Evileddie13 ago

Been saying it for a year now, niggers think like women.

Nice to have my anecdotal insight confirmed.

DontBeRacist ago

The second to last line reminds me of how the domestic violence rates are so high for lesbians. I think a lot of times with real couples (i.e. a man and a woman) the woman might try to be violent but it's a futile joke that's not even accounted for. Nobody is going to take it seriously when the straw weight lady hits a heavy weight man. Either that or she is just too scared to even try.

123456788 ago

Makes sense. If testosterone were the main reason they are so violent, we'd see roided up bodybuilders and amateur and professional athletes doing the same stupid shit. But we don't.

We do see low testosterone men and men transitioning to women who are on female hormones lash out, though, they are just lacking the muscle and size to lash out in a truly dangerous way. Unless they are carrying a bike lock of course.

WD_Pelley ago

they are just lacking the muscle and size to lash out in a truly dangerous way.

Which is why equality really IS about getting even with the strong/beautiful. As soon as women and/or nogs get power they destroy well functioning hierarchies for the sake of pleasure seeking.

jewsbadnews ago

Look up the victims of the Orlando gay bar shooting, most were black.

ranch-othelioma ago

I wonder what their rate of male breast cancer is? I know that Richard Roundtree, the actor who played SHAFT, got breast cancer.

KalEl50 ago

THIS explains it all.

Pickle_Rick ago

It's about frontal lobe development. Or existence.

Splooge ago

Or existence

Based and physiognomypilled

Pickle_Rick ago

Yes, that one. The good one.

holaymackal ago

I can attest that the meme of high testosterone equals aggression (i.e. 'roid rage') is completely false and was hysteria hyped up years ago when steroids were becoming a big deal.

Atkho ago

Roid rage is from too much injected testosterone being converted into estrogen. Now they're blockers (Anastrozole) to keep that from happening. Testosterone alone makes you more chill. They're also HGC injections that stops testicle shrinkage. Injected Testosterone can be done side effect free now as long as it's not made too high.

Phantom42 ago


Roids are cool now?

TheLesserApes ago

That's probably why I got angry when using finasteride. Good thing I stopped.

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

Ha haha the shoes.

Splooge ago

Not just shoes either, consider how niggers are obsessed to the point of psychosis over flashy elaborate jewelry, designer brands and matching outfits (in gaudy colors of course). It's extremely feminine how sensitive they are -- also, consider the way they waste money on frivolous things exactly the way the typical female would when given no oversight.

A world run completely by women (of any race) would be identical to a world run completely by niggers (of any sex).

CrustyBeaver52 ago

I completely lost it right there:)

TheLesserApes ago

We all know that one niggerfaggot lol...

PagingDrBenway ago

jussie smollet?

whatdaheck ago

Wow really interesting. This reminds of how gender plays a role in personality disorders. For example, take borderline personality disorder, which is a common personality disorder affecting nearly 6% of the U.S. population.

“Men with BPD are also more likely to evidence substance abuse whereas women with BPD are more likely to evidence eating, mood, anxiety, and posttraumatic stress disorders. With regard to Axis II comorbidity, men with BPD are more likely than women to have antisocial personality characteristics. Finally, men with BPD are more likely to have treatment histories for substance abuse whereas women with BPD are likely to have utilized more pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy services. Thus, given the similarities in men and women with BPD, there are also clear gender differences in BPD as well. These differences, reported in a number of different studies, may explain why women with BPD are more likely to be over-represented in mental health services and men with BPD are more likely to be over-represented in substance-abuse treatment programs and/or jails.”

Gorillion ago

Weird thing about this is that all the posters on the old Fatpeoplehate sub pretty much admitted to having BPD, men and women. Supernatural levels of projection going on in there perhaps? Many of them were (or claimed to be) gymrats too. Some kind of eat-then-punish-themelves-in-the-gym behavior maybe.

whatdaheck ago

Huh that’s interesting. Maybe it’s one delusional person pointing to another type of delusional person and saying “at least I’m not like that!”

VoatsNewfag ago

Speaking of BPD and gender, there is a relevant study I found to be quite interesting.

In that study they took patient case histories of men and women who had been diagnosed either BPD or NPD (narcissistic personality disorder) and blacked out the names as well as changing all pronouns to be gender neutral. They gave those to a bunch of psychiatrists and asked them to form a diagnosis based on, the now sex neutral, patient descriptions.

What happened then, is that often times women who were originally diagnosed with BPD were now considered to have NPD. And similarly the males cases were now more often perceived as having BPD instead NPD.

I tried to find it and found this one: http://www.socsci.ru.nl/ciliaw/Site%20Cilia/Braamhorst.pdf - which I believe isn't the one I originally had in mind, but it's an almost identical setup and with the same results.

whatdaheck ago

Interesting topic!

After reading through the study, I’m not sure if this one entirely proved that idea. It’s a hard study to perform because I’d imagine it’s challenging to replicate the nuance and variations of NP/BP presentations. Having cookie cutter models like this study had probably made it easier on the people who were diagnosing the conditions.

“Our central hypothesis was that there would be a sex bias in the classification of BPD and NPD. This was partially confirmed; we did find a sex bias in the clas- sification of cases with combined BPD and NPD subthreshold criteria, which means that sex of the patient in the case history influenced the judgment of the professional in classifying a DSM diagnosis.

However, we did not detect any sex effects in the NPD or BPD cases with enough criteria to meet the threshold. Participants detected BPD in the male case as often as in the female case.”

In that study, they did mention another earlier study that did show a difference (Ford and Widiger (1989)).

Luis_Sphincta ago


RobertJHarsh ago

The More you Know!

petevoat ago

Cant see, the res is too low

Splooge ago

It's 1478x627, what are you using binoculars on an 8K monitor or something?

we_kill_creativity ago

Interesting. So why aren't women of all races super muscular? Why don't black men have feminine features like wider hips?

Atkho ago

Sex is more then just hormones. The x and y chromosomes are actually keys to reading the other chromosomes. The different between men and women after the decoding is about the same percentage difference between humans and chimps. That and men undergo much greater neurodevelopment. Female neurodevelopment slows in the teens while men's continues well into the 30s. That's why men are better at STEM or anything else that's complex.

Phantom42 ago

Tfw I am the apex of human evolution.

Thanks God, I owe ya.

And everyone that came before me.

Monte_Carlo ago

Non-Bantu blacks are less muscular and are more pear shape.

nLQ1 ago

The interactions and the balance of testosterone androgens, estrogen all influence these things

aefibes99 ago

Does Neil degrasse tyson approve of this?

KalEl50 ago

I’m sure he’s taken a shot in the ass, or two.

tokui ago

Admitted to drug use.

calfag ago

Totally. All famous rappers take it in the ass according to uh, one of those less famous ones that didn't wanna take it in the ass.

satisfyinghump ago

You're right but only telling part of the story. It's basically all black men in show business, basically any black men getting a check from and signed by a jew is taking it in the ass and the mouth and in multiple positions by multiple jewish degenerates if they choose to have the luxurious lifestyle they have as payment for their rap "music" and their "acting".

calfag ago

KRS-1, that's who the interview was with. But, yeah to your point. Truly amazing how disgusting this shit can get.

jackfraser ago

Jeru Tha Damaja said this ages ago and became persona non grata for it.


Chempergrill ago

This is the science I come to 4chan for.

SilentByAssociation ago

Wow. Honestly, that's so believable. What a gem of a thread. Thanks for sharing that one.
