Blaming everything on the Jews is nothing but a coping mechanism for childish, simple minded, and weak men.
Numbers of jews gassed by national socialists since the alleged holocaust: 0. Zero.
Numbers of penises mutilated by jews since national socialist Germany: millions
Numbers of animals slaughtered with inhumane kosher slaughter practices since NatSoc Germany: probably billions.
Boycotts against domestic gentile trade with the kosher label and prerequisite for jewish patronage: countless.
Instances of masquerading as whites of European descent by ashkenazim for the purpose of race baiting and other sabotage: countless.
Resources drained from gentile nations and people, including the alleged saviors of the jews, the Americans: many, many billions worth.
Numbers of chickens waved around in the ritual of kapparot that transfers sins from the jew onto the chicken: probably billions.
Numbers of oaths and promises voided which whites take seriously and at face value via the ritual of kol nidre: countless since it happens every year at yom kippur.
Amount of antiwhite propaganda produced and aimed at even their alleged saviors: countless.
Amount of atrocities committed against gentiles: countless.
Amount of usurious FIAT currency created, peddled and cultivated by jews: a figure that doesn't fit inside this comment due to the sheer number of zeroes.
Amount of meddling in foreign affairs despite usually being only 1-5% of the population: nigh infinite
Amount of marxism, bolshevism, globalism etc: infinite
Amount of kvetching in general: infinite.
And many, many, many other things that happened after the alleged holocaust, including the lie itself and all the atrocities against whites derived from that.
Now to the important tally:
Number of worries about jews voiced by gentiles based on actual things happening like genital mutilation et cetera legitimized by jews and golems: 0
Number of worries about nazis actively hunting, killing, persecuting, gassing jews despite none of that happenin legitimized by jews and golems: as many as there are claims made.
tl; dr:
jewish fear of persecution, which they deserve due to their heinous acts and despicable nature but is, sadly, not happening is routinely legitimized.
Gentile fear of the degrading, parasitical, atrocious effect of the jewish race in the light of their many, many actions which they commit daily is stamped away as irrational.
Chutzpah is a mental illness, though, and whitey has long grown tired of this stupid game. Next time the table gets flipped, you'll wish for the lies about the holocaust because they will be considered heavenly in comparison to the fate this abomination of a race will face due to its own, never knowing when to leave well enough alone, actions.
Numbers of penises mutilated by jews since national socialist Germany: millions
What the hell is up with you people and your obsession on castration? Is this some type of closet pedophilia? You guys seriously can't seem to get your mind off of baby dicks.
Chutzpah is a mental illness though, and whitey has long grown tired of this stupid game. Next time the table gets flipped, you'll wish for the lies about the holocaust because they will be considered heavenly in comparison to the fate this abomination of a race will face due to its own, never knowing when to leave well enough alone, actions.
You're just copy and pasting from a word, or similar text based, file. Britain and Polish Intelligence were responsible for pushing the holocaust hoax as well you know.
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16220406? ago
Blaming everything on the Jews is nothing but a coping mechanism for childish, simple minded, and weak men.
16220411? ago
Numbers of jews gassed by national socialists since the alleged holocaust: 0. Zero.
Numbers of penises mutilated by jews since national socialist Germany: millions
Numbers of animals slaughtered with inhumane kosher slaughter practices since NatSoc Germany: probably billions.
Boycotts against domestic gentile trade with the kosher label and prerequisite for jewish patronage: countless.
Instances of masquerading as whites of European descent by ashkenazim for the purpose of race baiting and other sabotage: countless.
Resources drained from gentile nations and people, including the alleged saviors of the jews, the Americans: many, many billions worth.
Numbers of chickens waved around in the ritual of kapparot that transfers sins from the jew onto the chicken: probably billions.
Numbers of oaths and promises voided which whites take seriously and at face value via the ritual of kol nidre: countless since it happens every year at yom kippur.
Amount of antiwhite propaganda produced and aimed at even their alleged saviors: countless.
Amount of atrocities committed against gentiles: countless.
Amount of usurious FIAT currency created, peddled and cultivated by jews: a figure that doesn't fit inside this comment due to the sheer number of zeroes.
Amount of meddling in foreign affairs despite usually being only 1-5% of the population: nigh infinite
Amount of marxism, bolshevism, globalism etc: infinite
Amount of kvetching in general: infinite.
And many, many, many other things that happened after the alleged holocaust, including the lie itself and all the atrocities against whites derived from that.
Now to the important tally:
Number of worries about jews voiced by gentiles based on actual things happening like genital mutilation et cetera legitimized by jews and golems: 0
Number of worries about nazis actively hunting, killing, persecuting, gassing jews despite none of that happenin legitimized by jews and golems: as many as there are claims made.
tl; dr:
jewish fear of persecution, which they deserve due to their heinous acts and despicable nature but is, sadly, not happening is routinely legitimized.
Gentile fear of the degrading, parasitical, atrocious effect of the jewish race in the light of their many, many actions which they commit daily is stamped away as irrational.
Chutzpah is a mental illness, though, and whitey has long grown tired of this stupid game. Next time the table gets flipped, you'll wish for the lies about the holocaust because they will be considered heavenly in comparison to the fate this abomination of a race will face due to its own, never knowing when to leave well enough alone, actions.
16220412? ago
What the hell is up with you people and your obsession on castration? Is this some type of closet pedophilia? You guys seriously can't seem to get your mind off of baby dicks.
16220416? ago
I suggest you re-read this section.
16220417? ago
You're just copy and pasting from a word, or similar text based, file. Britain and Polish Intelligence were responsible for pushing the holocaust hoax as well you know.
16463516? ago
Show some evidence for your outlandish claim.
16220436? ago
funny how you admit the holohoax yet still try to divert attention from jews
16220438? ago
Are you ESL? Do you not understand the meaning of "were also"?
Explain to me why you spend so many nights tossing and turning thinking about dicks.
16220441? ago
no, you seem to forget that this place is still inhabited by people who dont get shekels/post
16220451? ago
He's a faggot who picked up on my ESL meme, I never see anyone else pushing it
16220443? ago
Let me ask you this, can you count beyond the number 1?