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16220525? ago

You know how the left thinks every criticism of them is projection? You know how they targeted their own activists by shattering them with a worldview covered inescapeably with microaggressions adding up to total oppression?

The greater good is made of microgoods. Go out there and do some microgoods. Spread the word. See if you can get people to imagine a lighter world - a progressing world, full of microgoods, from well-meaning people too poor and separate to do big goods. If people believe in a world getting better, they'll be less stressed, they'll be more likely to stand up to what isn't good, they'll live with their heads high, ready to experiment with new things and take on whatever is coming to them in their life.

Belief doesn't create reality, but it shifts behaviors in a lot of little ways. A world of people who aren't afraid - not because they're defiant of dystopia, but because they're progressive believers - would have a lot more pro-social constructs that would naturally tend to knit over the stressors of history.