16149213? ago

Fuckin kek, Danzig is stolen land.

16149216? ago

Danzig is stolen land

Danzig belongs to germany


Either it belongs to "whoever had it first", which is a back and forth between a million tribes, or it belongs to the mighty, which means it belongs to whoever has it - Poland.

16149217? ago

Commies deport and genocide ethnic Germans from lands which belonged to them since the 12th century because "muh Naghtzees"

In the process destroy the unique culture of the Volga Germans and create artificial borders which have never existed before

You are okay with this

Fuck off, kike.

16154780? ago

Fuck off, kike.

He is actually right, though. It belongs to Poland at the present time.

16149210? ago

Seems all the western euro press is still kvetsching about the no name major in a poor country.

Shows you who once again who really controls the (((media))) .

16133792? ago

I have been away from /pol/ for sometime, so all I've heard is the normalfag news reports, and I think I even uttered "that's terrible…" when a friend described the stabbing.

/pol/ as always is a breath of fresh air. He was a kike and pro LGBT faggot? Good riddance.

16149208? ago

He was a kike and pro LGBT faggot?

Pro nigger import too, to show evil racists the benefits of diversity whether the cititzens want it or not.

The whole package really.

16133115? ago

Stefan Wilmont, 27, a career criminal with convictions for bank robbery stabbed the mayor of Gdańsk. Wilmont was wearing a press pass to slip through concert security. Mayor Pawel Adamowicz was struck in the aorta and died.

"My name is Stefan Wilmont. I was in jail, innocent. Civic Platform tortured me. That's why Adamowicz died"





















16133114? ago


16134784? ago

Damn, he must have went to knife school

First thing that came to mind lolzololzozl

16126144? ago

Kill your local politician.

16126142? ago

one down, many more to go

Jewish owned media (((((TVN))))) is going absolutely nuts over this.

When our Polish president died in Smolensk ten years ago they didn't give a shit, but they are absolutely going crazy that some big shot lefty mayor of a city got killed. Pathetic anti-Polish yids, fuck them all.

16133117? ago

Our (((president)))

16126143? ago

Yeah it wasn't even Putin's fault, the cockpit crew were distracted and the presidential staff pressured them to land because they were in a hurry to get to a meeting. Didn't stop the media from pushing conspiracy theories even to this very day because they hate Christian Russia.

16124846? ago

He didn't put him in prison. Jewdicial system did. And I even didn't knew Adamowicz was a kike.

16126140? ago


Literally in the name bro c'mon

16124845? ago

Kike major stabbed to death in revenge

16126149? ago

Anyone who calls us christcucks is a kike

16126153? ago

You notice they always use the exact things Christianity teaches against as if just saying it makes it true.

"Christianity is gay" "Christcucks" etc.

You're not jewing anybody lol, and it's quite cringe.

16124839? ago

Remember that the people that are slaving you have names, cars, addresses and arses

Remember theres not enough money, fame or power that can prevent their skull from being cracked by a hammer

16121517? ago

https://files.catbox.moe/uyj1d8.png :

Gdańsk mayor stabbed on stage during charity event in Poland | World news | The Guardian

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=JuYC0xpgGJo :

[Zamach] Prezydent Gdańska Paweł Adamowicz zaatakowany przez nożownika który wchodzi na scenę WOŚP - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

16121420? ago


I don't know if this is good or bad but it's definitely significant

16121418? ago

do nothing goy

The time of reckoning is coming kike. All of you will be exterminated.

16121404? ago

I'd be delighted if true, but the video looks distinctly indistinct and Poland has just as many jews conspiring inside its government as any American or British ZOG occupied nation

16123431? ago

If only he had killed him for THESE reasons though.

16121410? ago

This guy gets it. Poland never had a cull of PRL murderous traitors. They manufactured a crash on their own terms. Thus, there was an agreement to just hand over the power as long as they won't get killed when the power switches hands and voilà - nothing changed and Poles are still ruled over by kikes

16121393? ago

whoa guys this is bad optics smhtbh :( based zionist israelis amirite fellow pedes?

16121394? ago

Imagine if everyone on /pol/ went out right now and stabbed one or more mid-to-high level Jews. Imagine that impact. This lad is an example worth leading. Bitches never gonna get to Valhalla.

16121403? ago

it would make a difference.

they'd have to be high level though.

16121390? ago

I love when a story has a happy ending.

16121384? ago

He was leftist sure, but is there any evidence he was a kike? With all the accusations thrown around here the worldwide Jewish population would be 500 million instead of like 15.

16121376? ago

Not familiar with this guy but by the posts it sounds like good news!

16121374? ago

Somebody PLEASE, get that man a gun and a list, so that he may continue his work.

16121360? ago

(((Wikipedia))) states that he was stabbed on the 13 January and died today on the 14 January, but the charity has the name "Christmas" in it while it was going on after the Christmas holiday. Or do Poles celebrate Christmas in the middle of January instead of December 25th? I'm confused.

16121366? ago

Wielka Orkiestra świątecznej Pomocy (Grand Ochestra of Holiday Help) is ran by kikes so they use nondescript "holiday" in winter as the final day of their money laundering scheme

They coax kids and teens into begging in the streets in winter for money that might get used to buy medical equipment

16121372? ago

to buy medical equipment

Medical equipment like chairs, beds, incubators or fucking toilets (they were bragging on socmedia that they've funded a toilet in the hospital). The funds they raise is not even 0,1% of the national medical funding. This whole organization is a money laundering scheme.

16121375? ago

Jurek Owsik Owsiak is already making himself into a martyr

After all, he was the real victim there!

If children died he'd use it to virtue signal how his scam would've prevented it. (^:

Also, it seems that the event was in violation of safety regulations for mass events.

