Red Pills . (8chan)
submitted 6.1 years ago by 2981958?
Dumping red pills for anons
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17416585? 6 years ago
17728925? 5.9 years ago
4 pic small towns have more happier people
4 pic
small towns have more happier people
kikes know it and don't want goyim to be happy and secure. So they push "evil village/small town redneck cannibal demons" trope in tv and video games such as:
wrong turn hills have eyes outlast 2 dusk
wrong turn
hills have eyes
outlast 2
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17416585? ago
17728925? ago
kikes know it and don't want goyim to be happy and secure. So they push "evil village/small town redneck cannibal demons" trope in tv and video games such as: