It's almost like this (((redpill))) thread is deliberately set up to coincide with incel faggotry to push "oy vey hate all white women, don't breed goyim" thread.
Throw in some masonic spergery or the all seeing eye onto screencaps and you have peak (((Alex Jonestein))) bullshit. Fuck off back to /x/ and /mgtow/.
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16220273? ago
Also (((coincidentally))) >>12455893
It's almost like this (((redpill))) thread is deliberately set up to coincide with incel faggotry to push "oy vey hate all white women, don't breed goyim" thread.
Throw in some masonic spergery or the all seeing eye onto screencaps and you have peak (((Alex Jonestein))) bullshit. Fuck off back to /x/ and /mgtow/.
16220284? ago
Anyone who falls for the Zion is the UK's bitch.