16121351? ago

I literally live in a south-american shit hole and my #1 cattle news source has already fully covered the incident in an article. It says he was mentally-ill and was in jail for 5 years due to 4 armed attacks against banks, which seriously affected his mental health. Glowing niggers information network works wonders, just parroting anything their jewish overlords produce.

16121356? ago

Same here, my local news station is all over this story. Why the hell is it international news that someone was stabbed two weeks ago?

16121344? ago

Now the acting mayor of Danzig is Aleksandra Dulkiewicz. Is she a kikess or an ethnic Pole?

16121346? ago

We need to have standards and start DNA testing all these faggots, one drop is a kike.

16121352? ago

Problem is, a lot of DNA testing labs are controlled by (((them))). Sure, the lab technicians themselves are probably White, but if (((upper management))) wants a certain result, it's either do as you're told, or you're out of a job.

16121357? ago

People who get fired need to start their own company. That is what I would do. If it comes down to it we can go by looks until we have slaughtered enough overt kikes to get control of the labs again and then resume testing.

16121354? ago

There's DIY DNA testing.

16121359? ago

How? You generally need sophisticated lab equipment to do polymerase chain reaction, and other similar tests, and that equipment doesn't come cheap.


That's good if you have enough capital to be able to do so.

16121411? ago

Those lab technicians don't have the money or credit for the equipment, not to mention scientists aren't businessmen and probably wouldn't know how to run the financial element of things. They are paid to create certain specific results that their (((bosses))) want.

16121343? ago


Learn to spell, you illiterate nigger.

16121336? ago

Regardless of whether this is a legit hit or internal housecleaning it's still a dead (((oligarch))) and greatly encouraging.

16121334? ago


16121329? ago

What do you mean he's Jewish. There's nothing to get upset over. the dead person is "white".

16121288? ago

Adamowicz was part of a old political mafia operating in the region. The other big fish wanted him gone. Make no mistake, this is a fucking false flag orchestrated by his own "friends" in the left-leaning political mafia.

One down, many more to go

16121285? ago

<b-but you shouldn't do that

Let's see if the color of your blood is red.

16121272? ago

The killer is in no way a HERO, he is a fucking retard who is either mentally ill or the whole thing was a false flag. You have no idea how the (((system))) is benefiting from his pitiful 'assasination'. They have announced anti - hate speech legislation to be implemented soon targeting every right leaning individual as well as considering a ban on online knife purchases and 'military style' blades. According to the media, which happen to be either jewish or german, this guy's motive was pure hate induced by internet trolls and hate speech online, what is their solution? You guessed it, they want an outright ban on wrong think online and a punishment to all perpetrators, prison time in a British like manner. So far we were only prosecuted for violent threats and public promotion of Nazism or fascism and that is due to change really soon. You see, if any sane person wanted to get rid of him for any reason they wouldn't probably choose a 20 thousand people strong gathering as their favorable surroundings, provided neither mental illness nor special services were involved. You see this kike faggot had virtually no security at his disposal and his neighborhood was a much better alternative for any sane individual. That being said, he only worsened position of polish ehtno nationalists and all right leaning individuals… What this fucker deserves is a rope for being mentally ill fag or traitor…

16134783? ago


16149209? ago

Kek’d out of the park. Adamowicz, not a Jew but their ally. Best circumstances if guy not attached to patriotic Right killed him.

16133107? ago

This. That shit has never happened before. Something's real fishy.

16124837? ago

hahah opticsfag btfo'd because someone did something effective instead of making blogpost #6,000,000 about how whites need to prepare and organize. But if the government bans hate speech and knives, do you not think that that will cause a backlash too? So not only did this guy kill some yid, he also created more public outrage by getting the government to propose a ban on hate speech.

When will you tacticsniggers ever learn that the only solution is killing non-whites randomly and openly, and as gruesomely as possible?

16121448? ago

kill all those that speak in favor of pawel

16121423? ago

if you kill your enemies, they win

16121419? ago

If you fight back, they might decide to do what they were going to do anyway, but ahead of schedule!

No more slow-boiling the frog.

16121392? ago


16121328? ago

You realize based on this argument they'd have to put a gag order on themselves? Here's jews exposing themselves in jewstream outlets: https://voat.co/v/news/2869564/15191838

16121311? ago

Yes, everything you do weakens the position of right-wingers. Your best bet is to do nothing and let them run you over.

16121309? ago


LOL, this does absolutely nothing to prevent anyone who's serious about getting a knife from getting one. These moronic bureaucrats literally only have one modus operandi "Let's make a law." It never works.

16121324? ago

Yeah, they think that if they ban the evil /military style' weapons they will greatly limit crime. Screwdrivers with some minor modifications are just as deadly if not even more. Retarded logic but it is only the begging. You will need to have a permit to get one for your work and then return it. I tell you…

16121327? ago

They’re gonna lock you in a pillow room hooked up to a feeding tube and virtual reality goggles for your own good. Nobody deserves the risks inherent with leaving the safety of their bubble. You may be deprived of your wonderful life of interacting with moderated npcs in your virtual world. No no no that’s a violation of human rights to expose you to potential danger. Therefor the door locks from the outside.

16121331? ago

Is that you, Terry?

16121295? ago

the government can stage false flag attacks like this whenever they want

don’t even think about killing your enemies because the government will just crack down


16121301? ago

I could agree with you to some extent but it is paramount to notice that such 'assassination' before tv cameras is an obvious sign of a false flag or means that the perpetrator was complete retard. If this guy was genuine and even a bit sane he would choose his surrounding more carefully… Wasn't it before such public but in any other more private location, kike would be as dead as he is and also the media coverage wouldn't do so good for (((system))). Not to say that this guy wouldn't probably by behind bars right now… What about that?

16121308? ago

Maybe this was his best opportunity to succeed. Also it’s not like the guy was trying to start a chain reaction. He felt personally wronged and took care of business. Of course one attack won’t change much you need repeated and consistent hits.

16121321? ago

The kike had virtually no protection so there was no reason to go to the place where there actually were security services around in the first place… See recent Antifa attack on AFD member in Germany, it was the same situation, all he did could easily be done somewhere else under better circumstances and without that extreme and tremendous negative consequences he put us into.

Perp was either mentally ill, wanted some short lived fame hurting our cause badly or was, most likely, false flag participant. In any of these cases he deserves a rope. Period.

16121342? ago

Perp was either mentally ill

If jew-owned online outlet is to believed he was a schizophrenic who stopped taking meds.

16121339? ago


Get the fuck out

16121287? ago


I never heard of MK ultra type stuff being done in Europe but I'm fairly convinced that most allah snackbar attacks in recent years were mossad false flags

Vid relevant, hypnotized person turned into an assassin.

16133793? ago

I'm not sure how much you can trust that. It WAS all staged and acted after all.

Pluse, the reaction from the audience seems weird. No real panic.

16134781? ago

You know the Mariah Grande 'ISIS attack'

There were a few young girl attendees of the concert who swore blind it was no more than a balloon bursting, they were harassed off social media, considering they were little girls and reported not being slightly concerned despite being there.

Ignoring the obvious kike in the room of just why the fuck ISIS would target a pop concert mainly filled with teeny bopper girls in Manchester of all random things.

Faking an attack during a packed out concert is the easiest thing, all you need are ten people screaming and rest of the NPCs in the crowd will follow like sheep

16133116? ago

What the fuck

16121369? ago

Read Programmed to Kill.

16121365? ago

crimea college shooting I think was a false flag issued by nato to cow the russia sympathizers in the country

16121364? ago

I remember being quite excited about that episode being released just as the false flags started gaining pace in the UK, almost nobody else I spoke to who watched that episode saw anything significant other than the show was just entertainment.

Same as the NPC reaction to 9/11, they react just as their telly tells them to.

Just when you think the world is finally waking up you realise they're just as braindead zombies as they ever were, look at the evolution of the jew-wise movement to now being no more than a conservative club cheerleading section

16121406? ago

almost nobody else I spoke to who watched that episode saw anything significant other than the show was just entertainment.

Because homosexual jewish freemason Derren Brown is an illusionist, conman, hypnotist etc. You cant be sure what they are showing you isn't all being acted out. And that's deliberate, they mix reality with fantasy so people cant agree on anything.

16121283? ago

So we will just break his neck next time. There is no way to 'protect themselves' and insulate them from what is coming. They keep trying though.

16121279? ago

Listen here nigger. Whether you do nothing. Whether you vote, or don't. Whether you march in streets or not, they will keep pumping your nation full of niggers, asians and arabs until you are so outnumbered they can start dragging you into the streets and killing you. That's their end goal, always has been and they've done it time and time again.

Communism, multiculturalism REQUIRES a scapegoat to survive, and we are that scapegoat, and will be that scapegoat until it all collapses around them and they start gorging on whats left of the ashes and filth.

The only thing that stops communism, is brute unapologetic force.

If the man never did anything, they'd of still enforced the things you are saying they are doing because of it. The only thing that stops them, false flag or not, is the people rising up and saying, no more.

16121292? ago

You're shining in the dark Moshe.

Go goyim kill puppets and 1) turn your society in (((our))) favour 2) get arrested or killed 3) create (((us))) social grounds for further limitation of free speech and other liberties.

I do not discourage action what I do is discourage stupid, counter productive action.

16121297? ago

Go goyim kill puppets behind dozen of tv stations and thousands of people and *

Cannot delete previous post to edit some flaws for whatever reason…

Anyways, doing anything for publicity, before tv stations is either thing of a complete retard or an obvious flase flag.

16121274? ago

Yup. It's a set-up. This kike knew to much and was sacrificed in order for the kikes in charge to punish normal citizens even more.

16121282? ago

That goes without saying, if anyone wanted to get rid of the kike they would do it quietly and privately and still be around, not behind the bars. The only explanation to the whole assassination thing is that the killer was either special services operator, MK Ultra victim or was suffering from a severe retardation / mental illness. If two first options are true the whole thing was engineered and planned and the whole purpose of this fuss was to shock public opinion and create grounds for massive anti hate (free) speech legislation as well as severely limit civil liberties and rights to posses (now) any weapons. Anyways, even if he was a mentally ill faggot he enabled the system to go on with mentioned activities as well. No one who would ever dare to call himself /ourguy\ would do such a fool thing that woould backfire so dearly. There is no fucking point to assassinate anyone behind thousands of people and dozen of media around until it is a false flag operation, portland shooting style…

Please consider that before praising this fucking idiot/ traitor more…

16121310? ago


Even though I know you could be serious about your statement, I rather disagree and think you are only trying to protect yourself from criticism.

If you do it silently and unpublished it goes without saying they will just cover up until they can fully frame someone. The only way that it would work and open people's eyes, regarding who is preying upon them, is to do it publicly, out in the open, the way it went. It must be organic and not organized. If it is organized we will be obliterated by mass media. I think this is the morally beautiful way of doing it. Without fear of being insulted or called out names, you do it because it is right not because you want to look like a hero to others, you become your own hero.

16121276? ago

Kikes aren’t capable of long term thinking so it will backfire on them.

