Goddamthisiseasy ago

Fucking poetry.

Communism-is-great ago

All those trust-fund babies are going to be very upset when they realise that crying and calling mommy won't solve everything. Let the tantrums commence!!!

Sanpa33 ago

I'm not going into a blue city with blue voters to save some coal burners,faggots,soyboys,and niggers from raping,pillaging,and destroying their liberal shithole.

throwaway6000000 ago

It's a shame these are so hard to read on mobile devices.

Mustard_Monkey ago

The white folks and some yellow folks have a higher IQ then the average negroid. We won't comply.

DeadFox ago

They can take your guns anyways

nobslob ago

Whites would have used their guns, but they are only looting in the deepest blue areas. Let them burn it to the ground, what do we care? Never interrupt your enemy when he is burning down his own house or some sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeit.

Splooge ago

Whites have used their guns, one way or another, and hey presto, wouldja look at that, suddenly an area is jogger-free. I wonder if there's a pattern to be noticed.

Prepackaged ago

What do you get when you have a race riot and only one side shows up?

Goddamthisiseasy ago

A room full of sweaty jews desperately flailing for a new narrative to get their NPC's into this goodam war they've been trying to get off the ground.


AmericanJew2 ago

A mega chimp out?

pushthis ago

''Make biden look like a hero''

Sounds spot on

ScreaminMime ago

Goes out in a black mask, and shades, looking like a supervillain.

version7 ago

I heard a local TV show is actually going to do a run down antifa and talk about domestic terrorism and how they take over protests... we shall see what happens.

squiremarcus ago

All I see on the news is something about the KKK making a public statement?

Warnos44 ago

How did pol bait them into it? I think they did it to themselves, can't blame pol for their shit.

noob_tube ago

Probably with all the "race war now" rhetoric

Warnos44 ago

Lol. It's terrible to laugh at that thought, but fuck, really? You think they really bought the sentiments on pol and pushed for this?

I don't. I don't believe for a minute they have the balls, brains, or initiative/organization to do what they've done. This is theater, they've been hired to play a part, and they're dumb enough to believe some of what they're doing, but mostly it's narcissism and the little high they get from the idea of being someone who matters doing something that matters.

gazillions ago

I think he got that all right


And that's it in a nutshell!

Msm: white supremacist White Supremacist WHITE SUPREMACIST!!!

The country: antifa=white liberals.

Voat: antifa=((( white)))

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It's interesting that /pol/ responded to the riots and the shills trying to goad them into fighting back the same way that we responded to them here on voat.

TopTierCIAShill ago

the same way that we responded to them here on voat.

"fuck off niggerfaggot"

Splooge ago

I like to think there's an unspoken alliance between goats and /pol/acks. In many respects, /pol/ is the rabbit hole, but Voat is the entrance to the tunnel.

Phantom42 ago

I went from there to here funny enough. /pol/ is fun to lurk around in and enjoy the asshattery, but Voat just seems more fun. You get to know who is who.

Jiggggg ago

I frequent the chans. I think s lot of us are dual citizens lol


Eh, 4chan's /pol/ has so many shills and trolls trolling trolls that it's a bit of a clusterfuck. Remember when there was a bot or somebody reposting threads from 8chan's /pol/ on v/8chan? That was definitely some rabbit hole shit. 9chan.tw and 8kun.top seem to have the best politics boards now.

badruns ago

Yeah, voat is totally immune to shills and trolls and glowies...


If you think that's what I meant then you've haven't spent any significant amount of time on 4chan's /pol/ board

badruns ago

Let's not talk about how much time I spend on pol

Splooge ago

No matter where I go, I always remind myself:

If they were winning, the propaganda and shilling would not be necessary.

T1tus ago

I would counter that with saying the only way they were winning is we didn't understand the propaganda and schills and how they operated.

Plavonica ago

And now, with the advent of the internet's free speech, we do know. That's why they are trying so damned hard to shutitdown.jpg.

sionblade22 ago

Gas the kikes.

Heil Hitler

Jiggggg ago

This what brings us all together

Solstiare ago

I was told there would be pizza?

Splooge ago
