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fightknightHERO ago

Hmm... you're probably right

after all he did find his (((Angel investor))) and we all know what money entails...

i have two theories why voat is still afloat

It's a containment zone for people who are jew woke:

Similar to how bitchute started, to get all the troublemakers and "bad goyim" off jewtube

Voat is designed to keep us in, and keep us complacent from ever reaching out to Normies and redpilling them about the jew

in the same way it's self-segregation it also means self-isolation from the Normie Sphere

(thus promoting in-action)

Second theory:

The Zionist Agenda and Subversion through the use (((Q))) and Trumpstein worshippers:

since if the kikes just nuke this place, we will erected a new voat and make it far better and far more restricted when it comes to shills coming to preach their (((Republican))) Gospel

since the kikes know this, they prefer to subvert voat from within by using bots to upvote on mass generic braindead pro-trumpstein articles

and to incite neutrality when it comes to Muslim threats to israel ([notice the comments here, full of ZioShills])(

by using mass-upvotes, downvotes and selected censorship, they can slowly affect the attention of the average voater to shift towards nonsensical/Kosher stuff while avoiding BIG jewish problems

i'm more leaning unto this theory since your evidence of anti-kike censorship on "Normie" subs is so evident that pretty much unwise to venture into such subs

it also means that by infiltration, the kikes can upvote and choose what the goyim voaters can see on the front-page

thus making it easier to for the Qtard subs to completely Dominate v/all