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16121272? ago

The killer is in no way a HERO, he is a fucking retard who is either mentally ill or the whole thing was a false flag. You have no idea how the (((system))) is benefiting from his pitiful 'assasination'. They have announced anti - hate speech legislation to be implemented soon targeting every right leaning individual as well as considering a ban on online knife purchases and 'military style' blades. According to the media, which happen to be either jewish or german, this guy's motive was pure hate induced by internet trolls and hate speech online, what is their solution? You guessed it, they want an outright ban on wrong think online and a punishment to all perpetrators, prison time in a British like manner. So far we were only prosecuted for violent threats and public promotion of Nazism or fascism and that is due to change really soon. You see, if any sane person wanted to get rid of him for any reason they wouldn't probably choose a 20 thousand people strong gathering as their favorable surroundings, provided neither mental illness nor special services were involved. You see this kike faggot had virtually no security at his disposal and his neighborhood was a much better alternative for any sane individual. That being said, he only worsened position of polish ehtno nationalists and all right leaning individuals… What this fucker deserves is a rope for being mentally ill fag or traitor…

16121328? ago

You realize based on this argument they'd have to put a gag order on themselves? Here's jews exposing themselves in jewstream outlets: