Embrace the baldness. You probably have elevated levels of testosterone. Use that to your advantage. I've been balding since 18 and it's been a slow process. Most women care less about that type of stuff than you think.
Never try to hide it. Time to embrace it. I started balding at 23. But you can never actually hide it. It looks so much worse then just shaving it all off and accepting the inevitable.
I'm losing hair too. I wear a hat as much as I can. That reminds me of a workplace buddy I knew for about a year, who always had his work hat on. One day he got mad and threw it on the floor, then I noticed he's completely bald on top.
When it comes to full shave or the super short buzz cut, it all depends on how your head looks and how you look.
Compare him to Chris Daughtry who has a taller, more rectangular head from front to back.
I have a friend who shaved his hair short once and he looked awful with it. His skull seemed to have a natural ridge going up the middle of it that looked awful. One time I was shaving my hair short and took the guard off. I mixed a spot, so I grabbed the clippers to get it. It was somewhere right on the front too, and I just trimmed it off without the guard. So the only fix for it was shaving the same length all around. Luckily, I was working a job at the time where I could wear a hat.
Shave it. Grow a beard if it suits you or if you have a weak chin. Everyone knows what it means when you wear a hat all the time. Bald is not unattractive. I am a woman and I think it makes men look powerful and smart. I like to think that the extra smarts burned off the hair. Don't feel down on yourself at all. But definitely just shave it, especially if it's noticeably thin and you can see the scalp through it. Good Luck! It won't stop the right woman from loving you!
kneo24 ago
Embrace the baldness. You probably have elevated levels of testosterone. Use that to your advantage. I've been balding since 18 and it's been a slow process. Most women care less about that type of stuff than you think.
Violentlight ago
Never try to hide it. Time to embrace it. I started balding at 23. But you can never actually hide it. It looks so much worse then just shaving it all off and accepting the inevitable.
And yes... I have a massive beard now. :D
chickenpickin ago
Have kids...fast.
C4H9N3O2 ago
Better start lifting really soon, the older you are the harder it is to gain mass.
Havelockk ago
I had a haircut about a year ago. I noticed my hairline had receded quite a bit. At only 23. I always used to have long hair.
So I shaved it all off. It's way better. I grew a beard as well. I get compliments all the time.
Stop being such a fucking pussy.
Whitemail ago
I'm losing hair too. I wear a hat as much as I can. That reminds me of a workplace buddy I knew for about a year, who always had his work hat on. One day he got mad and threw it on the floor, then I noticed he's completely bald on top.
When it comes to full shave or the super short buzz cut, it all depends on how your head looks and how you look.
I think of Ed Kowalcyzk as being the gold standard of bald heads. His head is so round like the roof of the Super Dome.
Compare him to Chris Daughtry who has a taller, more rectangular head from front to back.
I have a friend who shaved his hair short once and he looked awful with it. His skull seemed to have a natural ridge going up the middle of it that looked awful. One time I was shaving my hair short and took the guard off. I mixed a spot, so I grabbed the clippers to get it. It was somewhere right on the front too, and I just trimmed it off without the guard. So the only fix for it was shaving the same length all around. Luckily, I was working a job at the time where I could wear a hat.
EarlPoncho ago
jabba ago
Shave it. Grow a beard if it suits you or if you have a weak chin. Everyone knows what it means when you wear a hat all the time. Bald is not unattractive. I am a woman and I think it makes men look powerful and smart. I like to think that the extra smarts burned off the hair. Don't feel down on yourself at all. But definitely just shave it, especially if it's noticeably thin and you can see the scalp through it. Good Luck! It won't stop the right woman from loving you!
SpectralForces ago
You want advice? Fucking stop being a pussy and own it. Your unwillingness to accept yourself will only hurt you in the long run.