Intrixina ago

Because we all know that hiding aspects of your personality constitute a mutually satisfying relationship, right?

This cunt needs to be fucked the hell off.

anamazonslittle ago

Good moral lesson at the end.

kidcip16 ago

This is why I don't date anymore they are all coal burning whores who seek ApprovalPoints from faggots and kikes.

ssaa6oo ago

Best thing all week.

generate ago

link to 4chan

generate ago

dude i mean the thread

generate ago

that's fine you can come to voat and vent your frustration with life here

DeltaBravoTango ago

So did she lie about their ages? The race says he’s 21, not 28/29.

Dr3dpierat ago

Fuck this is good shit

quick_and_dirty ago

This is glorious

hang_em_high ago

Here's the thing. She claims to be non-racist but she is purposely hiding this. She is ashamed of it whether she admits it or not.

Y8goKTH959VCLKty8xIz ago

Her father tried to get thru to her public (((school))) happened

slope ago

Whats the next update, any word from the boyfriend?

JohnGoodman ago

Who cares, no one involved in this situation is white

Y8goKTH959VCLKty8xIz ago


ExpertShitposter ago

Wait.....the chick is not white her self! The fuck is this guy complaining about, he is the real nigger fucker.

SpiritExpedition ago

It doesn't take a master race to recognize niggers are the lowest of the low. I bet an equally dark pajeet would deep down know the extra wrongness of an africoon mixing with Indian women.

I suspect everyone on earth, nigs included, inherently and instinctively knows the inferiority of the nigger. But that comes with the crisis of reconciling their inferiority with all your learned philosophical values. So many lies and untruths we comfort ourselves with come crumbling down because of the nigger. To the point that it just becomes easier to hold onto notions of equality and move to a new neighbourhood. One where you can imagine a more noble negro and affix your anti-racism to that image.

ExpertShitposter ago

I'd say south Americans with their native Indian blood are bigger savages. The negro gets angry over a precieved injustice, and kills. After that, he yells: "das right whitey, Bloods represent!"

The south american negro, ties you up, rips open your gut, pulls organs by hand while playing cha cha cha music in the background and laughing. He records the ordeal with a cellphone and uploads to a gore site for upvoats.

The negro was obedient before they were given the idea of rights.

slwsnowman40 ago

I usually look at these to remember something that happened...but that shit might still be happening. lol

That bottom most screen cap nails it.

GoodGodKirk ago

So, how did it end?

edgydude69 ago

I need to check my attitude towards privacy. I’ve been so dumb to share my true feelings from inside a burgeoning leftist dictatorship. I’d just like to post here for the record that diversity is our strength and women are wonderful and climate change is our biggest threat. Thank you.

Hertz- ago

I hope they save that man from a terrible mistake.

fuck_reddits_feefees ago

She might be knocked up, so it might be too late.

changz ago

The arm tattoo didnt start throwing alarms at him? Another tell is large earrings. His nigdar needs to be tweaked a bit.

undertheshills ago

Bigger the hoop the bigger the hoe

Y8goKTH959VCLKty8xIz ago


Y8goKTH959VCLKty8xIz ago

The groom he best manned for was alerted. If he doesn’t tell john then he has much bigger problems than a coal burner

New_years_day ago

Seen this thread when it was posted originally, never would have thought that these fucking autists would be able to pull this off. lmao

Shotinthedark ago

Don't burn the coal if you can't pay the toll

ex-redd ago


2417ClarkSt ago

lmao thot patrolled. fuck that coal burning cunt

anticlutch ago

this jew-tier Schizo picture

These pictures would be good if they had any flow, rather than multiple unaligned columns that are disorganized as fuck. I'm not reading that and I don't give a fuck due to it being so jew-organized. You 4chan niggers need to get with the times.

I miss fullchan for the simple fact that schizo garbage like that was ridiculed.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Jiggggg ago

She says he's 28 but the race information says that Jon is 21

Intrixina ago

Either that or she's being a whore and fucking several at the same time, which wouldn't surprise me.

virge ago

She lied about his age. Shame? Probably.

SkrutinizeYou ago

Problem is, if he leaves her, he will be branded as a racist and probably kicked out of the military. They'll say he has ties to white supremacists (/Pol)

SpiritExpedition ago

So he doesn't get cucked and doesn't have to die for Israel? Things are turning up for Jon.

Not_C ago

She finds out that she possibly fucked up her life. Then she goes on the internet and gets people to tell her that she did nothing wrong; that she's the good guy and anyone who disagrees is a bad guy.

