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16485128? ago


Adolf Shitler lost WW2, get over it if you are a LARPing Nahtzee.

Jews control the money and by extension; everything else. Adapt or die.

Christianity is truly a cucked religion as it was used as a PSYOP against Rome for punishment in destroying the 2nd temple of Judea. If you are Christian, reevaluate.

The more you demonize Jews, the stronger they become. If you truly 'hate' a people, let them fall into obscurity. Especially those who think that Jews are weak - if this is they case, then nature will take care of the "problem", will it not?

The NWO began prior to WW1, it's not a "conspiracy" - the French Revolution kicked it off.

The Russian "revolution" was punishment for pograming Jews in the Pale of Settlement.

The Cold War was only an excuse for Europe and the USA to arm. They were never going to attack each other. Uppity Shitler was the target and already dealt with.

The World is in the best state that it has ever been and we are experiencing Rome 2.0.

Relax, breathe, and enjoy the ride. Nobody comes here any more so I'm out. Cya later faggots.

17808933? ago

larping as an oldfag