16838870? ago

I love Trump.

16825287? ago

winning bigly my fellow civnat shitlords

16825286? ago

Why didn't Trump sign the 38 billion passed by Congress last year that Obama had promised israel?

16838868? ago

Because he did, you subhuman faggot.

16824234? ago

It's only $200 million, barely noticeable. You could barely buy a beachside hotel in Tel Aviv with that.

Mike Pence seems to realize what a pittance this is, so he's telling the EU that they should withdraw from the Iran deal.

U.S. Vice President Mike Pence pressed European countries on Saturday to withdraw from a nuclear deal between Iran and major powers


Of course, these nations are very anti-Semitic, unlike the United States and President Donald Trump, so we'll see.

16825282? ago

Sounds like you need to hang yourself I'm afraid

16822197? ago

Will Israel burn when the dollar crashes?

16824233? ago

No. They convert a lot of those dollars into different currencies. I would guess that Chinese and Russian money is top on their list, along with their own shekel

16822196? ago

Wew you cant make this shit up.

16822195? ago

Bump :)

16822188? ago

This board is now full of multiple divide and conquer shill strategies. Like half the threads are just paid shills. Garbage. Where did all the real users go?

16822189? ago

That's how the global elite's frames are forcememed.

This is literally the truth: they don't care what you argue about or whether you're a magatard or a libshit. They sincerely don't give a fuck if the plebs lean toward one side or the other, AS LONG AS you're talking about and are being emotionally moved by [insert kike frame here] then it means more money, attention, and control for them.

Plus, if things get too dicey they can just re-brainwash you via reaction-formation, changing your love or hate into the opposite feeling or atleast neutralizing it using the media or false-flags or even with MkUltra derivatives if it's that bad. Again, for them, as long as you are participating in the game and keep being a good goy who is atleast sharing your fee-fees online and providing intel in that way then it's all gravy.

16822185? ago

So? Better than Hillary.

16838867? ago




You never had a choice.

16822182? ago

im ready for valhalla

16821933? ago

>posting thumbnails

16817757? ago

We are israel's personal ATM, apparently.

16811064? ago

Look at the bright side of things, as everything continues to deteriorate, the people who think they are "winning" are going suffer significantly. This isn't "fuck the right", it's "fuck the world". Just knowing how much they will suffer as a result of their actions really does give me a karmic kek.

16838873? ago

Just knowing how much they will suffer as a result of their actions really does give me a karmic kek.

Same. So long as people are prepared for whats to come, anons can eat popcorn and enjoy the show.

16811062? ago

It is really weimar today

16811055? ago

millions of Americans dying of drug use

millions of Americans are homeless on the streets

millions of Americans are going bankrupt from medical bills

tens of thousands of US Vets are homeless or committing suicide from a lack of a support system

infrastructure across the country is showing its age and beginning to fail



congress agrees unanimously

they begin to clap

its being broadcasted on live TV

the entire nation begins to clap for Israel

clapping intensifies as clapping gains momentum across the country

richter scales across the globe start going wild


clapping intensifies even further

volcanoes begin erupting due to the intense shockwaves being sent through the Earth from the clapping

the thickest glass panes shatter with ease from the immense pressure being emitted from clapping

people's ears begin to pop with such force they blackout and end up going deaf

clapping begins to die down as more and more people blackout

everyone is now deaf in the entire country

realize the need of a new sign language sign for giving money to Israel

pic related

16822192? ago

It's not even a joking matter at this point. Our energy is being siphoned away by termites. And nobody wants to get rid of them.

16811049? ago

Kushner Mods Are Deleting Trump Criticism Threads

Remember this thread? This is him now. Feel censored yet?

16811051? ago

still have it open

16811050? ago

Might be due to repeated threads. There's a bunch up right now. They were banning trumpnigger spammers yesterday for shitting up the board.

16811052? ago

When you delete a thread with 250 replies, you're not just deleting the OP, you're deleting everyone who posted in that thread. All of my posts are gone.


Nice. Can you archive?

16811048? ago

Anyone have specifics as to what the kikes are actually getting? The bill should be online now, right?

16838866? ago


16811047? ago

it's a "JIDF foments D&C kikery" thread disguised as a discussion in yidsrael milking money

16806139? ago

They are always doing that to empower and raise Israel up when all Israel does is its spits down and demeans other countries in its area.

16805818? ago

Israel has needs too!

16804729? ago


16803122? ago

That's some pretty solid cucking for a country that has guns. When's the revolution going to start America?

16803115? ago

Bow down, goytards, us jews will take whatever the fuck we want

16803087? ago

why doesn't 'Big Jew' pay for this? Where is Facebook and Google?

16803025? ago

I say send the kikes all the shekels and weapons they need, then let them fight the snackbars by them selves. Surely they'll be fine?

16803010? ago

Read news about emergency

<Oh looks like Trumpstein has finally decided to build the wall

Slips in extra funding for Israel

Imagine my shock

16802169? ago

Insanity. Now do you see?

16801354? ago

https://archive.ph/fOAmT :

AIPAC on Twitter: "Congress has included important provisions in the new spending bill to support Israel's security and promote the U.S.-Israel relationship.