16121271? ago

16121268? ago

reminds me of this.

16121385? ago

where can I buy one of those?

16121281? ago

tactical scissors

16121322? ago

those scissors obviously arent tactical, dipshit. doesnt even have a laser sight. for fucks sake, its not even black.

theyre just his personal scissors. it's UK so naturally only law enforcement is allowed to carry personal scissors, but still. the blue "civilian" handle should be a dead giveaway.

16124838? ago


16121275? ago

Can I have the sauce on the pic please? I want to read the rest of the thread.

16121278? ago

youre looking at it. i made the whole thing in photoshop.

16121256? ago


Lets hope some of his followers get the same treatment.

16121445? ago

16121248? ago


gunshots resume

16121424? ago

How about you place the flag over the face, editor.

16134788? ago

he had to show that Poland isn't dead yet

16121249? ago

implying the Pale of Settlement isn't full of kikes

16121247? ago


Kill more jews all around the world.

16121244? ago

I will reiterate how wonderfully great news it is. Moar !

16121228? ago

jew stabbed

Justice for all the goy children (((they))) have had stabbed.

16121233? ago

and mutilated babies (((circumcision)))

16121226? ago

Ground control to major (((pawel adamowicz)))

16121223? ago


16121214? ago

Press S to spite on the grave


16121269? ago


16121255? ago


Someone needs to drop information regarding the killer reasons, like how was his life affected to the point of going for merchant elimination.

16121258? ago

The killer himself stated, that he did it because he was in jail for unjust reasons and he was tortured by the Civic Platform (PO). We don't know if it's real, but Gdansk is unfortunately one of the most criminal cities in Poland.

16121290? ago

I want to know the full background for comparison. I want to see their tactics raw, without MSm telling me what to think. I want his testimony. FFS why he can't write a letter as any other hero would do before carrying it out?

16121397? ago

It's hard to get without knowing the language I'm afraid. I tried to analyse the situation to the best of my knowledge and I will briefly try to explain it.

Gdansk is sadly one of the most crime-ridden cities due to it being a sea port city and quite a luxurious one. Add to it the fact, that Poland is a country that experienced communism and socialism first hand, which means, that all our private property was seized and trade was made illegal. This image quite easily sums up what we had to go thru during the last hundreds of years: >>12674368. In late 80s a Solidarity movement had formed in Gdansk, composed mainly of factory workers, eventually it took over the entire country forcing the government to reform, eventually the movement got subverted on the highest levels and we are still having a fight between a group of those politicians who sold us out, now openly cooperating with the rebranded communist forces (they both push a globalist, pro-EU agenda) with a group of (we really hope so) patriotic forces. The second group still has a popular support (and a parliament majority), but with this situation it may change. The first group, obviously, controls media (except for the government media, which are quite popular), but also the juridical system and are quite well organized.

Gdansk has quite a lot of history as a city, because it used to be a point of conflict between Germany and Poland, eventually settling up with a status of Free City. WW2 started over a corridor to Gdansk and it started with an attack on Westerplatte port in Gdansk. It no longer has a sizeable German minority.

Fast forward to now, last year local elections in Gdansk were won by the incumbent president, Paweł Adamowicz, despite him being ridden by a lot of affairs. He started his presidential rule in 1998 and ruled ever since. From what I heard recently, he organized a meeting of EU leaders in Gdansk and suggested that the refugees would be funded on the local level, bypassing the state and yes, of course he was a member of Civic Platform (PO), the party of the "sold-out patriots". An important note: he wasn't supported by the PO party this time, they had their own candidate, he ran independently.


16121405? ago

patriotic forces. The second group still has a popular support

lmao, it's PiS who made Poland join the EU because muh peer pressure and jewish journalists making scary claims like

(((Poland will become Belarus 2 if you don't join EU, goyim)))

said claims were never elaborated,

Overall maga-pede tier

Wielka Orkiestra Sprzedawania Uranu

Well working charity

By all means, do not investigate Owsiak's trip to USA to smoke weed and shoot dope with taxpayers' money as a part of his Woodstock documentary.

16121400? ago

Now, what's WOŚP, the Grand Orchestra of Christmas Charity. It was founded in 1993. I can't really say bad things about the organization, they are a well working charity. They are mostly concerned about collecting money to buy hardware for hospitals. There were people who reported about the bad efficiency of the foundation, but I don't really think those accusations were well-founded. In my opinion this group took an important role in forming our post-communist reality, unfortunately Jerzy Owsiak, the founder and a former chairman of WOŚP (he resigned today due to those events) became quite political and he got into conflict with the currently running party. I would say he's a very good man, but he got lost with the ideology, but it may be just me. A lot of people and companies used the charity for virtue signalling purposes.

Who's STEFAN WILMONT, the killer? We have his Facebook account, which is still active. And we have media articles about his past deeds: he stole money from parabanks and banks (4 separate situations) totalling about $5000. He apparently went to Canary Islands (and it corresponds to his Facebook profile pictures) and then he went to jail for 5 years, where he was deemed very dangerous and isolated. He ended his jail time this December.

Now, a situation, a highly regarded event "Światełko do Nieba" ("Sparking Light to Heaven"), a part of the WOŚP celebrations. It is celebrated in the entire Poland and it featured a lot of imporant people, maybe except for people from the ruling party now and then. Everyone watches that event in front of their TV. Gdansk. A man enters a scene holding a "MEDIA" card, falsified. A moment of countdown before fireworks happen, as described by >>12674871. Countdown ends, fireworks happen, the crowd is distracted. He rushes to president Adamowicz, hits him 3 times with a 30cm long knife, goes a bit away. Sees that no one understood what happened on the scene, the musician singed as if nothing happened, so he started to dance hands up with a knife in his hand. At some point someone happens to see that the president is kneeling, so using that situation the killer takes over the microphone and says: "My name is STEFAN WILMONT. I was unjustly jailed. I was unjustly jailed. I was tortured by the PO (then in full power). And that's why Adamowicz had to die.". At this point he is taken down and the crowd slowly realizes what happened.

