Red Pills . (8chan)
submitted 6.1 years ago by 2981958?
Dumping red pills for anons
OP -
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16220094? 6.1 years ago
16220567? 6.1 years ago
masturbation is not the problem
Your redpill is adulterated, merchant. Here's some real ones.
18033857? 5.9 years ago
really?C'mon man. Everybody has got to be a degenerate like me.
Why do chaste individuals make liberals feel uncomfortable? I mean they believe in "my body,my choice" so why don't they leave celibate people alone to do what they want their body?
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16220094? ago
16220567? ago
Your redpill is adulterated, merchant. Here's some real ones.
18033857? ago
Why do chaste individuals make liberals feel uncomfortable? I mean they believe in "my body,my choice" so why don't they leave celibate people alone to do what they want their body?