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16268673? ago

The fact this kiked out thread with (((masons))) and (((NWO))) "red pills" is still going astounds me. Half this shit is fucking Reddit and Qanon tier, it's like babies first pseudo red pills, where the fuck is the bunker to escape the kosher autism infesting this place. Throw in MGTOW niggers and it's a storm so fucking bad it makes people miss the turkroach.

Fuck, find some actual red pills you worthless kikes and cuckchanners, read 200 Years Together or look up Kalegeri. Maybe if someones generous they might post some shit from Patton and his thoughts on the events during WW2. You know, actual information. At this point i'm waiting for some degenerate to post how "teh masons funded hitla" or more Lizard people autism. Consider. Fucking. Suicide.