She says she'll talk to him and explain how she's the good guy and how she did nothing wrong. But the truth is that she would never say a word. She only tells people she will so that others continue to think of her as the good guy hero who'll defeat the evil bad guy. And to continue to pretend that she's morally superior and therefore right in every way.

But then these autistic punks get involved. And now she has to explain why she's deleting her accounts, why she's stopped posting pics or anything else to the internet, etc. Why she has instantly and completely started acting different.

She tried to use the internet as a hug box, where everyone tells her she's never done anything wrong in her life and anyone who thinks otherwise is wrong. But now every time she goes online she'll feel constant anxiety, because now the internet will do the exact opposite.

gazillions ago

It's infuriating watching the games played out. She's extremely immature and the internet has created a way to keep her that way. Reddit will cancel the accounts of people that encourage like hers to grow the fuck up.

ramultyleveachan ago

good stuff. love seeing shit like this.

we should start a thot patrol, finding these whore's posting online and serving social justice to them

Plant_Boy ago

I am glad I deleted my Facebook.

speedisavirus ago

For fucks sake. Get a non autist to make this followable. Good work to the autist at least.

Y8goKTH959VCLKty8xIz ago

If only someone posted a tldr as the title

King_Freya ago

Did they tell him though?

Mike-Hunt ago

It looks like he found out but didn't do much. The last box with her drivelling on about her dream hints at this.

No6 ago

The last box is dated 16 days before they searched for him.

turtlesarepureevil ago

Saw no indication. It was a failed operation. No reason this should have been posted @Y8goKTH959VCLKty8xIz you faggot.

Lag-wagon ago

Did they ever get the dude?

Y8goKTH959VCLKty8xIz ago

Reread infographic

SparklingWiggle ago

It says he found him but doesn't say he told him. I want rage confirmation. Maybe a pic with her blackened eye.

Jiggggg ago

Right. I want the sad Reddit post where she complains that hey boyfriend broke up with her because of some autists

SurfinMindWaves ago

She will tell everyone he broke up with her because she told him of her previous blackman sex and everyone will call him a racist and she will feel vindicated.

SpiritExpedition ago

And everyone will secretly respect him and wish they had the guts to be openly racist.

albeit ago

Or he holds frame. "That bitch lied to me and went behind my back. I don't have to tolerate her shit."

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

Nigger I can't read. Just give me what I came here for.

Please and thank you.

Splooge ago

The biggest thing this smallfat whore is probably worried about is the gibbs. She probably sees her bf as a meal ticket, since he's USMC and she stays with him on base.

LatexSanta ago

Chicks ALWAYS see dudes as either utilities or meal tickets. It's in their nature. It's how they evolved.

Moreauxxx ago

I believe the term you are seeking is dependoppotmus. No doubt she is pregnant with her ‘Oops’, for unlimited access to the commissary and Tricare.

AmericanJew2 ago

Jon needs to be advised to have a paternity test, although the baby being a niglet would give it away, still...

Pol - Redefining modern heroism

fuck_reddits_feefees ago

Don't forget Tricaratops!

Charilko ago

He really needs to dump her, then. She might be after his retirement. If not now, then someday...


This is glorious.

SomeGuy ago

Damn, those boys really hate niggers.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Who doesn't hate niggers with a fiery passion? I know I do. Fuck niggers.

undertheshills ago

They never really say they did it because she fucked a black dude. They did it because shes a self righteous lying hypocrite that wanted attention for being woke. Her BF doesnt want a girl that fucked a black guy and she lied and took away his right to choose the partner he wants. Its understandable but I'm pretty sure every girl has fucked a black guy. I remember reading an article of the one nig they let into Iceland giving dozens of local women aids one nig dozens of white women. I blame women but I also feel bad for them. The entire ZOG culture machine tells women to worship nigger dick. And black dudes are hyper sexual and aggressive.

Tandemlee ago

Billions of women are still racist and would never fuck a nigger. I feel sorry for you if you live in a bubble of whores and now believe every woman has fucked nog

SurfinMindWaves ago

I can guarantee you every woman has not had sex with black men.

Maroonsaint ago

You know where nigger hate comes from? It comes from being in the vicinity of niggers. It wasn’t taught to me. I found it on my own. Even after years of pretending like they were ok. Lying to myself. Niggers bring it on themselves

Call_Of_Goat ago


Themooninthesky ago

I second that. That chick should not use these platforms for advice or attention.