Read our statement here: t.co/UMRwLCaSCo… t.co/XXTOGgPxik"

This has been an automated message.

16801248? ago


16801245? ago

I am realy tired of winning.


Americans can only dream to be at least at level of Sweden. USA have only one purpose. To spread jewish influence around world. They already replaced you with spics and niggers but you still talk about muh guns.

USA is literally the entire reason the word rapefugee even exists. You fight to death for Israel. You created this mess in middle east. Your Hollywood stream jewish poison to every TV on this sad planet. Your pro white president loves jews more than white people.

16801234? ago

it's juust f-four dee chess g-guys

16801229? ago

Trumps arrived.

16801225? ago

Why not just let these guys pay for Israel. They ride around in Lamborghini's and eat non-lab grown caviar for breakfast.

16801221? ago

<Congress is now three times more Jewish than America

If you expected Congress to do anything good for their country of current-residence then you're smoking fentanyl.

16801188? ago

Israel's wall needs reinforcing. Where else are they supposed to get the money from?

16801184? ago

Imagine being a trumpnigger. Jesus Christ, how is this even real? Imagine voting for a literal Jew.

16811063? ago

I feel so far above most normies and i want to clutch them by the throat

16822183? ago

Youre so kuul, how do we be so kuul like you

16811054? ago

Must be something like this

16822186? ago

Kaiser Schimdt is a fake MAGA facebook acc I found out when this pic used to be posted around few months ago

16811060? ago

OK THIS IS EPIC. Can you imagine how the reel racists in the DEMOCRAP party feel when they see this based MAGA couple? Triggered much?

16802447? ago

what if you voted against HRC?

16804068? ago

The illusion of choice. Both march for the jewish master

16805852? ago

so don't do anything, got it thanks.

16805642? ago

true plus at least hillary would have forced us put of our comfort zone to do something like they are doing in France but 100 fold

16801230? ago

Imagine voting for a literal Jew.

To be fair i don't think Hillary would have been a better choice

16803003? ago

oy vey false dichotomy

Yeah, you're a jew brainwashed retard. We know.

16801243? ago

Trump is a kike that had support because many thought it would mean chaos. Not because anyone believes in (((democracy))). Maganiggers are civnat faggots.

16802774? ago

chaos supporter


Pick one goofuth

16801242? ago

Hillary is not in office.

Trump is.

16803157? ago

as much as I hate hillary and her supporters perhaps I should have voted for it anyway just because maybe shits gotta get much worse before it gets better if you know what I mean

16801183? ago

USA is worse then France, Germany and Swesen. The only solution is nukes.

16801208? ago

16801194? ago

And the yanks are armed to the teeth yet so quick to point out how cucked everyone else is. Dumbed down brainwashed retards

16822193? ago

And the yanks are armed to the teeth

but nobody will ever use them so it doesn't even matter

16801232? ago

armed to the teeth

Who? The government, those weapons are marked "for use on behalf of israel only".

As for the citizens, you've been saying the same thing for years, yet every year they add another gun control law. First your bump stocks, extended magazines, automatic weapons and last I saw was semi automatics being proposed for a ban.

Yet not one response from the millions of armed to the teeth citizens. All just talk. Americans are good at that.

16801198? ago

Yet all those countries are whiter, less degenerate and more redpilled. USA is literally the problem. Yank nationalists better start a war now or they will be forever lost.

16801209? ago

Germany and Sweden literally don't prosecute sand niggers that rape their women. Get back to me when USA starts doing that and maybe I'll say you have a point. Until then you're a retarded nigger who has no fuckin clue what he's talking about. Sweden and Germany are literally the entire reason the word rapefugee even exists.

16801239? ago

Check your local news more often. Some sandniggers gang raped a six year old in the good ol' usa and the local government and police covered it up, then placed a legal gag order on the family so they couldn't talk about it.

Can't remember if they also killed the child. Look it up.

16803007? ago

I remember that. I think it was in the midweast somewhere.

16803001? ago

look it up

doesn't provide the state it happened in, the names of anyone, or the year/month it happened

look it up

Kill yourself.

16803019? ago

I tried to find it for you, but the list of incidents of shitskins raping and killing white children, and the authorities trying to cover it up, is simply too long. Because it is that long there is no reason to consider the story unimaginable.

16803005? ago

Provide links to every case in the last five years where sand niggers weren't prosecuted in Germany and Sweden. Also link to the 200 page doctoral thesis on why Germany and Sweden are "literally" the ENTIRE reason the word rapefugee exists.

Fucking brainless cunt can't use a search engine and never read the news in his own 56% country.

16803016? ago

Dubs confirm truth.

16803004? ago

denying something that everyone already knows happened


16803011? ago

people should just take my posts with no evidence as truth

I know it happened, but you failing to give any actual evidence that it happened and just syaing "hurrr, look it up" is completely worthless. Kill yourself.

16811045? ago

never heard of it before it was brought up

I know it happened

Choose one you fucking idiotic facebooker.

