Pretty interesting post about the concept of mercy. Honestly though, white shitlibs deserve none of it.
Liberals are a lot more conscious than meets the eye. Talk to them long enough, and you'll see they're "aware" on a level that normalfag conservatives typically fall behind on. It's really hard to describe, but it's similar to the feeling of finding out the person you're talking to is a jew, and they know that you know, and you know that they know… etc, etc. It's happened many times to me, the slight uncomfortable look but undeniable animus they have in their eyes for a split second, where you emotionally connect with one another and understand who's on what team. I don't know how religious some of you anons are, but I feel like this is when two spirits recognize each other, and all the past memories of war with each other come flooding back. But with white shitlibs, they're traitors. At some point in the conversation, they'll give you a glimpse or look that basically says "yeah I know ushering in the extinction of our people, and I'm happy about it".
I've argued with muslims, and goatfucking shitskins they may be, I can have a respectable conversation about culture difference and race with them. Thousands of years of war and we can begrudgingly respect each others' fighting spirit. But conversations with liberals (even some family members) go completely awry:
talking with friend about the impossibility of mass immigration
not natsoc, not white nationalism, just plain ol' normalfag civic nationalism talkingpoints about how immigration is unsustainable for the host country
leftist friend's shitlib squeeze chimes in
<"We should let them in because they're refugees, it's the right thing to do"
tingle of anger, start breathing a bit faster
control myself though and ask "how do you plan to support these people? Do we not have homeless and poor of our own? Why is the US a haven for all 7 billion people on this planet?"
<She responds, "because it's the MORAL thing to do, you do the MORAL thing!"
At this point, I'm legitimately disgusted with her, but my animus ran cold
"And what forms this moral code that you have? Can you define exactly what it is for me? What gives it weight?
<"I'm sorry?"
"What is it that makes you believe what you believe?"
She starts to cry and leaves the room
And then everyone clapped But seriously, she did start soft crying and left the room with her boyfriend following to comfort her. The whole time in the conversation, our eyes were locked. I could see she fucking hated me, and I let her know I wasn't going to give her an inch. The moment where I asked why she believed what she believed, she maintained eye contact even when starting to cry. About a month I pondered why she had this response, but I believe it's because I established to her everything dastardly about her leftism. Poorly thought out, no consideration of the host group, no real substantiation of the moral code, just blind, unsupported feel-good emotionalism. Problem was, she knew it! She knew everything fucking wrong and disgusting with her worldview, she was just pushing it anyway!
You cannot be actively aware what an agent of evil you are, and then expect mercy. Thankfully she's on the pill and they fuck with condoms, so no possible children coming from her. Shame that my smarter friend is stuck with her though.
but it's similar to the feeling of finding out the person you're talking to is a jew, and they know that you know, and you know that they know…
I had a Jew childhood friend who I'd hang out with and have "philosophical" conversations and play yugioh with all the time. We were quite close, but I always felt an air of superiority from him regarding me (as well as stereotypical kike behaviours I never fully noticed). Ofc I was blue as fuck so couldn't put 2 and 2 together, but after we split apart going to different universities, I started lurking chans and getting very redpilled.
We reconnected a few times later and got to our "deep" conversations again, but this time I was probing him very slightly on redpilled topics and making small dogwhistles. He clocked immediately, and I could see it in his eyes, like you said, the "oh shit, this goy has figured it out" look. It dawned on me that he'd been red and aware, the whole time, since we were kids, and suddenly all of his previous behaviour was shed in a new light; he jewed harder than anyone I knew, I just wasn't aware.
We don't have the same relationship anymore; now that he knows I know, and I know he knows I know, we're both threats to each other. The childhood innocence has gone and now we're men and enemies. In fact, it is a small compliment to be taken respectfully as a threat by a kike.
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16692815? ago
16912833? ago
Pretty interesting post about the concept of mercy. Honestly though, white shitlibs deserve none of it.
Liberals are a lot more conscious than meets the eye. Talk to them long enough, and you'll see they're "aware" on a level that normalfag conservatives typically fall behind on. It's really hard to describe, but it's similar to the feeling of finding out the person you're talking to is a jew, and they know that you know, and you know that they know… etc, etc. It's happened many times to me, the slight uncomfortable look but undeniable animus they have in their eyes for a split second, where you emotionally connect with one another and understand who's on what team. I don't know how religious some of you anons are, but I feel like this is when two spirits recognize each other, and all the past memories of war with each other come flooding back. But with white shitlibs, they're traitors. At some point in the conversation, they'll give you a glimpse or look that basically says "yeah I know ushering in the extinction of our people, and I'm happy about it".
I've argued with muslims, and goatfucking shitskins they may be, I can have a respectable conversation about culture difference and race with them. Thousands of years of war and we can begrudgingly respect each others' fighting spirit. But conversations with liberals (even some family members) go completely awry:
<"We should let them in because they're refugees, it's the right thing to do"
<She responds, "because it's the MORAL thing to do, you do the MORAL thing!"
<"I'm sorry?"
And then everyone clapped But seriously, she did start soft crying and left the room with her boyfriend following to comfort her. The whole time in the conversation, our eyes were locked. I could see she fucking hated me, and I let her know I wasn't going to give her an inch. The moment where I asked why she believed what she believed, she maintained eye contact even when starting to cry. About a month I pondered why she had this response, but I believe it's because I established to her everything dastardly about her leftism. Poorly thought out, no consideration of the host group, no real substantiation of the moral code, just blind, unsupported feel-good emotionalism. Problem was, she knew it! She knew everything fucking wrong and disgusting with her worldview, she was just pushing it anyway!
You cannot be actively aware what an agent of evil you are, and then expect mercy. Thankfully she's on the pill and they fuck with condoms, so no possible children coming from her. Shame that my smarter friend is stuck with her though.
17176900? ago
I had a Jew childhood friend who I'd hang out with and have "philosophical" conversations and play yugioh with all the time. We were quite close, but I always felt an air of superiority from him regarding me (as well as stereotypical kike behaviours I never fully noticed). Ofc I was blue as fuck so couldn't put 2 and 2 together, but after we split apart going to different universities, I started lurking chans and getting very redpilled.
We reconnected a few times later and got to our "deep" conversations again, but this time I was probing him very slightly on redpilled topics and making small dogwhistles. He clocked immediately, and I could see it in his eyes, like you said, the "oh shit, this goy has figured it out" look. It dawned on me that he'd been red and aware, the whole time, since we were kids, and suddenly all of his previous behaviour was shed in a new light; he jewed harder than anyone I knew, I just wasn't aware.
We don't have the same relationship anymore; now that he knows I know, and I know he knows I know, we're both threats to each other. The childhood innocence has gone and now we're men and enemies. In fact, it is a small compliment to be taken respectfully as a threat by a kike.
16912841? ago
Did you really get a girl like that? Very cool to have that experience.