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16220546? ago

Environmentalism saves lives. It lets grandparents spend more time with their grandchildren. Mining is nasty work - wonderful, but nasty. We should off-world it ASAP.

And we've got to keep working on biofabrication, too. Lungs are just a kind of machine. A spongy, difficult to construct machine, but still just a machine. The price of mining will go down when we can rebuild the lungs of suffering miners.

This is a redpill, an opportunity to wake up and see the world as it really is.

16220549? ago

Taking care of the environment almost isn't a redpill anon.

16220550? ago

It takes very little actual truth to cause threads on this site to derail and plummet. People seem to want to slumber in some dream of racial unity - they don't want to face up to actual consequences.


It is. It's about the hidden consequences that people ignore day-to-day because the world is harsher than they want to pretend. Environmentalism is made of redpills; the great progress of the economy is founded on the physical, chemical truths of living systems.

Black lung disease is a hell of a thing to wake up to. Like a spreading infestation of silver fluid, it's a reality that won't be denied. Some of the suffering of the working class, that they blame on leftist or Jewish scapegoats, is because they went into injurious careers and could or would not reskill.

16220556? ago

Reskilling for qualified work is a meme for the very few. Reality is that from about 30 onwards and especially with family, the broad masses will never regain the income-earning ability they had before. Coal miners and truck drivers won't become programmers and biotech engineers.