flyingcuttlefish ago

I am responding to a request by voat owners, see front page.

I know it was not serious, but it can easily be taken that way.

No, I am not out of line. I am responsible for this thread.

NoBS ago

What you are doing are good intentions that is motivated through emotional baggage we call fear.

We are all being manipulated by outside influences to make mistakes by solving problems under emotional duress.

To call you a useful idiot is like saying our enemy is stupid. Our enemy is far from stupid, in fact our enemy is a hell of a lot smarter than you and I.

The problem is we all under estimate organized evil to the point of becoming useful idiots, starting with me, myself and I.

Dear mod, use this as a learning experience, or assume I'm a Moloch hunter who is an evil meanie asshole and a know it all. The best way to expose my criminal intentions is to keep the evidence of my illegal opinions on line for the FBI, C_A and NSA to use as evidence of thought crimes.

Because everything we read on VOAT is true.

flyingcuttlefish ago

sorry to delete a comment here, obviously in the spirit of humor .... but it could have been taken as a threat.

I deleted it in response to this appeal by voat -

NoBS ago

So censorship is the answer? Please show us how the following is an UNLAWFULL:

Her Trial for Treason and Human Trafficking must be documented with her evil face in melt down mode.

Like the evening she lost. You know it was recorded. She has made too many enemies.

Pay Per View the Drawn and Quartered execution so I may Bootleg the Hi Def recordings. Their will be years of them. Shit, I might even buy a few overpriced tickets just to sneak in spirits and party!

Did I mention late night viewing every weekend with the BYO vibe? Valerie Jarrett would be worth Live tickets if under $50. Podesta Brothers will be worth $150 VIP tickets that come with a wet bar and dinner.

I suspect when the trials wind down so they can execute the Bitch, Tickets will be 10K a seat plus the cost of over priced Champagne. Dinner will be extravagant though.

Please note "Her trial..."

Is "Drawn and Quartered execution" legal in a Millitary Trubunial? It sure as shit is if this is allowed under one or a dozen Nations. Or did the writer mean drawn out Justice with a four for one punishment phase for the live viewing.

Assumptions and innuendo is why censorship sucks. It's also why Deep State is in charge.

The mods are doing the dirty work of evil because knee jerk reactions are suicidal.

NoBS ago

Her Trial for Treason and Human Trafficking must be documented with her evil face in melt down mode.

Like the evening she lost. You know it was recorded. She has made too many enemies.

Pay Per View the Drawn and Quartered execution so I may Bootleg the Hi Def recordings. Their will be years of them. Shit, I might even buy a few overpriced tickets just to sneak in spirits and party!

Bid I mention late night viewing every weekend with the BYO vibe? Valerie Jarrett would be worth Live tickets if under $50. Podesta Brothers will be worth $150 VIP tickets that come with a wet bar and dinner.

I suspect when the trials wind down so they can execute the Bitch, Tickets will be 10K a seat plus the cost of over priced Champagne. Dinner will be extravagant though.

flyingcuttlefish ago

As Democrats continue to back away from trying to impeach President Trump for obstruction of the Mueller probe which cleared him of the underlying charge of conspiring with Russia in the 2016 election, Trump's attorney Rudy Giuliani is on the war path - and is now targeting Hillary Clinton.

... pot meet kettle ...