9C5F0DBCBA49 ago

When a liberal mentions a "gun problem" I like to point out that only 3 in 100,000 firearms are involved in a homicide, but 44 out of 100,000 black males commit a homicide.

Nukeisrael ago

If you control for race, white Americans with 100x the amount of guns per capita have fun crime at the rate of

Finland. It’s a nigger problem. Guns literally don’t kill people, niggers do.

zum ago


Guns literally don’t kill people, niggers do: New York especially :

New York City stats? :

in 2016, 88.3 percent of those arrested for murder or non-negligent manslaughter and 96.7 percent of those arrested for shootings were black or Hispanic. The data in the 2015 edition of 'Crime and Enforcement Activity in New York City'are almost identical. All this in a city where whites comprise about a third of the population.


April 10, 2018 : The Color of Gun Crime in America's Big Cities :


So 96.7 percent of those arrested for shootings were black or Hispanic according to NYC databases, but once the electronic files are sent to the FBI (under law), the FBI alters the data !!!!!

CheeBooga ago

Niggers are just a symptom. Jews are the root problem. There should be no synagogues or mosques in any white nation.

kammmmak ago

(((Race war)))

kammmmak ago

Niggers are (((their))) army

favoritecoloriswhite ago

Niggers are still the more immediate and more real problem. Jews aren't demographically replacing us. Niggers and beaners and other shitskins are. We need to fix White demographics in White nations first. Recognizing that jews are ultimately the ones pushing for this "multiculturalism" definitely makes it easier to get there though.

CheeBooga ago

Jews aren't demographically replacing us

You don't know what you're talking about. Jews own and control almost everything. Who do you think has been bringing them in, starting with the 1965 immigrations act? THE KALERGI PLAN

favoritecoloriswhite ago

I suppose I haven't worded that clearly enough. I thought it was rather obvious what I meant.