They tried to reanimate Adamowicz a few times, and a few hours later he died. He had a cut artery, a stomach hurt and a heart hurt. They wanted to organize a March Against Hatred due to the event and the country president wanted to take over the event to make it a countrywide thing, but people from PO didn't come to discuss it, so he cancelled it, it will most probably be a political march now, organized by the same people who protest the government forces taking over the juridical system. And now Owsiak resigned. Well, I think that's the most information about the situation to be summed in this post. I don't really think it was a false flag, because while it can be used by any group to advance a bit, the politicians, especially those sold-out, seem to be really afraid. Was the killer framed into the bank/parabank robbery? Maybe, but there is no evidence to suggest so. But there's some evidence, that he actually went to the Canary Islands which isn't a cheap endeavour for a Polish man. But what can I really know, the situation will certainly develop and as for now we must remain watchful.


16121409? ago


Thanks, anon. Really puts things into perspective.

One thing I find unusual is that this doesn't strike me as a desperate man, someone with nothing to lose (which increases the possibility of a false flag). Maybe things changed after he got jailed.

There's something weird here. Being in jail for ripping off some thousands of shekels/ Saying he was tortured and killing a (((politician)))? There must be something we're missing, I guess there's either wrongthink or different money involved.

Now, what's WOŚP, the Grand Orchestra of Christmas Charity. It was founded in 1993. I can't really say bad things about the organization, they are a well working charity. They are mostly concerned about collecting money to buy hardware for hospitals. There were people who reported about the bad efficiency of the foundation, but I don't really think those accusations were well-founded. In my opinion this group took an important role in forming our post-communist reality, unfortunately Jerzy Owsiak, the founder and a former chairman of WOŚP (he resigned today due to those events) became quite political and he got into conflict with the currently running party. I would say he's a very good man, but he got lost with the ideology, but it may be just me. A lot of people and companies used the charity for virtue signalling purposes.

Charities are corrupt. I'm pretty sure there are no well-known exceptions. After all, who can track money trails from charities?

There are a lot of men who're good at pretending to be good, Jordung Pebbleson being the most basic example. Trust nobody, not even yourself.

16121440? ago

A charity is rated by its efficiency. If 10% evaporates and 90% goes to a charity, then one may say it's an efficient charity. And as far as I know, WOŚP is quite efficient. We actually do see their contributions, because the things they fund have the WOŚP Heart sticker on them. As for me, I would rather live in a country where private charity is prevalent rather than a country with a developed welfare system.

I'm quite sure we just see a part of the picture. It's possible that bank robberies occured and our justice apparatus had to find someone. A fun fact is that now the man says he didn't kill the president (pleads non guilty?)

16123434? ago

As for me, I would rather live in a country where private charity is prevalent rather than a country with a developed welfare system.

In Poland tax money meant for healthcare is fully embezzled while baste and charitable (((wośp))) only embezzles half and funds degeneracy fest known as Przystaned Woodstock

16133111? ago

Bullcrap, tax money spending is efficient in Poland. For example, state pension fund uses 1% of funds for its operations, when any charity can and uses 10%.

16123430? ago

A fun fact is that now the man says he didn't kill the president (pleads non guilty?)

Maybe he was activated mkultra style

16121225? ago


16121211? ago

Will someone explain this video? Why didn't the security in yellow turn to face the threat? Did he no realize what happened? Also it sounded like the man didnt say much. Was there More to the situation off camera?

16121209? ago

Why is every video of such a happening filmed by a fucking monkey with a potato in 360p?

We're in an age of incredible narcissism where even the shortbus kids are taking highly edited selfies with the best possible angles on smartphones capable of getting the license plate off a car 10 miles behind their dumb duck-face making asses.

Why are the videos we're shown of any supposed political relevance always filmed vertically in an earthquake through fucking oiled up ricepaper?

16121205? ago

seeing news about about a happening at UPS facility in NJ

16121204? ago

1 down 5,999,999 moar to go

16121207? ago

There are 12-15 million jews.

16121210? ago

better get at it then, that's a lot of jews

16121203? ago

Gdansk NOT Danzig

16121202? ago

Dr Pawel I'm CIA

16121198? ago

Any better videos?

16121190? ago





16121186? ago

The first on target attack I've heard of.

16121185? ago

Requesting webm.

16121227? ago

16121260? ago

I can't see a fucking thing in that video.

16121265? ago

This is probably the best source we have:


16121414? ago

kills him in one thrust

Alpha as fuck

16121319? ago

Video unavailable

I hope one of you useless niggers saved the weebm


But then why was /ourgoy/ also on stage? Or did he just like come in with the crowd and find his own way onstage?

16121337? ago

16123435? ago

The Polish Agent 47 of our Age

16134782? ago

Kek when I saw this image I imagined that animu sound followed by "NANI?!".

16121371? ago

Many thanks, Sir Fren

Is it just me, or is are some of the snowflakes falling in the background look suspiciously identical to judenstars?

16121267? ago


That is a much better source, it is clear what happened.

16121266? ago

Holy shit, they are still waving their arms around even as he announces what he just did.

16123436? ago


still waving their hands to the music even though singing stops and the guy announces why he killed the jew

niggers don't even drop their sparklers

kike dies listening to this shit music

how can this even be real

16124843? ago

propose a ban on hate speech.

