Chuga ago

Unlike women men gain value as they age. Especially if they're smart and work n save. Just remember. Suicide spike when?!

Phantom42 ago


Heathcliff ago

Women used to go to college to find husbands. Now they go to college to ride the cock carousel. Then when they can't get anymore free dick, and their wombs are screaming at them to make a baby (that they don't abort) before it's too late, they go to church to find a husband.

JohnGaltApproves ago

Any unmarried woman over about 22 has serious problems. She’s either career-focused, frigid, fat, unlikable, whore, ugly or too picky. This is irrespective of whether she’s in a church or not.

I know a girl at my friend’s church who’s 25 and lamenting her unmarried status. Cute, fit, funny and smart - single. She’s been “pure” according to all indicators. So what’s the issue?

She’s in a high dollar professional career and makes the men in her life uncomfortable with her independence. She focused on her degree and her own financial stability rather than on marrying and having kids, so now she’s paying the price.

This is the lie that even the best intentioned parents tell their daughters: be sure to have that career safety net as a backup in case you get left. Parents are already setting their daughters up for failure with this line of thinking, planting the seed that they must always be on guard against their future husbands leaving them.

Husbands rarely leave or stray from a loving, caring, submissive wife. Those are (((Hollywood))) myths. Instead, they get tired of willful, spoiled, entitled wives and eventually look for greener pastures.

By choosing a woman who has prepared herself for an “independent“ life, you will have to either bridle her and break her like the willful horse she is, or he prepared for a life as her “buddy” who “partners in marriage,” meaning she makes the decisions and you go along to keep the peace.

Whether from the pulpit, the news desk, or the screenwriters room, an insidious and viral deceit trained into young women to seek an “equal partner,” rather than a lord and master they can love and respect, is at the root of the 30-something glut of single women clogging the pews in their respective houses of worship.

WD_Pelley ago

She’s in a high dollar professional career and makes the men in her life uncomfortable with her independence. She focused on her degree and her own financial stability rather than on marrying and having kids, so now she’s paying the price.

In other words she's a picky bitch with a chip on her shoulder.

Husbands rarely leave or stray from a loving, caring, submissive wife. Those are (((Hollywood))) myths. Instead, they get tired of willful, spoiled, entitled wives and eventually look for greener pastures.

This. Women are more likely to fuck up the marriage and cry victim. Setting them up for an independence they can't handle is one of the root causes of them initiating divorces at a higher rate.

JohnGaltApproves ago

As I said of her personally, she is very sweet and kind. It’s less about her personality, or even being picky. However, because she got the degree, went full bore into her work, and pursued both with the misunderstanding that doing so would mitigate future potential loss, she’s passed out of her prime (because 18-25 are prime, contrary to what (((Hollywood))) says), and now must find herself a man who accepts that she’s been independent for almost a decade, has high earning potential that he has to clear in order to make her feel “secure” and justified in leaving her career, and can fit into the life patterns she’s already established for herself and that are rapidly solidifying.

WD_Pelley ago

Yeah, that sounds like too much work honestly. I wouldn't want to adjust to the behavior of a proud working woman; it'd wear me down too much. And yes, 18-25 is prime. 26-30 is pushing it and anything over 35 is no good with no exceptions.

Ddos_is_over ago

Breaking her does not require anything but to say, "We are doing it this way, if you dont like it you can always leave." but in a manner that suits the situation.

KLDB ago

First jewed by degeneracy propaganda. Then jewed by semitic dogmas.

jewsbadnews ago

A woman telling me she is christian tells me nothing about her morals anymore.

thebearfromstartrack ago

QUIT being delusional useless professional victims and parasites? Do YOUR job, and leave being a MAN to MEN. I REFUSE to compete with a person whom I can STOMP TO DEATH easily, but am NOT allowed to do so because, they are a woman. That's like saying okay, go to war, but YOU can't have weapons because the enemy is smaller and weaker, but THEY can use whatever they want to use.

Diggernicks ago

God doesn't exist

Splooge ago

I'm exactly the same way. Don't ever let anyone get hostile with you because you're not waving your arms like a faggot and crying while you eat crackers and drink grape juice.

