Datawych ago

  1. Show me a pedophile-rights activist who doesn't want to fuck kids, and I will kiss your goddamned asshole.

  2. /pol/ has been super correct about most of their claims recently.

rspix000 ago

BTW /4chan is just being /4chan IMHO. They turned the Clintons using their influence to save journalists from North Korea and reuniting a family at the end of it into the Clintons are involved in child trafficking. They then decided that all pizza related words in the emails are code for child trafficking and continued digging and came up with other innocuous things and mis-construed them similarly. Lulz for everyone.

Sinful_Casshern ago

Who is advising you against outing pedophiles?

Sciency ago

Wait, they found hidden data in a jpeg? Ive seen it done with png files, but jpeg is a new one to me.. Makes sense I guess.

bikergang_accountant ago

Easy. PNG has least significant bits that can be played with changing every pixel a little. JPEG works in the frequency domain and essencially the way its compression works is it removes frequencies from the image that have less impact. The more frequencies ignored the more the compression. Well you can add those frequencies back but with data that represents something else.

For those curious it's 2 dimentional waveform over an 8x8 pixel block, each block being independent. This is why jpg ruins text. It's high frequency data that the compression kicks out and letters have hard edges and have widths smaller than an 8x8 block. The low frequency data bleeds grayness into the surrounding area and the high frequency data causes repeat pixels about the width of the letter away from the letter.

Sciency ago

Great reply, thanks for the knowledge!

Datawych ago

Sounds like you may have played NotPron at some point.

lopan ago

no way these fuckers love pizza ( the real cheese and pepperoni stuff ) THAT MUCH

they could afford to eat lobster for every meal for the rest of their lives....

Ginger_Snaps ago

Yeah, these guys have a refined palate. Plus they are old men. They are not excited to sink their old teeth into a slice of pie. Sickies. Make America Great Again ...........Give George Soros to the Russians.

Sinful_Casshern ago

If you do it again more of us will save and re-upload before it's taken down, or pm me and somehow set up so I can save copy and paste elsewhere

Womb_Raider ago

Yeah we need to spread this around. They can't keep hiding.

NiklausTheNaked ago

Amateurs. They should have hidden the data in discrete cosine transform or something.

Tancred ago

sshhh, don't tell them how to hide

hunter3 ago

could someone explain this to me?

Spip ago

You can append/concatenate to a JPEG file the binary content of what is a zip.

A JPEG or ZIP file has its content in binary preceded by a header informing of what the file is supposed to be. In this case, you have a header for both but opening the file as a picture will show the usual image and opening it with an archiver will show the compressed data.

hunter3 ago

i understand what a zip is. im talking about the contents of the pics at that twitter link

carlip ago

basically a child sex ring for high ranking officials in being operated out of a couple pizza places, using pizza as the code word for child prostitutes. Some of the emails in the Podesta dumps used this terminology. Spirit cooking goes into this as well as being hosted at one of the pizza places named in social links, "Comet Ping Pong Pizza".

hunter3 ago


Spip ago

Just like I said: A compressed file has been found embedded within an harmless image, possibly to send/store illegal data.

heygeorge ago

Oooohhhhhhhh I thought perhaps you were confused as it was only down for me.

heygeorge ago

It's the error message I see after I click your link.

Stavon ago

Album not found.

heygeorge ago

Album not found

rspix000 ago

You mean like with a cloth?

SJWsRuinedIt ago


SJWsRuinedIt ago

Is there away to zoom in on the pics on mobile? The normal pinch and drag stuff I use on most images isn't working. I don't really use Twitter so idk if zooming is disabled.

derram ago :

Thomas Bernpaine on Twitter: "**BOMBSHELL LEAD** 4Chan under DDoS after finding connection b/w DOJ & Comet Ping Pong #PizzaGate #DrainTheSwamp alert by @lovaliten"

This has been an automated message.