There is one already, back from soviet times which criminalizes speech that might incite racial, religious, or ethnic* hatred.

*doesn't apply to white race, Christian religion, any white ethnicity.

16123438? ago

Your first clue that something is wrong is the weird little asian children or whatever the fuck they are, not polish, in the first row being turned away from the stuck pig. I think that is my clue that it was real and not fake…the mothers panic and guiding their kids to look at something else (too late), more than likely they saw the entire thing in technicolor and up close.

16124840? ago

more than likely they saw the entire thing in technicolor and up close.

nothing they haven't seen before on the (((tv))) I guess

16121229? ago

i dont really get whats happening here. is the mayor on stage at a concert and a guy runs up and stabs him? and nobody cares or notices? is that what im seeing?

16121252? ago

Its a leftist (with post-commie origin sory) charity event organized by the jew mayor with no professional security because jew. Just some sub-mall cop types who normally "patrol" hotel lobbies. The public there are overwhelmingly oversocialised twats of some stripe virtue bombing themselves into oblivion.

16121254? ago



this is wonderful.

not only did the kike die, but he died watching his followers completely indifferent to his death; my personal nightmare.

16121378? ago

i think that's how a lot of this is going to be in the end as more people start to kill the jews and their puppets, their supporters will just idly stand by because that's how they've been programmed.

16121242? ago

It looked like a quick execution, the man with knife ran towards the kike at the right when the countdown reached 0, a thrust to that greasy heart and then he hopped to the center of the stage showing his achievement. It was done so quick that the public didn't see what happened, so they celebrated a bit further before everyone started to realize what was going on.

A fitting ending to that kike, his death was celebrated.

16121230? ago

Welcome to 2019, where people are so complacent you can walk up and kill someone then do a twirl for a minute in front of all of them while they cheer, thinking you are part of the entertainment.

16133106? ago

Welcome to 2019, where people are so complacent you can walk up and kill someone then do a twirl for a minute in front of all of them while they cheer

16133113? ago

He literally would've gotten away with it if he wanted.

The audience were more retarded than "crowd AI'" from a Video Game


That shit has never happened before.

Who was Borys Kowerda

Who was Janusz Walus

16133112? ago

Its not like jews have walls around them like in Palestine, you can just walk up and do stuff.

16121241? ago

but why was the mayor on stage? is the major a performer?

16121246? ago

Political agitation. The whole performance was instigated by pro-leftist establishment that holds its hand over the Polish media since '89. Everyone they don't like is called an anti-semite, etc., we all know how it works.

16121182? ago

I hope others learn from him.

16121176? ago

This is how to make real change… Using violence to exert your will on the (((system))). This will start to make the corrupt politicians and kikes fear for their life.

16121201? ago

It's an on target hit but he's a one hit wonder, which doesn't lead to change, offing one jew or minion won't stop things, you have to do everything you can to not get caught to continue taking out multiple bad guys.

16121178? ago

They just get bodyguards and armored cars.

Michel Friedman for example is an antagonistic, very public kike lawyer, despite having been found guilty of having sex with forced prostitutes and he has just that.

If you're a high level kike frequenting high circles this is pocket change and they can write it off as business expenses anyway.

16121212? ago

The establishment cannot win a war against the people if the people fight properly. Yes they can get 20 foot tall fences, they can get the best security money can buy and they can fortify their houses, vehicles, and anything they like, but that all costs money anon so where is what is to be done.

You give up on trying to kill them and begin waging a proxy war of attrition. There are two avenues for this and this is hypothetical of course and in no way should be considered advice or instructions. This is a what if scenario and any who act on it are doing so by their own regard. Now as I was saying there are two avenues, the first is a psychological campaign. The goal is not to kill them, but to create the illusion they are constantly under threat. The impression of danger can be far more advantageous than the actual act of violence against a person.

This is why violence is used when necessary and as a last step by the deep state. It’s far more effective to make someone’s life miserable to the point they comply with what you want than it is to have to try and cover up a murder by making it look like a suicide. Now activities like this involve taking out substations and powerlines that go to their house, cutting internet cables, lobbing molotovs over their walls, no intention to create or cause direct harm, just the illusion of constant danger. Taking pot shots at their car before retreating is a great way to ruin someone’s day. Harassing their staff to the point they start resigning, but we’ll cover that more in a minute.

The whole intent of this operations is to undermine their psychological wellbeing to the point they cannot function properly or are willing to basically give you whatever you want to make it stop. Now when undertaking these operations you pick only a few individuals and around the upper middle of the spectrum to create disharmony amongst their cliché. You target the most powerful and they’ll crack down hard.

Now just because they’re not accessible doesn’t mean their support staff isn’t. Their places of business, their family, property they own. With this operation you don’t need to kill anyone, in fact killing can be detrimental to your PR campaign and it lightens the load of the people you are targeting. When you go after their places of business or their friends places of business you make them a pariah as association with them is detrimental to others businesses. Most people are not going to survive a psychological campaign that costs them resources. They’ll distance and isolate the target for you and that is worse than death for these people. You’ve taken all they’ve built from them and destroyed their reputation and once done you move onto the next person.

Now they’ll try to fight you, but you don’t engage them unless necessary. You pick the battlefield, time, etc of each engagement and remember it’s your game, your rules, not theirs. The more they try to defend against you the more they spend their finite resources. Now the best part is because of the limited engagement the rest of their cliché like humans they are will view it as not their problem. Also never attack the poor and make it very noticeable that you have no qualms with their lower power echelons unless they’re directly tied to that person. If you damage someone’s property that is not involve provide compensation, this turns the lower castes against he upper castes. Remember never fight wars against the poor, they’re just canon fodder for the elite.