In fact, turn it back on them if you wish. Ask them, of all the shit they do to "profess" their faith, do they really think the supreme creator, who made a star so bright that humans cannot even look at it without going blind, who made and named every other star in the sky and placed them light-years apart, who stitched together every human being on Earth (after making lands perfectly to sustain life), who has seen everything that has and will happen... do they really think their public displays, their monetary contributions to men are of any significance, worthy of special attention? Does a renovated church or donations to the hungry really make up for sins worthy of death?

Ask them why they profess to be good when the only good human that ever lived was Jesus -- do they realize that they're committing blasphemy?

Here's the real zinger -- many of these idiots say that they "hear" god or that god "speaks" to them. Except Jesus told us that there'd be false prophets and many deceivers, some of which are of the synagogue of Satan.

Don't question whether or not they actually hear or speak to a supernatural being. Ask them how they know that's not the fucking devil they hear and speak to. Because it feels right? Uh huh, okay. You think a church built by humans is out-of-bounds for the fallen angel?

That last one usually shuts them down. They get real quiet after that.

Feel free to PM me if you ever need someone to hear you out.

i_scream_trucks ago

Maybe not be such a cunt outside church.

Maroonsaint ago

When I went to church I would just read revelations over and over and over. That’s a badass apocalypse story. So many people die. I wish it would happen now for real. Would be nice seeing everyone die. Like that person who stole the package off my doorstep. Makes me want to sit and wait and catch them and take liberties assaulting them cause they “fought back”. Drag them inside and shoot them in the face. Stick a knife in their hands yea they tried to kill me. Then get away with it cause corpses can’t testify. The idea makes me giddy as a school girl

keksupreme ago

this is pretty accurate

Maroonsaint ago

You know what else is pretty accurate? Calculators

Feldorai ago

Women: in their 20's progressing towards their 30's on a journey to "explore" and "find themselves", burning bridges as they go.

Also women: now in their 30's, they wonder why all the bridges have burned down?

Maroonsaint ago

I’m the guy who gets screwed by other people and now I don’t build bridges cause fuck them. I was so nice. So caring. Now I just want the Mexican beer virus to wipe out humanity.

Neskuaxa ago

don't forget the limes.

drhitler ago

i hear ya, iam so distant and just not caring anymore, i was acting all weird to the bank teller the other day, drawing dicks when signing for anything, and changing words on a pamphlet in front of me to some boomer rant while i was doing my bank thing

actually go out of my way to look as weird and unfashionable without standing out too much, I've just stopped caring about a lot of stuff, you can see it in my expression, its just not there.

matthew-- ago

you can see it in my expression

the thousand cock stare, stop drawing dicks, faggot, what are, 12?

RodentLord ago

This mothertrucker's never gone face to face with a bout of wizard's insanity yet.

Your first time in the hole will be good.

We'll drag you blindfolded, kicking and screaming into the woods. And not a hair on your precious skull shall come to harm.

matthew-- ago

To descend into insanity is to allow the defeat of one's mind.

Otherwise, I don't get it.

RodentLord ago

Here's all you have to do to learn (not know, but learn) exactly what I mean.

For the next four months, no more traditional sleep. Instead, close one eye at a time and train your brain to sleep one hemisphere at a time. The first day or two will be rough, after that you'll get used to it and you'll go straight to REM. (Oh, and minimal coffee btw; two cups a day max). Obviously you don't spend half the day asleep, so you don't have to spend the whole day alternating one closed eye to the other. Just when you're tired, take a "nap" with one side of your brain.

Then just keep doing that for a few months and see what happens when all of your dreams happen while the other half of your brain is still awake.

Seriously, try it and find out.

matthew-- ago

Sleep is important for muscle development and basically everything.

I'm not going to deprive myself of sleep for weird dreams or a high.

Feldorai ago

I've been in arguments about this with a friend of mine who always had smartass friends who felt they needed to chime in, always made what I was saying about themselves rather than listening to what I'm arguing and even tried to play down my own personal experiences pretending like the life I've lived to them was such an irrelevant thing.

Eventually they got tired of me firing back at them and they just stopped trying to tell me otherwise. They can't handle it being grouped together in one big generalization to call all Western women by a majority absolute pathetic failures -- if they're part of the minority of women that are not generalized by my majority generalizing scrutiny, then they're exempt from the scrutiny. However these bitches still somehow took issue with what I was saying & tried to make it out to be about them -- so I added a little extra to my rhetoric.

