The snake is not the 'femen' virus. The snake is our reptilian hindbrain. We have the same neurological structure that reptiles do in our brainstem. It is largely responsible for base regulations such as hunger, thirst, horniness, etc… When you let these things drive you, you become reptilian. Your emotional midbrain and conscious forebrain take a back seat to your unconcious, reptilian hindbrain. The archetypes you posted represent man's concious struggle against his internal, base impulses produced by his reptilian hind brain. Jews have amplified this structure's influence over their lives and rejected creativity, love, beauty, and all things good that stem from the forebrain in favor of base security from the hind brain.
Sorry for replying to my own posts. Look at this picture of Bill Maher. Look at his head. He is practically missing the front portion of his brain. David Icke effectively skirted the Jew question by using the term reptilian, which effectively describes the jews. They are the most insidious creature on earth because they represent the degredation and degeneration of white men, in the case of ashkenazi jews, to our more base impulses. I've encountered a few jews in my life who made me question my sanity… there are some who rarely venture out into public who are the most disgusting looking "people" you will ever see… far worse than any negro or mongoloid.
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16220127? ago
16220660? ago
The snake is not the 'femen' virus. The snake is our reptilian hindbrain. We have the same neurological structure that reptiles do in our brainstem. It is largely responsible for base regulations such as hunger, thirst, horniness, etc… When you let these things drive you, you become reptilian. Your emotional midbrain and conscious forebrain take a back seat to your unconcious, reptilian hindbrain. The archetypes you posted represent man's concious struggle against his internal, base impulses produced by his reptilian hind brain. Jews have amplified this structure's influence over their lives and rejected creativity, love, beauty, and all things good that stem from the forebrain in favor of base security from the hind brain.
16220661? ago
Sorry for replying to my own posts. Look at this picture of Bill Maher. Look at his head. He is practically missing the front portion of his brain. David Icke effectively skirted the Jew question by using the term reptilian, which effectively describes the jews. They are the most insidious creature on earth because they represent the degredation and degeneration of white men, in the case of ashkenazi jews, to our more base impulses. I've encountered a few jews in my life who made me question my sanity… there are some who rarely venture out into public who are the most disgusting looking "people" you will ever see… far worse than any negro or mongoloid.