16121381? ago

Holy shit you just gave me a great idea.

Dox yourself.

Think about it. Start your twitter white power bullshit and loosely tie your screenname to a dummy linked–in. What do you know you just happen to work at the local antifa coffee shop. Make the liberals attack themselves. This could go really well. Remember that kike that fucked you. You just got a great promotion at their law firm. These niggers and libtards are rabid retards. They have no ability to do their due dilligence to make sure they are raiding the right businesses. thoughts?

16121184? ago

there is always a vulnerability you can exploit.

Once they see that all the security cannot protect them from our revenge then you will see a meltdown in the (((system)))

16121187? ago

people are very vulnerable in a country where guns are common

taking someone down with a knife when he has two tall body guards is tough…

16121188? ago

it's called improvised explosives and zip guns you nigger

16121173? ago

You have no idea how jews run their operations across from left to right of Europe. Don’t believe me? Then ask any ex-gru guys from Russia. They know a lot of stuff about the dirty Jews.

16121172? ago

16121169? ago

Then put them in prisons to make them look evil.

16121165? ago

If only Americans would start doing this kind of shit to the fucking corrupt politicians using our taxpayers money on vacations to Puerto Rico.

16121163? ago

A charity is a front for his covert operations.

16121158? ago

Notice krauts shitting up the the thread already - anyone thinking they aren't completely delusional larpers who'd rather bust loads over muh Pruessen than stop from turning what they got into Africa.

Maybe Poland anons can she more light into the back story?

Seems like a nothing burger. Some ex-con getting crazy from prison abuse takes it out on a fat corrupt politician.

16121417? ago

Did you know pagans demand an unbroken line of ordination from Europe?

Did you know European pagans hate nothing more than anti-Christians? Anti-Christian sentiment is anti-Europe sentiment they say. Christianity copied Roman or Greek paganism, depending if you look West or East, and even claiming that Jesus was a Jew can get you on a Black List, banning you from other groves.

That, and you need to precisely known what ethnicity you belong to. If you aren't Nordic, Thor won't listen to you. If you're Slavic, you can get Svarog, but never Odin, Wotan, or Jupiter. End of story.

16121421? ago


D&C kike forgot to switch IPs

Not sending their best.

16121425? ago

You what, Maat?

16121224? ago

Notice krauts shitting up the the thread already

You misspelled jew, jew.

16121162? ago

krauts shitting up the thread

You mean, the source of all Polish national pride? Because if it weren't for the non-cucked krauts in Poland, it would still be Belarus 2.0 with all the Russian and commie influence.

16121164? ago

u wuz kang weren't you?

Actually, now that I think about it a bunch of centum speaking r1b dopes thinking they're Aryan is pretty close to niggers' flying pyramids. lel

16121298? ago


The subhuman screeches as it cleans the German toilet again

16121303? ago

Please, Ethno-globe or bust. There is no way that a subhuman belongs anywhere in our society (or on the planet), not even cleaning the toilet.

16121199? ago

ignorant to the annexation of the Danzig area




Kike D&C

<implying anyone here wants more brother wars

Even the mere thought crossing your head is a red-light, motherfucker. The Visegrád group will light the way after this cycle of bullshit ends.

16121170? ago

Says here they were the Mammoth hunters. Fits the timeline and description of the Aryans to a T. Even says they were in line with the ginger timeline estimates.

16121177? ago

r1a were primarily megafauna hunters, not germ ancestors, readheads like wusun tocharians or zunbilis were populations displaced by the chiefly r1a Sintashta that would later become Indo-Iranians. Only link to the vedic peoples germs have is a big fat boot imprint from when they got kicked out of the steppe.

16121222? ago

Genetic maps disagree with directly, and history does as well.

16121160? ago

You glow in the dark.

16121157? ago

Adamowicz was involved in pedophile ring https://www.newsweek.pl/polska/spoleczenstwo/zatoka-swin-reportaz-o-wykorzystywaniu-nieletnich-przez-krystiana-w-w-sopocie/ndlbrh0

He was assasinated because he knew too much.

16121175? ago

very interesting, but not surprising as it's apparently a kike infested town

that's how kikes have historically gained power: bribes and blackmail


16121191? ago


All yids fuck kids, and they blackmail politicians in exchange for support.

16121197? ago

It’s obvious that they passed (((cp))) in order to blackmail them.

16121151? ago

I don't normally wish death upon anyone but these kikes aren't really leaving us many other options.

16121349? ago

It's either us, or them. It's as simple as that.

16121147? ago

He got his revenge!

16121150? ago

I don't get it, why did the killer put the responsibility for his stint in prison on this specific kike mayor?

16121167? ago

(((They))) torture the random goyium for lolz.

16121145? ago

Dziękują, Stefan.

16121144? ago

Finally, someone finds the courage to do what is right. What a hero.

16121142? ago

Revenge is sweet.

16121141? ago

I just saw the news about this, first assassination since communism ended. Total fucking hero IMO. I hope that kike suffered.

16121345? ago

Based post, but you posted an animated gif of (((Fred Savage))) from The Wonder Years. We must strive to remove all kikery from our lives as much as possible.

16121140? ago

fuck that kike. hail the Polish hero STEFAN WILMONT, the slayer of the jewish beast !

16121138? ago

fantastic news, let the celebrations begin ! not long ago Adamowicz was applying for EU funding to disobey the will of the sovereign and welcome millions of illegal immigrants directly into the city of Gdansk. now the corrupt jew (going by the nickname Pudding - presumably because of his fatness) is smelling the flowers upside down. excellent riddance.

