Prabhupada desires that America becomes an ideal God conscious nation and set the example for the whole world to follow.
Prabhupada was fully aware of the great menace of communism and its threat to humanity.
Prabhupada is not an advocate of non-violence. Everything can be utilized in the service of the Lord.
Communism has been the scourge of the whole earth for the last century. It is the absolute aggressor in the hands of international Jewry.
Aggressors have to be met with violence as declared by Prabhupada in Bhagavad-gita 1.36
“According to Vedic injunctions there are six kinds of aggressors: 1) a poison giver, 2) one who sets fire to the house, 3) one who attacks with deadly weapons, 4) one who plunders riches, 5) one who occupies another’s land, and 6) one who kidnaps a wife. Such aggressors are at once to be killed, and no sin is incurred by killing such aggressors.”
If America stays under the control of these demoralising and degrading aggressors and remains fallen and far away from a nation that once trusted in God, then ultimately she will be dragged into a war of mutual self-destruction by the enemies of the world.
International Jewry is so lost in the deep darkness of falsehood, that they believe their lying and slandering is a necessary good for themselves and their plans for world domination.
For these deceivers the higher life of truth is totally hidden. Lying and evil speaking belong to the lowest forms of spiritual ignorance which are far removed for the path of enlightenment.
From their original falsehood of believing that they alone are the chosen people of God, destined to tyrannically rule all others, have come many other protective falsehoods from their deceitful minds.
Their lying born from selfishness and hatred has snared the whole world and dragged it to their level of spiritual darkness.
If we are to begin to lift this darkness from the world and enter into the life of truth we must abandon the holocaust falsehood and slander of Adolf Hitler from the mind of humanity. For it is nothing but the propagation of evil.
Ultimately the dark ignorance of falsehood which is burdening the world will be completely eradicated, as we are in the dawn of a new golden age of spiritual enlightenment, which has been inaugurated by the Lord in his incarnation of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu over 500 years ago.
Prabhupada: Hitler was a good man… I don’t believe that he killed so many Jews in concentration camps.
[Prabhupada Morning Walk — October 8, 1972, Berkeley]
Prabhupada: So these English people [controlled by Jews], they were very expert in making propaganda. They killed Hitler by propaganda [slander]. I don’t think Hitler was so bad man.
[Prabhupada Room Conversation, June 17, 1976, Toronto]
Prabhupada: That is the way of falsehood. If once you speak something false, then to protect that falsehood you have to take to so many other falsehoods. This is the way of falsehood.
[Prabhupada Morning Walk, June 2, 1975, Honolulu]
TRANSLATION: There is nothing more sinful than untruthfulness. Because of this, mother earth once said, “I can bear any heavy thing except a person who is a liar.”
PURPORT: On the surface of the earth there are many great mountains and oceans that are very heavy, and mother earth has no difficulty carrying them. But she feels very much overburdened when she carries even one person who is a liar. It is said that in Kali-yuga lying is a common affair: mayaiva vyavaharike (Bhag. 12.2.3). Even in the most common dealings, people are accustomed to speaking so many lies. No one is free from the sinful reactions of speaking lies. Under the circumstances, one can just imagine how this has overburdened the earth, and indeed the entire universe.
[Srila Prabhupada from Srimad Bhagavatam 8th Canto Chapter 20 Text 4]
Our movement is an epidemic. It will devour the whole of Europe and America. As for the newspapers giving bad reports, they simply take some opportunity for selling their newspaper; it has no lasting value. These countries are faced with difficulty but it is nature’s law. They will be without food, water and they will be heavily taxed. There will be revolution. How long can they keep the people terrorized? It will burst. I can’t imagine how people are living in such a rotten state. There is nothing like pleasure; all is morose. Only we are benedicting the fallen souls all over the world, so go on with your enthusiastic preaching and try to do good to others with Krsna Consciousness. Hope this meets you in good health.
