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17134039? ago

measles mortality rate was like 1 per 1000 reported cases in 1950. death rates for diseases are in per 1000 reported cases, too, so not sure why an educational slide would use per 100,000 population. intentionally misleading to lower the number, which was low enough on its own.

compared to chicago violent crimes today, which are about 45 per 1000, measles is nothing. a complete joke that shouldnt even be discussed. using population per 100k instead of the per 1000 reported cases is disingenuous.

for hep b, im too lazy to check, but is that the one you can get in water, like if you go to mexico or is that hep c?

and aluminum or any other part of vaccines is not the same as directly ingesting it. its like saying bitter almonds have cyanide in them and should be banned and controlled substance. you are intentionally misleading and being disingenuous. similar to people talking about embalming fluid ingredients in pastries and other packaged processed goods.

vaccines have enough bad things related to them, particularly the non-common ones or things like shingles or hpv vaccines. you either intentionally are misleading people or are retarded and ignorant on the topic if you are pushing these stats and infographs.