Quicktor ago

Jews Fear the Samurai...

Peacethroughpower ago

Rare that a jap shows the fire on his belly.

963189_137 ago

So, um, basically what you are saying is that the US government needs to get some other government to invade and start killing its people and then it will not intervene. Kind of like having Open Borders in the USA and then shrugging when European Americans are slaughtered the way it happens in South Africa. Also, anon thinks that our government DOESN'T hate us because he is a bug and doesn't realize that our government is composed of all genocidal semites.

SearchVoatBot ago

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thebearfromstartrack ago

a tank CAN kick your door in at 3AM and search it to smithereens.

They have bombs and fighter jets, but i'd say 5000 bullets equals a bomb. 25000 = guided missile, etc.

Lynch_Tree ago

Doubt he's really a Jap, but great replies nonetheless

MiG-21 ago

If enough people are tired of the bullshit

and what will enough people do? Serious question.

Problem isn't number of people (surprisingly few people are needed for that), problem is the fact that establishment controls literally every way you can organize.

Every time someone tries to start organizing people, government will simply arrest, kill or silence him and that will be it.

They control basically every ways of communication and they can limit your ability to organize anything beyond very few your friends in pretty much few hours if they need.

People love to brag how technology improved and it's now easier to plan revolt, they forget that 99.9999% of this technology is firmly controlled by the government and very few big corporations.

Ronin514 ago

The lack of organization is also a double-edged sword without a point that can be monitored you have no idea where an attack will come from. There are hundreds if not thousands of power stations in the US most of them in very remote locations. You would only need to take out a dozen or so to cripple the entire national grid and this is only one example. As long as the flare-up is big enough to where the government cant entirely hide it then it definitely will be possible as the US is simply too big to control.

MiG-21 ago

So when we want to start a revolution

oh boy.

To start a revolution, you need to organized.

You need to be rich.

and if it turns into insurgency, you need to be supplied.

Media wants you to believe that revolutions are happening out of blue, While in reality it's always either infighting between elites or an event planed and prepared by many very skilled professionals,or both.

'Common folks' never organized shit and never will.

behind romantic stories you hear about revolution there is always very rich and powerful people who are fighting to become even richer and more powerful.

United states is effectively under occupation of foreign tyrannical government, second amendment doesn't seem to do shit to that, it didn't stop them from banning Fully automatic weapons, it didn't stop Ruby, it didn't stop WACO.

And I assure you, it won't ever stop shit, because citizen with Ar-15 was never meant to be counter to tyranny.

Absolutely,it's necessary to have armed population to counter tyranny but it's nowhere near enough.

Had Afghanistan's only hope against USA been middle aged sheep herder with AK-47 shooting back at Marine recon team storming his wooden home,War in Afghanistan would have been over ages ago.

You need to prepare for war BEFORE you have to fight, you need to have organized militias in place to fight tyrannical government before people start hearing 'FBI OPEN UP' every night. And if you do not have properly organized militia, you are at mercy of the government,regardless of how many guns you have in your basement.

If things get worse than they are now

sure, sure, they took our AKs, they are taking our Semi Autos, they are actively brainwashing our children, they literally burned people alive at WACO,they shot kid at ruby ridge, they have changed demographics of entire country in less than half century, sent our kids to death in foreign wastelands in Israel's wars without asking us, they can and do cause economic crisis whenever they want and etc BUT SURELY, IF THINGS GET EVEN WORSE, WE WILL SHOW THEM!

I have feeling you are century-or-so too late.

SayTan ago

One of Tito's leaders, when asked what the partisans did about panzers said:"They get out to piss. We shoot them. Then WE have another panzer.

HardCandies ago

They just think they are clever trying to make it easier for round 2 when they inevitably come here. Don't you remember locking all of those gooks up?

Not_a_redfugee ago

Oh shit. Now I realize anime is a weapon!

edgydude69 ago

You can’t explain this to someone who’s political ideology depends on him not believing it.

frankenmine ago

Japanon's English is better than my Japanese.

Korinthian ago

It's 4chan. Probably just an immigrant to japan, or a VPN. Japs just use 2chan, especially since they both now have the same faggot owner.

MiG-21 ago

People here misunderstood Afghanistan and Especially Vietnam.

Vietnam had so much more than just AKs, in fact,their tech wasn't much worse than American,for example, Vietnamese MiGs could stand their ground against F-4 and Vietnamese SAMs were absolutely cutting edge. On Top of modern weapons, they had shit tons of Soviet instructors and in many cases, Soviet fighters with years of experience and training operating these weapons.

Vietnam wasn't unconventional war by traditional meaning of this word. Without Soviet Union throwing entire her weight behind South Vietnam, war would be completely different.

Regarding to Afghanistan: Afghanistan is even worse example. First, Americans (or anybody really) aren't Afghans(read brief history of Afghanistan to understand what I mean) and USAF controls every single important town in the country, problem with Afghanistan is that it's one big, mountainous waste-fucking-land which is borderline impossible to control. In fact, everytime Taliban tried to control anything over than that, they got beaten back really bad.

And most important of them all: Foreign support. And ability of foreign powers to support them.

To wage even fully unconventional war, You need modern weapons, modern ATGMs,MANPADs,modern communication equipment, Mortars, RPGs,Special rounds for RPGs etc etc etc.

