The only part of society better off corrupt is the military, for all corrupt are less effective, and all honest are better off if the violent have all efficacy drained from them.
An honest military risks someday having militarists realize their power. History is a lesson of the miseries of overestimated power, especially military power - so do we not all prosper better if militarists are indebted?
Recruit especially from those populations whose honesty is most false - the people who exalt homosexual homophobes, or whose criminality cannot be held in check. In the Army of God, Lucifer was a General.
There is a limit to the permitted effectiveness people may have. It is not enforced by any apparent divine miracle, but by the turning of the tide. Those who abuse the honest destroy themselves. For in every domain it is truth that maximizes effect, and the requisite of a trustworthy society is that people with power must always rise to the responsibilities of power.
It is intrinsic to the nature of effectiveness that effective people cannot be given bonds other than the voluntary.
Yet there is an enforcement. Those who dwell truly within this world know it well, and seek for humility to turn the enforcement aside. For the heart of the enforcement is this: that people with evil natures may force good people to destroy "themselves" only at the cost of destroying themselves in doing it. Dissonance grows over time wherever sing the arrogant. Yet the humble may search for truth anywhere, confident in the protection of a world in which humble impact is always real.
You can never know that a grand manipulation does anything. Yet you can know, and voluntarily choose, to be kind to people in person.
Be loving, and be not locked to what you have done for "love". Turn not for shame, but for your hope of a better world.
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16220502? ago
The only part of society better off corrupt is the military, for all corrupt are less effective, and all honest are better off if the violent have all efficacy drained from them.
An honest military risks someday having militarists realize their power. History is a lesson of the miseries of overestimated power, especially military power - so do we not all prosper better if militarists are indebted?
But how can a dishonest military be recruited?
16220505? ago
Recruit especially from those populations whose honesty is most false - the people who exalt homosexual homophobes, or whose criminality cannot be held in check. In the Army of God, Lucifer was a General.
16220507? ago
There is a limit to the permitted effectiveness people may have. It is not enforced by any apparent divine miracle, but by the turning of the tide. Those who abuse the honest destroy themselves. For in every domain it is truth that maximizes effect, and the requisite of a trustworthy society is that people with power must always rise to the responsibilities of power.
It is intrinsic to the nature of effectiveness that effective people cannot be given bonds other than the voluntary.
Yet there is an enforcement. Those who dwell truly within this world know it well, and seek for humility to turn the enforcement aside. For the heart of the enforcement is this: that people with evil natures may force good people to destroy "themselves" only at the cost of destroying themselves in doing it. Dissonance grows over time wherever sing the arrogant. Yet the humble may search for truth anywhere, confident in the protection of a world in which humble impact is always real.
You can never know that a grand manipulation does anything. Yet you can know, and voluntarily choose, to be kind to people in person.
Be loving, and be not locked to what you have done for "love". Turn not for shame, but for your hope of a better world.
Pacifism is the only way forward.
16220509? ago
One last redpill. Anyone can post here, and anyone can generate new IDs at will.
No wait, two more. Mostly honest is mostly honest, and people with highly specific IDs are not divinely favored.