[Srila Prabhupada Letter to: Harikesa, Bhubaneswar, 1 February, 1977]
Somebody protested that “Your Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement makes the people dull.” And now, you have not seen the Vaiṣṇava. There was two fight in the Indian history. One is Rāma and Rāvaṇa, and one is Kurukṣetra. And the hero is Vaiṣṇava. We are going to produce such Vaiṣṇavas, not these dull rascals, sitting down. We don’t want these Vaiṣṇavas, sitting down rascals.
Prabhupada Morning Walk at Marine del Rey, July 13, 1974, Los Angeles
Prabhupāda: Arcye viṣṇau… [break] …when it will teach military art, with tilaka, soldiers will, “Hare Kṛṣṇa, Hare Kṛṣṇa, Hare Kṛṣṇa…” (laughter) We want that. Marching with military band, “Hare Kṛṣṇa.” You maintain this idea. Is it not good?
Hṛdayānanda: Yes, Prabhupāda.
Prabhupāda: When there will be military march of Kṛṣṇa conscious soldiers. Anyone who does not believe in Kṛṣṇa, “Blam!” (laughter) Yes. The same process as the Mohammedans did, with sword and Koran, we’ll have to do that. “Do you believe in Kṛṣṇa or not?” “No, sir.” “Blam!” Finished. (laughter, Prabhupāda laughs) What do you think, Madhudviṣa Mahārāja? Is that all right?
Madhudviṣa: Yes.
Prabhupāda: (laughing) What these communists can do? We can do better than them. We can kill many communists like that. (laughter) Then it will be counteraction of communist movement. And you think like that.
Prabhupada Morning Walk, March 15, 1974, Vṛndāvana
I think it's about the cub's perspective. Like sacrificing yourself (or thinking you are dying for the goals of your people) vs. simply being slaughtered.
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16220307? ago
Prabhupada desires that America becomes an ideal God conscious nation and set the example for the whole world to follow.
Prabhupada was fully aware of the great menace of communism and its threat to humanity.
Prabhupada is not an advocate of non-violence. Everything can be utilized in the service of the Lord.
Communism has been the scourge of the whole earth for the last century. It is the absolute aggressor in the hands of international Jewry.
Aggressors have to be met with violence as declared by Prabhupada in Bhagavad-gita 1.36
“According to Vedic injunctions there are six kinds of aggressors: 1) a poison giver, 2) one who sets fire to the house, 3) one who attacks with deadly weapons, 4) one who plunders riches, 5) one who occupies another’s land, and 6) one who kidnaps a wife. Such aggressors are at once to be killed, and no sin is incurred by killing such aggressors.”
If America stays under the control of these demoralising and degrading aggressors and remains fallen and far away from a nation that once trusted in God, then ultimately she will be dragged into a war of mutual self-destruction by the enemies of the world.
Prabhupada's Books:!xNZhAZha!pu7OrPzQqPXUYdyINwJEbg
International Jewry is so lost in the deep darkness of falsehood, that they believe their lying and slandering is a necessary good for themselves and their plans for world domination.
For these deceivers the higher life of truth is totally hidden. Lying and evil speaking belong to the lowest forms of spiritual ignorance which are far removed for the path of enlightenment.
From their original falsehood of believing that they alone are the chosen people of God, destined to tyrannically rule all others, have come many other protective falsehoods from their deceitful minds.
Their lying born from selfishness and hatred has snared the whole world and dragged it to their level of spiritual darkness.
If we are to begin to lift this darkness from the world and enter into the life of truth we must abandon the holocaust falsehood and slander of Adolf Hitler from the mind of humanity. For it is nothing but the propagation of evil.
Ultimately the dark ignorance of falsehood which is burdening the world will be completely eradicated, as we are in the dawn of a new golden age of spiritual enlightenment, which has been inaugurated by the Lord in his incarnation of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu over 500 years ago.
Prabhupada: Hitler was a good man… I don’t believe that he killed so many Jews in concentration camps.