16121135? ago

The stabbing happened during a very famous polish charity event named Wielka Orkiestra Świątecznej Pomocy (Grand Orchestra of Festive Help or something like this) and there are concerts organized nationwide to help raise money for kids with serious diseases.

(((Jurek Owsiak))) is in charge of WOŚP, he's a remnant of past socialist establishment which is currently selling Poland away to jews and the like. He embezzles probably most of the money made (he has another type of event, Woodstock, which is made for degenerate junkies and fags and uses that for laundering money) and buys medical equipment for hospitals with the rest. He resigned today as Adamowicz was confirmed dead. Day before, when Adamowicz was injured, he kvetched about National Television (TVP) being the cause of this incident, 6 gorillion jews gassed, gives in to Poles = Nazis narrative kikes tried to force last year, etc.

16121155? ago

No shit, he said that a puppet show that was making fun of him made him feel like he was in Auschwitz. I'm not joking.

16121134? ago

Fun fact: nearly every Polish contribution to science and major figures come from the Danzig area, where Germans were the majority of the people.

I shit you not. The biggest archievers there are fucking German-descendant poles. The source of all Polish nationalism is from the German Danzig area who moved to interior Poland after the second World War.

16154786? ago


Jesus is there any ethnicity you amerifats don't associate with krauts?

16134785? ago

In my country, Czech Republic, we do not trust the Polish, they often times come here to steal and rob, their car robberies are famous, they get high and steal a car with a keyless system, then drive all the way without stopping to Poland, where they dismantle the car. Polish goods are of low quality and they are treacherous people aswell, instigating a small war with us shortly after WW1. They are also eternal Christcucks.

16149212? ago

it's a poor shithole country, even poorer than CZ

the poles (largely women) in Ireland are all decent people for what it's worth…

16134789? ago

Good luck trying to destroy kikes if you fall into d&c as easily as discrediting a whole nation of forty million because of few subhuman individuals that stole cars. Don't the insurance companies pay for that anyway? Deprogram your kike infested mind

16134791? ago

Not a chance, lol. I have not yet met one honorable Pole. They were all scum and I used to go to Poland pretty often as I live close to the border, but they have driven me away. Their goods are all shit and they are basically kikes-lite.

16133791? ago

Kikes trying their D&C again….

16133108? ago

Kraut here. I support and stand alongside of my Polish brothers.


16121413? ago

The Danzigers are also the ones who not only see and feel themselves distinct from the rest of Poland,

they want the refugees.

16121193? ago

No more brother wars, kike. Poles are white and you aren't.

16123439? ago

No more brother wars, kike. Poles are white and you aren't.

No. More brother wars! The point of getting rid of niggers and kikes from Europe is so that brother wars can again be waged. Brother wars are an integral part of European history and if you want to restore Europe to what it was, you have to accept that.

16124842? ago

Fine, once we have an ETHNO-GLOBE we will see if we would like to engage in brother wars or may


IDK anon, the few murders I have seen in person had a dramatic effect on my psyche. Perhaps it is because the eye records more than the mind comprehends (the spiritual) and IDK they were weirdly anticlimactic…like no music and special effects, no buildup, no drama…just living one minute and then dying the next. So sudden.

16124844? ago

just living one minute and then dying the next. So sudden.

like a bad dream

16124841? ago

kill yourself moshie

16121171? ago

Kike d&c; polish nationalism comes from polish (((soviet)))war with trotsky chopin marie skladowska battle of vienna battle of grunwald. Also all of northern poland was founded by poles then conquered by teutons then we turned them into a fief. Once again ignorant jewish d&c

16121153? ago

The biggest archievers there are fucking German-descendant poles.

The prettiest German girls are of Polish descent.

16154781? ago

the prettiest jewish girls come from an ashtray.



16121333? ago

Fuck off Ezekiel.

16121299? ago


16121220? ago

Yes, Merkel does look ravishing, doesn't she. You faggot.

16121307? ago


Of German ancestry

Not a fucking gypsy

Kys nigger

16121326? ago



16121132? ago

one down

16154783? ago

599.999999999999999999999999999999999 gorillion to go.

Hail Victory. If slavshits keep this up I will call them white.

16121131? ago

Danzig belongs to Deutschland.

16121340? ago

Will germans take the leftists (that german speaking ZOG funds and trains) with them?

All theirs.


Because it's powerful message that reminds the ruling elites of their own mortality

Whom did you want him to kill?

Elderly kikes in a synagogue, offloading social security system like Bowers (ignore the active shooter drill 5 minutes drive)

random cop which accomplishes nothing becuase there's dozens more in the making?


The irony of the webm is poetic, straight out of greek theater

countdown 5, 4, 3, 2, 1


DO I HEAR GDANSK?! (basically a sentence to start hype by cheering)

Crowd starts to cheer as fireworks go off, (((adamowicz))) gets stabbed

song starts

Dobro dziel bez końca, gdy do przodu idziesz. W sercu schowaj moment, kiedy byłeś niżej♪♫

Share goodwill forever when you push on forwards, keep the moment when you were lower in your heart


annex a territory

instead of gathering jews and executing them when you have both means, opportunity and nobody to guilt trip you for it you use them as a weapon to destroy the country you annexed

Bolshevism could've been prevented.


Oh no, next thing they'll ban fists that you can use in throat punches to make someone drown in his own blood with no way to save him.

In GTA Online RP server.

16121305? ago

Thanks Cpt. Obvious.


I know this polish guy who looks like a steretypical Nazi. square jaw, blondish hair, blue eyes, 6 foot 4, straight-A student. He's from Krakow though.


It reminds me of that japanese video where the commie gets stabbed.

16154784? ago

Natsoc you faggot.

16121130? ago

Kike free first post