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16220239? ago

Nice dis-info, Mordecai.


1,Feminism is (((their))) tool from the beginning

2.All main globalists are surprisingly Jewish too (Rothschild's, Rockefeller's, etc.)

3.Marxism, degeneracy, entertainment industry, etc. was created and using by them.

4.Negro/Arab invasion to US/Europe was orchestrated by (((rootless cosmopolitan))).

5.Get back to, you inter-dimensional space vampire.

16220255? ago

Feminism is (((their))) tool from the beginning

feminism is not their tool,

feminism is their final OBJECTIVE.

Look at their own society and relations and see the place where women are, and i mean actuall try and use your fucking head for once and look trough the "patriarchal" front they give you. Sure their patriarchs one day decided to self-mutulate their genitalia because they thought it's beneficial to them. Get the fuck out of here with this bullshit.

16220257? ago

Feminism has been causing civilizations to collapse since the dawn of mankind, I think it predates even the Jews.