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16220521? ago

Here's a redpill. Something less hippy.

Being good feels good.

It sets you against the world. You can get that rush by fucking around pretending the Jews gonna get you, yeah, but you can get it being good too. People tell lies. Sometimes people tell big lies. Bigger than should be possible. It's a real thing. We don't live in a perfect world. But the thing about those big lies is, opposing them puts you against the world as surely as pretendy funtimes about Jews does. And yeah, some of the people who have been on the other side of big lies have been Jews, that's a thing, but it's not because they're Jews. Being terrible people is separate from that.

Some people just can't stop with less than hell about them. They've got some kind of god in their head, telling them which evidence is real and which is fake, which targets deserve protection and which deserve loyalty. They're not consistent. They're not ethical. They're not true. Being one of them is a laugh for a while - I did it for a while somewhere that shouldn't have mattered, when I accepted I was powerless about something, and was setting to have some fun with it. But being not one of them feels better still. Being true is the greater rush.

If you're honest, you're not locked from any of life's pleasures. You just have to balance them. And the people who oppose virtue - they often ARE locked from life's pleasures (they arrgh, matey) because they're stuck fighting at the behest of god. The longer people listen to the voice in their head telling them all would be okay if just one person were miserable, the more they resemble their creation.

Because the only god that dwells in your head is you, and your life is your creation, and the lives of all are the cumulative of all creations. People who rise above the temptation to lie and dominate others - they get places. Their lives have meaning. I mean, I think all lives have meaning, but some people really feel it in their own lives.

Work for that. If the god in your head directs you to peace, listen to it. But if it directs you to war with people, to tell lies and warp histories, turn your thoughts somewhere else. Be the changing process - that's power, raw.