16801219? ago

Yes they do, they just have very low punishments. USA still has waaay more crime and way more non-whites not to mention home of jewywood, jewish porn and literally let's Israel bpmb them and does nothing. USA is the root of the cancer that is infecting the world. Multiculturalism originates there and was popularized by their cultural imperialism.

Become an hero and prove me wrong or shut up.

16801222? ago

Deep down they love being the chosen goyim and their fragile egos couldn't handle not being.

16801227? ago

No different to the English a century ago. How is that working out for them there now?

16803022? ago

Where do you think English folk got that mindset?


Semitophile, semitophilic, philosemitism, philosemitic, Philosemite, antisemitism, antisemitic, Antisemite

These are all words. Use them at your discretion. I agree with those who say the United States are being used to advance the rootless, cosmopolitan world state building endeavor of the Jews. At the same time I, like all the great high-T Englishmen like Cecil Rhodes (after whom was Rhodesia named), in a band of English states in a Greater Englesaxony or something like that. We could still be great, but instead the intelligence community pursues other fruitless endeavors.

16824231? ago

Wrld isn't fucked enough, we must change it now

16803024? ago

It would be so easy to form a new govt if one controlled the Five Eyes.

16801218? ago

How many spics have raped and/or murdered white women in the US and gotten off without any prison time? A: tens of thousands

Same can be said with kangs.

16801217? ago

Keep shooting beer cans, ZOG asslicker.

16801204? ago

They're gone, unfortunately. They're happy and dumb right now. When the kike pulls the rug there it will be too late to do anything about it. It's inevitable that it's going to be a cultural and racial extension of South America. Half just about is already.

16801202? ago

It's already over and the white men in America have lost their fighting spirit. Let's hope in future generations they grow a spine. That's assuming of course that we won't be genocided by non-whites before 2050 though.

16801236? ago

It isn't over. European blooded Americans are still the majority, and keep in mind that one of those is worth 10 negroids.

How do you think Europe conquered the world in the first place. It took about 100 Spaniards to conquer the entirety of south america.

Same goes for Europe, people say idiotic nonsense like "Europe is lost", when it is 95% European still. If you had 19 adults against a single 10 year old with mental retardation, who would win.

16824235? ago

It took about 100 spainards to conquer the entirety of south america

They actually had 2,500-3000 infantry along with 80,000–200,000 natives by their side


16825281? ago


200:1 kill to death ratio

Germans in WW2 had 30:1, and about 100:1 in the Eastern Front.

Numbers are important, but Cortez was a beast that pawned a Continent. Have some respect for demonstrated ability, grit, and determination.

16825285? ago

1,800 Spanish soldiers dead

Tens of thousands of Tlaxcallan and Native allies dead

Conquistador Bernal Díaz del Castillo describes the first battle between the Spanish force and the Tlaxcalteca as surprisingly difficult. He writes that they probably would not have survived, had not Xicotencatl the Elder, and Maxixcatzin, persuaded Xicotencatl the Younger- the Tlaxcallan warleader- that it would be better to ally with the newcomers than to kill them.

The aid provided by the Tlaxcalans would eventually prove crucial for Cortes in his campaign

It's not an exaggeration to say that Cortes would not have defeated the Mexica without the Tlaxcalans. Thousands of warriors and a safe base of support only days away from Tenochtitlan proved invaluable to Cortes and his war effort.

Le based mutt mixers

My 6 gorillion sides

16801214? ago

That spirit is still there, it's just smashed under piles and piles of court and laws put in place you can't really see it but it's still there.

16822187? ago

im a single issue voter. If they support israel then they are dead to me

16822191? ago

Same. Not much to work with unfortunately.

16801207? ago

The fact that this kike is popular amongst gentile Trumpniggers should be all anyone needs to know about them.

16801206? ago

Say what you will about Whol. He is honest about his intentions.

16803000? ago

Most kikes are, you philosemetic faggot.

16803013? ago


shouldn't it be "semitophilic"?


oy vey false dichotomy

no i was merely implying she would have been even worse than Trump.

16801196? ago

America need to burn so Israel can too. I fucking hate the kikes so much. Even just 6 months ago I was still bluepilled on them despite being on pol since 2014.

Please tell me ppl are seeing through their charade.

16838871? ago

people, in general, are too brainwashed.

"Israel is the U.S.A's ally in the middle east" is the most common response. fucking gaslit and brainwashed boomers are the worst. Although, There is hope for Gen-z and possibly gen-xers.

16838872? ago

The majority of Americans genuinely don't know that Iran is fighting ISIS. They really think they are all just one unified group that hates America, they have no understanding of how things actually play out.

All the same, most Americans are not nearly as fond of Israel as their politicians and the media. Outside of evangelicals and some really stupid conservatives, most don't understand why politicians do so much for Israel.

16822190? ago

I have had to tone down coming here and thinking about them my hatred boils so strong. But a very close runner up is probably all the shabbos goy literally selling us and our futures away without a single care. Just as long as some ugly tribe of inbred turks impersonating some fucking semitic hobos can be happy. I mean there comes a point where you have to blame the ones who willingly make friends with cockroaches. No one wants those kinds of people around.

16801247? ago

red pill as many as you can, it will reach a turning point all the faster.

16801191? ago

jewnited as one