From where are you going to get that From? Now assume anybody wants to support you, How are they going to do that ? From 2 sides, you are surrounded by Oceans, from South you border Mexico and from North... Fucking Canada. One is a liberal shithole and other one is full of ... Mexicans. Have a look at countries bordering Afghanistan and Vietnam... and yeah, shit tons of anti-American states around there.

And most importantly... They don't come to take entire town to Gulag, no one is that much incompetent. They will shut down popular leaders, ban anti establishment information from popular media and put teams ready to take out anybody trying to organize people. Imagine they shut down 4chan, Voat, every popular anti establishment tool, How are you going to Organize? They control almost all communication tools in the USA (wonder why are they going so batshit crazy about Huawei becoming big player in communication?)They control most of the worlds communication tools,they can Shoah whatever they want from Western Internet.

However much unpopular this opinion may be here, Second Amendment isn't and has never been about shooting SWAT team entering your home with ARs, unorganized response from armed private citizens to state brutality is extremely ineffective and suicidal. They don't need drones or Fighter jets against that, all they need is a Much better trained fighter, who has been training in close quarter combat for years, making a 9X19mm hole into your head, and they have hundreds of thousands of such. If it comes to fighting off SWAT team in your own home with your own semi-auto AR-15 (or fully auto M4A4 if you want), it means that you have already lost.

What you need isn't many people with guns, you need Armed and organized people with guns, a militia with a clear hierarchy, which knows how and what to do. People being able to own weapons (and not only toy ARs) is absolutely necessary to have such militia but absolutely nowhere near enough. It's not afghan villager with AK-47 fighting off marine recon team entering his home, it's well organized militia-Taliban planning ambushes,terrorist acts, holding remote mountains and deserts what makes afghanistan so hard to conquer.

Sorry to say this but 2nd amendment have already lost its purpose in the USA, not only there are shit tons of laws which clearly violate it but you already allowed the very thing,from which 2nd amendment was supposed to defend you to happen.

long story short, Well regulated militia is there for a reason and many people here seem to have forgotten that.

fluhthreeex ago

yes goyim. all you need are your AR's. your country is in your control :)

globalchill ago

|The government does not want to kill all its people

Its must be nice living in a country not run by jews

CameraCode0 ago

Killing your slaves isn't profitable, though.

hatecrime ago

they want to suck you dry. vampires are real

altro87 ago

And they never Bring up "welcome to the rice fields mother fucker" meme.

Adam_Jensen_ ago

Apparently these people think fighter jets start up like Priuses and shoot missiles. That shit is operated and maintained by a large operation of people working on the backend. If those people were blown up or refused to work, that bird is worthless. It would only be hours until it's next maintenance or fueling cycle.

Zizara42 ago

An example: One of the ways the vietnamese would transfer food, ammo, and general supplies from the north of the country down to the south is by buying old chinese bicycles. They get some old junkers, fix the wheels, and weld 2 bars to the frame - one horizontally and one vertically on the handlebars. Then they'd load it up with hundreds of pounds of supplies and it would be the duty of one man to push that bike across a particular route in the mountains/jungle for 3 daysto a set point where another man would take over. All in all, they were spending what amounted to a few dollars per unit.

The American army did the "sensible" thing in attempting to destroy these supply lines. They'd spent thousands upon thousands of dollars sending helicopters and the like to bomb these bicycles and call it a victory. The vietnemese would of course see them coming and could simply drop the bike and run for cover, then do the basic repairs necessary and continue on their way.

GrandNagus ago

They also seem to forget that the military gets all of its resources via civilians, if that delivery chain collapses it won't be long until the military is a useless sack of potatoes.

Wapchinkqk ago

And is the guy flying it really going to be so willing to glass his own countrymen?

Shit will he even show up to work when the militia can find where his wife and kids are on facebook, where he goes to unwind on his instagram?

CheeseboogerHimself ago

a jew would in a heartbeat. Look at how they burn semitic Palestinian babies alive and then laugh about it.

IsaacJan ago

Yes, they would. Our military is flooded with shitskins retards.

Plavonica ago

And is the guy flying it really going to be so willing to glass his own countrymen?

The guy flying it is typically a college man, and usually hated by ground crew for being a faggot.

WD_Pelley ago

The guy flying it is typically a college man

This explains so much about this one guy I went to school with. He's still pretty right-wing (I think) but he's an insufferable asshole who believes that he's fighting for our "freedoms" when really he's enforcing the ZOG.

White_pride_cis ago

Can confirm. I used to jump out of those planes, piloted by said faggots. They are indeed faggots

Adam_Jensen_ ago

Metal Gear Solid 5: https://invidio.us/watch?v=2W3FoNrAaGs

.....less hesitation to pull the trigger if they're not fighting their own race...

Mittermeyer ago

Also if the American military started to bomb Amrican cities you know other countries will do "Humanitarion Intervention" and use it as a chance to invade. China and Russia would immediately sent troops to the SW and NW respectivly, and other countries would join in. American military bombing cities is a stupid move that they wouldn't do precisely because it wouldn't just be the government vs the people, other governments would get involved because it would be in their best interests to do so. France for instance helped fund the revolutionary war because it weakened the British Empire. China and Russia would fund revolutionaries to try and unseat America from the number 1 spot in global control.

freshmeat ago

well when you fill your military with literal immigrants and commies its possible

Wapchinkqk ago

Mmmm, but at the cost of lowering the quality of the actual fighting force.