Many things in society are control mechanisms. Some of them control who they appear to control. Some of them control who they appear to grant power to. Some of them do both. For instance, people with slight violent tendencies are recruited into the police, to serve as controllers against people with strong violent tendencies. In the process, they are kept pressed up against the police structure itself, controlling their slight violent tendencies.
A report recently hit of child abuse spiking when children's report cards are released on Fridays. As a consequence of this, it's likely that (in order to better control parents), report card issuance dates everywhere will be moved to Monday. Look into the most stubbornly poor regions and you will find that beaten children don't learn well. If parents never struck their children, or if it was actually productive to do so, this pattern shift would never happen. Yet parents who use inappropriate harsh discipline can sometimes be disciplined with the feathery touch of a seraphim, and so the only discipline necessary to improve control of parents everywhere is to issue report cards earlier in the week.
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16220548? ago
Many things in society are control mechanisms. Some of them control who they appear to control. Some of them control who they appear to grant power to. Some of them do both. For instance, people with slight violent tendencies are recruited into the police, to serve as controllers against people with strong violent tendencies. In the process, they are kept pressed up against the police structure itself, controlling their slight violent tendencies.
A report recently hit of child abuse spiking when children's report cards are released on Fridays. As a consequence of this, it's likely that (in order to better control parents), report card issuance dates everywhere will be moved to Monday. Look into the most stubbornly poor regions and you will find that beaten children don't learn well. If parents never struck their children, or if it was actually productive to do so, this pattern shift would never happen. Yet parents who use inappropriate harsh discipline can sometimes be disciplined with the feathery touch of a seraphim, and so the only discipline necessary to improve control of parents everywhere is to issue report cards earlier in the week.