[Prabhupada Morning Walk — October 8, 1972, Berkeley]
Prabhupada: So these English people [controlled by Jews], they were very expert in making propaganda. They killed Hitler by propaganda [slander]. I don’t think Hitler was so bad man.
[Prabhupada Room Conversation, June 17, 1976, Toronto]
Prabhupada: That is the way of falsehood. If once you speak something false, then to protect that falsehood you have to take to so many other falsehoods. This is the way of falsehood.
[Prabhupada Morning Walk, June 2, 1975, Honolulu]
TRANSLATION: There is nothing more sinful than untruthfulness. Because of this, mother earth once said, “I can bear any heavy thing except a person who is a liar.”
PURPORT: On the surface of the earth there are many great mountains and oceans that are very heavy, and mother earth has no difficulty carrying them. But she feels very much overburdened when she carries even one person who is a liar. It is said that in Kali-yuga lying is a common affair: mayaiva vyavaharike (Bhag. 12.2.3). Even in the most common dealings, people are accustomed to speaking so many lies. No one is free from the sinful reactions of speaking lies. Under the circumstances, one can just imagine how this has overburdened the earth, and indeed the entire universe.
[Srila Prabhupada from Srimad Bhagavatam 8th Canto Chapter 20 Text 4]
16220310? ago
Our movement is an epidemic. It will devour the whole of Europe and America. As for the newspapers giving bad reports, they simply take some opportunity for selling their newspaper; it has no lasting value. These countries are faced with difficulty but it is nature’s law. They will be without food, water and they will be heavily taxed. There will be revolution. How long can they keep the people terrorized? It will burst. I can’t imagine how people are living in such a rotten state. There is nothing like pleasure; all is morose. Only we are benedicting the fallen souls all over the world, so go on with your enthusiastic preaching and try to do good to others with Krsna Consciousness. Hope this meets you in good health.
[Srila Prabhupada Letter to: Harikesa, Bhubaneswar, 1 February, 1977]
Somebody protested that “Your Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement makes the people dull.” And now, you have not seen the Vaiṣṇava. There was two fight in the Indian history. One is Rāma and Rāvaṇa, and one is Kurukṣetra. And the hero is Vaiṣṇava. We are going to produce such Vaiṣṇavas, not these dull rascals, sitting down. We don’t want these Vaiṣṇavas, sitting down rascals.
Prabhupada Morning Walk at Marine del Rey, July 13, 1974, Los Angeles
Prabhupāda: Arcye viṣṇau… [break] …when it will teach military art, with tilaka, soldiers will, “Hare Kṛṣṇa, Hare Kṛṣṇa, Hare Kṛṣṇa…” (laughter) We want that. Marching with military band, “Hare Kṛṣṇa.” You maintain this idea. Is it not good?
Hṛdayānanda: Yes, Prabhupāda.
Prabhupāda: When there will be military march of Kṛṣṇa conscious soldiers. Anyone who does not believe in Kṛṣṇa, “Blam!” (laughter) Yes. The same process as the Mohammedans did, with sword and Koran, we’ll have to do that. “Do you believe in Kṛṣṇa or not?” “No, sir.” “Blam!” Finished. (laughter, Prabhupāda laughs) What do you think, Madhudviṣa Mahārāja? Is that all right?
Madhudviṣa: Yes.
Prabhupāda: (laughing) What these communists can do? We can do better than them. We can kill many communists like that. (laughter) Then it will be counteraction of communist movement. And you think like that.
Prabhupada Morning Walk, March 15, 1974, Vṛndāvana
Hail the Allfather, Praise the Lord, Haribol.
16220325? ago
I don't understand the third pic.
The cub in the lioness mouth isn't dead. That's how cats carry their young from one location to another.
The one on the right is dead doe. It's being carried to the cubs.
17738682? ago
I think it's about the cub's perspective. Like sacrificing yourself (or thinking you are dying for the goals of your people) vs. simply being slaughtered.