If a woman is offended by something I said in my majority generalization, then perhaps they literally did not know that they are part of the majority that I generalized, meaning at least one or more of my personal preferences that get them disqualified as a prospect that I'd consider dating they meet at least one of the immediate disqualifying figures.

The immediate disqualifying figures are

  • If they suck dick, would suck dick, or have ever thought about sucking a mans dick

(same can be said about rimjobs.)

  • hates kids/ her own children, don't want children, does never intend to have children.

  • Has no intentions to get married. (It literally does not have to be immediately, nobody said anything like that, just if she does not seek marriage at some point then I don't want some bitch wasting my time & effort I put into building the relationship -- I would say after 1 or 2 years of being together should be a good sign that we'd be compatible enough for marriage)

  • Over 27 years old (I'm 32, I don't want some bitch with bitter experience in men & fuckbois over the age of 26 bringing all of that downer baggage with her due to her own poor choices in men being projected onto me)

WD_Pelley ago

hates kids/ her own children, don't want children, does never intend to have children.

Has no intentions to get married.

These are big ones. If she doesn't go "Awwww, how cute" when seeing a baby then she's damaged. Had that happen to me; some cunt lead me on, caused me to have major trust issues with women. Now I'm here. All it takes is one woman and/or one word from said woman to ruin your life.

MelaniaBuiltMyHotRod ago

All the lights and smoke machines at churches these days, the pastor might as well keep a bottle of Tito's on the pulpit. BTW, the ones between 15 and 50 are already hooking up with the CM staff or other PKs

ketoll ago

I hadn't stepped into a church in years, then about 5 years ago I went to a concert at larger church and the damn laser lights coming out from the ceiling were so ridiculous and distracting. Like.. why the hell would anyone donate to them if they have the disposable income to install freaking laser lights??? I know exactly what they would say, "Oh praise God, this new state-of-the-art laser light system will attract more youth into our doors and bring more people to Jesus!"

These churches are a joke.

Maroonsaint ago

My church growing up was huge. HUGE. Cause they sat on a plot of land that a casino wanted. They weren’t gonna sell to the casino cause you know gambling or whatever. Sin. But casinos got casino money. So they sold and built the biggest goddamn church you ever saw. I probably shouldn’t say goddamn church huh? I worked there and I could disappear. So many rooms. SO MANY ROOMS. Was like damn narnia. They literally had a section of rooms that was hard to find called narnia.

drhitler ago

maybe i dont want to look after some tatted up whores precious little jayden

Maroonsaint ago

I dated a girl named jaden. She lied about being raped and then fucked my best friend. #trustissues

Rexyl ago

Wow I just realised you're spot on with the whole Jayden name. I know of two different instances of this on client sites with single moms with a kid named Jayden. Now that you've pointed out this pattern I'm sure I'm going to start seeing it a lot more.

drhitler ago

its like muhammed for white trash

Splooge ago

Don't forget the insufferable "KING" messaging. All these roasties refer to their bastard children as "my prince" or "my king" and will openly tell any simp dumb enough to humor them that "You'll always come second, my son is the only REAL man in my life!"

watitdew ago

Inevitably leading to a narcissistic teenager who has never known restrictions on his behavior.

badruns ago

He a good boy, he dindu nuffin.

drj2 ago

thus repeating the cycle

RodentLord ago

Oh my goodness golly gosh. Did you just imply to me that women get to experience what men have experienced for the last [you decide] years?

Well now all of a sudden I'm not so sure I'm ready for teh apocalypse just yet.

slapstick2 ago

The best Christian girls seem to be married before age 22.

SolomonPapermaster ago

Usually they are in a rush because they are horny and want to have sex.

BearDolphin1488 ago

deep, how is your hpv going? any flare ups as of late?

Splooge ago

For good reason, I think. The most true-to-life Christians I know have a quiet relationship with God. They know the bible, they follow the tenets, they don't put on a show.

If you've been to any church, you know what I'm saying -- the ones that stand up with their arms outstretched, face stained with tears crying out "OH LAWD! OH JEEZUS YES! TAKE ME LORRRRD!" They wear crosses, put crosses on their cars, they condescendingly say shit like "Oh honeyyyyy, I'll pray for you!!"

Those aren't real Christians. Book of Matthew puts it plainly:

And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward.

You can fool everyone but the Creator.

