any of it is right?

See that's the problem people have with you bastards, you're all self righteous.

I hope you live to see what's coming, if you're truly deep down such an awful person as you seem to me now you'll cringe and winge and hopefully get yours.

16985323? ago

I would not deny unsound things have been done. But a lot of good has happened also. You cannot even believe how well fucked up things are. Let me illustrate. One of the fears of the deep state is a military defeat of the U.S. that will change the world. To prevent such a thing from happening about 10 years ago project Damocles was authorized by the President and has been continued since that time. The project involves the targeting of The Yellowstone Caldera with multiple Nuclear Weapons. These weapons are stored near Yellowstone and can be activated with the approval of the President. The triggering of these weapons will trigger a massive volcanic eruption and will destroy life on this planet as we know it. Real sick shit. I might add the critical functions of the government needed to start over have been set up in a remote area of N.Y. state.

17032701? ago

I might add the critical functions of the government needed to start over have been set up in a remote area of N.Y.

Well that's fantastic. You realize we call it Jew York for a reason right? You all got played hard thinking that you all had a back up plan like that. Goddamn D.C. completely gave the kikes a way to completely take over by simply wiping out the U.S. via Yellowstone. Who do you think thinks up a plan that retarded? It sure wasnt a red blooded American Patriot. When are you all going to realize your crook nose buddies are the ones with the knife at your thoat and they are going to have you suck their cock before slicing?!

Why you think Kushner was able to marry a hottie like Ivanka Trump instead of Brad Pitt or an utter Chad Alpha? That dumb twig is about as genetically inferior as Chunk from the Goonies. So they are hiding by banging hot American rich women. Please alert your DC contacts that there is a reason they should consider not being cucks to jew agents.

17000894? ago

this is some ben fulford tier nonsense.

16989950? ago

Geologist here and you can't cause an eruption of the caldera with nuclear weapons. That is almost as retarded as your TRUST KUSHNER'S PLAN FILTHY GOYIM psyop you are trying to run here.

16999522? ago

Believe you are wrong. The Technology is there to make it down to the molten rock. Seems the key element is the triggering of earthquakes in a fashion that will crack it like a egg. Cant say I bring your understanding of Geology to the table, but having spent time involved with other projects involving certain Caldera Complexes the science seems to work. The original research was based on studies of the both the Goldfield, Nevada caldera and several others. In fact a small nuclear explosion was triggered at an ancient volcanic plug in Nevada to see the impact of delayed explosions in a pattern to crack the overlaying surface. The test I am familiar with cracked a surface area down to a distance of about 3 miles. Given the power of the weapons involved it will work. Keep in mind Yellowstone is it seems about 200 by 300 miles and you dont have to blow the whole thing just find a significant zone of weakness, say beneath Yellowstone lake and open it up. Mother nature will do the rest.

17005152? ago

R I G H T…but knowing this you are planning on going straight into the hot zone to retire…not someplace that you aren't going to die a death of crispily fried spook but right into the calderas hot zone…ummmhmmm


I know there everyone in DC are jewish bastards

How come they couldn't have put the same 'nuke' that they used around the caldera around D.C.? That would have been a good use of taxpayer funds.


Twenty years? No LARPer in less than 3, what do you think the road they built was for if not the obliteration, destruction and invasion of other nations when their own food supply runs out. Also the bug people are eyebrow deep with the bug people. FUCK THEM BOTH…shitty asswhipes.


It is almost like, you fucking glownigger, that you are not aware that the whole point of destroying Europe with subhuman FILTH was to position the jew/bug people as the last bastion of manufacturing.

17005157? ago

Well like I said Jarbridge is a neat little town, and a number of glow niggers and ex-FBI folks, mostly nuts, in the surrounding area. You could do a lot worse and all I need is about 10 years anyway. If the shit hits the fan, there is a good bar there, the Red Dog Saloon, where most of the spooks, native americans and drunks hang out. Great people. Should not say this but what the hell, even a few Russian spooks hiding there from their own government. Never fuck with anyone from Jarbridge. Look the technology to tourch a caldera complex was developed by a research group in the CIA years ago. Don`t think Yellowstone is the only one that has been wired.

17022345? ago

70 year old man saying glow niggers

just stop already

16999527? ago

Now FBI Qushner larp fag is also a geologist imagine my shock. KYS you kike faggot.

16999529? ago

Deal with specifics or join the democrats and enroll in your specific victim group.

16985328? ago

Yeah I know about this, and this is why instead of playing fucking games why doesn't Trump just smash the house of cards and sacrifice himself for the greater good?

I know why he's so tight laced, why he sells out, he needs to stop. Appeasement. Never Works.

And you know it's bad when a nazi has to tell you that.

No matter how many little victories are pulled there won't be a real one unless he goes M.A.D.


Let me give you a glass half empty prediction for the second term if he makes it, more of the same and we lose.

16985330? ago

Trump has already won. The losers are dead men walking. They just do not know it yet. They will.

16985332? ago

Other way around otherwise they would have gone nuclear already.

Just because you were up there in the office doesn't mean you know much. Doesn't mean I know much neither since I'm not even there but what's going on is plain to see.

The only way shit's gonna be pulled is by individuals saying enough and pulling together and it will happen. It won't be Trump neither.

It won't be any dirty politician nor businessman. It'll be top down but only in the sense of willpower, the elite of the age to come will be noone you've ever heard of.

16975077? ago

You have two options fuckstain. Dump everything you have and can get your hands on or eat a fucking bullet for being a traitor to this nation.

16972616? ago

low effort larp

16972621? ago

not a larp, I was risking my life for this country when you still sucking your mother`s dick.

17044839? ago

Then go back to sucking circumcised yid dicks.

17019069? ago

Ok, definitely a larp. Nice try trickster but you fail to understand the workings of people. Your inferior Fe is showing faggot.

16999520? ago

not a larp, I was risking my life for israel when you still sucking your mother`s dick.

Fixed. If not a larp, kill yourself. Do you have any idea the mess youv'e helped make? You make me sick.

17046577? ago

Both just look like rape victims with severe trauma

16986579? ago

This is the state of 2019 /pol/ and I don't particularly hate it.

17063542? ago

checking for the blessed Chuck's sake

17080339? ago


Gonna have to check them digits in the LARP bread

16975091? ago

you never risked your life

you did it for a pension/paycheck

some of us are older dumb boomer cuck

this is a larp

16975088? ago

Vulgar boomer insults/shitty comebacks. At least that part checks out

16975078? ago

How can we find Our Goys on the inside? Is there any proud Aryans remaining inside? Is the nation lost?

16977154? ago


proud Aryans

it doesn't work like that

16975025? ago

sure thing no lifer

go get something worthwhile of a life you faggot

stop larping, get in the real world

16972629? ago

No, you were always a puppet and servant of Israel. You risked nothing for whites, ever.

16977124? ago

69 nine of truth

16977126? ago

Don't be a nigger.

16977128? ago

bbut I am a nigger