WD_Pelley ago

If you've been to any church, you know what I'm saying -- the ones that stand up with their arms outstretched, face stained with tears crying out "OH LAWD! OH JEEZUS YES! TAKE ME LORRRRD!" They wear crosses, put crosses on their cars, they condescendingly say shit like "Oh honeyyyyy, I'll pray for you!!"

I despise those types of "churches" so very much. The whole Super Bowl-style congregations, the token hot pastor's wife being paraded onstage, the inoffensive post-grunge Christian rock songs, the spiky haired/soul patch youth pastor with the soy smile that looks like a character from a direct-to-DVD mid-2000s religious family comedy, the swaying, everything. They say they're Christians who want to be separate from the sinful world they were born in and yet they ape the very same institutions that allowed these sins to flourish.

I was involved in a youth group in my teenage years because I wanted something different from my conservative Lutheran upbringing. It was fun while it lasted and the people were genuinely kind and creative. Now I long for the hymns, bells, organs, incense, and recitation of the Creeds.

Splooge ago

Most people are on a happiness quest, not a truth quest. That's why it's easy for them to be manipulated into idolatry. Sin is not a zero sum game.

The average goy is delighted to have a god that loves them no matter what and will forgive them just for putting shekels into a bucket and singing a song with the faggy youth pastor. All right, absolved! Gonna go home, watch porn and eat Doritos off my chest, see you next week! Sins are okay as long as I say sorry here!

It's comfortable to think that way of God because it doesn't require you change anything about yourself. Remember in the mid 2000's when everyone had the "Jesus is my homie" crap?

WD_Pelley ago

It's comfortable to think that way of God because it doesn't require you change anything about yourself. Remember in the mid 2000's when everyone had the "Jesus is my homie" crap?

I remember that shit. Looking back on it I should have been more offended by it, but I thought "As long as the message gets out I guess it's OK." Nope. It's not OK. Jesus isn't a "homeboy" or any of that stupid crap.

WWJD was much better because it required reflection based on a Biblical outlook on life. I miss that, actually.

Splooge ago

There's a reason WWJD fell out of vogue. It implied that there was an objective moral standard for living, that the standard was high and required accountability. People want to be their own god these days. They don't want to be held to answer morally.

WD_Pelley ago

People want to be their own god these days.

But why? Who would want that much power in life? Oh wait, psychopaths.

Splooge ago

Not for power, to absolve themselves of moral responsibility.

WD_Pelley ago

That's even worse. If they didn't have God to anchor them then they'd go off the rails.

Splooge ago

Sure. What I mean by creating their own god essentially means making themselves the arbiter of morality. You see it all the time. Someone claims to be a "good christian" and then they rattle off what's okay and what's not -- and oh look at that, either what they themselves do isn't included or it's something that their version of god "forgives." Premarital sex is one common example.

Maroonsaint ago

I want to pray for peach blue bell ice cream to get released a few months early this year. I FOUND ONE THE OTHER DAY IT S BEEN OUT OF STOCK FOR MONTHS WHERE DID IT COME FROM?’v #jesus

MrDarkWater ago

hey Texas boy, try their blackberry cobbler ice cream. almost worth ruining a diet for.

Splooge ago

I like red velvet ice cream. You should try that, it's good. I haven't had it in years though. Cake batter ice cream is good too.

Phantom42 ago

I uh...

I like Chocolate. Or Vanilla...

I swear to fuck I am the most boring eater in the history of man.

"Whatcha want on your burger?"

Meat... Bread... A slice of cheese.

"That's it?"

Yeah. 😶

Intrixina ago

Those who seek to advertise their every move are not genuine and are in fact the exact opposite.

Maroonsaint ago

Don’t you hate when you avoid groups of people and all the people like you so when they finally get you around after you’ve been avoiding them they all focus on you at once and put you on the spot? HOLY SHIT. STOP LOOKING AT ME STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT. You’re making ME FREAK OUT MAN

Phantom42 ago

I hear and fell this comment on a level far above physical.

Splooge ago

Hi Rooney if you become a mob boss can I join too?

ridleychozo ago

Excellent post. You deserve a medal for this.

TheAntiZealot ago

He's Mel Gibson, he deserves way more than just a medal.

Splooge ago

That's kind of you, thanks.

Maroonsaint ago

I used to work in a church. I had a pax vaporizer, I would walk around vaping weed all day. High as hell all day long. That thing was expensive but damn it was worth it

Splooge ago

What kinda work was it?